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WHY so many tokens at bags?what about the ppl that worked hard for their gear?


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ill say something now for all of u to get it.


I will not get it.

The grammar, plus the use of capital letters, plus the inconsistency of the argument makes it hard just to spot what you want to say. Even if I didn't stop reading after 5 lines.

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"worked so hard for their gear" means you've gotten lucky on the RNG on the old bag system?


Sorry, for folks the "worked" hard doesn't mean you get to stay on top forever, no people have to still work very hard, but have a more predictable means to progress in gear without getting frustrated.


for THE LAST IME:i wasnt lucky .i got my 1st BM at 65 LVL.


i had 5 champs only at 65.


stop the damn same excuses NOT EVERYONE WAS LUCKY.some of us DID pain alot to gear up.

Edited by Tzou
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I will not get it.

The grammar, plus the use of capital letters, plus the inconsistency of the argument makes it hard just to spot what you want to say. Even if I didn't stop reading after 5 lines.


same old story..a ******** that understands what he reads,but wanna play with ppl that wasnt born with english as their main language.


something new?

Edited by Tzou
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I have a hard time believing that the new system makes gear any easier to get...


I received 8 pieces of champ gear two of which were duplicates in the "old" system. I've opened probably 50-60 bags. At 60 bags that's a champ piece every 7.5 bags. Now yes I realize everyone had different results, however, that was the whole problem.


The new system now gives you 7-Champ and 15-Centurion tokens per bag. Centurion gear for all practical purposes is "gateway" gear. The Cent gear is not going to make you instantly competitive but at least you're holding your own a little. I welcome this personally. Killing a new 50 in 4-5 shots isn't exactly "fun".


Now the Champ grind honestly hasn't changed much, IMO. Take a 67 token head, legs, body piece for example. You're going to have to open 10 bags to get it. On a bad day in the old system it took you 10 bags to get a piece of armor. The only easy mode here is you're not going to get screwed on a duplicate item.


Yes my math/logic isn't perfect and some people were screwed more than others, this I can agree with. My point, however, is that the "**** TO DAMN EASY MODE NOW" issue that people are concerned about isn't as big as its being led on.

Edited by Soris_Mar
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money comes through time.


and this game from now on im pretty sure will have less subscribers cause with so easy pvp gearing ,in one month ppl will have nothing to do.


who cares about war hero items in one month?all will have FULL BM and will be happy.


boredom will win and their money will drop.


if thats how u do business they deserve to fail like WOW after wotlk-like WH-like RIFT-like aion.


Hate say it WOW never Failed and seems to be still going strong, should try it pvp to Glad get your title and your gear, isn't that what you want? Or is that skilled based pvp

Edited by Pattotwo
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I have a hard time believing that the new system makes gear any easier to get...


I received 8 pieces of champ gear two of which were duplicates in the "old" system. I've opened probably 50-60 bags. At 60 bags that's a champ piece every 7.5 bags. Now yes I realize everyone had different results, however, that was the whole problem.


The new system now gives you 7-Champ and 15-Centurion tokens per bag. Centurion gear for all practical purposes is "gateway" gear. The Cent gear is not going to make you instantly competitive but at least you're holding your own a little. I welcome this personally. Killing a new 50 in 4-5 shots isn't exactly "fun".


Now the Champ grind honestly hasn't changed much, IMO. Take a 67 token head, legs, body piece for example. You're going to have to open 10 bags to get it. On a bad day in the old system it took you 10 bags to get a piece of armor. The only easy mode here is you're not going to get screwed on a duplicate item.


Yes my math/logic isn't perfect and some people were screwed more than others, this I can agree with. My point, however, is that the "**** TO DAMN EASY MODE NOW" issue that people are concerned about isn't as big as its being led on.


at least with u i can talk cause u sound to be reasonable.


at 60 valor rank u get 15 champs tokens.tis means that every tuesday u can have at least 1-2 items with tokens and 1-2 centurion items from champs bags.


now count some 3-4 WZs per day and ull find out that in one week u can have 600 exp.


easy..too easy imo.

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now its over...even my grandmother can get the gear that some ppl suffered to get.


ppl thats wants easy gear will never be pvp players ,never.sorry.


they wont ever get it.for them its a word they simply dont understand.


Your grandma is playing? Cool huh?!


So...people who want PvP to be more skill based, less GEAR based, aren't the 'true pvpers'? You're honestly suggesting that YOU are a "true" PvPer because you believe gear based PvP is better that skilled PvP?


That's the stupidest thing I've ever read...

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This OP has absolutely no idea what he is talking about.


You getting to lv 50 early on and grinding WZ's was difficult in what way?


