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Dungeon Finder

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Unfortunately, that won't happen dude.


It's not people like you they make the money on ;)

It's the people that doesn't whine about everything, and actually enjoy and appreciate the work BW puts into the game..

lol, wow it actually IS the casual player they make money on. It has nothing to do with ppl who do or don't whine. The casual player tends to be the majority of the player base. They keep active subscriptions much longer than hardcore.

I know far to many hardcore players who clear content seriously fast, cancel thier subs, and re-up when new content comes back, then rinse and repeat.

Nothing wrong with that at all, makes finacial sense to me actually, but EA/BW loses that money for those subs, while the casual is still grinding to 50 or gearing up at 50 continuing thier subs.

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Time will tell, dude. I guess you know how they make money and I dont, you are the worlds smartest person.


What he's saying is true, Tarik. Bioware expects to make their money off of the people that actually like the game, and realize how much of a major project it is to create an MMO, and maintain, polish, and add-on to it.


On a different note, a big problem that I have with players I encounter in MMOs is that they are impatient and whiny. They expect that, because they have been handed/experienced certain things in other MMOs that they have played, that they must be there in the current MMO they are playing. Oh, I can't have a flying mount to make questing faster in SWTOR? Might as well unsub, this game sucks. WoW has virtually no glitches, but then this Star Wars game has a few small problems. Might as well forget about what the first couple months of WoW were like and unsub! Stuff like this^ is what really gets to me.

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What he's saying is true, Tarik. Bioware expects to make their money off of the people that actually like the game, and realize how much of a major project it is to create an MMO, and maintain, polish, and add-on to it.


On a different note, a big problem that I have with players I encounter in MMOs is that they are impatient and whiny. They expect that, because they have been handed/experienced certain things in other MMOs that they have played, that they must be there in the current MMO they are playing. Oh, I can't have a flying mount to make questing faster in SWTOR? Might as well unsub, this game sucks. WoW has virtually no glitches, but then this Star Wars game has a few small problems. Might as well forget about what the first couple months of WoW were like and unsub! Stuff like this^ is what really gets to me.




The problems arent small, and they arent few. This game was made with 10 year old expectations. Im not whining for silly issues. Im complaining about serious design issues that bioware SHOULD have anticipated and placed in the game to begin with.


If you buy a car and it breaks the next week, do you just take it as is? Or do you complain and have them fix it? If you buy a dvd that is scratched do you just throw it away and say oh well? If you order food when you go out to eat and the cook makes your steak wrong or sends you the wrong order, do you just sit there and smile and do nothing?


I dont want the game tailor made for me. I want the game made with MODERN requirements in place! LFG is a joke. AH is a joke. Resource gathering and crafting is pretty much a joke. They thought they could just sell us a traditional story driven bioware game, and not implement what all current MMO's should have. Not because WoW has them or any other game has them, but because they are the standard for the current MMO market.


Thats like buying a car without a seat belt and the dealership telling you that they didnt want to be like all the other car brands out there, so they decided to not put seat belts in. Seat belts are standard today, and the issues that I complain about are standard in MMO's today. same thing!

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LFG is a joke. AH is a joke. Resource gathering and crafting is pretty much a joke.


LFG IS a joke. But implementing an LFG system (if it is global) will remove any accountability for your actions and how you treat your groupmates. I will agree that they need to make a better LFG interface, but not something that auto-pairs you. That defeats the purpose of the second M in MMO.


AH is not really a joke, it's just not convenient because you can't just search for what you want right away.


Resource gathering and crafting is a joke, how? Resource gather/crafting in other MMOs required you personally to take time to get the materials and spend time crafting. Here, your companions gather for you. They craft for you. You don't have to do anything other than order them around.

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LFG IS a joke. But implementing an LFG system (if it is global) will remove any accountability for your actions and how you treat your groupmates. I will agree that they need to make a better LFG interface, but not something that auto-pairs you. That defeats the purpose of the second M in MMO.


AH is not really a joke, it's just not convenient because you can't just search for what you want right away.


Resource gathering and crafting is a joke, how? Resource gather/crafting in other MMOs required you personally to take time to get the materials and spend time crafting. Here, your companions gather for you. They craft for you. You don't have to do anything other than order them around.


Everything you just said is exactly why I beleive those things are a joke. I actually LIKE resource gatherine, its a nice way to pass the time and chat with friends and make some money.


