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If you are 50 and a PvPer, why are you still here?


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There are other things in this game besides PvP..

Like pve? no thanks. Go for Datacrons, I have almost all of them.

I play Online Games for pvp. And in this game the pvp suck, I REALLY HOPE BW CHANGE THIS **** OR THE GAME WILL DIE FAST.

I know alot of ppl that play cos they pay 6 month, maybe BW have 1.3 millon subscribers now but if the thing continue like this by July or june this game will be dead

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I'm sticking around, because I know within a few months they will most likely add to the pvp area of the game and hopefully give us ranked warzones.


All you people that expect everything to be perfect less than two months from launch are really stretching. Have the same patience as people did when WoW released. Many features of that game were non existant, as well as many of the bugs were not worked out at launch either.


Roll a few toons to 50, go play something else and come back when they add the updates if the only other alternative is to gripe about it.

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SWG wasn't good for a while, i mean when it launched it had major issues, no mounts, speeders ect... no player cities...


everything that made SWG great came later....


wrong, swg was great from the start, it got worse after soe added more content (cu, nge)

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27 wzs today 4 wins as Imperials in the lvl 50 bracket, rng bag system.. 3x helmet, 2x Mh, 2x OH, 3x belt, 2x legs, 3x implant.. rank 55 and still miss atleast 4 pieces of pvp gear, cuz i keep getting dublicates... why i stay??? Tbh i dont know anymore..
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Still having fun. leveling other toons to see how they play and hope that the pvp improves. I am still working toward BM as I was not 50 when the node farming was going on. Trying new builds etc.


All games have issues. It took WOW months if not longer to work out many of their issues.


BW is encouraging you to roll up new toons.


The 10-49 pvp is probably the most balanced. Too many people sprinted to the lvl 50 finish line and now there is not that much to do. Why is this a surprise?

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I'm not, but I got a 3-month sub....just checking back in every once in a while until I see a decent PvP patch.


Until then, I'm playing "The Secret World" beta...


How is secret world? I signed up for beta but no invite yet. That game looks promising simply because it has some sandbox elements like no classes / skill trees and isn't WoW in a new skin.

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