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Deserter Debuff


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Because of all the 'mature' responses, ie. 'I'll just go mess about and not do anything because I'm a little child who always gets his way, yay!,' I'm also in favor of not only a deserter debuff, but a vote kick option. You babies can go *cough* right off with that attitude..YOU'RE the ones who make PvP almost unbearable. I can't wait for BW to implement these changes so you guys can go shuffle off to the granola store while the mature PvPers can pwn face in peace.
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I stopped reading after this line in BOLD up there. You quit because you are a quitter. You think you are better than everyone else, reality is you probably suck. You prefer to blame everyone around you for the losing match, maybe you just cause it to be one.


Honestly, I hope to hell you never play on my server. Your leadership ability is total crap. If you were half as skilled as you thought you were you would be useful in teaching those less skilled than you.


Oh and NO, do NOT change the quest to 'I am lazy, I dont want to try, I just want to put in my 3 matches win or lose and get my ****'. Seriously, you want to log in and get your free gear in the mail so you dont even have to queue up? That next for you?


you don't understand the meaning of my argument.read the rest maybe?

like past the bold line?

its not about if someone is good or not. and i sure as hell never said i'm that good.

its about level brackets in 10s steps...i mean you know what those are, right?

10-20,21-30, 31-40,41-49. 50s only...


now why am i using this as key argument?

im aware every match can be won in theory regardless of the levels IF coordinated,

but lets be realistic.

do you really find it surprising that a team containing say level 38-49 literally steamrolls your rdm team full of levels 10-19s? like..seriously?

its not about being good or not. its about abilities.

the higher you are in level the more offensive and defensive abilities you have, it is as simple. thats why they should be seperated.


and after that?

yes,i'm all for the deserter buff. when the other team in the same lvl range is better than our team, so be it. then i give my best but have no reason to leave.

but until then? i will


i mean c'mon,is it that hard to understand?

Edited by Dekkard_TNGC
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you don't understand the meaning of my argument.read the rest maybe?

like past the bold line?

its not about if someone is good or not. and i sure as hell never said i'm that good.

its about level brackets in 10s steps...i mean you know what those are, right?

10-20,21-30, 31-40,41-49. 50s only...


now why am i using this as key argument?

im aware every match can be won in theory regardless of the levels IF coordinated,

but lets be realistic.

do you really find it surprising that a team containing say level 38-49 literally steamrolls your rdm team full of levels 10-19s? like..seriously?

its not about being good or not. its about abilities.

the higher you are in level the more offensive and defensive abilities you have, it is as simple. thats why they should be seperated.


and after that?

yes,i'm all for the deserter buff. when the other team in the same lvl range is better than our team, so be it. then i give my best but have no reason to leave.

but until then? i will


i mean c'mon,is it that hard to understand?


You sound as green as your text.


You get pretty much all of your main abilities by level 30. Adding brackets for each set of ten levels would cause much longer queue times.


Besides, if you are entering warzones at 10-19 you will get a ton of xp and level up to very quickly even if you lose every match... because you get xp, money, and comms even if you lose. Heck, even when my team loses, I can easily get 6 medals or more, so why would I just throw those away?


If you are leaving the warzone when you are 10-49 so you can try to get into a match that is winning, you're just screwing yourself out of rewards. Why sit in a queue for 5 minutes when you can stick it out for 5 minutes and get something from it?


If you are leaving and queueing over and over until you end up in a game where your team is already winning... then that's just lazy.

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You sound as green as your text.


You get pretty much all of your main abilities by level 30. Adding brackets for each set of ten levels would cause much longer queue times.


Besides, if you are entering warzones at 10-19 you will get a ton of xp and level up to very quickly even if you lose every match... because you get xp, money, and comms even if you lose. Heck, even when my team loses, I can easily get 6 medals or more, so why would I just throw those away?


If you are leaving the warzone when you are 10-49 so you can try to get into a match that is winning, you're just screwing yourself out of rewards. Why sit in a queue for 5 minutes when you can stick it out for 5 minutes and get something from it?