I dont care about how people act in a flash point....to a degree. Ive never had problems with them in the past and see no reason to have a problem with it now in SWTOR. The alternative is a slow death for the game.


AH is a joke, even though its a simple joke, its still a joke. the design is horrid. The functionality doesnt excist. Theres hardly any player interaction in the process, just drag and click and aggree to the recommended price. You cant search, thats huge! well I take it back, you CAN search, its just so painfull of an experience and the results arent reliable, that it might as well not be there.


and im still trying to figure out how auto-pairing has anything to do with the word multiplayer??

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*Snore* This again?


I vote 'Yes' for an LFG interface. Improves the game, improves player interaction, improves the community. For an LFG tool done right, look to Final Fantasy 11.


I vote 'No' for Dungeon Finder. This does no one any good. Convenient for those who only want to jump on for a few minutes, sure. But this detracts from any interaction that could be denoted as positive group play. It encourages trolls, griefers, and general a**hats.


Some developers try to build something that is of quality rather than just something that sells. I can smell all you flamers itching to jump on that statement - "If they wanted to make quality content it wouldn't have so many bugs!" Even quality work can have flaws. If something is not quality because it has bugs, then RIFT isn't a quality MMO. Neither is FFXVI. Or WoW. Or... Anything.


BioWare needs to fix a few things. No argument.

But what they have is currently a lot better than what is available elsewhere.

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Yes I agree we need a flashpoint finder. Due to a busy work schedule I do not even get to experience flashpoints at all. I do not have hours to waste trying to get into a group. Wow's dungeon finder worked great, met some really nice ppl and was easy if not in guild or groups to be able to enjoy games content. Just log on and queue. We have a queue system for pvp no reason not to have one for flashpoints. I hope it is on the top of the list to implement, as of now I don't see the game holding much interest if all I can do is quest and pvp. At least provide the option for us, then if ppl still want to group with friends/guilds they can as well. Options are always good. As far as all the ppl who say it will ruin the community, a simple tool to allow players to enjoy game will not ruin community, instead of ppl being so opposed to changes for the better, would be nice to implement things that make the game function well for everyone, not just catered to certain ppl. Saying this isn't wow, or go find another game, really doesn't help to build a good gaming community for all to enjoy, and imo that is what can ruin the community not a dungeon finder.
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and im still trying to figure out how auto-pairing has anything to do with the word multiplayer??


In a multiplayer you should interact with your server community, and trying to build a group without an auto-pair forces you to interact with others. In doing so, you'll get to know people and they get to know you. When it auto-pairs you, you don't really need to know anyone. You just click a button, and then a few minutes later you get a group.


If this dungeon finder is server wide ONLY, then I might be a supporter of it. Pairing you up with people that you won't even interact with outside the flashpoint/dungeon is in no way building a community (which is what Bioware wants). But pairing you up with people on your server, you could build a community and interact between guilds that you meet through it.


If you like gathering resources for crafting, then why don't you like gathering people for a group? It's the same thing. If you're going to argue it's a waste of time, I can argue the same thing about having to gather it yourself, rather than having a slave do it.

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And another one is gone. It should only be another month or two until all of the whiny complainers are filtered out. This game keeps getting better and better :)


whiny complainers are subs too. Why is your sub any more valuable than mine just because I don't worship Bioware to the point that I can't see fault in their game? I like the game - that's why I'm on the forums talking about how it can be improved. If I didn't care, I'd unsub and leave the forums without talking about it, like I did with the other MMOs that didn't interest me, or were too broken to speculate fixes.

Edited by Introvertus
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Cross-server dungeon finder NOW!


I'm totally sick of spamming for hours with no results.


I don't want a cross server LFG tool. I think Cross Server really eliminates any sort of rammifaction from wrongdoing. You can perfom badly, and never have to see the people you play with again. Grief people and never have to face up to it. Same Server LFG will bring you convenient grouping without letting griefers off the hook.


I've campaigned since launch for a LFG tool - but never for a cross-server one.

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Just my .02


As you group with players that you enjoy doing content with, put them on friends. I have YET to have any issue getting a group for flashpoints. I pick the few runs I want to farm every day for gear and get the group together from those people I've enjoyed grouping with in the past. If there's a spot open, I pug a person in. If they suck, I put on ignore (so I don't get them again). If they're reasonably good and I wouldn't mind doing more stuff with them, I friend them and when I need to fill a group the next day, those are my "go to" people to ask first.


