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T3 or T2 Knife?


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I currently wearing the T2 Knife (The Cloaked Eliminator). Now i got the T3 offhand token and i really can't find that one the 2 available T3 knifes (Ghost + Ripper Nine) is better then the T2.


So which knife do you couse for your sniper?

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I currently wearing the T2 Knife (The Cloaked Eliminator). Now i got the T3 offhand token and i really can't find that one the 2 available T3 knifes (Ghost + Ripper Nine) is better then the T2.


So which knife do you couse for your sniper?


The only scenario that I have found where Ghost is better than The Cloaked Eliminator is if you get full Rakata, then replace all of the enhancements in the armor with high end Battle or Assault enhancements. At that point, you should in theory be able to make full use of both the accuracy and the extremely high power on Ghost.


Maybe Accuracy is doing more than current knowledge indicates, but I see no reason to have 408 Accuracy on full Rakata when Marksmanship + roughly 150 Accuracy gets you to the "supposed" soft cap.

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Rakata enhencements are just complete ****, replace all of them with surge crit or power crit or a mix of the 2


so sniper bonus sets are crap compared to other classes.


rakata sets stack the wrong stats compared to other classes...


*** is happening

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Rakata enhencements are just complete ****, replace all of them with surge crit or power crit or a mix of the 2


so sniper bonus sets are crap compared to other classes.


rakata sets stack the wrong stats compared to other classes...


*** is happening


calm down, bioware just sucks at endgame itemization, everything will be fine though.

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It's late, and there is a lot of misinformation in the Sniper forum regarding a lot of what is in this thread already so I'm going to try to keep this short to the point (and I failed that mission as I now look to the bottom of this post).


When I went from Columi to Rakata I balked at the massive divergence from Columi stats to Rakata stats. To this day, I am not entirely sure why, but I have a sneaking suspicion. Since this is in the Sniper forum it will be tailored directly to this AC and partly to Marksman specifically where the math comes in.


Columi is definitely stacked with more crit/surge for sure, and Rakata is definitely stacked more with power than anything else but not completely. I think Rakata was itemized different with the assumption in mind that players would be reaching or have reached in some cases the diminishing returns point for both Crit and Surge. To an extent, this is true. For example, on my Sniper in a raid my stats reach the point where my Crit is over 40% and my Surge is over 80% (Well into DR). At those points I'm already in diminishing returns making any further stacking of crit and surge less valuable than say Cunning and Power.


Ideally(for PvE or for PvP vs Tanks) you want ~108% accuracy. Next your focus should be Cunning and Crit. From Crit Rating you want ~12% Crit (300 Crit Rating). At that point (assuming you have the appropriate amount of Cunnning) you've roughly been pushed into the diminishing returns for Crit Rating lessening its value over other available stats. It's at this point that Cunning/Power/Surge (up to ~350 Rating) become your go-to stats. Why? Power and Cunning are directly linked to Surge. The more power/cunning the more effective Surge will become. At my level, 80% additional Crit damage of my primary weapon damage allows Surge to effectively scale much better than crit even with diminishing returns thanks to the added benefit from Power/Cunning. At roughly ~350 Surge Rating you can again attempt to add additional Crit Rating as the effect of DR on Surge is too great to value it above Crit.


In short, don't stack Crit/Surge exclusively to the detriment of other, worthy stats. Power is not a worthless stat by any means. It simply takes a secondary roll until your crit and surge has reached diminishing returns. At that point, look favorably upon obviously Cunning, but also Power/Surge as they directly benefit each other and you. It's perfectly okay to sacrifice some Crit Rating in order to pick up Power. If you're full Columi, this is effectively what Rakata is trying to do for you. I think they went a bit far in their itemization but their overall direction is correct and also follows all respected theorycrafting on the subject of stat weights and their benefits. Yes, you might have to do a bit of mod swapping to get the perfect balance but this has largely been true of any game.


In addition, on use Power Relics and Adrenals are also superior (in PvE) to their crit/surge count parts since Power has no known point of diminishing return. In PvP this can change depending on your target and I'll elaborate why. Going back to what I said above about accuracy ties in well to this part of my post.