If you are leaving and queueing over and over until you end up in a game where your team is already winning... then that's just lazy.


i did not say anything different than you i believe?


apart from the fact, that many people don't care for valor or coms much, while lvling.

they just want to finish their quest to lvl just a bit faster.

and if a huttball match is 3:0 after 5 minutes, it is highly unlikely that you will turn the wheel, and you know it.

and if i find, that im the only one in our team above 40 and find lvls 10s only?

then..and only then..i leave.

i don't blame players, but i do blame infact bioware.its their system.


and yes, it would make the waiting time longer, but would you not consider a match more fair this way? i would

Edited by Dekkard_TNGC
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edited my post,sorry about that.


and no, i dont leave it in pve to it ofc.

but then i dont quest with people 30 lvl below my own in my area..

Further proof that you have no grasp of the concept of how lower levels are "buffed" to be competitive in PVP warzones.
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No, because I can rez, start where I left off, keep plugging away and win. However, no amount of "plugging away" will win you that warzone if your team is terrible.




Sometimes, it depends on how far we are, how bad the group looks and what I think the chances of finishing are. Not sure why you think I or anyone else are obligated to stick it out in an obvious losing situation.




You don't get credit for the daily by losing continuously, and eventually you run out of time to get the daily done.




If we'd be better off moving to the next planet, then why queue for pvp in the first place? With your logic, we're better off not even doing warzones at all until we're done leveling because we're "better off" moving to the next planet.

At least by STAYING and FINISHING a losing warzones, you don't waste your time. You get the experience gain, and the valor gain of having done so, which helps you level. Abandoning the losing warzone (deserter), you get absolutely nothing. Do this enough times in a row, and the gain amounts to very little, or even less, in comparison if you had just stayed.
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i did not say anything different than you i believe?


apart from the fact, that many people don't care for valor or coms much, while lvling.

they just want to finish their quest to lvl just a bit faster.

and if a huttball match is 3:0 after 5 minutes, it is highly unlikely that you will turn the wheel, and you know it.

and if i find, that im the only one in our team above 40 and find lvls 10s only?

then..and only then..i leave.

i don't blame players, but i do blame infact bioware.its their system.


and yes, it would make the waiting time longer, but would you not consider a match more fair this way? i would


NO, I find your comments very nieve actually. Nobody cares about valor or coms much while leveling? Are you that short sited....really?


And if the score is less than 5 against, you can get that back in no time at all. I have been in several where we got down by 4 quick and came back in the last 3 minutes to win it in a 4-4 tie holding the ball. I guess if you quit all the time you probably never encountered this.


I've been down by 250 in Civil War and came back to win it with a final score of 5-0, but still a win. Again, if you quit all the time you probably never seen this.


The only match where it is hard to come back from a high deficit is Voidstar, but even that can be done if you are smart. It doesn't take but 2 min to run every door. It can be done, I've seen it.


As for the 10s tiers, stupid, really stupid. from level 20 to level 49 I was always in the top 4 on medals in every match. Maybe the difference is I never give up, never quit, never accept a loss until the match is over. Again though, I guess if you are a quitter you would never seen this.


Two to three good players, who never give up are worth 10 quitters no matter thier level or gear under 50. AND YOU KNOW IT!

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this does not count for matches below lvl 50, therefore it makes everything you said invalid
No, but for matches sub 50, the PRIMARY reason for doing warzones is to gain experience and valor, and commendations.


Leaving a warzone early sub 50 gains you absolutely nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nadda. Staying it out, win or lose, you still gain something.


Quitting early several times in a row, and you'll quickly see that you end up wasting far more time than if you had just stayed in the first place, win OR lose.

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BIO for the love of god and all this is pure in MMO gaming ....Please oh please make a deserter debuff of 30-60 mins


I am sick to death of all the weak minded non skilled morons that leave a WZ after one cap or one thing goes wrong ...and once they do its 5-8 and you no chance of catching up until its too late


FIX IT PLEASE I BEG you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:


this is a bad idea, the game in it's current state is was to buggy to add such a feature ): as i said in a similar thread, there are glitches that actually force you to leave the warzone you are in.


I once died and re spawned.. but i was unable to move :x /stuck did not really unstick me :o not even my sage friend could pull me out of whatever weird glitch i was in :| eventually i was removed from the warzone because the little buff on me told me i had to leave the protected spawn area in 20 seconds. but that was impossible to do, so it took me back to the fleet ):


until everything is fixed, lets try and leave these penalties out of the game (;

Edited by Jesseii
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No. Definitely not. With the long loading times in this game, if you come in an active game, chances are you'll get kicked because the door isn't open or it will auto kick you as your still loading.
If you're getting kicked because of loading times, then it's time you upgraded your computer and/or stopped using your neighbor's-across-the-street unsecured Wi-Fi.
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You sound as green as your text.


