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Over-powered players on PVE servers?


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I noticed a few players in a particular guild on my server (not to mention any names), and they have all pink armor with pink mods that say level 52 or 53. They also have a lot of pvp equipment and health around 22K. One thing i notice is they sit by the glactic trade network on the fleet and just wait for anything worth buying and buy it. It gets hard for us "normal" players to buy anything now days. And they also jack up the prices on things.


My question is why are they so over powered on a PVE server? Should've they be on PVP ones? Im sure who ever comes across them in PVP get's killed easily. What's the fun in that for them?

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I noticed a few players in a particular guild on my server (not to mention any names), and they have all pink armor with pink mods that say level 52 or 53. They also have a lot of pvp equipment and health around 22K. One thing i notice is they sit by the glactic trade network on the fleet and just wait for anything worth buying and buy it. It gets hard for us "normal" players to buy anything now days. And they also jack up the prices on things.


My question is why are they so over powered on a PVE server? Should've they be on PVP ones? Im sure who ever comes across them in PVP get's killed easily. What's the fun in that for them?


I'm dazzled.

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I don't mean to rip into you but it's going to sound like I am.


This is a major problem with this game right now. So many people are playing this game as a Co-op KoToR 3 and have never played MMO's before. They expect to have everything handed to them like in single play games.


They see geared players? OMG their OP. This is unfair. BW you better make it so I can buy epics off the AH and not have to do a damn thing for them so it will be fair.


This game is already very easy to level to 50 and relatively easy to get geared yet we have people like OP (I'm sorry I'm singling you out to make a greater point) that want things to be even easier!


You do make a good point that there is nothing good to buy on the GTN at 50 though. The economy in this game is very unstable right now but there are some good items you can find on the GTN at 50.


If you want the same gear as the players in the guild you saw, you need to PvP for the PvP gear they had or PvE for the PvE gear they had. Asking the dev's to hand you epics will just cause people to rant and rave (Like I'm doing now)

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In every game -- MMO or single-player makes no difference -- there are people obsessed with getting the best gear. While they're hanging around the auction block afraid of not getting the best deal, I'm playing the game, improving my skill and learning a lot from better players. I like it that way.
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I tried to post a logical response to this but was laughing too hard.


You sound like the people who are angry because so-and-so just bought a Jag.


If you play the game 2 hours a day for 3 days a week, why should you be expected to be competitive with someone playing 6 hours a day every day?


Quick! Tell him about the glories of STORY!!!!

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