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Are Sith really evil?


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I do not believe in good or evil in Star Wars anymore.


To me there is stupid, and there is logic. I believe the Jedi to be hypocrites and the Sith to be the only ones true to their belief. Would you as a person join someone who doesnt act in according to their philosophy, or join one of consistency?


Let me explain that. Is murder evil? Yes it is. Do ALL Sith murder? No, not ALL Sith murder, but as a Sith myself I find murder stupid and counter-productive. Lets reverse that however, if a criminal was in danger of dying, would you save him? The Jedi would, which I find stupid. You save a criminal when this person is clearly a bane of society? Leave him to his fate.


I will take both the Esseles and Black Talon flashpoints into consideration:


The Esseles:

Your first choice is whether or not to sacrifice the group in the engineering compartment to hurry to the bridge to save the crew, or to slowly go around back, kill the troops and reactivate generators to get to the bridge.


I will say that the supposed "light side" option of keeping the engineering crew alive is the wrong choice. Why? Well lets take this into account: time. Do you have time to get to the bridge before the acting captain is murdered by mandalorians? You dont know if he is already dead! A safe outcome to a conflict is one that goes by fast and precise, so as minimal casualties can be accounted for in the aftermath. Does it help to go through the generators, potentially get killed yourself, and perpetuate war with the Empire by attacking their troops? I dont think so. The Jedi are all about sacrifice, right? Then make sure to sacrifice what is needed to save those who need saving. The sacrifice of one is the savior of many, and the saving of one is the death of thousands.


Now, for Ambassador Asara. She is a terrorist. As explained by Grand Moff Kilran, she is a seditionist and needs to be arrested. Now, admitted by herself, she claims to go to Imperial planets to "offer an alternative to Imperialism". This, in itself, goes against the Treaty of Coruscant and therefore she must be classified as a terrorist for disrupting the Peace. Jedi seek peace in all its forms, yes? then she should be turned over to the offended party. Say you just won a war with another country and both countries are still around. Someone from the other country goes to YOUR cities and starts rebellions in YOUR cities to try and sway them to their side. This is terrorism and the "light side" choice is to break the law and harbor a terrorist, and disruptor of the peace! How utterly backwards!


The Jedi claim to be light side? This made me lose all faith in them.


Black Talon:

Our first choice here is whether or not to kill the Captain of the ship. Simple right? Wrong. If you let him live then you yourself are therefore a criminal. The law by Grand Moff Kilran was to kill him and commandeer the ship for an attack run on the Brentaal Star. Letting him live may eventually help the effort of the attack later, but he is a deserter from his Imperial Military duty and the law clearly states to relieve him of command. Is this evil? Not if a government institution created a law, one that the majority of the society agrees with. Logically, you would be a good upstanding citizen by listening to your leaders.


The second choice involves either killing or letting the General live. Now, the General is not only the same as the Captain in this instance being a deserter, but also a traitor! Imagine your guild and your possible rivals, now also imagine your second best member, an officer leave and join that rival, giving him all your secrets and letting nothing hold back. This is betrayal, and betrayal is a capital offense. Much how bounties are put out for bounty hunters, their work is commonly considered neutral, yet why should the killing of the General be considered bad if this is more or less that same exact thing, only with purpose? Following this means that the Sith responsible is following not only the code laid out for them, but also the law.


See how the Jedi are such hypocrites? Its cause they do too much talking and not enough remembering of what they just said. Yoda says that compromise with the Dark side should be avoided, but isnt compromise peace? Isnt Yoda saying that peace with their foe is not desirable? There is no peace in the Jedi. "There is no ignorance, there is knowledge". Wholesale rejection of the Dark side is not knowledge, its fear. I thought the Jedi were supposed to combat fear? Yet they let it consume their actions. Through this the truth of "peace is a lie" comes to your mind and it will never go away.

Edited by Darth_Casus
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(lots of overblown justification for why the dark side is the "right side" snipped)


Here's the problems with your arguments:


1) You say murder is "stupid", but then go on and on about how murdering people is the right thing to do, even when presented with the option NOT to murder them.


2) Murdering (yes, murdering) the engineers on the Esseles because it saves you a minute or two (which is ultimately pointless, as the crew is still alive up there no matter which option you pick), and you argue that "you're risking your life" to avoid killing them. Why yes, yes you are. That's the POINT. You'd prefer to take the easy way out, and just kill people rather than save their lives, because you're afraid you might get hurt in the process. That makes you a coward as well as a murderer.


3) The ambassador is a seditionist, at worst, not a "terrorist". She doesn't go around blowing things up. She goes to planets and says "Hey, there's another option rather than languishing under the tyrannical yoke of the corrupt Empire". The fact that it's WORKING is why the Empire wants her dead. Because the people are realizing there's a better choice.


4) Killing the captain of the Brentaal Star is murder. Yep. Murder. He was ordered into a situation he deemed suicidal, so disobeyed the order. When confronted, he didn't try to hide it; he took full responsibility. Removing him from command and taking over? Sure. Executing him? That's murder, sorry.


