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Are Sith really evil?


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Your not gonna like this but im gonig to disagree. In all the story line is it about embracing emotion and using that against your enemy! Just because you fight with anger and hate doesent make you evil. Yes I know its a broad argument but because the DS is greedy and power hungry. The story is based on Sith revenge for being driven out by the light side. Whos more wrong the Sith for acting on there hatred for the Jedi or the Jedi for forcing them from there home in the first place.


That act was decreed from the chancellor. Not the jedi.

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The sith are evil,without a doubt. The jedi have their problems but they try to resist doing what the sith do, (e.g. the destruction of entire planets. this has happened on at least three different occasions with a different sith lord doing the deed each time.) the sith go with the flow of their basest lusts, whereas the jedi deny themselves that satisfaction and show strength. The sith are selfish, and the jedi try to be selfless that's the biggest diffeence.
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There are exceptions to every rule.

In the Jedi Knight storyline, you meet, and fight Lord Praven. Sith Pureblood warrior that holds Integrity and Honor as his passions. He's NOT evil.



Personally, I've run my Warrior completely Light Side. He's a HERETIC, and RP wise, I use his encounter with Kel'eth Ur in the Dark Temple and the Revanite missions as his motivations. He fights for the Empire, but he also sees the need to reform it, as does Jaesa (Light Side Jaesa).


A few other spoilers here:

Keeper/Minister of Intelligence is a Light Sider. He has done questionable things, but he keeps the wellfare of the Imperial citizens foremost in his mind.



Also, several Sith I've met in my travels on different toons haven't been what you could call "evil". They are either doing what they have to do, or what they think they have to do, regardless of their personal feelings about it.

Lord Scourge, for instance. As a Jedi Knight companion, he respects strength and honor. He's also a bit cruel and grumpy. I honestly wouldn't call him evil, though....



Ok, that's enough spoilers for one post. Have fun, and fly safe. o7

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Indeed he did. Not only did Mace Windu use a dark style fighting stance..but he could also use force lighting.


No, he did not use a Dark Side stance. Juyo (later to become Vapaad) is an aggressive lightsaber form, but not a Dark-sided one. It hints towards it due to its aggressive nature and offensive capabilities... but it is a step into the darkness, not the dark side itself.

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It is ENIRELY about Point of view Star wars is Basicly a DICTATORSHIP VS A REPUBLIC..


I believe the Dictatorship is the best choice FOR THE GALAXY although Palpatine did use Dictatorship in the wrong way the principle stands.


In the Republic old grudges come to life and races in the republic fight eatchother Make a war there is no unity.


But in the dictatorship No race even thought of trying to have a war with a star destroyer around there was MORE peace in the galaxy with the empire then with the new republic Or even the republic Or even the Old republic

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It is ENIRELY about Point of view Star wars is Basicly a DICTATORSHIP VS A REPUBLIC..


I believe the Dictatorship is the best choice FOR THE GALAXY although Palpatine did use Dictatorship in the wrong way the principle stands.


In the Republic old grudges come to life and races in the republic fight eatchother Make a war there is no unity.


But in the dictatorship No race even thought of trying to have a war with a star destroyer around there was MORE peace in the galaxy with the empire then with the new republic Or even the republic Or even the Old republic


I have never really heard of a totalitarian government that never ever fell under inept/cruel leadership.


Then again, same with democracies, but at least it's on the people's own heads then. :p



As for more peace... You just have the races banding together to beat out the guy in charge, dictatorships do not breed peace, never have and never will.

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No, he did not use a Dark Side stance. Juyo (later to become Vapaad) is an aggressive lightsaber form, but not a Dark-sided one. It hints towards it due to its aggressive nature and offensive capabilities... but it is a step into the darkness, not the dark side itself.


Step into the darkness, we have cookies and unique lightsaber crystals.


He was just lucky he slipped up on a planet where the locals can be put together with super glue... =p

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In response to the first post of this entire thread, By typical human standards the SITH are evil. The "SITH" as an organization, was based upon the the sith race that kind of congwapulated with the "dark jedi", with most of the Sith organizations teaching being based off of the race, who in more then just the old republics lore have quite often been sadistic douche bags and *** holes bent on power trips.


Now before we get into a large philosophical discussion about good and evil please keep in mind this current statement is based on the Idea/notion/opinion, that evil is something along the lines of a sadistic, egomaniacle, power hungry, Tyrant, willing to smash any one or anything in their way to achieve more power. This is pretty mutch the basis of the Sith races core social structure. They are basically taught that the weak deserve no pitty or rights, and while in a sort of twisted sence this can be merely point of view or opinion to being evil, when it came down to it any sith would kill another to rise further in the comand structure, to gain more power, to insure another didn't take their own power, or simply because one was a failure.