So far, I've only found 2 people while doing flashpoints that have annoyed me enough to remove from my groups. If you wipe, people actively try to work together as a team to figure out what happened. Dungeon finder removed that team work attitude in WoW once they realized they could behave any damn way they pleased and have zero consequences on the server they played on. I don't think this game needs that.


I don't really see that there's a need for a finder system to be put in place if you're actively networking in game to find people you enjoy playing with. Find a solid guild and make friends in it to do things with. You shouldn't NEED a system to do this for you.


The only thing a finder system does is let the people that like to solo content do group content and there's really no point in it. It's a MMO folks. Go out there and find others in game to do stuff with. You DO NOT need an in game feature to do that for you. That's just damn lazy.

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It just boggles my mind that anyone would be against a dungeon finder...they REALLY like wait half an hour by the mission entrance while spamming the chat box?! I don't have all day, Bioware! An extremely simple way to quickly find a group and complete a group mission should have been a necessity. If this isn't changed by the time Mass Effect comes out, then I'm unsubscribing. I simply don't have the time or patience to wait half an hour for entertainment to entertain me. And don't give me that bull about my server being unpopulated. It's crowded to the brim.
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And another one is gone. It should only be another month or two until all of the whiny complainers are filtered out. This game keeps getting better and better :)


Yup, then eventually the game shuts down from lack of money. Good strategy.

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I think something can be done with the LFG feature already in the game. Just have it "auto-checked" if you have a group quest or a flashpoint. In its current state, it is barely in use seeing we only get a dozen players tagged 'LFG', and this on a high population server.
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I've turned to the forums in desperation. Do I smell? Is there a secret blacklist with my name on it? Why can I never find a group?


I love this game way too much to quit, and I do have some concerns about adding the lucky dip that is a group finder, however I am desperate! The lack of a decent range and cache of players available for the group mean that sometimes one also has to settle for some pretty mediocre characters who still think it's okay to "need for their companion".


This is not really a complaint, more a desperate pathetic whimper asking 'is it just me?' I run on the Harbringer server and I spend the majority of my game time standing on that fleet LFGing.


I would appreciate help with my predicament, if anyone knows a great guild for FPs, or any tips, I'm all ears. It has gotten so frustrating sometimes I wonder if I should just dedicate myself to doing tedious dailies and just build a nice set of Columi gear out of billions of daily commendations and my broken dreams.

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I too am boggled by the anti-dungeon-finder campaign. I mean, I understand the reasons against a cross-server tool, but seriously, why not a same server matching system? It isn't like it absolutely stops you from continuing to do your "hay guis les b friens foever!" thing and find LIKE-MINDED people on your server that do want to be your bestie, but for other people that don't want to be banished to the fleet for all eternity to find a group, we would like something to smooth out the search.


You guys say "oh be patient, doesn't take you that long to fill a group." Well you are overlooking the fact that some people would like to multi-task. Such as going and doing dailies or gathering or finishing quests they missed while simultaneously being matched for a group. If I want to run an instance and do my dailies, I have to lay them flat time-wise, and tack on an unknown amount of time for filling the group, where-as I could just be doing my dailies and letting the game help me where I need it. I could even add a couple of people from my friends list and let the tool do the rest! Where is the harm in that? If it is all the same realm, then griefers and other trolls are still accountable for their actions.


I play a level 50 tank, and I run with a healer and a dps irl friends, but there have been times where we have literally called the run because we have spammed for 20-30 minutes for another dps and gotten zero replies. Not to mention the fact that when they are not on, especially if it isn't peak hours, chances are very slim for me to find a full group. Port Nowhere server too, not exactly low population. Should be very obvious that it would do wonders for chars sub-50, only flashpoint I have never had trouble finding a group for is Black Talon, and that is only because I grab the first person that responds and book it for the entrance.


Yes, I love the game, yes there are many problems, and yes I will continue subscribing, but god I would much rather my money go towards some tangible quality of life improvements inside of the first few months of the game's existence.

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To all of you who can't find a group...




That's what they are for. If your guild has 3 people logged in at 8pm on Friday night, you need to /gquit and find a better one. I am a sage healer and I have to TURN DOWN groups almost every night. I get pestered CONSTANTLY to run HMs.

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This thread again.


Well have you done some flashpoints?