Tanks, esp shield heavy tanks require additional accuracy to counter balance their additional Defense stat. Crit % can and does also counter balance their Shield Rating stat. Since a Crit cannot be Shielded, and if the targets Shield % and the attackers Crit %'s meet or exceed 100% combined the attack automatically becomes a Critical Strike. So a high enough Accuracy/Crit rating will allow you to more effectively overcome tanks in additional to Shattershot reducing their armor. With the numerous changes to BioChem it is extremely difficult to reach a high enough Crit rating to completely push a tanks Shield off the defensive roll table, but with Crit Relics and Adrenals it is still very easy to make their shield nearly useless for a short amount of time when you absolutely need to kill them right then.


If anyone has any questions or even disagrees, feel free to PM me and I'll share the hard math behind any DR points and the Accuracy/Defense and Crit/Shielding relationships.

Edited by SageH
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it depends on what your current stats are. power does not suffer from diminishing returns, so if you already have 300 crit rating and 250 surge rating, Ghost is the better choice.


are you replacing the T3 (25) enhancements with T1 (50-51) enhancements? cause i haven't seen any 25 enhancement on the AH yet.


you can pull enhancements out of columi gear. the enhancement from columi enforcer gloves is power/surge, for example.

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"are you replacing the T3 (25) enhancements with T1 (50-51) enhancements? cause i haven't seen any 25 enhancement on the AH yet. "


I too would like to know what the best way to farm high lvl enhancements? Esp the crit/surge. At the moment I have been running HM BP and Kaon for the gloves/helm piece. My plan is to collect like 5 of each and replace all my Pvp and PVe gear with them. Any other ideas?

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Should make non-weapons off-hands fully mod-able, it'll always create a disparity between different ACs (Gunslingers can mod offhand vs Sniper, likewise Mercenary can vs. Commando). ~


Moddable off-hands should absolutely be in the game, why they chose this route I'm not sure but I hope it's changed eventually as neither Rakata off-hand is itemized perfectly for a Sniper.

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"are you replacing the T3 (25) enhancements with T1 (50-51) enhancements? cause i haven't seen any 25 enhancement on the AH yet. "


I too would like to know what the best way to farm high lvl enhancements? Esp the crit/surge. At the moment I have been running HM BP and Kaon for the gloves/helm piece. My plan is to collect like 5 of each and replace all my Pvp and PVe gear with them. Any other ideas?


Rakata level modifications only drop from hard/nightmare mod Operations that I have seen. This is where I got my mods to put into my Vendetta jacket so I could look like the Sniper in the Imperial Agent Progression Thread rather than wear the ugly Rakata chest.

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Hey Retribution, thanks for the detailed explanation.


These are my current raidbuffed Stats


So i would suggest to skip a little bit of crit and go for power and surge enhancements.


Absolutely. You are also well over the accuracy point you need to be at. When I said ~108% that is specifically for Special attacks as all Marksman Sniper attacks are classified "Special" with the exception of Rifle shot.

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What exactly do you mean with "classified as "Special" attacks" ?


I only see the abilities marked as ranged and tech.


everything except rifle shot is a special attack an has a base hit chance of 100% and should be brought to 108% to ignore bosses dogde.

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  • 3 weeks later...
So since the surge nerf... everyone agrees that the Ripper Nine is the Best OH for PVE?


Yes. (Or at least I do.)


Alacrity doesn't do much good for us, but in best-in-slot gear, neither do accuracy or surge; and the 18-cunning advantage over Ghost, and inclusion of power rather than the crit on The Cloaked Eliminator, make Ripper Nine best-in-slot.


If we somehow have need for the accuracy from Ghost, then we should replace one of our power/surge enhancements with power/accuracy, and use Ripper Nine anyway for its 18 cunning advantage.


If we have such low surge that it's still close enough in value to power to make The Cloaked Eliminator look appealing, then we're not anywhere near best-in-slot anyway, so we shouldn't worry about it.

Edited by Tibbel
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