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Marauder Buff = Nerf in Disguise


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I don' think the issue is wether or not this was a nerf or a buff.


the issue is the patch notes were clearly stating "it's a BUFF" when apparently it might not be.


no way to be sure though. playing an MMO without a combat log is AWESOME!!! I wonder why nobody ever thought of that before.

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I didn't do the math before I asked. Also, you do realize the nerf to the adrenal is 565 down to 475, not 535 (based on your linear assumption math, you don't). That said, it looks to me like you're stacking surge well past the point of diminishing returns. Maybe you should see what happens if you use an Attack adrenal instead of a Force adrenal.


I have. Crit/Surge are best stats for a marauder. I typically use Power Relic with Surge Adrenal for Max output because DR ****s surge at higher ratings and yes I'm aware that the difference is 565 down to 475.

90 rating is not even half a % at 97% which both 475 and 565 take you with Crit/Surge Relic and Surge Adrenal.

For the purpose of a stable variable I did these two also because I wanted to achieve 99 %+ surge rating to tell if the talent was giving a solid 30% as it states for the simplicity of mathematics.

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OP, it was because the class was already too strong. They still are ridiculous after patch. For you to get hyped up on a buff to your class should have resulted in laughter.


For such a good assassin you sure don't read well.


Let me say this as simple as possible so you can understand:


-I'm not QQ.

-I'm stating that they lied in patch notes by stating this was an increase in overall damage.

-It is in fact; a DECREASE in overall damage.


The end.


*grumbles about the stupidity and lack of common sense of retarded smart people*

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Isn't it funny that everyone is just saying "you're wrong" without giving any prove? Saying "my guildy said he's lying" is no prove. The OP at least gives us some numbers and we have various valid looking calculations in the post. They show pretty much that this was a stealth nerf.


Honestly, as I read the patch notes and the word "buff" and then I saw this.. Why would they buff our damage? Our damage is fine. We still lack some CC to counter everyone else playing huttball with us while we can just force charge in to get pushed back again and again.


Back on topic, this is a tiny nerf, BW lied to us (again), isn't it just fine? Why do people keep trolling instead of discussing or just keeping their mouth shut for once.

BW has to learn a lot (starting with writing proper patch notes, "x was changed to y" just sucks.)

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Doesn't surprise me, Failware nerfed Assassins for no reason, now they've stealth nerfed Marauders.


I guess next week's patch will be a stealth nerf to snipers, then the 3 weakest classes will be all nerfed.


Meanwhile tracer spammers go nerf-free.


Snipers are actually pretty decent. My cousin plays a gunslinger and is a beast. Just because a class is underplayed doesn't mean it's underpowered.

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Of course they are nerf-free.


It's hard to buff the intelligence of the player to line of sight, interrupt, straight dps down the merc.


Can't fix stupid.


Game is pretty buggy with LOS. Quite a few times I'm half way around a pillar and get hit by a cast that's ~75% done by the time I'm out of LOS. Happens on other players' screens so it's not just a disconnect from server and client side.


Unless talented, Vanguard interrupt(just for example) is 12 seconds, providing the Merc/Commando with 8 seconds of free casting.


It's not that they're really that OP, it's just it's such a low skill cap for high returns.


Just buff interrupts(would promote players to play better), and increase the skill required to pump out good DPS as a merc/commando.

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Doesn't surprise me, Failware nerfed Assassins for no reason, now they've stealth nerfed Marauders.


I guess next week's patch will be a stealth nerf to snipers, then the 3 weakest classes will be all nerfed.


Meanwhile tracer spammers go nerf-free.


kinda curious exactly what "nerf" they have hit assassin with? Referring to a previous patch I'm guessing?

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Don't ask me to show you the math because i don't know the forumulas they are using or analyzing my gear. All i know is my gear hasn't changed in weeks.


And before the patch my highest burn crits on sentinel were around 1000-1200


After patch my highest burn crits are 800-900.


Now supposedly if you stack the right stat you can make this patch give you higher crits than before the patch. But this was hardly a buff in damage. Just using the basic gear without mod swapping its a pure nerf to damage. And if stacking the gear properly gets you just a ever so slight buff to damage.


I mean i still do fine on my sentinel but don't lie and make all the other classes think we got some nice huge dps buff. Because for anyone who doesn't know how searing saber originally gave 30% base damage (which you don't mention in the patch notes) then all they see is the 11% dmg increase to plasma blades. Which will probably lead to a whole bunch of "Why did you buff marauder/sents so much?!?!"

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Of course they are nerf-free.


It's hard to buff the intelligence of the player to line of sight, interrupt, straight dps down the merc.


Can't fix stupid.


Yeah as melee I love fighting you from around the corner 25m away. You cant hit me I LoS.... wait I cant hit you either. damn it!


Also, now that everyone and their mom knows sorc and mercs (mirrors) are OP, untouched by nerfs and no word from devs on it, they all rerolled them. I can LoS the first 3, but the other 5 on top of the cat walks got me with tracer missile/grav shot spam...


what to do, what to do?


I know reroll merc and remove another class from the diversity pool. Eventually all these matches will become who can spam Grav shot/tracer missile fastest! Woohoo fun!

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well marauder on emp side is buffed dmg in annhilation is up massively to what it was althought b4 the update we wernt suffering form the bug that rep marauders were and seem to have been taking adavantage off.


if you think this isant wai then empire marauder need buffing to balance with its opposite but as it stands atm in ahhilation in both pve and pvp i do around 250k in full columi and littl less in full champ soi dont see an issue since b4 the update i was strugling to 200k in ahilation with the same kit.


and yes i know anhilation isant the pvp build but i dont like switching between specs just to pvp :p when i have to raid 5 nights a week


as for tracer missle/grav spam BH/troopers use your head you have a 4 second interupt for a reason.

Edited by Dataplague
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as for tracer missle/grav spam BH/troopers use your head you have a 4 second interupt for a reason.


Which makes them use rail shot or heatseeker or unload which does more damage than the Tracer Missile. So what is the reason for a 2.5 (Yes you share 1.5 seconds because of global cooldown) second lockout on a single skill?

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Seen absolutely no decrease in my performance on my sentinel after this patch. All the QQ is for naught imo.
Haven't seen any decrease of performance on my Marauder either. In fact, I did notice an overall DPS increase after my first WZ today, and was rather psyched.
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