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Done with my sin (PvP)


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Anyone else respec a bunch of times after patch? I've been looking for a solid alternative to 31 deception or tank spec and can't find anything. I'm at the point now where I'm experiencing massive class envy. Sent/Marauders are the kings of melee dps in this game and I don't see the reason for any premade to bring a deception/madness sin over sent/marauder. The cc/knockback is nice but you can get the same thing from more durable or ranged classes..


They've better pressure, survivability AND utility imo. Taunts were awesome when there was no graphic but against good teams you're a goner if you don't blow defensive cds (of which we have few).


I get that the devs don't want hybrid builds but 23/0/18 was the only solid sin spec besides 31point tank darkness imo. Deception is laughably fragile and one dimensional save taunts. Madness is useless. I've never been more disinterested in playing my main.


The changes to Raze and Induction are horrible because the devs didn't address why people speced that way in the first place. Deception is full of garbage talents, Madness doesn't synergize well at all with a melee dps class.


And our level 50 ability is lame.


/end rant

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whats your issue with the patch ? that your loosing Raze with 23/0/18 ? cause if thats your only issue then its just sad that, thats all that was needed to make you leave.


There are plenty of solid alternativs to 23/0/18

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whats your issue with the patch ? that your loosing Raze with 23/0/18 ? cause if thats your only issue then its just sad that, thats all that was needed to make you leave.


There are plenty of solid alternativs to 23/0/18


the only alternative is 23/1/17 but its inferior to my old build...and that'll probably get nerfed too. What really pisses me off is that there are so many other classes hybrid speced in pvp but their builds are untouched.


I just don't like the other trees for reasons I won't go into (again).


That's not why I've unsubbed though, simply the last straw. I made a pretty detailed post covering why I'm done (as a pvp player) here:


Edited by golfwang
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the only alternative is 23/1/17 but its inferior to my old build...and that'll probably get nerfed too. What really pisses me off is that there are so many other classes hybrid speced in pvp but their builds are untouched.


I just don't like the other trees for reasons I won't go into (again).


That's not why I've unsubbed though, simply the last straw. I made a pretty detailed post covering why I'm done (as a pvp player) here:



Ofc they dont touch others classes hybrid speccs, they dont like assassins thats why=)

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Meh, the class is still playable. The new 30 sec duration on Harnessed Darkness buff and how easy it is to get a full stack of it now, makes playing a Sin a bit better.


Though I'm pretty sure I'll refocus more on my PT and Marauder. Though Marauders are reporting that the "buff" they got actually nerfed their damage instead of increasing it. Haven't had a chance to test it myself.


And if you guys want a good laugh, having wins not count towards the daily in WZs? STILL not fixed! :D Yeap, that's right. Just did one game on my Sin this morning, real quick. We won. Victory. No credit... GG BW, GG.


Ofc they dont touch others classes hybrid speccs, they dont like assassins thats why=)


I just want to see the next patch notes. If they nerf the hybrids of some other class, then we'll know for sure that's what they're doing. Prime example is probably PTs, they have some very strong hybrids. But if they leave the other guys alone, that's bad news. Means every class probably has "the guy" in charge of it. And our guy looks to be a moron.

Edited by Sabbathius
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Meh, the class is still playable. The new 30 sec duration on Harnessed Darkness buff and how easy it is to get a full stack of it now, makes playing a Sin a bit better.


Though I'm pretty sure I'll refocus more on my PT and Marauder. Though Marauders are reporting that the "buff" they got actually nerfed their damage instead of increasing it. Haven't had a chance to test it myself.


And if you guys want a good laugh, having wins not count towards the daily in WZs? STILL not fixed! :D Yeap, that's right. Just did one game on my Sin this morning, real quick. We won. Victory. No credit... GG BW, GG.




I just want to see the next patch notes. If they nerf the hybrids of some other class, then we'll know for sure that's what they're doing. Prime example is probably PTs, they have some very strong hybrids. But if they leave the other guys alone, that's bad news. Means every class probably has "the guy" in charge of it. And our guy looks to be a moron.


BioWare has said: Some bugs, despite appearing simple are indeed quite difficult to fix. These bugs will require more time and effort to search through the code, find the error and correct it.


The daily bug is motherf****ng annoying, especially when your team usually seems to stick pencils in their noses and wear underwear on their heads. At least they are trying to fix it though!

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Frankly, if its beyond your ability to notice how much the Darkness and Madness (pure) builds have improved and how much less necessary the hybrids actually are... this class won't miss you.


