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BUG: 1.1.2 2/7/12 Ilum - No credit for kills


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They increased the time until kills count again from 3 minutes to 5 minutes, this might be what you're seeing.


How about 3 hour cool down???


Ajunta Pall ha shad NO ONE on eithe raction able to get kills added to their quest for 3 hours... Probably longer as thats when I logged in.


All we have no is both factions driving in circles fighting for boxes.



We had an entire Ops vs an entire Ops to test the 3 min cool down thing and guess what... STILL NO KILLS!!!




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I got 62 kills yesterday. Intense fights over multiple bases. Republic holding several bases for over 45 minutes with close to two full ops.


Noticed you didnt get credit if you followed them all the way to their spawn to repeat kill them. But you did get credit if you wait in base and let them gather up for a new assault (which take a few minutes between assaults).


Killing targets while you are inside a base that you control yield 200% more valor, so one thing you want to do when assaulting a base is to take it over mid-fight to maximize your valor gain.


Owning all bases (the entire zone) give you 200 valor per kill AND killing a target inside a base you control would theoretically give you some 400 valor. I never got to test this yesterday since there was constant fighting over multiple bases at once, neither side having total control at any point.


So, for the first time in history of Ilum - fights were split over several bases. One of the biggest stand-offs was actually on the north base - NOT the center base. The lower spawn rate probably contribute to this.


Great job BW. Keep it up!

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i stopped getting kills approx. 18 hours ago

Hard to believe there is no post of an upcoming patch/fix for it yet.


18 hours holy crap... I havent received in in almost 12??? Bu ti had a few hours break...


But I agree BW are pretty much useless if they can't see this is an issue.


And the fact the so many clowns keep saying its the "3-5 min cool down timer". I dont know what alternate reality they are from but 3-5 mins doesnt equal HOURS!!!!!!!

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I went in yesterday evening and i didn't get a single kill on my quest out of maybe 10-15 kills....So I'd say it's a problem as well. This way i might as well skip that daily all togeather.

Didn't get any valor either.

Edited by Xzenthal
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I dont know whats going on with your server, but I was able to get over 150 kills in roughly two hours with the lag and crashes. Im on Dark Reaper. Matter of fact I just turned in my weekly like two hours ago.


i managed to get to 115 kills before they stopped counting, i then managed to sneak 2 or 3 armaments at the centre without the 300 sith noticing me, they counted, at least.

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As a matter of fact, Ilum was actually fun today. The turrets work which keeps the zerg away from the base. We managed to knock out the entire Imp forces at least three or four times. Many people on both sides were splitting off to battle it out on the control points, its the first time it felt like real war.
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As a matter of fact, Ilum was actually fun today. The turrets work which keeps the zerg away from the base. We managed to knock out the entire Imp forces at least three or four times. Many people on both sides were splitting off to battle it out on the control points, its the first time it felt like real war.


Yeah i agree. On Ajunta Pall Republicans came at us like a tidal wave... It was seriously a sea of red, unlike anything we had seen before. And for once WE were being camped at our base!


Was fun as hell!


Bu tnow 12 hours later Ilum is no longer working and both sides are stuck farming boxes rather than killing...


GG Bioware!!

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