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Fix respec costs


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My list was for pro dual spec or lowering cost of respec


People think that just because dual spec comes out you will never respec ever again...


For many guilds its they NEED people to fill multiple rolls or they just can't raid.

It is sinks* you will still have a huge up front cost AND no matter what people will still have to respec

I have multiple characters to 50 and? No developer should force you to level all 8 classes on a side to be effective at raiding and to ask that is asinine


This is a video game, no one needs anything, it is all wants. You don't need bug fixes, you don't need new content, you don't need new tier sets, you don't need anything


Actually, right now we do need something: getting the bugs and glitches fixed. People are demanding something that isn't needed right now, or maybe ever, while ignoring the long list of stuff that needs to be addressed that, quite simply, is more important.

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Deal with it? lolz... you really are your own "special little snowflake" aren't you? :) You and the rest of your WoW ez-moders are the problem with MMO's today. Perhaps you should get off your high-chair and "deal with it" yourself?


Some of us actually prefer to meet/group with others when we play; if we need a healer for something, we FIND one. If we need dps, we FIND one.


Judging from your attitude, this could be difficult for you though. I know you wouldn't last 2 minutes in a group with me before I kicked you as a result of it.


Have a nice day. :)


Ok there gramps. You rally for making the game as tedious as possible. Maybe start a petition to remove mounts? Running everywhere is how MMOs SHOULD be.


What's funny is, all these old dinks are going to pay the dual spec fee when it is eventually implemented.

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Not having dual spec is hardly the same as removing mounts. Dual spec is a very munchkin like concept. People want to tank, but they don't really want to tank. They want to heal but they don't really want to heal.


Hey, we can go back to the really difficult days of MMOs, where the only healers were all priestly types that only had a stick to hit people over the head with for damage. But no, that really won't do.


I am indeed against dual speccing. It was necessary back in the early days of WoW, when tanks and healers really couldn't muster the damage to kill an ant. The healing and Tank specs in this game these days deal more than sufficient damage to make farming not an effort in futility and frustration. Being able to solo with a tank or a DPS companion while heal specced will also have the very happy side effect of creating better healers. That is, if you really do take the role of healer seriously. Same thing with a tank with a DPS or healing companion.


No, there is no need to Change specs or even roles, every time you change your current activity.

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Actually, right now we do need something: getting the bugs and glitches fixed. People are demanding something that isn't needed right now, or maybe ever, while ignoring the long list of stuff that needs to be addressed that, quite simply, is more important.


That is a want. YOU WANT those bugs and glitches fixed. I have no issue with any bug or glitch in game. Every game is going to have bugs and glitches (including WOW! OMG).

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AND BOOYAH to all of you saying they aren't planning dual spec


from todays Q/A (but it has been said prior)


Daniel Erickson: We have no plans for switching advanced classes - which we see as fundamentally different class designs- but dual spec is in the works and coming soon.



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Dual spec is just another limited band aid. Why not immediately get rid of respec and add the option to change spec all the time in your skill trees, with an option to save templates? Within the chosen advanced class of course. That way you get a lot more out of your class and it saves a lot of LFG trouble.


And no I dont want an instant lvl50 button or to receive free credits just for logging in. I just opt for more variety in gameplay.

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Really... :rolleyes:


I leveled as a healer. I do dailies now as a healer and FPs as a healer. I have no problem doing any solo or group content as a healer, in fact I would definately say that leveling as a healer has actually made me much at it then I would have otherwise been. Don't pretend it's undoable just because you can't do it or don't want to, Bioware said it was a perfectly legitimate way of playing and they were right.


If I say I want to start doing DPS for solo and healing for groups then guess what, I have to pay for it because it's my choice.


IF what you said is true then why has biowar just announced duel spec. O.o burned and what does "say that leveling as a healer has actually made me much at it the..." much what?

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IF what you said is true then why has biowar just announced duel spec. O.o burned and what does "say that leveling as a healer has actually made me much at it the..." much what?


Do not be too harsh towards the people from Europe while they bring forth their views on game play issues... Even while lacking in the subtlety of the English language they demonstrate a wisdom seldom found on your peers who are more concerned on the me-me-me aspect of the game than actually making it better as a whole.