5) Killing the general is stupidly short-sighted, as well. Even Kilran says "a pity you couldn't bring him back alive." And, again, murder. He can't fight back, can't run, and is at your mercy. If your bloodlust prompts you to kill him, that's just you giving in to your selfish desires to see someone suffer and die.


So really, all you're arguing is "sith good, jedi bad, cause I prefer to be dark and violent, kekeke!"


The choices aren't "good" and "evil" in any case. Light is (generally) showing compassion, trust, honor. Dark is (again, generally) showing a lack of compassion, callousness, and selfishness.

Edited by LyriaFrost
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Ill put my analysis below in Red.


Here's the problems with your arguments:


1) You say murder is "stupid", but then go on and on about how murdering people is the right thing to do, even when presented with the option NOT to murder them.


Murder is without any purpose. Murder is what a psychopath does. Would you put your dog to sleep if it is in pain? Yes, you would, you wouldnt want your dog to suffer anymore so you decide to end it. This isnt murder, and works in much the same way, you sacrifice the living to end the pain of others. Jedi dont see this.


2) Murdering (yes, murdering) the engineers on the Esseles because it saves you a minute or two (which is ultimately pointless, as the crew is still alive up there no matter which option you pick), and you argue that "you're risking your life" to avoid killing them. Why yes, yes you are. That's the POINT. You'd prefer to take the easy way out, and just kill people rather than save their lives, because you're afraid you might get hurt in the process. That makes you a coward as well as a murderer.


Ill address the blue first: That is the failure of the writers to have the same outcome for two choices. Now, back to the risking your life: You are the ONLY CAPABLE person on that ship! The Jedi hate conflict, do they not? Not only is this a way to avoid conflict, but if you get killed during the generator powerup then everyone else is effectively dead, and what use is putting yourself into NEEDLESS danger if you can get everyone else SAFER at a FASTER rate? Its not called being a coward when you can pick your battles based on what you CAN do and what you SHOULD do.


3) The ambassador is a seditionist, at worst, not a "terrorist". She doesn't go around blowing things up. She goes to planets and says "Hey, there's another option rather than languishing under the tyrannical yoke of the corrupt Empire". The fact that it's WORKING is why the Empire wants her dead. Because the people are realizing there's a better choice.


Yet on EVERY world there will be people who hate their government. There are anarchists inside the US, are there not? Asara is giving those people a chance to rise up and rebel against an institution that more or less already keeps them safe. I dont see anyone on Dromund Kaas complaining that the Empire is oppressive. And in any case, Terrorism is not defined as blowing things up, it is the coercion or intimidation used for political gain. By definition she is a terrorist.


4) Killing the captain of the Brentaal Star is murder. Yep. Murder. He was ordered into a situation he deemed suicidal, so disobeyed the order. When confronted, he didn't try to hide it; he took full responsibility. Removing him from command and taking over? Sure. Executing him? That's murder, sorry.


Blue: Mainly because he knew of the LAW That was passed in accordance with such a maneuver. Is capital punishment murder when one commits a treasonous offense? No its not, history and government can show you this.


5) Killing the general is stupidly short-sighted, as well. And, again, murder. He can't fight back, can't run, and is at your mercy. If your bloodlust prompts you to kill him, that's just you giving in to your selfish desires to see someone suffer and die.


Clearly you didnt pay attention to when Kilran said to Kill him. We wouldnt want to label YOURSELF as a traitor to a country you are a citizen of, now would you?


So really, all you're arguing is "sith good, jedi bad, cause I prefer to be dark and violent, kekeke!"


By the way, I hate anime, so no "kekeke" for me....

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The sith are not inherently evil, and the jedi are not inherently good.


The difference here is, the Sith are about individual power and ascension, and the jedi are about serenity, and inner peace.


The jedi are restricted in a lot of ways, emotion and passion are frowned upon, (this is also where there are some serious problems with the roles they each play), so essentially the jedi try to control their emotions, the sith do not.


Passion, does not mean hatred always, these are just the stronger emotions. Compassion, love, lust etc, are all part of the emotional spectrum that can be used to fuel ones passion. Anakin fell because of his love for Padme, and his mother.


The Sith are human nature, and the jedi are law and morality.

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Ill put my analysis below in Red.


So you know, doing it that way makes it really hard to reply to. And that blue is nearly unreadable against the background.


Murder is without any purpose. Murder is what a psychopath does. Would you put your dog to sleep if it is in pain? Yes, you would, you wouldnt want your dog to suffer anymore so you decide to end it. This isnt murder, and works in much the same way, you sacrifice the living to end the pain of others. Jedi dont see this.


Except that's not what you're doing. You're putting your dog down (in a painful, pointlessly cruel way I might add) for growling at you because you kicked it. There's a bit of a difference.


