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More upsetting: Waves or Queues?


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I have noticed that the threads have gone from:








Bioware really can not win this week.


Oh well, I'm stuck at work either way so I don't mind. :cool:


Just wanted to point that out.


I'll make this a poll, just because. Are you more upset about the wait or the queues?


Edit: When I can figure out where the option to add a poll went :confused:


Edit 2: For some reason there is no option to turn this thread into a poll anywhere I can see, so I guess just let this post die. Haha. :p

Edited by Zantoba
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Queues are.


Nothing like getting home from a hard day's work/mind-numbing day's school to want to sit down and unwind to... A 3 HOUR QUEUE!? I HAVE A RAID TONI...


Waves, if they eliminate that (seems they didn't,) are a better option in my book.

Edited by Fascion
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I would rather have waves. Can't stand queues.


Reason is, with the waves; I could wait for an email and do other things knowing I'm not getting in. With queues, I would go to my computer expecting to get in and wind up sitting there waiting while it takes up time I already specifically set aside to play.


Either way. I think both will be so minor eventually that it just wont matter any more.

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Complaining about queues is dumb.


Regardless of if waves continue or stop (and everyone is let in), sooner or later as more people get in, queues will happen at peak times. While I have not been a fan of the waves system, I agree with those that say you can't have it both ways.


Popular MMO's have queue's on some servers. If you are on a server with a queue, and don't like it, REROLL NOW while you have, at most, two days invested in the game.

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Of course I would much rather not have a chance to play the game rather than be in a que for a short time


The reality of this is I will be in a que even though I get to have late access so its lose/lose situation for some people.


Maybe a more acurate question would be would you rather have to wait in a que or let the fanboys have much earlier access than you?

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Again server queues are something that is easily dealt with, at a given number of accounts that have created toons in a server they just lock the server to avoid it from overflowing and in that way avoiding queues.. After these first few days of mayhem you just have to monitor server traffic to determine if the server needs more players or not... I've seen this happen in aion in wow in rift... I just dont understand how does BW do such a childs mistaque... ah well ill just paint some more space marines while i wait :D
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Why do people think the EGA is BW's fault. Everyone had an equal opportunity to pre-order the game in July. Crying now because you failed to commit in July simply shows a lack of maturity.


LOL, failed to commit, this is a product not a relationship, anyone who preorders with as little information as was available back in July is a credulous fool IMO.

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Queues are.


Nothing like getting home from a hard day's work/mind-numbing day's school to want to sit down and unwind to... A 3 HOUR QUEUE!? I HAVE A RAID TONI...


Waves, if they eliminate that (seems they didn't,) are a better option in my book.


72 hour queues are better than 3 hour queues?

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Considering my general play time is early AM like midnight to 8 AM had they allowed everyone to start as most MMO's The que times wouldnt have bothered me at all.


At least when i look at a que status I have inkling of how long before I get in, give or take.


With the system BioWare used they peed all over alot of customers. The ones that got in on the 13th got an entitlement, pure and simple. They decided to buy the game simply because it was Star Wars or bioWare. People wouldnt have been so irritated on the forums had they let everyone that bought a CE in the 13th as they where with the failed attempts by BioWare to justify the small numbers they were allowing in.


Stopping the waves at around noon everyday is an insult to peoples intelligence. Then adding servers last evening and not completing the Early release today says more about what BioWare thinks of customers than anything before.


Surely with the 5th wave today they have completed well over 90% of the pre-orders. Refusing those that purchased in late nov and Dec access is simply a statement by Bioware of saying, "WE told you nah nah nah"

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NEITHER ARE BAD.... Early access is a privledge, not a right. The launch date is the 20th, the game isn't even on shelves yet. Bunch of spoiled gamers. Just pretend that you can play on the launch date, like you're supposed to, then you'll feel better.


Bioware and EA are doing this their way because it's their business, stop telling them how to release a product. I could understand if you weren't able to access gameplay after or even on the release date, BUT IT'S 5 DAYS BEFORE!!!! Quit feeling entitled, and take your first world problems somewhere else.

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Waves are, at least with queues you have some knowledge of when you are getting in. If nothing else I can start it logging in, remote in with my iPad and then go spend time with the family until it lets me in. With waves I'm just sitting here going "Am I getting in or aren't I getting in", that and those in my guilds who bought earlier are ahead of me in levels so until I catch up we won't be playing together (and it has nothing to do with "if they were real friends" crap, they said "Hey if I get in I am playing my main regardless, if you are behind then you are behind"), I mean honestly at least if they let everyone in and I was behind because my guildmates chose to take 2 days off work and I didn't that would be one thing.
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LOL, failed to commit, this is a product not a relationship, anyone who preorders with as little information as was available back in July is a credulous fool IMO.


I'm a huge fool for putting up 5 bucks after they had put out hours of gameplay videos? Really? Do you realize there was an enormous amount of info out in July?

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Why is it dumb? We're not even at launch yet and the logon servers seem unable to cope with just the EA traffic. This is not a good sign.


This problem could have easily been avoided had BW created more servers and allowed for more people to go at once. This "cautious" route is just a marketing tool IMO.

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