I do have pity for Deception at the moment though.

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I just don't like the other trees for reasons I won't go into (again).


Really if you are choosing to not spec into something because you dont like it you really cannot complain that there is no good spec. With wither giving harnessed darkness the 31/0/10 spec is way better than pre patch. You pretty much open the fight with 2/3 stacks and can build them up very easily. I dont have a SS to back up these numbers but I played a civil war today and had:


450k dmg

40k protection

175k healing

17k objective


this was with 40+ kills and 3 deaths


Granted this was nonstop middle action the entire time but it shows that this spec can dish out damage while maintaining survivability.

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Really if you are choosing to not spec into something because you dont like it you really cannot complain that there is no good spec. With wither giving harnessed darkness the 31/0/10 spec is way better than pre patch. You pretty much open the fight with 2/3 stacks and can build them up very easily. I dont have a SS to back up these numbers but I played a civil war today and had:


450k dmg

40k protection

175k healing

17k objective


this was with 40+ kills and 3 deaths


Granted this was nonstop middle action the entire time but it shows that this spec can dish out damage while maintaining survivability.


I have never seen these numbers from a Sin ever. Whats ur gear?

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I have never seen these numbers from a Sin ever. Whats ur gear?


Just got a combo of stalker champ/cent gear today with focus off hand. These numbers are huge due to literally nonstop combat for the entire duration of the match (each team only had 1 node since no one could cap middle). Also had only three deaths so it was a lot of fighting. Wish I could have SS it for proof (tried print screen but its all black). Would use recklessness when I had energize up and used force lightning every time I had 3 harnessed darkness stacks. Ended WZ with 15 medals (10k from the 50k protection)

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Also would like to say that that match was the most inflated but is not a big outlier in how I have done today since patch. First match I played was 300k+ dmg voidstar and have had multiple since. Huttball is my least damage since with the 31/0/10 spec I am set to ball carry like a madman.


And since the first post I have tried out 10/0/31 madness and it too is viable with 300k+ dmg and hitting 75k heal medal on a good match. A little less survivability though and didnt try to ball carry.


They may have killed your hybrids but us assassins are still very viable in pvp

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I was playing a custom build in deception but using the dark charge + shield generator (i specced around surging charge). Surging charge was basically useless, it only took a little off my DPS but helped survivability a ton to use dark charge instead. All that surging charge did was add another nuke (discharge) which was OK, but 1) you dont have any force and all your skills cost way too much force so casting it in a rotation (non-situational) was not viable and 2) Discharge is next to pointless when your shock is buffed by all your procs and it can doubleproc giving you way more damage and by the time its off cooldown, you've probably gained 2 inductions and 2 VS so you can use it again. so shock > or = discharge so its almost unnecessary because then it would be pointless to build up VS and inductions only to use discharge instead. The only time you use it is when you build up a stack of the damage buff but even then thats one more thing to think about and half the time you have a full stack and it still does less damage than the shock that WAS OFF COOLDOWN.


This patch is beyond stupid. I was seriously just waiting for a buff because its quite obvious that we are the weakest class in warzones. I know this because I will prioritize killing shadows first because THEY ARE THE EASIEST TO KILL AND DO THE LEAST DAMAGE AND CANNOT HEAL/SHIELD.


now I can't hold enough force to go more than 4 attacks deep into a fight because of the huge nerf to the cost of shock via induction.


So, i respecced surging charge deception and even though I am mostly battlemaster gear, and I get dropped so fast its no longer fun to play this game. I need a battlemaster sorc following me around with heals to make things even interesting. I cant blame anyone for quitting because of this. Its completely obvious that bioware hates the assassin, mediocre dps, lowest armor in the game, no heals except for a low change, high cooldown 425 heal (whoopdeedoo). Meanwhile similarly geared marauders and powertechs are dealing 400 or even 500k in a match that I do 250k (dominating performance).


Why would anyone play assassin? Literally every other class is more powerful. They can just stand there and tank your hits, dont even have to move, and then either attack you once they heal to full health/shield or just wait for a friendly player to eliminate you with ease.


I've tried the darkness spec and its beyond boring. It takes all the skill/fun out of the class.

Ive dueled every single other class in my guild and I lose 90% of the time when I thought the description of assassin was that they are good in 1v1 fights?'


Marauder out DPS and has INSANNNEEE survivabiliy.... invisibility AND invincibility? Who came up with that.


A jugg will just outlast you and eventually kill you because you cant heal.


A sorc will shield themselves and healthemselves so you cant out DPS it because your dps sucks.


