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Loving Swtor PvP


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I just wanted to create a positive thread about how much I am enjoying the pvp in Swtor.

I capped my first toon and have been doing guild groups and Ilum as Republic and it has been a blast. I love the three warzones but I think what I enjoy the most about the pvp is the fastpaced reactionary combat. I don't have any hiching /lagg issues like so many others have said.


I also got to do a lot of Open world pvp while leveling on Tatooine and Alderaan. I have an Alt that I keep around Most Lla and log him on now and again to gank some Imperials.


50 pvp is a ton more fun with brackets. Four guild members can pretty much own or at least have a gg against any other team.


I wanted to make this post to discuss how other players are ENJOYING the pvp here. Please do not post if you don't have something positive to contribute. We all know a lot of forums warriors are here talking about how this and that sucks. That's great but this isn't the post for it, make your own if you can't contribute appropriately.

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End pvp is a meh grind, but I got my 2nd toon to 50 and did great. People act like fresh 50 pvp is impossible, but tbh make a friend and queue with him, its not that bad. Other than the like 300 hour grind to BM end game pvp in wzs is fine.
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I'm having fun on my 50 Sage whenever I get Huttball (about 10% of the time),


when I'm in the 10-49 bracket in general


when I stealth cap a door on my 27 Shadow or when I escape to fight another day


when I give a melee class a Heatseeker to the face or send someone flying on my 41 Mercenary


when I'm imagining M1 (aka Mr. Peterman from Seinfeld) commenting on my 28 Commando tactics


when I Force Leap on my 27 Sentinel


when I knock people off the bridge in Void Star


when 3 players jump me on the scaffolding in Huttball & I can say "suck it" as they go flying into the pit


when the Champion bag has new gear in it


when I get fast queues (most of the time I get them)


when I beat someone that probably should have beaten me


when the win actually counts towards the daily (oops - had to stick that one in there)


when it's a close match win or lose


when I do the stupid dance after scoring in Huttball


when I intercept a pass b/c it reminds me of playing high school football (back before most of you were born)


when I get that little hover craft on me each time I get a medal


when the procced Unload animation continues after my opponents death and it looks like I'm shooting into their spawn to harass them


when people just stand there looking at me as I feed them tracer missiles


when people just turn their backs on me as I get to use one Shadow Strike after another


when I throw a lightsaber at someone


when I CC someone in fire


when I kill someone who is about to score


when I actually get an MVP vote for being 5th in damage but 1st by a mile in objective score


when I don't enter a match in progress


when someone jumps me in OWPvP only to realize they picked the wrong person


when I get instant-cast Telekinetic Waves


when the scoreboard says "Victory"

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Bumping a positive post about SWTOR PvP!


These forums are a terrible indication of the real state of affairs because people only ever really want to make themselves heard when something negative is going on. (not often someone posts to say "everything is fine!")


Sure there are some issues to be resolved, bugs to fix, a little balancing to do here and there with PvP currently but as an overall package I'd say its great. Looking forward to whatever the next year brings for the TOR PvP community!

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When I harpoon someone who is past the last fire pit and about to score, draggin them back to the fire to die :) !


When I make a pass to the couple people who have positioned themselves well on the catwalks and they run uncontested to score because the other team is not paying attention.


When I position myself well on the catwalks and get a great pass from someone below, then I run uncontested to score because the other team is not paying attention.


When an ace healer running by me just happens to throw out a last-second 2k heal on me when I'm about to die in a fight against a superior player and I'm able to kill them :)


When I throw a heal out to a player that saves them from being killed in a grueling fight


The rare match when the stars align and I'm always in the right place at the right time to get kill after kill but not get swarmed and killed myself (31 kills 0 deaths!).


A nasty Alderaan match where both sides say "Screw it! everyone go mid!" and it looks like the apocalypse is happening.


When I feel like I have a useful ability for every pvp situation on every class I have tried so far. They are all fun to play!


When a friend who has never played an MMO in his life gets into his first warzone match at lvl 13 and finishes in the bottom of the list, only doing 40k damage and 5k heals.... but still gets an MVP vote ;)

Edited by Ghostround
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Other than the like 300 hour grind to BM end game pvp in wzs is fine.