Have you noticed the main difference between flashpoints in swtor and instances in wow?


Flashpoints are freakin long. Like vanilla wow BRD kind of long.


If you can run trough your instance in about 15min LFG idiots are nothing more then a nuicence.


If you need 1h+ do you even comprehend what would happen with LFG? People going AFK on the last boss. People wiping the group on the last boss, for lulz.



PS. I don't know if it felt that way for others, but for me and everyone I know the WoW decline started with LFG. It felt great at first, getting into instances fast. But it was more like Meth. The high faded and the bitternes started. Even shorter instances made it even worse. Just like drugs, the high got shorter and shorter with more and more bad trips inbetween.

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While never having any problems finding a group myself, i can understand people who do. Consensus here seems to be that a server-bound LFG-Tool would be great, something you can plug in, pick your preferred role and what you want to do and then wait. I don't thinkanyone wouldn't use this from time to time...


the biggest problem with finding groups is that there is no way to search server-wide as far as i know (correct me if i'm wrong). So a first and probably easily implemented thing would be to add a global chat channel to join if you want a group. Next thing is something with a real Interface, where, with a few clicks you can define what you want to do. But please no Auto-pairing, force those people to talk to each other!


I absolutely agree that cross-server LFG killed the fun in WoW-grouping. Generally, the internets are a place where one isn't held accountable for many of one's actions, cross server pairing encourages this even more. Why not open a thread in the suggestions part of the boards and try to really get something going? Gonna do that later on today perhaps, if there isn't one already.


As to the OP: Storyline held you for a month? That's sad, i think, but you KNEW this would be storydriven, if you don't enjoy stories, don't buy such a game. I'm currently leveling an alt and am immensely enjoying doing the whole "I'm a sith and i'll kill you! Because!" instead of my "I don't care, gimme creds"-BH routine. But well, perhaps i'm special in this, doesn't really matter.


But a word of advice... I've personally found that WRITING a group search is a lot more successful than just spitting out short letter-lines like "DD LFG FP HM". I pick someone like that only if theres absolutely no help for it. Socialize. get to know people. find a guild. play a MULTIPLAYER game, where other players aren't just means to an end.

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PS. I don't know if it felt that way for others, but for me and everyone I know the WoW decline started with LFG. It felt great at first, getting into instances fast. But it was more like Meth. The high faded and the bitternes started. Even shorter instances made it even worse. Just like drugs, the high got shorter and shorter with more and more bad trips inbetween.


WoW didn't pull it off quite as well as Rift did. Rift dungeons still take 40mins - 1 hour and are formed using an LFG tool. I've yet to encounter any of the above problems after nearly a year of playing, except in one or two isolated exceptions in very early game.

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Yeah I know people have talked about this before but im asking anyway.


Is there any plans to implement a global dungeon group finder??? I have been 50 for a month now and have stoped playing because I stand at the Rep Fleet Station and LFG for an hour and cant find any. Day after day I LFG, none. I dont have time for raiding, and get way too tired of dailies to give a damn and plunge through them over and over again.


So, just seeing if there is any plans for one, before I cancel my subscription and totally forget that this game was ever made. Cause thats what it comes down to. Theres NOTHING to do after 50 besides: dailies, flashpoints, pvp, raids. Well, I refuse to do boring dailies day after day cause thats not fun! I dont have time for raids, and if this is gonna be a game built around raids it will fail really quickly. I have no interest in pvp. And flashpoint groups are too hard to find. So im left with nothing. Oh well, it was worth hoping for.

I agree completely, and although I have no 50s I agree that the game is in dire need of a Dungeon/Flashpoint Finder. It should most definitely be at the top of Bioware's list for new additions to the game.

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To all of you who can't find a group...




That's what they are for. If your guild has 3 people logged in at 8pm on Friday night, you need to /gquit and find a better one. I am a sage healer and I have to TURN DOWN groups almost every night. I get pestered CONSTANTLY to run HMs.


Clearly by the number of people asking for a LFG tool,


JOIN A GUILD!!!!11!!1


is not an adequate solution. Your personal experience does not speak for everyone else. If they implemet an LFG tool, your life won't change in any way. You can still easily find groups because as you said:


"I am a sage healer and I have to TURN DOWN groups almost every night. I get pestered CONSTANTLY to run HMs."


This will not stop of an PvP que style LFG tool is implemented.

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