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If you are 50 and a PvPer, why are you still here?


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Too many people sprinted to the lvl 50 finish line and now there is not that much to do. Why is this a surprise?


Because leveling in this game is fast. Because once you have completed your main story it is over. Because there is no real reason to explore the planets once you have all the datacrons. Because of those reasons & more, people are looking for stuff to do at 50 & it is lacking in that department at the moment.

Edited by SnakeBites
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Is the PvP perfect? not by a long shot. However, as someone who has been an avid PvPer since Ultima, to finding the holy grail of PvP MMO's which is DAoC IMO. I find this games start to be a few solidly non-idiotic patches from successful PvP, i have had a few early morning fights on Ilum that were not simply smash and grab 60vs10 zergs, where i found myself and my Ops group AJing and using terrain and strategy to win.


I don't like warzones, and i hate PvP gear, but the beauty of what BioWare has done is made the PvP gear pretty easily accesible... ultimately giving everyone the same playing field, does it need something to make the same classes more unique other than this cookie cutter build or that one? yes, but almost every game forth coming or in the last 10 years has/ and will have this same problem. The only thing i see differently is that BioWare at least acknowledges that these things need to be addressed and have all the resources to address them properly, to stack so much money in to this game then let it flop seems highly unlikely to me.


While others have lost their faith in BioWare so soon, i expect quality gaming to come from their patches and even more so expect that they will try to please their audience, will i hang on forever with my sub if they do not make an attempt? no, however they will never get the game exactly how i want it but i feel they can get it to be acceptable.

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Because leveling in this game is fast. Because once you have completed your main story it is over. Because of those reasons, people are looking for stuff to do at 50 & it is lacking in that department at the moment.


I wouldn't say lacking. Someone will say they have:


1. Datacron Easter egg hunt

2. PvE operations with various modes

3. World PvP

4. WZ PvP

5. Crafting

6. Space

7. Level another class


It is just that ALL of these things except 7 were implemented half-***, are mini games, and simply boring.


There is another game called WoW which does 1-6 100X better. For those that say SWTOR just released, why would I do 1-6 when another game does it better?


The real question is *** does SWTOR offer that another game doesn't do better???

Edited by darth_knine
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Waiting for gw2, warhammer and daoc too old to go back to.



DAOC might be old but its PvP game is still unmatched by any new game.


Not sure what you mean by word " old " . Graphics no worse then swtor.


Honestly I am very disappointed by BioMythic for owning such a great game


and yet come out with this.


I do not mind grind in PvE as long as there is good payout in PvP.


When PvP fails then everything feels like a waste of time.

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I'm not, but I got a 3-month sub....just checking back in every once in a while until I see a decent PvP patch.


Until then, I'm playing "The Secret World" beta...


I know you cant say much about it.. But can you tell me is it worth getting excited about?



As for the OP.


I went back to EVE, SWtoR is just a filler game between OPS. I don't take anything serious in this game. The story part is ok, and i just PVP for xp so i can ignore the rest of the crap quests. On my 50 i just do whatever i don't care if i get gear this week or next week or never it means nothing..

Edited by Razot
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In a month or so after they expand on the pvp it'll be better then it already is, idk what you guys can possibly be hating on. I already love it but everyones complaints is no arena, no cross server ranking for players etc. That stuff will come in time, WoW didnt have any of this when it was launched so lets give swtor some breathing room and have patience for those things.
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ok, so, the only thing I see wrong with the pvp at 50 is the balance... on ilum, the ratio of imperials to republics is like 4imps to like 1rep. I've been doin lvl 50 pvp on ilum for a couple days now, and its already starting to piss me off. I'll tell u what happens...


FIRST- I get an ops group goin, we got like 10ish ppl.

SECOND- We go around killin' imps as we go along

THIRD- we go to central cause we kno thts where all the imps are

FOURTH- we take central, later to find out tht the imps were able to come up with a MASSIVE ops group woth like 30 people in it

FIFTH- we get crushed, forced to hide in rep base and wait for them to leave

SIXTH- they leave, we leave, then the same thing happens over AGAIN


Theres also an imbalance in wzs too, bacause they crush us so easily on ilum, they are able to do the dailies in like 10 secs, thus, they get the battlemaster gear, making it twice as hard to kill them. whiler us republics barely get the daily done in like 3 days... Therefore, the imps are able to crush us in wzs because of the really good gear tht they have, compared to ours.


othere than tht, I LOVE THE GAME SO AWESOME :D

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Still here because I have about 2 weeks left on my subscription...what suckered me in? STAR WARS.


Hate that there is no real open world pvp...and could there ever even be open world pvp? if there are more than 30 people in one area the server lags...that looks like a fatal flaw in coding to me.

No choice in warzones, get huttball 9/10

Boring. I'm in full champ gear and have nothing to look forward to but battlemaster grinding which isn't fun....it's just that a grind and what happens when I get full battlemaster gear?

