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SWTor Love Hate Relationship


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Hey all, First off I want to state that i love star wars. I had such high hopes and still do for this game. It is a great game leveling up, especially if you meet some cool people along the way. But I dont even log on to my level 50 anymore.


Im also finding myself playing less and less, and getting burnt and more burnt, even though I have 4 toons one of each class. Man I like this game so much I want it to do good and improve. Im just not getting that feeling like omg omg i gotta log on ! Like a previous mmo did. No name even needs to be mentioned because you can substitute that name in for any game anyone has gotten that feeling from.


I want that feeling again in this game. I want it to blooow up. So many changes are being made, things being flipped flopped, important bugs not being fixed, every update comes and it seems so minimal to me looking at the big picture.


Does anyone feel like they are kinda losing that feeling they had hoped they had or even had when they first started playing?

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yup, i was so fired up for this game, maybe the hype was to big, i so wanted this game to b perfect, i just dont have the feeling of beeing apart of a mighty empire, its me against 5 million mobs, on planet nr 4 its pff, not this again.
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Had this experience around lvl 20 for the first time but it became heavier and heavier. This game is drawing energy which is bad. For me it feels like an ugly digital prison maze with not much to do with painful bugs everywhere. Without saying anything everybody in my guild had this feeling and rarely some1 is online with a lot of members in my guild. Edited by Rigota
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Had this experience around lvl 25 for the first time but it became heavier and heavier. This game is drawing energy which is bad. Feels like an ugly digital prison maze with not much to do with painful bugs everywhere.


It really does seem to sap some kind of enjoyment over time, doesn't it.

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Does anyone feel like they are kinda losing that feeling they had hoped they had or even had when they first started playing?


Yup, i have this feeling too.


I think it is because of a number of reasons, that differ for each person.


Just one thing is probably the same, and that's that the "questing", where you get told what to do, where to get it and how many, in how much time, just feels like mindless work.

There is no challenge.

Also the healer/tank/dps stuff is getting old.


Furthermore, for some reason when "that popular game" was introduced, people seemed to become increasingly anti-social and developed a game dictionary that exists of at tops 10 words. Fail, epic, troll and the like.

Anti social behaviour, greed and more of these things people seem to develop when hiding behing internet anonymity does not contribute to a fun world.


A MMO in the first place is about Multiplayer interactivity.

Seeing other people as merely tools, will create an environment where you are used as a tool as well. All in all not contributing to the fun factor.


So, perhaps these things have to be changed to get the fun factor back again... How? Don't look at me... Internet anonymity seems to get the worst out of people.


Just look at the hate in these forums

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Agree its useless to REALLY hate anything.


But most of the time peoples expectations, the waiting and money investment for this game are a let down and they want to show how this game can be changed or just saying (indirectly) farewell on the forums. In my case its a bit from all of these things.

Edited by Rigota
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Good points here and seems like im not the only one who feels this way. I got some hopes for DIII, but it seems everyone is trying to make online rpg style games too easy. You know in DIII they taking out pretty much the reason to go to town, no scrolls needed, no potions you just kill a mob and get an orb. LOL i know that dont have to do with this game, its just a correlation of people whining too much about things that neednt be changed or focused on, left better for breaking bugs and glitches abilities not working and the sort.


Well I did sub for this month, Ill let it ride out and then Im not exactly sure on whether or not ill resub again honestly. After having such high hopes for a long time on this game man. Ill probably go back to console gaming or something for a little bit. Perhaps give ToR a chance to build itself back up. Or fall deeper into the ever growing pit.


However I can say I enjoyed this game quite much for a single payment. But IMO its not worth anything beyond that, at this time.

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Yup, i have this feeling too.


I think it is because of a number of reasons, that differ for each person.


Just one thing is probably the same, and that's that the "questing", where you get told what to do, where to get it and how many, in how much time, just feels like mindless work.

There is no challenge.

Also the healer/tank/dps stuff is getting old.


Furthermore, for some reason when "that popular game" was introduced, people seemed to become increasingly anti-social and developed a game dictionary that exists of at tops 10 words. Fail, epic, troll and the like.

Anti social behaviour, greed and more of these things people seem to develop when hiding behing internet anonymity does not contribute to a fun world.


A MMO in the first place is about Multiplayer interactivity.

Seeing other people as merely tools, will create an environment where you are used as a tool as well. All in all not contributing to the fun factor.


So, perhaps these things have to be changed to get the fun factor back again... How? Don't look at me... Internet anonymity seems to get the worst out of people.


Just look at the hate in these forums


Probably the best post I've read in this forum.


The truth is, most of the people here, in the forums, come to this game to have the same that "the other game", with ligthsabers.


But the other game was the first, got an equilibrium over the time, and it worked, until it get old.


Now, a lot of people is trying to find the same in other places, to repeat the feeling: that won't work, and they get frustrated.


The damn of this game is being similar enough to WoW in appearence, and so different in orientation.


Rigth now, the recipe for sucess in a MMORPG is easy: Make a WoW clone, in all aspects, or make a game completely different of WoW. That's why I think that TSW will have a big sucess.


I love this game, but the community and the customs inherit from WoW have ruined it.

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I'm still enjoying this game loads to be honest, always people online in my small 10 man guild.


But then I didn't read into any of the hype as I was only interested in this game after the stress test beta, which left me two weeks to wait.


But I understand not everyone likes the same thing. Best thing to do would be to wait til after the March update... see what they have planned for this game.


They need to release more "Concrete" details of their plans to be honest.

Edited by CptBrit
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