Now with all that being said, the teachings of the sith Organization CAN be used with some one who has "light or good side" tendency. the teachings them self are not inherently evil, infact when you venture about the empire, even other sith, you will find those who are simply genuinly good people, just as you would find *** holes in the republic.


As to why the Jedi always refer to the sith as "EVIL" is because in the end Power unchecked always lead to corruption. The Sith teach to feed into your emotions, do not hide your desires, and in tern these are taken to DO as you please, take what you want, and all in all no real shackles or restraints, they simply abuse their power hurting others.


The jedi, aren't really "Good" though they often end up in that roll" they are more so grey, their position is to act as arbiters, a balance hell the entire background to Knights of the old republic 2 was a testimet to that fact, they exhiled I dont know how many jedi for joining in the mandalorian wars because they thought it was the right thing to do when the council said not to, because it wasnt their place to do so. Or at least that was their founding, they were there to keep order. They teach to be what we all know to be emotional zombies, because they believe that their jobs are to protect balance, and if they succumb to their emotions and feed into greed, desire, and the thirst for power, they will become little more then tyrants upsetting the balance. However threw out the coarse of star wars history they always end up having to take up the roll of galactic "Heroes" when in reality they are simply arbiters. the reason they so zealously cling to their beliefs is because of the belief that Power corrupts, and the only way to stave off this corruption is threw extreme zealous and pious devotion to the code. they believe if they hold to their Code they wont become the tyrants that the Sith did.


In the end I guess you can pretty much say that the Jedi are the catholic church, they cling to their beliefs with zealous might while the galaxy is crumbling around them, and they still find the time to exile some one for doing what they find was right.


If we dig threw starwars history we can find examples of both groups having shining examples of good and evil people, but it essentially comes down to willpower. The jedi believe that no one has the strength of will to simply use their power for good without pious devotion to the code, the sith believe they are wrong and in their infinit struggle to proove them wrong take every chance they can to abuse their powers. But as The old republic prooves, both sides, have a light and dark side ending the player can achieve (from what i gather all classes do, or atleast force users do)

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Lol, star wars can't define good and evil for you. And the Sith concepts of accepting passion in life is not evil, not at all. If you absolutely disagree with the idea of strength from passion, then you are passionate as well.


It just depends what your passions are, if you're evil you will be passionate about doing evil things. But maybe you use your passion for doing good to achieve the power to do good.


In my opinion a society that encourages people to follow their passions is FAR less evil or corrupt than a society that discourages free thought. Not to mention the fact that the "Republic" often does not allow separatist worlds to leave the republic, rather they force them to remain. Both sides are Empire's with different social ideals at their core however I believe the Sith to be the "good" side based on their philosophies.


That being said, of course in the SW universe most sith are horrible people that do horrible things, wouldn't have a conflict otherwise.

Edited by Processj
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Lol, star wars can't define good and evil for you. And the Sith concepts of accepting passion in life is not evil, not at all. If you absolutely disagree with the idea of strength from passion, then you are passionate as well.


It just depends what your passions are, if you're evil you will be passionate about doing evil things. But maybe you use your passion for doing good to achieve the power to do good.


In my opinion a society that encourages people to follow their passions is FAR less evil or corrupt than a society that discourages free thought. Not to mention the fact that the "Republic" often does not allow separatist worlds to leave the republic, rather they force them to remain. Both sides are Empire's with different social ideals at their core however I believe the Sith to be the "good" side based on their philosophies.


That being said, of course in the SW universe most sith are horrible people that do horrible things, wouldn't have a conflict otherwise.


But isn't it strange that the side with the "good" philosophy is the bad side in the story and the side with the "bad" philosophy is the good in the story?


I think you are missing an important point: Sith are passionate without morals. It might not be written in the Sith Code (the Sith Code ignores morals), but among sith beeing "good" is seen as weak.


Look what both sides want to achieve:


Jedi - peace and justice

Sith - personal power


You don't really consider this part of their philosophy as good, do you?

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Peace through force is oppression. Both sides operate that way. And talking solely about sith ideals, no they are not against morals, they just believe in following passion. Like I said the SW universe creates an enemy because it needs to, but based solely on the ideals of the sith, no they are not evil at all.
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But isn't it strange that the side with the "good" philosophy is the bad side in the story and the side with the "bad" philosophy is the good in the story?


I think you are missing an important point: Sith are passionate without morals. It might not be written in the Sith Code (the Sith Code ignores morals), but among sith beeing "good" is seen as weak.


Look what both sides want to achieve:


Jedi - peace and justice

Sith - personal power


You don't really consider this part of their philosophy as good, do you?