If you survive an operative's burst then you probably have 25% hp if youre in deception and by then its over unless you crit every hit.


A sniper who isnt shielded is toast but if they are then you can just forget about it.


A merc will just shield up and heal while kiting and shooting 3k tracer missiles into your face.


A powertech... well they just roll everyone there is no way to outdps their insane armor and DPS


The only hope is a jedi shadow.... I usually outgear them so I kill them pretty quickly, unless they are tank spec in which case I get double teamed and have to stealth out.


The assassin is NEVER the top of the leaderboard and even though I was having good games with my custom spec (31 in deception) I still never stood a chance against any of the good players (equal or higher gear) and even the weakest healers are an insane hassle because I do so quickly that if I cant break their shield within 3 seconds then I'm dead.



Edited by ScriptPro
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Anyone else respec a bunch of times after patch? I've been looking for a solid alternative to 31 deception or tank spec and can't find anything. I'm at the point now where I'm experiencing massive class envy. Sent/Marauders are the kings of melee dps in this game and I don't see the reason for any premade to bring a deception/madness sin over sent/marauder. The cc/knockback is nice but you can get the same thing from more durable or ranged classes..


They've better pressure, survivability AND utility imo. Taunts were awesome when there was no graphic but against good teams you're a goner if you don't blow defensive cds (of which we have few).


I get that the devs don't want hybrid builds but 23/0/18 was the only solid sin spec besides 31point tank darkness imo. Deception is laughably fragile and one dimensional save taunts. Madness is useless. I've never been more disinterested in playing my main.


The changes to Raze and Induction are horrible because the devs didn't address why people speced that way in the first place. Deception is full of garbage talents, Madness doesn't synergize well at all with a melee dps class.


And our level 50 ability is lame.


/end rant


Agree, our class sucks hard now. Yep, i just played warzones, and i still own, but it is ****in BORING to play, with hybrid spec i had instant whirlwind, raze procs, and deathfield, thats 2 attack buttons more to presh. Now i specced 27/3/12, trying to have mauls in my rotation when it procs, so i have an additional attack button to press, and u know.. could be fun if maul could so some dmg, it is ****in pathetic that i do more dmg with a TRASH!!! not needed of proc, not back requierement...


So i end spamming trash and shock... then force lighting, that 50% of em are interrupted even if they cant rupt u, knockback... targets out of LoS, jump backwards, stuns, a lot of things are breaking my 3 charged lightning.. Yes, i know, i just need to use it wisely, but even using it at it is fullest, it isnt a real good skill for a melee.


Givf me back my raze, i was having a lot of fun! my class was PERFECT, ENJOYABLE, i didnt need alters! i was even thinking on making a Shadow on my server, and have fun leveling again my class..


2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 5, IMBA ROTATION!! (sumth like that, depends of energize procs)




No, imnot gonna spec WIther and lose my trash dmg, just to have more stupid force lightning spam that roots me while the target runs, it isnt a real good melee skill, it just isnt..


Madness got improved, but come on, it is a stupid spec.. a melee with light armor that kills with dots :o.

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7/3/31. Always touted this as the best non-tank pvp spec, even before patch. It's playstyle is a lot more difficult/different compared to others, but played well you'll do a **** ton of damage. Only class that gives me issues is warriors, the rest are fair game. Haven't logged in since patch, but I imagine it's even stronger now. Edited by Plexxx
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7/3/31. Always touted this as the best non-tank pvp spec, even before patch. It's playstyle is a lot more difficult/different compared to others, but played well you'll do a **** ton of damage. Only class that gives me issues is warriors, the rest are fair game. Haven't logged in since patch, but I imagine it's even stronger now.


Been trying this tonight and for the life of me I can't figure out WHY.....


So my thrash will crit for 1200+1200, now lets look at the rest. ....


Any DoT.... not worth it since it takes 18 seconds to do what a thrash will do. Why use them when I can get the same damage in a single gcd?


Death field.... slightly more dmg than thrash in aoe form


Maul... slightly more damage IF the proc is up. Time spent trying to position is better spent doing two thrashes.


At least deception specs get some good spike damage. Darkness specs get massive utility and survivability.


If you compare 4 gcd's for applying DF, creeping terror, discharge, crushing darkness... any other class could have used those 4 gcd's to put out 8-15k damage to you...


There are some people on these forums that, at this point, I have to wonder if they work for Bioware as forum cheerleaders or only fight horrible pvp'ers.


Equally geared/skilled there is no reason another class should lose to an assassin at this point. Ending hybrids makes it worse since we can no longer make up for deficiencies with our spec.


