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Improving Diagnostic Scan


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Making a thread just for this spell as there are serious issues. This is NOT intended as a complaint thread but a discussion as to how to improve DS.


Problem :

With its loooong cast time, minimal to the point of uselessness heal, and perhaps semi-decent help on regen but that costs 4 whole talent points for something kinda blah, I can basically never cast this spell in any situation where it might be useful. I do not have 3 seconds (a bit less if you use aclacrity which imo is an almost useless stat for Op Meds) in a fight for basically zero return in terms of healing. I either actually need a real heal or I'm gonna dps.


Suggestion :

1 - Turn DS into an instant emergency hot + buff on a cool down timer (say 30 seconds) - we are a hot class after all.

2- DS now hots(amount of hot tbd) AND buffs the hots already on your target (lets say it buffs hots by 100% for 5-10 seconds - obviously something that is not overpowered but really is a help in an emergency - adjustments can be made both on the overall cooldown for the ability as well as %buff and duration to ensure it does act as an emergency hot buff but is not OP) .

3- Keep the regen bonus as an added extra if talented and add a CD reduction in the talents to make it worthwhile to spend the talent points (say 1 min untalented, 30 secs if talented).



Please post reactions to my suggestion and your own suggestions here, but refrain from b***ching as there is no point.

Edited by Daize
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simply buff the enrgy return to 5/10 from 1/2 will fix this talent.


another option would be to make it instant cast hot with 3sec duration that ticks /sec (like it is now but insant that is) and make it refresh the KP of the target (this would allow us to multi hot)

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simply buff the enrgy return to 5/10 from 1/2 will fix this talent.


another option would be to make it instant cast hot with 3sec duration that ticks /sec (like it is now but insant that is) and make it refresh the KP of the target (this would allow us to multi hot)


I think the second solution is a little too powerful. It would trivialize keeping HoT's up, and make Operative healers maybe a little too good. The first option definitely seems viable. Even doubling the effect from 1/2 to 2/4 would make a huge difference. It definitely doesn't give back enough energy in its current state...

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I think the second solution is a little too powerful. It would trivialize keeping HoT's up, and make Operative healers maybe a little too good. The first option definitely seems viable. Even doubling the effect from 1/2 to 2/4 would make a huge difference. It definitely doesn't give back enough energy in its current state...


2/4 would still be innefficient.


the thing is, that in NM modes and in 16mans we NEED to be able to heal spike damage. The only tool we have for this is injection.


casting our heal+injection is a 45energy loss within 3-4secs (depending on alacrity) and a single injection wont save the tank from spikes, it needs to be immidiatly followed by a second one.


this will drop us to ~40% energy. our ONLY tool to recover this energy atm is DS


so if DS had 5/10return, then it would allow us to spend 3secs to barely reach 60%energy again.


this "rotais" (ki+injection+ki+injection+DS) would still do similar HPS as the usual ki+sp spam but instead of it being steady it would be 6secs of burst followed by 3secs of close to 0 healing, which depending on bosses is NEEDED.


i dont count adrenaline rush as a viable way to regen energy cause spike damage in this game doesn't happen with 2min intervals, more like every 15-20secs or less depending on boss.

Edited by Shroudveil
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Our problems atm have nothing to do with energy management. If you have a problem with energy management, I am sorry to say it is you not the class. So I don't see why buffing the energy return would really make it any more tempting to use. We DO have problems healing in an emergency and at the same time spending 3 seconds on a heal that doesnt really heal is a no go.


Here is another suggestion I though of in the mean time that would reduce development time :

Keep the spell as is and just increase the heal component and add a buff to hots while it is being channeled then add a cool down timer. That way graphics/basic programming stays the same and you have just added a CD + a Hot buff.

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Our problems atm have nothing to do with energy management. If you have a problem with energy management, I am sorry to say it is you not the class. So I don't see why buffing the energy return would really make it any more tempting to use. We DO have problems healing in an emergency and at the same time spending 3 seconds on a heal that doesnt really heal is a no go.


Here is another suggestion I though of in the mean time that would reduce development time :

Keep the spell as is and just increase the heal component and add a buff to hots while it is being channeled then add a cool down timer. That way graphics/basic programming stays the same and you have just added a CD + a Hot buff.


the thing is that energy managment is directly tied to our emergency healing.


sure, i have np managing my energy when i don't have to burst heal with the infusion.


but in NMs you HAVE to cast this spell when spike damage occurs, simple as that.


now, i know i can keep a tank steady with probes running and using a ki+sp, but when a boss drops him to ~5-6k out of 20k+ within 2secs, my hots and the sp wont do.


at those moments i need to burst heal though ki+infusion+ki+infusion and then my regen is killed, it is for those times that DS was made imo, i dont need to heal for more after i have healed the spike. the hots+sp from procs and ds will keep him steady, at least for the 2.5sec that ds lasts, the problem is the original 15k+ hp gap i need to heal has already dropped me from 100% to ~45% energy, if i managed to be 60% whithin the 3secs of DS then spike damage would be ok.


this is for 16mans and NMs btw, in HM it is still ok (although everything we do, sorcs do better still...)




aslo it still seems to me that simply changing the values of 1/2 to 5/10 would be the most time efficient way to change it^^.

Edited by Shroudveil
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