It all depends, though. There are some Sith who are actually decent people. The two that jump to mind are Lord Praven in the Knight storyline, whose passions are Integrity and Honor. The other is Darth Vowrawn, who is just an old guy who likes having fun, and doesn't like it when people are being evil for the sake of evil or trying to grab power. He's pretty much happy where he's at and treats everyone with the respect they deserve. Also, my SW is basically the galaxy's most benevolent jerk. lol Light V and I still call people names when they're being stupid. Vette usually gets a kick outta that. :D

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If weeding out the weak is "morally evil" then evolution and natural selection are as well.


The following sentence is not intended to be serious: Judging from the in-game number of red lightsabers on Republic side and blue/green on Empire side it's safe to say that the Jedi, are in fact morally evil and the Sith are morally good.

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If weeding out the weak is "morally evil" then evolution and natural selection are as well.


The following sentence is not intended to be serious: Judging from the in-game number of red lightsabers on Republic side and blue/green on Empire side it's safe to say that the Jedi, are in fact morally evil and the Sith are morally good.


The Sith philosophy is basically Darwinism. At least, that's the impression I get. Only the Strong Survive, and all that. Ok, in peacetime that goes without saying. But in wartime against a sizeable opposing military, it's NOT such a good idea to play Darwinian politics. Not to mention the constant infighting is definitely bad for the Empire.

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Peace through force is oppression. Both sides operate that way. And talking solely about sith ideals, no they are not against morals, they just believe in following passion. Like I said the SW universe creates an enemy because it needs to, but based solely on the ideals of the sith, no they are not evil at all.


I ask (again): Why did the SW universe created the Sith as enemy and not the Jedi? Why not the cold, evil, emotional oppresion Empire against the passionated good guys, who want to break free?


Edit: Of course there are Sith who aren't the way I described. (And there are Jedi like Nomen Karr and his fellows who don't act very Jedi like.)

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The sith are all about power in the force.The sith know the light side ,as well as the dark side.They just use the dark side,because it serves their goals better.You can become more powerful if you are not limited to the way of the jedi.

That is why individualy the Sith always have more raw force power.Always the sith are being defeated at the end because of some other reason,not because the jedi are more powerful in the force.


Learning ALL the ways of the force and unlocking ALL its power,its inevitably to work with the dark side at some point.At the end those that seek pure power in the force(not political power or something like that) become corrupted by it.That's why they are more evil.


For the sith power in the force is a goal in itself.


That said,the dark side choices of Sith Warrior and Inquisitor are kinda brutish and stupid.Krea's evil in kotor 2 was better.She realy made you doubt the ways of the jedi,and made you think they were wrong.

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The sith are all about power in the force.The sith know the light side ,as well as the dark side.They just use the dark side,because it serves their goals better.You can become more powerful if you are not limited to the way of the jedi.

That is why individualy the Sith always have more raw force power.Always the sith are being defeated at the end because of some other reason,not because the jedi are more powerful in the force.


Learning ALL the ways of the force and unlocking ALL its power,its inevitably to work with the dark side at some point.At the end those that seek pure power in the force(not political power or something like that) become corrupted by it.That's why they are more evil.


For the sith power in the force is a goal in itself.


That said,the dark side choices of Sith Warrior and Inquisitor are kinda brutish and stupid.Krea's evil in kotor 2 was better.She realy made you doubt the ways of the jedi,and made you think they were wrong.


You just pretty much described the Grey Jedi, who use the light and dark equally, and are not motivated by politics. They operate outside the Jedi Order, yet still strive for peace in the galaxy. Rebels with a cause. Renegades in the face of the oppressive Jedi Code. Not power hungry so much as power aware. They do what needs to be done.


Yes, the Jedi Order IS motivated as much by politics as they are by peace. They serve the Republic first and foremost. That means kowtowing to the Republic's demands. The Twi'lek refugees on Tython are a prime example of this. The Jedi, who are supposed to be peacekeepers and offer selfless assistance to anyone in need, basically turn their backs on the refugees because the REPUBLIC told them to do so! Up until the Jedi needed their help with the Flesh Raiders, that is. Then they were best buddies! But seriously, it's like the Council can barely think for themselves. Good thing the Grey Jedi exist to actually HELP where needed.


I would count Kyle Katarn as a Grey Jedi, in fact. He isn't afraid to kill, but takes no pleasure in it. He just KNOWS that some guys are in dire need of killin'. lol

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You just pretty much described the Grey Jedi, who use the light and dark equally, and are not motivated by politics. They operate outside the Jedi Order, yet still strive for peace in the galaxy. Rebels with a cause. Renegades in the face of the oppressive Jedi Code. Not power hungry so much as power aware. They do what needs to be done.




Grey jedi do not embrace the dark side as sith do.Grey jedi is more of a definition of someone that operates outside of the Jedi Order, than someone that use a certain side of the force.

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Greys are merely those that haven't tasted enough of the dark or the light to choose a side for themselves.


Anyone that knows the dark knows the light; and vice-versa.


The light side disciplines merely protect force-users from themselves.

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