You opening bags and getting champ items required what skill specifically?


Participating in UNRATED warzones to grind valor/marks what have you provides what distinction in player skill level?


You also complain that there's 15 marks in bags now. 15 MARKS! WHAT AN OUTRAGE. Well noobsauce those 15 marks are for centurion gear, which perhaps you havent looked at but the lv 50 orange gear has about equivalent stats.


So what did bioware do? They made getting a "starter set" easier...big *********** deal


The champ tokens....7 per bag seems reasonable, and at least now you can choose which item you purchase. I have quadruples and quintuples of the same champ items for off-sets because of the previous random loot reward. Thanks bioware for fixing this.


The OP laying claim that what he did was something glorious and difficult and now its all nerfed is complete idiocy. NOTHING has changed with the warzones themselves, and being good in these simple warzones does not require much skill, but being great does. The reward system changes do not affect your ability to properly cc/stun/focus fire/strategize/communicate whatsoever.


Bottom line...please get off your high horse as time spent =/= skill on any level or indicate that a "nerf" happened. At least have a valid arguement before you flood the community with your river of tears next time. Thanks.

Edited by Sindram
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Hate say it WOW never Failed ans seem to be still going strong, should try it pvp to Glad get your title and your gear


sorry to wake u from your dream.


wow was never a pvp game.


it was an elite pvp game fro certain classes.


i had one of them and i never minded.


but one day i woke up and realized what pvp means.


pvp means that all classes can play and compete.


find me a retri pally before wotlk that could do arena...with his 2 skills.


or any tank.


here a tank is usefull.


and then all of sudden i realized that there open PVP with objectives and prizes.


something wow will never have after patch 1.4.


u maybe are too young to say about wow -pvp-open pvp-other games cause u seems clueless.

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All this "hard work" in video games, ahaha.


The old system was poorly thought out and they fixed it. An average person hitting 50 now has a good chance to take LONGER to gear up than someone who hit 50 a month ago and got lucky with the RNG system.


The difference is that the tokens you know you're getting per bag allow you to plan and purchase the gear you need rather than relying on completely random chance.

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ive opened TONS of bags and that means ive played WZs non stop and did also open pvp to get the valor i am now so in new patch to be ready for war-hero items.


this is WHAT WORK means.




^ Incorrect.


Your a troll!


^ Correct

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for THE LAST IME:i wasnt lucky .i got my 1st BM at 65 LVL.


i had 5 champs only at 65.


stop the damn same excuses NOT EVERYONE WAS LUCKY.some of us DID pain alot to gear up.


Oh come on lol...you HAVE to be trolling...right? Be honest...


If this game causes you ANY "pain"...walk away bud. You got LUCKY! You are obviously unemployed and THIS is what causes you pain?

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Your grandma is playing? Cool huh?!


So...people who want PvP to be more skill based, less GEAR based, aren't the 'true pvpers'? You're honestly suggesting that YOU are a "true" PvPer because you believe gear based PvP is better that skilled PvP?


That's the stupidest thing I've ever read...


o gos another one that dont read the above quotes.


i didnt say that.


all i said is that i want to know if im playing a easy game or a hard game.


and why i had to gear up so hard and now all ppl can get what i got in some 2-3 days.


OFC i want more geared ppl to play but i want THEM to have the same hanced i had to gear up.


im not the fool and they are the smart ones ..


i really hope i made it easier for u.

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I started to do warzones once I hit 50, this was before patch 1.1. Sure i was low geared (12k health sage) but it did not matter, I had mainly low levels to fight. I did the daily and weekly peace festival in ilum, beat a few level 11's in warzones and got some gear. I had it easy getting gear, people hitting 50 now have it much harder as they got people like me who were 50 before the 50 bracket and change to ilum.
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So really...


They are making it where people will use the crap out of Centurion gear..

Which you would cry about if you had to use it.

Champion Gear drops got reduced...

and you get 7 champ tokens.



go check the prices of the champion peices.


If champ items had a 25% drop rate.. Its still going to take longer to get a peice of champ gear then it used to.



Centurion gear is meh, let people get it easy to stand a bit of a chance.

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On most servers empire players could gear up fast enough using the old system but for the republic players joining 50 level pvp recently the bag changes were absolutely necessary.


I hit 50 about 10 days ago and had 6 champ bags ready to open , i received 18 centurion tokens and nothing else.


(During my time playing level 30 to 49 warzones , although empire still dominated i reckon republic won maybe 30 to 40% of the time , this is 95% queuing solo.)


Yesterday i played about a dozen L50 warzones , every game was lost , one game was very close, others were comfortable empire wins, if we came across an empire pre made the result was an absolute hiding.


