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101 Things You NEVER Want to Hear In SWTOR


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from the devs:


Okay, new player poll!

Which of the following three races would you rather have in the game?


☼ Ewok

☼ Gungan

☼ Protocol Droid


We are weighing heavily in player's opinions on this, as a way of showing respect and appreciation to our Player base!

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"Hello sir, this is Corruscant security, we've detected an unusual item in your cargo hold, please land at the new orbital station."


"Go to Tython and ..."


"In preparation for the new player-owned star destroyers, we've increased the size of the spaceports"


"Messa your new ship droid replacement!"

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Not until level 17, actually, which means you can in theory get around 10 levels out of it.


In any case, if you were expecting mechanical advantages of some kind you were being completely unrealistic.


I think that the money paid for those items was far in excess of thier true value. A speeder in game is 8k. I had that from quests and selling grays before I was level 11. Everything else is just useless fluff. To the point that I would have exchanged my dde for the regular edition. You know that you can buy the crystal for 10 credits on fleet?? Soooo how does that make it cool??


I am not expecting a lightsaber of slaying, or armour of resistance to everything. It would, however, have been nice to have some utility from those items. Like maybe the Training droid that actually stays up till dismissed. Or a speeder that scales the speed with your level, or a unique crystal that scales with your level. As it is, I feel like having that stuff out just shows other people how stupid I was to give away a bunch of money.

Edited by Warjhinn
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" Looking for Love in Alderaan places..."


Lol, clever... :)


Yo mamma so dumb she kept saying "am not" to R2!!....


Genius!!! :D


From the devs:


"Following our groundbreaking new approach to space combat where you don't fly your own ship, we're making space combat even better. We've removed the need to fire. Your ship does it automatically for you now."

Edited by dazednconfuzed
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