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If you are 50 and a PvPer, why are you still here?


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your delusional as all hell. SWG was average at best from the get go. Horrible customer service,buggy as hell, broken combat, and professions, and no content what so ever. Similar to this game. SWG did get better with their content patches up until the cu and the nge.


Weren't it a content patches that killed it?


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I hate people with your "love it or shutup and get out" mentality. Really? does that add anything worthwhile to the thread? The game has serious issues and we WANT it to succeed but it has fallen way short. Don't YOU want the game to improve???


Well said...I bought game and 6 month sub so I too care and would like to see the "ground breaking pvp" BW promised.

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your delusional as all hell. SWG was average at best from the get go. Horrible customer service,buggy as hell, broken combat, and professions, and no content what so ever. Similar to this game. SWG did get better with their content patches up until the cu and the nge.


SWG had massive problems. The servers crashed on release day. Armor was worthless on release. Even with all the issues there was no real safe zones and you could raid practicaly anywhere..there were battles in cantinas. It gave users freedom to make their own fun. This game has massive restrictions that severly damage the ability to open world pvp. How many republic players did I see while leveling to 50? about a total of 5...did any of them want to fight? 2... Did I get anything for killing them? No. Did they come back to the same are to try their luck again? No. The game mechanics work against conflicts on worlds which makes for no fun. As a 50 I only go to 2 places the Imperial fleet where I sit in a queue for huttball or Ilum.....why go anywhere else? that makes for one dull game.

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I'm sticking around, because I know within a few months they will most likely add to the pvp area of the game and hopefully give us ranked warzones.


All you people that expect everything to be perfect less than two months from launch are really stretching. Have the same patience as people did when WoW released. Many features of that game were non existant, as well as many of the bugs were not worked out at launch either.


Roll a few toons to 50, go play something else and come back when they add the updates if the only other alternative is to gripe about it.


I used to think the same, I was there first week of vanilla but that almost 7 years ago. They had 1/8 of the budget these guys had and technology has come a very long way since then. These guys rushed the launch and were paying for a beta game ATM, alot of these problems should of been fixed at the BETA stage even know they were reported but nothing. They might have relaesed it early for something to do with there investors but as Blizzard said no one will remember if the game is launched late but they will remember if the game is great or not. Spose Blizzard is having the last laugh with a ton of peeps heading back to WOW.

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There are other things in this game besides PvP..


If you are playing this game for pve you should be disappointed too since the only difference between raiding in this game compared to wow is aesthetic, and the raid size. There is nothing groundbreaking in pvp as was promised by bioware, and it is hard to see anyone pvp on more than a casual basis since it is so dull. Warzone grind or illum arent promising options for end game. Either way riding out the 2 of my last 3 months leveling my alt, finally got skyrim so I doubt I'll be online very much at all unless they add some competitive pvp, and find some way to get real world pvp going.

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Soon as GW2 comes out and you see youre just as unsastified as every other game youll be QQing about that, you QQers have no place in mmos or anygame at that


I guess that would be true if it were true, but its not.


Anyway, I hadn't realized that so much interesting stuff is dropping in the next 2-4 months.


Which makes me question my sub (i only do 1month plans for new games because i'm a Vet and know better than to risk getting burned with a 3-6 month plan).


Tera, GW2, Secret World, are all right around the corner.... and D3 could drop tomorrow or in 20 years... but whenever it does it'll be big too.


And I have other games Multi and Single Player that I could use to fill my time... and not cost me a Sub. The current time i've invested is whats holding me back atm... and the off chance they do fix Ilum/Open World.


I also acknowledge part of the problem is the server imbalance that they can do little about currently... except by allowing transfers, which I just don't see them doing. But none of that makes me want to stick it out.

Edited by Kromzor
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Well, I am a guild leader and have a two month game time card on my account at the moment. I have a 46 Shadow, 41 Scoundrel, 19 Sage, and 14 Sentinel. I am so bored. I don't even feel there is a reason to hit 50. Why hit 50? So I can gear grind for a month before being able to PvP properly? Only reason I can see to hit 50 is to run stealth groups in Ilum, even then that will get boring pretty fast.