I dont want to hear about "make sure you go into wz with a premade" , basically on a lot of servers if you queue solo in a republic team your gear aquisition rate will be about 3 times slower than if you had played for empire queuing solo. Because playing for empire in those 12 games you would easily have completed your daily wins , would have earned more medals from the wins and within the week with a few sessions you would also have easily completed your weeklies.


I don't see how an ever increasing gear advantage to one faction can be good for a 2 faction pvp game . The commendation increase will at least help the situation and new 50's will be able to start with a few pieces of expertise gear at L50 rather than enough tokens for less than half a piece of gear like i did.

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at least with u i can talk cause u sound to be reasonable.


at 60 valor rank u get 15 champs tokens.tis means that every tuesday u can have at least 1-2 items with tokens and 1-2 centurion items from champs bags.


now count some 3-4 WZs per day and ull find out that in one week u can have 600 exp.


easy..too easy imo.


The thing is 60 Valor isn't exactly easy to get for a casual player - even for hardcore its a grind. That grind really hasn't changed. I understand its a little different per server as Ilum is a different experience based on what server you're on.


If you're a new 50 the grind is for Champ gear. As in my last post I stated that time frame really hasn't changed much. If you're "seasoned" enough that you've hit 60 valor well now the grind is for Battlemaster gear and Champion gear is now your Centurion.

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I don't think so it so bad, 7 champion tokens per bag means you need approx 65 bags for full gear. (I've opened definitely more than 65 till now and got 10 champion items so far, where 6 was like earpiece or mainhand where you can't even pull out mod)


An addicted player like me (Not hardcore) is earning something like 25-28 bags weekly.

Which also needs at least 3 hours of PVPing daily to go through ilum and 10-12 warzones

= almost 3 weeks to get full champion from the scratch


My server is full of cowards leaving wzs after fist low significant loss in the game, these ppl will need at least 3x-4x more time to achieve same thing


same for casual players, I don't think so I should be scared of "everyone will have champion gear in two weeks"

I would say "1/3 of CURRENT level 50 ppl CAN HAVE full champion gear in 8 weeks"


by the way, how come hardcore players are taking care about centurion and champion gear? Hardcore player wears battlemaster already :)

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^ Incorrect.


Your a troll!


^ Correct


After your grammar comment....you lost all street cred with that one.


"You're a troll"


OP is obviously a tool, have fun QQ'ing all day while we quickly catch up with you. :rolleyes:




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Oh come on lol...you HAVE to be trolling...right? Be honest...


If this game causes you ANY "pain"...walk away bud. You got LUCKY! You are obviously unemployed and THIS is what causes you pain?


im what unemployed?and what has to do with what we talk?


om not unemployed my friend cause im playing mmos like here 10 years now.


i would be dead from starvation if i was unemployed.


what i see here is someone that CANT gear up and is searching for an easy mode game and some stupid excuses so he can feeel better .


at 65 lvl valor with 5 5champs u are not lucky.u are unlucky.


if u cant understand this ,then i bet u are one fo those that QQd all day and night for the gearing up system at forums.

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Giving people easy gear is not necessarily going to make them quit. Oftentimes people will continue to play games even when they have everything unlocked, orare geared out. It's player mentality. The easiest way to keep subscribers is to give them easy gear, and also release new content and expansions at a very rapid rate, to keep people interested.


Anyway, people who play CoD or Halo continue to play even when they have everything in the game. Why is that? They enjoy the game and the pvp. I don't see why that cannot carry over.

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o gos another one that dont read the above quotes.


i didnt say that.


all i said is that i want to know if im playing a easy game or a hard game.


and why i had to gear up so hard and now all ppl can get what i got in some 2-3 days.


OFC i want more geared ppl to play but i want THEM to have the same hanced i had to gear up.


im not the fool and they are the smart ones ..


i really hope i made it easier for u.


Read the part I quoted from you...you DID say that. Don't begin lying now.


You think you worked "hard" getting lucky and everyone should now do it like you or they're not a "true pvper'. I think you're wrong and that a 'true pvper' wants to compete against and beat the best geared players in game...THAT is rewarding. Not pwning n00bs or being unemployed enough to get ur lewt quicker than most.


Hope you enjoyed your week on top. Welcome back to reality bud.

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After your grammar comment....you lost all street cred with that one.


"You're a troll"


OP is obviously a tool, have fun QQ'ing all day while we quickly catch up with you. :rolleyes:





tbh i agree with you again, i was trolling, im on my lunch break at WORK (<<< see this OP)!! and that was a rushed 'i give up' response to OPs nonsense.


For the record, i really have no street cred to loose either :p

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