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Finally got my Merc Healer fully specced


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So I remember there was a point when I wanted my Merc to be a significant healer and couldn't get him there. After maxing out (mostly) the bodyguard class, and dropping a few in arsenal....I'm finally there. With critical chances I'm healing at most 3k to 4.5k each heal. Woooooohooooo :)



Sadly though....in a one on one fight, I'm losing big time. I have to rely heavily on my heals which is understandable because I focused on that. But it's not the way I wanted it to be. I'm really thinking of abandoning all my hard work to go with a more damaging spec tree.


I wish I could keep my healer class and still hold my own in a fire fight. I know this is probably to be expected, since I'm a support class, but I find that in war zones, I mostly have to fend for myself. I'm almost always top healer in the WZ but my k/d ratio isn't that great compared to other classes.



I'd like opinions from other Merc healers, or tips. Also some advice from other BH specs. What do you guys think?

Edited by jonamir
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So, im pyro spec so I can't speak from personal experience. However, ive been seeing some people go hybrid spec. They go deep enough in arsenal to get tracer missile and such, but then dump the rest in bodyguard. You still have to heal your arse off, but at least you can dish out the damage with tracer and railshots if needed.


Don't have an exact spec, but I'm sure someone around here will post one.

Edited by Zombifikation
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Consider this... if you were speced to maximize your heals and had enough damage to keep up with a dps-spec, wouldn't that be overpowered?


You shouldn't be winning 1-1 fights with only your dps. You have to hit and run, kite and heal, and slowly wear your opponent down over time. But the problem is, there are so many leaps, pulls, stuns, etc in the game that it's really hard to kite. But going full heal spec, you get an extra instant cast heal that can help, esp with the 4-pc bonus that cuts its cd down.


But alas, I feel your pain. When healing in pvp, I generally am in trouble when pushed, pulled, knocked away, etc to where I'm alone versus another player. There are just too many stuns in pvp to be able to heal and kite.

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Personally im running with 25/16/0 and loving it, being able to actually do some dmg aswell as having quite decent healing.

(with this i can troll around the WZ like it seems like all the DPS' are doing, and actually play objective and do something for my team if i feel like it! not to mention its alot easier to get medals with this than pure bodyguard)


oh and also, seeing as (atleast it seems that way to me) we dont have very much mobility and escapability, try to position yourself so people dont notice you so easily, will keep you alive alot longer.

surge relic is nice for medals ;)

Edited by Cohutla
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I'm a level 50 healer spec. The question is, why are you getting into 1v1 fights? If you are in a warzone you should be hiding in the back healing point defenders / attackers, healing the ball runner in hutball, healing front line people in ilum. I think a lot of people in wazones foolishly fight for no strategic reason. How is your 1 on 1 fight aiding the win?


We aren't meat to be fighters. We are support.

Edited by frostyk
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I'm a level 50 healer spec. The question is, why are you getting into 1v1 fights? If you are in a warzone you should be hiding in the back healing point defenders / attackers, healing the ball runner in hutball, healing front line people in ilum. I think a lot of people in wazones foolishly fight for no strategic reason. How is your 1 on 1 fight aiding the win?


We aren't meat to be fighters. We are support.


I agree we are a support class and being in a one on one fight is detrimental to our role. But sometimes I am not in the best scenario where I can be supported by damaging classes. Sometimes I have to get in the fight for the win. And in contested territory in pve that happens a lot.


It's in those situations I get frustrated that my lvl 48 Merc is getting worked by a lvl 43 republic dude. I might need to keep up with my gear as well. First thing I'm doing when I log today is buying another pair of blasters

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I used arsenal to lvl to 50 and respeced to healing at end game. Just upgrade orange blasters. If you are 48 just complete the class quest and head to Ilum and and Belsavis to get the daily end game quests. Purple lvl 50 mods for your orange gear. You also won't get ganked in Ilum there as anyone inclined for PVP will be in the PVP area. Corellia or whatever that last planet is, is a waste of time. Edited by frostyk
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