This game is for BH/Troopers and that is becoming more and more apparent as time goes on.

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Been trying this tonight and for the life of me I can't figure out WHY.....


So my thrash will crit for 1200+1200, now lets look at the rest. ....


Any DoT.... not worth it since it takes 18 seconds to do what a thrash will do. Why use them when I can get the same damage in a single gcd?


Death field.... slightly more dmg than thrash in aoe form


Maul... slightly more damage IF the proc is up. Time spent trying to position is better spent doing two thrashes.


At least deception specs get some good spike damage. Darkness specs get massive utility and survivability.


If you compare 4 gcd's for applying DF, creeping terror, discharge, crushing darkness... any other class could have used those 4 gcd's to put out 8-15k damage to you...


There are some people on these forums that, at this point, I have to wonder if they work for Bioware as forum cheerleaders or only fight horrible pvp'ers.


Equally geared/skilled there is no reason another class should lose to an assassin at this point. Ending hybrids makes it worse since we can no longer make up for deficiencies with our spec.


This game is for BH/Troopers and that is becoming more and more apparent as time goes on.


I agree. If I maintain a ToR sub at all, I won't be playing this class. Sents are just everything I wish my Sin was. :(


Viable Dps.

Edited by golfwang
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Been trying this tonight and for the life of me I can't figure out WHY.....


So my thrash will crit for 1200+1200, now lets look at the rest. ....


Any DoT.... not worth it since it takes 18 seconds to do what a thrash will do. Why use them when I can get the same damage in a single gcd?


Death field.... slightly more dmg than thrash in aoe form


Maul... slightly more damage IF the proc is up. Time spent trying to position is better spent doing two thrashes.


At least deception specs get some good spike damage. Darkness specs get massive utility and survivability.


If you compare 4 gcd's for applying DF, creeping terror, discharge, crushing darkness... any other class could have used those 4 gcd's to put out 8-15k damage to you...


There are some people on these forums that, at this point, I have to wonder if they work for Bioware as forum cheerleaders or only fight horrible pvp'ers.


Equally geared/skilled there is no reason another class should lose to an assassin at this point. Ending hybrids makes it worse since we can no longer make up for deficiencies with our spec.


This game is for BH/Troopers and that is becoming more and more apparent as time goes on.


Not gonna waste my breath refuting all your points, so I'll simply say; you're doing it wrong. Like I said, it's a different playstyle, but it's still amazing.

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Not gonna waste my breath refuting all your points, so I'll simply say; you're doing it wrong. Like I said, it's a different playstyle, but it's still amazing.


No amount of "doing it right" will make up for the fact that every class does it better.


I've played madness for a few hours and it's not horrible. It can pump out damage a la deception (averaged 500k in warzones) but it still lacks utility/overall survivability.


What's the point in bringing them in a premade over sents/marauders? None really.

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Not gonna waste my breath refuting all your points, so I'll simply say; you're doing it wrong. Like I said, it's a different playstyle, but it's still amazing.


If you're getting kills with madness it is because you are fighting someone bad at their class or because they are ignoring you to fight someone else.


Please explain yourself or don't post. I took the time to explain my points, that dots are so weak simply using a base ability matches the damage... explain how it isn't......

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The only way an assassin in light armor could survive in a warzone was and is with dark charge. We have no heals and no disables if deception.


On the other hand, operatives have stealth AND heals and their burst is higher than sins and their base survivability is way better.


Why cant we just use dark charge in the dps tree. Its the only thing that makes sense (and isnt terribly boring) OR change the dps tree to have better pvp survivability. I honestly think I'd be on par with everyone else if activating surging charge gave me +300 expertise because even at 600exp I get downed in seconds as I panic to hit the stealth key if more than 1 person targets me at a time.


When I spec darkness the game is sooo boring. Sure I get medals but thats it. I do mediocre damage, I am a mediocre tank, and I can stealth. I just run around casting "wither" and pulling people to me, which is right where they want to be so they can kill me.


I'm pretty sure I quit after this patch. I was expecting them to increase the base armor rating of our gear, not do this bs.


I'll level my BH because it seems like premades of troopers win every WZ in my server. I once had 6 troopers on the other team and it was like a firing squad at the voidstar door. 3k+ grav rounds? What skill of mine hits that high? Oh right, none. My highest hit is consistently around 3.3k full dps spec. Thats messed up. Yet I get wasted by a ranged healing class in seconds before I can get close enough (they reveal stealth btw).

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