To be honest, I am just waiting on Guild Wars 2 at this point. So are a lot of people in my guild and pretty much all of my officers. We are a mostly PvP guild. TOR is just more of the same old stuff. It's WoW, but even less fun, which is sad.


Originally Posted by LeonkRAV

Soon as GW2 comes out and you see youre just as unsastified as every other game youll be QQing about that, you QQers have no place in mmos or anygame at that


Really? I played Ultima Online for 2 years, Asheron's Call for 4 years, DAoC for 2 years, and WoW on and off for 7 years (beta), as well as a few others I played for shorter periods of time. TOR can't hold my attention longer than a couple months. Guild Wars 2 is doing something different with the genre. They are breathing life into something that is becoming stale. They are recreating a RvR system, they are making a dynamic event driven leveling system (not questing), they have a global economy with purchase orders, they have 20 known minigames so far (which have cool rewards), they have beautiful art style, they have a vibrant and colorful world (TOR looks washed out), and much more. Maybe you should research about a game before figuring people waiting on it are just "whiners".


Here, educate yourself.



Edited by Ashanor
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Should be obvious now that qq'ers and malcontents congregate on the forums


Except, that's not the case. Guild Wars 2 just looks amazing and a lot of people who are already becoming bored of TOR are taking notice, especially the PvP population.

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Have about 2 weeks left. Actually I log on for about 5 minutes and end up playing BF3 instead.


This game's always been a filler until GW2 came out. Sadly, it wasn't even enjoyable until GW2's release.


GW2 will have real PVP. The "hardcore PVP" crowd in this game is just a bunch of kids who sit at home all day and grind. No skill involved in the PVP.


PVP gear that gives a single stat that both reduces damage from and increases damage to other players is, was, and always will be one of the worst ideas in MMO history.


Real PVP is skill based, not gear based.

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Should be obvious now that qq'ers and malcontents congregate on the forums


I have never seen game forums w/this much QQ...there is something seriously wrong w/this game don't ya think?


Heck SWG forums after NGE were maybe not this negative. SWG at least even post NGE had the space game w/crafting that is a heck more than SWTOR has for enjoyment at end game.

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In a month or so after they expand on the pvp it'll be better then it already is, idk what you guys can possibly be hating on. I already love it but everyones complaints is no arena, no cross server ranking for players etc. That stuff will come in time, WoW didnt have any of this when it was launched so lets give swtor some breathing room and have patience for those things.


People need to stop saying this. WoW is not the only mmo, it came out in 2004. Its 2012, if you are trying to make a wow clone and you dont release with a full feature set then your game is going to fail.

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-It's fun.

-My Battlemaster title is too old now and I want the "War Hero," "Conqueror," etc titles.

-I like playing with/against people I know and building rivalries.

-Other games focus on an iron age past with elves, wizards, and magic--they might as well be Biblical fairy tales--and swtor is on a galactic scale.


I actually really enjoy the lvl 50 WZs and Ilum on my server. We have organized weekly faction wars, play attack/defend using the turrets at our bases, and are planning other events like 1v1 tournaments.


If you really need something to do and think that swtor pvp is boring:

-I highly recommend playing in WZs without any armor. It's hilarious, really difficult, and makes doing 250k+ dmg an accomplishment instead of a "really bad game." You can also try doing it with neither armor nor a weapon, but unless you're class has a weaponless attack like my Vanguard's "Gut" that may be a bit tricky.

-You could keep track of your voidstar/huttball/alderaan stats like fastest round won (voidstar attack), fastest huttball 6-0, and how many times you've won alderaan 600-0.

-Join the Republic side because we are always outnumbered.


It appears that a lot of the people who constantly complain about swtor lack the imagination necessary to make pvp fun. Even if you played counter-strike in CAL and traveled to CPL tournaments they were still the same maps over...and over...and over...The only game that constantly changes and has new maps/content is minecraft.

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PvP is trash. I am quite an accomplished pvper and from an objective stand point I can easily state that this pvp is amongst the least satisfying I have seen. I bought this game as a filler untill gw2 but it barely even lasted a month. Sad. Edited by JackMinn
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