+1 to this. It's not the grind that's so bad - it's the grind and then you're still faced with RNG bags.


I just don't think it would have been that hard to normalize all the PvP gear's progression, making BM bags give 7-10 commendations and each items cost around 90 or so. Doesn't that make sense? At least it's not up to RNG, and BM gear would still be the hardest to attain (as it should be)

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could you please explain in detail how combat is fast paced and reactionary?


as a range you hold down S key and hammer on 1,2,3 as fast as you can....

the faster you press the more fast paced it becomes....


and as melee you turn you character so much you really think it helps while the range are backpaddling you to death...


its all about skill really :rolleyes:

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i had some pretty good world pvp encounters while leveling

Especially in tatooine and hoth there were some skirmishes that lasted for hours



but i do believe BW must expand the world pvp aspect of the game

and make the WZ system more competitive(it should be possible to create 8-man teams)

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Hi everyone thanks for leaving some great posts here, I just got in from work and was happy to read the first few pages.


I'll bump with a short list of my own:


Getting jumped by two ops in voidstar after the 1st bridge, who stun me to %30, poping my shield and huge AE knockback(commando) punting them into the pit, as i run away cackling with joy..


Killing Imperials around Mos Lla on Tatoinne until they bring an army whom i fight to the death.


Defending Alderaan middle turret on my Commando from the upper level, I can pretty much farm there all day with 2 knockbacks.


Someone asked what I meant when I said I enjoy the reactionairy combat. What I mean by that is I can react instead of getting insta 2-shotted without being able to put up SOME sort of fight.


Scenario - Stunned by an Op, Instantly break the stun/knockback and ranged stun, he breaks myCC and heads toward me. O shizz better pop a shield and Kite like the wind, could go either way here.


Also since the most recent patch that addressed the lagg/stutter issues in warzones I have no lagg, allowing smoother skill execution functionallity.


Finally, I don't know exactly how to explain it other than balance, but I don't feel underpowered on any toon unless I put myself in a bad situation.


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When I harpoon someone who is past the last fire pit and about to score, draggin them back to the fire to die :) !


When I make a pass to the couple people who have positioned themselves well on the catwalks and they run uncontested to score because the other team is not paying attention.


When I position myself well on the catwalks and get a great pass from someone below, then I run uncontested to score because the other team is not paying attention.


When an ace healer running by me just happens to throw out a last-second 2k heal on me when I'm about to die in a fight against a superior player and I'm able to kill them :)


When I throw a heal out to a player that saves them from being killed in a grueling fight


The rare match when the stars align and I'm always in the right place at the right time to get kill after kill but not get swarmed and killed myself (31 kills 0 deaths!).


A nasty Alderaan match where both sides say "Screw it! everyone go mid!" and it looks like the apocalypse is happening.


When I feel like I have a useful ability for every pvp situation on every class I have tried so far. They are all fun to play!


When a friend who has never played an MMO in his life gets into his first warzone match at lvl 13 and finishes in the bottom of the list, only doing 40k damage and 5k heals.... but still gets an MVP vote ;)



Bless :) You're going to fckn hate L50 PvP :D

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+1 to this. It's not the grind that's so bad - it's the grind and then you're still faced with RNG bags.


I just don't think it would have been that hard to normalize all the PvP gear's progression, making BM bags give 7-10 commendations and each items cost around 90 or so. Doesn't that make sense? At least it's not up to RNG, and BM gear would still be the hardest to attain (as it should be)


All they needed to do was have an extra WZ or two when you hit L50 and give some expertise to pre-L50 PvP gear to stop people moaning when they first took the plunge.


7-10 doesn't sound unreasonable if each item was 90, though.


15 Cents and 7 Champ comms is a LOL-fest. The random drops was an awful idea because of the duplicates and drops that your AC couldn't use but the new system is FAR worse.


It's like giving a metric f*ck ton of candy to a kid, watch them bounce off the walls for an hour then crash out.


New L50s won't bother making it to Rank 60 Valor because they'll have hundreds of hours with all their gear ... that's a HUGE step to grind up with nothing to break the tedium. I'm just glad I'm almost 60 now.


Watch how fast people complain that there's nothing to do and see the BM gear being dragged down to L50 Valor :p instant-gratification generation. *sigh*

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