PvE? I've done them all and pretty much all on hardmode.

Roll another toon? no thanks.

Datacrons? I have them all even ones I didn't need and the +10 to all stats datacron.


Don't get me wrong this game has an amazing story driven leveling system that is great and enertaining...I actualy watched all of my story quests. Thats all it has sadly though and onece you pop 50 that is all gone and there is nothing to look forward to.

I played SWG from beta-jedi release.

WoW from open beta-litch king.

Both those games were more "fun" then this game is. This game has potential but failed. Will I come back later? Mabe but as it is now isn't worth a monthly subscription fee.


Still can't believe I wasted a /played time of 11days thinking it would get any better.:(

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In a month or so after they expand on the pvp it'll be better then it already is, idk what you guys can possibly be hating on. I already love it but everyones complaints is no arena, no cross server ranking for players etc. That stuff will come in time, WoW didnt have any of this when it was launched so lets give swtor some breathing room and have patience for those things.


I hate WZ WoW style PvP, I want world PvP, have you been to Ilum? You really find Huttball fun after 100 times? Voidstar and Alderan are still fun?


If you like mindless, skillless, grind pvp then I guess this game rocks.

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Still here because I have about 2 weeks left on my subscription...what suckered me in? STAR WARS.


Hate that there is no real open world pvp...and could there ever even be open world pvp? if there are more than 30 people in one area the server lags...that looks like a fatal flaw in coding to me.

No choice in warzones, get huttball 9/10

Boring. I'm in full champ gear and have nothing to look forward to but battlemaster grinding which isn't fun....it's just that a grind and what happens when I get full battlemaster gear?

PvE? I've done them all and pretty much all on hardmode.

Roll another toon? no thanks.

Datacrons? I have them all even ones I didn't need and the +10 to all stats datacron.


Don't get me wrong this game has an amazing story driven leveling system that is great and enertaining...I actualy watched all of my story quests. Thats all it has sadly though and onece you pop 50 that is all gone and there is nothing to look forward to.

I played SWG from beta-jedi release.

WoW from open beta-litch king.

Both those games were more "fun" then this game is. This game has potential but failed. Will I come back later? Mabe but as it is now isn't worth a monthly subscription fee.


Still can't believe I wasted a /played time of 11days thinking it would get any better.:(


I feel you, same boat! It could be worse, you could have payed for 6 month sub like me. Again Star Wars and thought that maybe game could be half as good as SWG suckered me in.

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I enjoy the PvP in WZ's, but thats probably only because I'm full battlemaster gear/2 piece rakata and q in with 3 other people with similar gear.


How is that fun? That is a slaughter fest and for you no challenge, I guarantee you will get bored soon...

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How is that fun? That is a slaughter fest and for you no challenge, I guarantee you will get bored soon...


We tend to run into other organized imperial groups that put up a decent fight about 20% of the time...the other 80% of the time we recieve the message "The warzone will end in 120 seconds".


I'm looking forward to the "rated wz's" in hopes there will be lots of killer matches there.

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I canceled but have a few months left, since I paid 6 month sub :(


What is your excuse?


Waiting on legacy, gonna do an alt for some PVE, endgame pvp is such a drag atm. Once I get invite to planetside 2 beta im gone. Unless bioware turns pvp around, but thats a big leap atm.

Edited by Erseneos
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Like pve? no thanks. Go for Datacrons, I have almost all of them.

I play Online Games for pvp. And in this game the pvp suck, I REALLY HOPE BW CHANGE THIS **** OR THE GAME WILL DIE FAST.

I know alot of ppl that play cos they pay 6 month, maybe BW have 1.3 millon subscribers now but if the thing continue like this by July or june this game will be dead


SO you think the game will die fast JUST BECAUSE you THINK its pvp sucks?


Sorry to burst your bubble but the MAJORITY of subs are here for the PVE not the PvP...


You can leave and it will not effect the majority of the players now isn't that just a kick in the rear?

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wrong, swg was great from the start, it got worse after soe added more content (cu, nge)


your delusional as all hell. SWG was average at best from the get go. Horrible customer service,buggy as hell, broken combat, and professions, and no content what so ever. Similar to this game. SWG did get better with their content patches up until the cu and the nge.

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I must admit, end game is very limited.


WZ's - Bugs, cheats and exploits

Raids - bugs and a little boring after a while

Ilum - just utter crap

crafting - nerf ALL the things

space - just a mini game that i was over with in a few days

Leveling a new toon is the only thing keeping me in game atm till my sub is up.


I find this game has nothing to offer for the single player at end game., its been less than 2 months and im board.

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If you canceled why do you care what we think? Why are YOU still here?


I hate people with your "love it or shutup and get out" mentality. Really? does that add anything worthwhile to the thread? The game has serious issues and we WANT it to succeed but it has fallen way short. Don't YOU want the game to improve???

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