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I can't study my damage.


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My damage parser is missing from the UI


Working as designed.


I'm sorry if this makes the game less fun for you. I myself have no problem with it as I prefer to actually play video games than look at the statistics of me (sort of) playing video games.

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I'm sorry if this makes the game less fun for you. I myself have no problem with it as I prefer to actually play video games than look at the statistics of me (sort of) playing video games.


Your preference is irrelevant since you can choose to use a feature or not. But you already know that.

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Working as designed.


I'm sorry if this makes the game less fun for you. I myself have no problem with it as I prefer to actually play video games than look at the statistics of me (sort of) playing video games.


I think there must have been some sort of terrible mistake.


Because I see myself getting pwned in warzones and I only want to be able to capture the epicness of my opponents on statistics for scientific research purposes.

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Working as designed.


I'm sorry if this makes the game less fun for you. I myself have no problem with it as I prefer to actually play video games than look at the statistics of me (sort of) playing video games.


So I guess you don't use any of your abilities that have numbers on them? Since you avoid statistics and all.

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My damage parser is missing from the UI


I'm getting sick of this kind of post. When I was in the military I did not have a parser to asses how many damage I was doing. LEARN TO PLAY YOUR CLASS!


I hope they never add it, and if they do I hope they will make a option to turn it off. Even if it means i'm going to be kicked out of every guild on my server, I will solo.


I play the game, learn and hope to become better and better. I play by instinct and if that's not good enough, tough luck, I will be enjoying it.


I will not be a part of "Spreadsheet Online: The numbers Count"

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Lol, r u the guy from Ancient Aliens ;)



Hahah, glad someone got it.


I'm getting sick of this kind of post. When I was in the military I did not have a parser to asses how many damage I was doing. LEARN TO PLAY YOUR CLASS!


I hope they never add it, and if they do I hope they will make a option to turn it off. Even if it means i'm going to be kicked out of every guild on my server, I will solo.


I play the game, learn and hope to become better and better. I play by instinct and if that's not good enough, tough luck, I will be enjoying it.


I will not be a part of "Spreadsheet Online: The numbers Count"


If they add one, I'm sure you will be able to turn it off. Most people are pushing for UI customization so that people can add/remove what they want. I want one, you don't. We should both be able to play how we deem fit.

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I'm getting sick of this kind of post. When I was in the military I did not have a parser to asses how many damage I was doing. LEARN TO PLAY YOUR CLASS!


I hope they never add it, and if they do I hope they will make a option to turn it off. Even if it means i'm going to be kicked out of every guild on my server, I will solo.


I play the game, learn and hope to become better and better. I play by instinct and if that's not good enough, tough luck, I will be enjoying it.


I will not be a part of "Spreadsheet Online: The numbers Count"


I think thats cool, if you in the miliraty and you fire a gun at something and it dies you don't really care how much damage it done

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This crusade against parsers is interesting. I'll throw wood into the fire, I believe combat log wasn't included because it would make the ability delay issue too blatant. It's sad that players can't verify if a certain gcd used effectively hit the mob or not. Oh and +1 for the military dude that compared mmo combat to his experience in the armed forces...
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I'm getting sick of this kind of post. When I was in the military I did not have a parser to asses how many damage I was doing. LEARN TO PLAY YOUR CLASS!


I hope they never add it, and if they do I hope they will make a option to turn it off. Even if it means i'm going to be kicked out of every guild on my server, I will solo.


I play the game, learn and hope to become better and better. I play by instinct and if that's not good enough, tough luck, I will be enjoying it.


I will not be a part of "Spreadsheet Online: The numbers Count"


Umm actually, when you were in the military someone (actually lots of people lol) knew exactly how much damage you were doing in every variable you can possibly think of.


You just chose not to activate that part of real life UI :)

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I'm getting sick of this kind of post. When I was in the military I did not have a parser to asses how many damage I was doing. LEARN TO PLAY YOUR CLASS!


I just had this image in my head of some soldiers over in Iraqubannistanesia shooting at some terrorists before one guy takes cover and goes "D00D!!! Check out my DPS, ****'s off the HOOK! LOLZ!" before fistbumping the other guy.

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These forums are going to be really entertaining after they add one.


Cause we know it isn't going to work right till they patch it for our five times. I bet it keeps showing everything as 666 for at least a week.

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I'm getting sick of this kind of post. When I was in the military I did not have a parser to asses how many damage I was doing. LEARN TO PLAY YOUR CLASS!


I hope they never add it, and if they do I hope they will make a option to turn it off. Even if it means i'm going to be kicked out of every guild on my server, I will solo.


I play the game, learn and hope to become better and better. I play by instinct and if that's not good enough, tough luck, I will be enjoying it.


I will not be a part of "Spreadsheet Online: The numbers Count"


You my friend were in the wrong army. When I joined up, we were each issued with an 'asses parser' and we used them with extreme prejudice!

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I'm getting sick of this kind of post. When I was in the military I did not have a parser to asses how many damage I was doing. LEARN TO PLAY YOUR CLASS!


Do you refuse to respawn in TOR because you couldn't in the military?


Your analogy is painful to read.

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I will not be a part of "Spreadsheet Online: The numbers Count"




It encourages people to get so bogged down in parsing the numbers and then pretending they are a meaningful metric for estasblishing some sort of imaginary skill heirarchy in an imaginary game world with imaginary characters doing imaginary things. It's a real "missing the forest for the trees" issue. If Boss X is succesfully defeated, I don't give a pewp who had the highest dps/hps. Grow up. LEARN TO PLAY WITHOUT CRUTCHES. THIS ISN'T THE IMAGINARY SPECIAL OLYMPICS.

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