You get pretty much all of your main abilities by level 30. Adding brackets for each set of ten levels would cause much longer queue times.


Besides, if you are entering warzones at 10-19 you will get a ton of xp and level up to very quickly even if you lose every match... because you get xp, money, and comms even if you lose. Heck, even when my team loses, I can easily get 6 medals or more, so why would I just throw those away?


If you are leaving the warzone when you are 10-49 so you can try to get into a match that is winning, you're just screwing yourself out of rewards. Why sit in a queue for 5 minutes when you can stick it out for 5 minutes and get something from it?


If you are leaving and queueing over and over until you end up in a game where your team is already winning... then that's just lazy.

Thank you.


Someone else who knows how to talk sense in to these "green" folks who think the only way to gain anything in the sub-50 bracket is to win matches.


Losing them gains you quite a lot, too.

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No, but for matches sub 50, the PRIMARY reason for doing warzones is to gain experience and valor, and commendations.


Leaving a warzone early sub 50 gains you absolutely nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nadda. Staying it out, win or lose, you still gain something.


Quitting early several times in a row, and you'll quickly see that you end up wasting far more time than if you had just stayed in the first place, win OR lose.


you know the poster i was referring to ment bags,right?

and based on bags, its just untrue

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Further proof that you have no grasp of the concept of how lower levels are "buffed" to be competitive in PVP warzones.


and if you think that upping health to 11k and your basic dmg versus the abilities of a say lvl 48 makes you equal to him being lvl 14, then you should be the last person to talk about " grasping the concept of pvp warzones"

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and if you think that upping health to 11k and your basic dmg versus the abilities of a say lvl 48 makes you equal to him being lvl 14, then you should be the last person to talk about " grasping the concept of pvp warzones"

I know it does.


I was there...over a month ago, so I know what it was like. The gear/level disparity isn't a problem until you have to deal with level 50's who have the real PVP gear. Now stop with the, "woe is me attitude" and try harder.


edit: Also, quit leaving warzones early. You'll level up faster and you won't have to complain about this anymore.

Edited by Nangasaur
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As for the 10s tiers, stupid, really stupid. from level 20 to level 49 I was always in the top 4 on medals in every match. Maybe the difference is I never give up, never quit, never accept a loss until the match is over.

and what you want now? a cookie?


And if the score is less than 5 against, you can get that back in no time at all. I have been in several where we got down by 4 quick and came back in the last 3 minutes to win it in a 4-4 tie holding the ball


I've been down by 250 in Civil War and came back to win it with a final score of 5-0, but still a win


The only match where it is hard to come back from a high deficit is Voidstar, but even that can be done if you are smart. It doesn't take but 2 min to run every door.


yes sure.

and let me guess, when you play its the average case.

on a daily basis?

oh...no? why not?

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I know it does.


I was there...over a month ago, so I know what it was like. The gear/level disparity isn't a problem until you have to deal with level 50's who have the real PVP gear. Now stop with the, "woe is me attitude" and try harder.


don't need to.

i certainly won't argue with someone who believes he is equal being lvl 14 to a lvl 49 because his health and basis dmg got buffed :)

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don't need to.

i certainly won't argue with someone who believes he is equal being lvl 14 to a lvl 49 because his health and basis dmg got buffed :)

You act like YOUR team is the only one that faces this, "problem". News for you, both teams do.


Now to answer your point, I didn't say they were exactly, identically equal. Their stats are boosted to be competitive. I know. Because I killed PLENTY of level 40's and 50's when I was only level 20 in warzones.


It's not hard. Just play better.

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You act like YOUR team is the only one that faces this, "problem". News for you, both teams do.


i know, so why not avoid it?


Now to answer your point, I didn't say they were exactly, identically equal.


not even close..not even medium.

since you seem to try and be reasonable, would you like me to give you an example?

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15 minute debuff shouldnt be that big of a deal... i mean if you are in a WZ and someone comes to your door and you get a debuff because you get booted, is it really that big of a problem>


15 minutes would get my vote :D


a vote system would yield nothing more than griefing.

Edited by Autreki
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