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New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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*knock knock* hello? Any developers seriously reading this? How many more posts and new topics is it going to take before one of you actually takes note that we're not happy with this change and want it put back the way it was? I aint paying up for next month's subscription if this isn't changed soon.
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After spending an entire evening playing with this new cooldown effect I must say I really like it. I have to get used to it a bit but it is a lot better then what it was.

I understand why someone would take this opinion.


Global cooldowns are much easier to see (not that they needed improvement, but that's besides the point). They are now utterly, utterly blatant.


The problem is what that obviousness in GCD readiness sacrificed. If that sacrifice did not conflict with your play style, then more power to you. I mean, hell, for some people, turning SWTOR into turn-based fights would invite props from various players.


However, it's important to understand the issue from both sides here. All I'll say about that...

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Just wading in so they get a feel for how many people don't like this, with my opinion, and that is, it's horrible!


The original I didn't see a problem with, 2nd version I also had no problem with, although it was a little hard to tell when some abilities were ready depending on the colour and design of the graphic for the ability, but this latest iteration hurts my eyes.


To me the effect looks a bit like trying to view an LCD panel from outside it's viewing angle, and I keep wanting to move my head to see if I can see things better, and yes, it has a quality that I can't quite describe but makes my head hurt to concentrate on for a period of time.


My first use of it was actually in a Op, and it was only our 2nd time of trying a Hard Mode, so I had to concentrate hard anyway to keep everyone healed, and this new cooldown effect made that soooo much more stressful.

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*knock knock* hello? Any developers seriously reading this? How many more posts and new topics is it going to take before one of you actually takes note that we're not happy with this change and want it put back the way it was? I aint paying up for next month's subscription if this isn't changed soon.


This thread will reach 1000 posts, then they will open a new one.. then that one will reach 1000 posts, then they will open a new one.


Now.. with 2 million odd susbscribers, I would say we need to generate at least 1000 threads that contain 1000 posts each, combining a total of 1,000,000 posts.


You think they will listen then?

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*knock knock* hello? Any developers seriously reading this? How many more posts and new topics is it going to take before one of you actually takes note that we're not happy with this change and want it put back the way it was? I aint paying up for next month's subscription if this isn't changed soon.





I wont resub till its fixed either. I cannot even believe this change went live....Im in disbelief.

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I cannot stand the new system. I certainly don't have any input lag issues to complain about, thats great, but the greying out of abilities.... that makes it impossible to see what has proc'ed for use or is off CD ???? I can't believe how this was implemented.....it a huge step backwards. Please fix it.
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I'm not sure how to be more clear about it beyond the concrete example I gave.


If Static Barrier BECOMES ready to be queued, I can't know it until the global cool down effect is done.


I can expand on why this wasn't the case yesterday (as I did earlier but don't expect you to read crap that was pages ago; np), and why it is problematic, but I want to keep it short and too the point here.


Well then you're seeing something very different from what I am.


Using my sage's shield ability, targetted aoe, and pbaoe knockback ability with a valid shield target:


  • Trigger Force Armor, CD on Force Armor, GCD on all other abilities.

  • Queue Force Wave.

  • GCD ends.

  • Trigger Force Wave, CD on Force Armor and Force Wave (different timers), GCD on all other abilities.

  • GCD ends.

  • CD on Force Armor ends, target still invalid.

  • Trigger Force in Balance, CD on Force Wave and Force in Balance (different timers), GCD on all other abilities

  • GCD ends.

  • CD on Force in Balance ends.

  • Force Armor target becomes valid again.

  • CD on Force Wave ends.


All of that is easily visible, the gcd never visually impacting either ability while they are on their own cds, and force wave was queued during gcd with a single click and it still triggered fine. And I repeated it a few times with no issues just to be sure.


I really don't see the problem unless there is something different between my client and other players'. I realize it will take some getting used to for people used to what we had before the patch, but frankly, what we have now is demonstrably better.

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i hate this with a passion useally i like change, change = progression

progression = improvement and improvement =enjoyable game play

but this , this is horrbile either give us an option to change back or just revert back to how it was before completley


honestly if it dont change ill stop playing simple i know my view dont count for everyone and you probably not be bothered if i quit but i thought you should be given a reason why i quit the game

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*knock knock* hello? Any developers seriously reading this? How many more posts and new topics is it going to take before one of you actually takes note that we're not happy with this change and want it put back the way it was? I aint paying up for next month's subscription if this isn't changed soon.




It will take someone threatening a full-blown lawsuit over a seizure.


And it could happen, too. No seizure warning on box, and now this game has strobe effects that (in my trained medical opinion) are more than enough to cause a seizure in seizure-prone individuals.


I and dozens of healthy people are having headaches, dizziness, and nausea. Imagine what a mild epileptic will have.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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Epilepsy surely cannot be caused? It's a condition you have that leads to seizures?


Surely, in your medical opinion, it could cause a seizure?


Anyway, the new hotbar effect I think is bugged. I'm pretty sure that when I look at my characters gear, it's all on GCD!


Have they just made the background colour/shading default to disabled or what?


Full confidence this will be improved and resolved soon.

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CD on Force Armor ends, target still invalid.


How did you know the CD on Force Armor ended?


GCD ends.


Exactly, that's how you knew.


Hence my point. The GCD had to end for you to then know if the CD on Force Armor had also ended. If the GCD animation was still in progress, it would cover up the information that Force Armor was ready to queue .25 seconds before GCD.


You had to wait for GCD animation to finish before queuing Force Armor -- unless you were button mashing it in hopeful anticipation.


Therein lies the problem.

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Epilepsy surely cannot be caused? It's a condition you have that leads to seizures?


Surely, in your medical opinion, it could cause a seizure?


Anyway, the new hotbar effect I think is bugged. I'm pretty sure that when I look at my characters gear, it's all on GCD!


Have they just made the background colour/shading default to disabled or what?


Full confidence this will be improved and resolved soon.


I'm sorry, you are correct. I am multitasking and slipped up. I appreciate the notice on terminology.

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Reading this thread before I got on this morning, I thought there was a real issue. The only people this effects are clickers, or people who don't know their class.

You are supposed to be looking at the action, not your action bars...


You are wrong. I know a pure keyboarder that had to stop after an hour because of headache and burning eyes. True, he was unable to identify the issue exactly, and though it was generally improved brightness or something like it. The difference is that clickers immediately notice what is wrong, while others take a little longer.


Also, lose the arrogance. The only thing clickers are worse at is high-speed PvP. For everything else there is no difference. We have tested this in WoW using damage meters, combat log, etc.. What was noticeable though is that keyboarders _think_ they are better, but the facts say different. The only exception we found was the Rogue, because positioning is very critical for that class. What is also true is that _keyboarders_ will get worse when restricted to clicking. This is of course for experienced players only. Newbies will always be clickers, but them being worse players has nothing to do with that. For experienced players, it is a matter of taste and possibly ergonomics. And no, clicking does not necessarily have worse ergonomics, it depends a lot on the individual player.

Edited by Gweihir
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