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That is a want. YOU WANT those bugs and glitches fixed. I have no issue with any bug or glitch in game. Every game is going to have bugs and glitches (including WOW! OMG).


No, getting bugs and glitches fixed is a need. Dual spec falls under want. One is necessary, the other is not.


AND BOOYAH to all of you saying they aren't planning dual spec


No one ever said they were or were not planning it. They said it wasn't needed. There is a difference.

Edited by terminova
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Do not be too harsh towards the people from Europe while they bring forth their views on game play issues... Even while lacking in the subtlety of the English language they demonstrate a wisdom seldom found on your peers who are more concerned on the me-me-me aspect of the game than actually making it better as a whole.


I was just asking what he or you were trying to say and everyone is concerned with themselves, that is just how we are. I just don't understand if LFG, Duel spec, ets isn't something you like, then don't use it. It doesn't hinder you in any whay unless someone whants something taken away from the game's current feature, I don't see why they should be against it, if you don't like it, don't use it, simple. I don't like Gamestop you don't see me running around town telling everyone if we add Gamestop to our city its going to ruin the community. (and no choice matters argument doesn't count)English is my second language and trust me I make lots of errors too.

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A lot of people said bw said they will never add duel spec because it kills choice, same with cross server pvp.


I think you're reading something into what they said that isn't there.


I was just asking what he or you were trying to say and everyone is concerned with themselves, that is just how we are. I just don't understand if LFG, Duel spec, ets isn't something you like, then don't use it. It doesn't hinder you in any whay unless someone whants something taken away from the game's current feature, I don't see why they should be against it, if you don't like it, don't use it, simple. I don't like Gamestop you don't see me running around town telling everyone if we add Gamestop to our city its going to ruin the community. (and no choice matters argument doesn't count)English is my second language and trust me I make lots of errors too.


When something is added to the game it affects you whether you do or do not use it. Some would rather it not be added and avoid it negatively affecting them than it be added and it negatively affecting them. In the case of dual spec it becomes part of the min/max mindset.

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No, getting bugs and glitches fixed is a need. Dual spec falls under want. One is necessary, the other is not.




No one ever said they were or were not planning it. They said it wasn't needed. There is a difference.


Bug fixes is a want lol. EVERY GAME is going to have bugs. Nothing is preventing you from playing the game. Dual spec and everything else in this game is a want. The whole game itself, is a want.


They never said it wasn't needed. They have said constantly for months its on the list to be developed soon.

Edited by SinisterSniper
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"Also, people who flipflop between healers and DPS tend to make crappy healers."


load of rubbish. let me amend this for you.


people who flipflop between healers and DPS tend to make better players.


the more you play different roles of your character the more you learn how to play them to thier full potential. maybe the first couple of times while you are learning a role you will slip up, but this is no different from any other learnign process. learning to play a role (pretty much any role) in this game (or indeed any ither MMO) is not difficult.

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IF what you said is true then why has biowar just announced duel spec. O.o burned and what does "say that leveling as a healer has actually made me much better at it the..." much what?


Perhaps it's because of the difficulty of dpsers to find groups (note that they're also talking about lfg tool also). Perhaps it's for the pvpers, I'm glad for them actuallly. It's not because of tanks and healers having difficulty leveling in their prefered role, this is not wow where that really was a pain in the arse. If that's the case dual spec should be available at level 10, right? We'll see if that happens.


And the missing word you were looking for is 'better', but I'm sure you already knew that. :rolleyes:

Edited by Englefield
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If you want to do both, then find a way to do it. Our world is filled with inventions derived from a similar sort of "need" (and I use the word need very loosely here).


My point is if you can successfully hybridize you will get better with your class, by getting rid of unnecessary talents. When you do a full spec either way, you don't realize how some talents can easily be missed, since you have more than enough skill points to go around.


The challenge, and for me, the fun, is in optimizing a build to its peak, which I would define (in your case) as being able to dps close to average, and heal close to average. Hopefully superior skill makes up the rest.


And on a theoretical basis, your doing more damage lowers the amount of damage your opponent is doing because he dies faster. I am not familiar with your class, but say for instance you could give up 1 heal for 1 stun / interrupt that deals damage. If used properly, it would stop yourself or teammates from taking extra damage, thus eliminating the need for the heal, and gaining damage instead.

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