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so when are we going to see an anti-afk debuff?


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im sorry, this will most likely come off as whining. im ecstatic that you guys have content lined up for the next 6 months. but you really need to fix your **** before you release more stuff.


i really apologize if i come off as pissed off but my patience is wearing thin. warzones are still bugged and not counting towards the daily/weekly. i could live with this if your last patch notes had not stated specifically that this was supposed to be fixed.


another huge problem i have right now is battleground jumping and afking in warzones. you have not put into place any anti-jumping debuffs and i would venture that AT LEAST half of my warzones start with my team being short 2-3 (sometimes even 5) people short. hell ive started matches that ended 30 seconds into the match because people left at the beginning and the ones that replaced them left as well because they thought it was a losing effort. is it really that hard to put a debuff on a player that elects to leave the warzone?


another issue i have is afk-ing inside a warzone. you guys did a decent job with forcing people to at least step outside the spawn points, i commend you for that. however its not enough. ive opened multiple tickets against people who have stepped inside these barriers and then stood there til the match ended. understandably these things take time to resolve as the sitution has to be evaluated but a week later i see the same person doing the same thing. keep in mind this is not a bot who heals himself over and over to pad his healing numbers, he literally had "zeros" across the board at the conclusion of the match.


again i apologize if this sounds like a qq post, i thoroughly enjoy the game but these little things are starting to wear on my patience

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What kind of debuff? What would be fair to those that abandon due to a probable loss and still not punnish those that have real life issues that come up and have to leave for a short time?


A short time lock out!like 20 minutes for example

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What kind of debuff? What would be fair to those that abandon due to a probable loss and still not punnish those that have real life issues that come up and have to leave for a short time?


yes i completely understand there are situations that arise that cause people to be disconnected and therefore unable to re-join the warzone. to be quite honest i think there should be a small grace period for people who have been disconnected.


i have been in a group with 2-3 friends that have received game errors or simply been disconnected due to their isp. unfortunately the circumstances of either result in them being removed from the ops group immediately.


im not calling/looking for a 45 min or hour debuff but something as simple as a 15-20 min debuff shouldnt be too much to ask for. i really am getting tired of losing a voidstar match because the match is starting with 8 imps against 4 republics and theyre planting the second bomb before the group fills up :(

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Tomorrow couldn't be soon enough. I think it is one of those features they know needs done but just need to do it. Kind of like /roll.


i really do hope that at the bare minimum the warzone bug is being fixed. this is something that has plagued this game since release.


i do completely understand that there are different departments fixing/creating different parts of the game, but you guys have got to fix some of these more annoying problems before you release new content

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I haven't seen too much of a problem with the afking in WZs. i mean i have seen a couple people do it. But most play or leave, not afk. Thats just wasting time has not acquiring at least 4+ medals or some mvp votes would make your gains from the match minimal. 0 medals and contributing to a team loss would be not even worth the time spent afk lol
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