Ill address the blue first: That is the failure of the writers to have the same outcome for two choices. Now, back to the risking your life: You are the ONLY CAPABLE person on that ship! The Jedi hate conflict, do they not? Not only is this a way to avoid conflict, but if you get killed during the generator powerup then everyone else is effectively dead, and what use is putting yourself into NEEDLESS danger if you can get everyone else SAFER at a FASTER rate? Its not called being a coward when you can pick your battles based on what you CAN do and what you SHOULD do.


How is it a failure? The story doesn't claim that the crew is going to be murdered if you don't get there within 30 seconds. The "we have to hurry and get there now now now!" is pushed for by a single person: the ambassador.


And seriously, claiming that murdering a dozen innocent people is "avoiding conflict?" Really? I honestly can't even begin to grasp your reasoning on this. You're INCREDIBLY biased towards the sith "kill everything that vaguely inconveniences me" mindset, it's clear. There's a REASON that choice is the dark side choice. It's showing a complete, and utter lack of moral compass. "Meh, let's just kill them, I don't want to be bothered risking my life to save these innocent people."


It's cowardly because you'd rather kill innocent people than risk yourself to save them. It's the difference between being a hero and being a coward.


Yet on EVERY world there will be people who hate their government. There are anarchists inside the US, are there not? Asara is giving those people a chance to rise up and rebel against an institution that more or less already keeps them safe. I dont see anyone on Dromund Kaas complaining that the Empire is oppressive. And in any case, Terrorism is not defined as blowing things up, it is the coercion or intimidation used for political gain. By definition she is a terrorist.


You don't? Seriously? Have you LOOKED AROUND on Dromund Kaas? There are soldiers tormenting civilians, people getting randomly killed by sith "because we can, he he!", people being tortured left and right. But you don't see it. Okay.


And no, she's not using "intimidation". She's showing people that there's another way. NOWHERE does it say she's doing so violently, or even coercively. You're making that up to reinforce your tenuous point. She's trying to show them that if they get out from under the Empire's bootheel they can live without having to watch over their shoulder 24/7 for fear of being killed for looking at someone wrong, being in the wrong place for any reason, sneezing at the wrong time, etc.


Blue: Mainly because he knew of the LAW That was passed in accordance with such a maneuver. Is capital punishment murder when one commits a treasonous offense? No its not, history and government can show you this.


If our military tried to pass a "if you dare question an order, you'll be executed on the spot" law, it would be shot down in seconds. The simple fact is, the only reason such a "law" exists in the Empire is because the sith have the power to enforce it. The average soldier would likely ignore a lot of their edicts if they could. Hell, Imperial Intelligence considers the sith to be a giant pain in the ***. Keeper refers to II as "garbage collectors", because they're always cleaning up the crap the sith cause.


Clearly you didnt pay attention to when Kilran said to Kill him. We wouldnt want to label YOURSELF as a traitor to a country you are a citizen of, now would you?


Kilran says "kill him or bring him back, either way". And if you DO kill him, he says "It's a pity you couldn't bring him back alive." He doesn't particularly CARE, but he doesn't tell you "go kill him! No other option!"


Again, you're clearly not trying to argue from any sort of logical stance. You're arguing from the stance that "sith = good, jedi = bad, killing because it's convenient = good".


Which is fine if you're trying to have an in-character argument. But trying to pass your arguments off as logical? No.

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It keeps the Force calm and serene, which is the primary goal of all Jedi.


The Force by nature is chaotic. Did it create all that we see? I dont know, but some believe so. Now if thats the case, was not the first form of life that of survival? Of kill or be killed? It is in a time without civility that the true nature of things are shown, and why would the force create an inherently serene world when there is no sense of progression stemming from it?


Biased Pro-Jedi rant


By the way Im not ignoring you when I dont respond in the next few, I have band practice in a few minutes, I would discuss it but I cant for the moment. Id like to continue later if you could.

Edited by Darth_Casus
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By the way Im not ignoring you when I dont respond in the next few, I have band practice in a few minutes, I would discuss it but I cant for the moment. Id like to continue later if you could.


I'll probably be poking around the forums later tonight after I get off work (posting from work, shh!).


I'm actually not "pro-jedi biased". I just see the sith for what they are: murderous psychos, for the most part. Perhaps it's because most of my characters are non-force-users, they all seem crazy to me.


The sith are encouraged to conform to a "kill or be killed" mindset. That in order to survive, you must slaughter anyone who might threaten you. This attitude pervades the society that they lord over, and creates an incredibly hostile environment to exist in, and there are quests that demonstrate it (case in point, the quest to find the bounty hunter that was "tagging" civilians, who were then murdered by sith acolytes, "because it's fun, and it's our right as sith").


Every argument you've made comes from a "kill them because it's more convenient than anything else" frame. It's the base, selfish mindset that the sith thrive on, and encourage.


The jedi try to go the other route, and be compassionate and serene. The fact that they don't always measure up to their ideals isn't a failing of the jedi ideal; it's a failure of the individual in a moment (or more than a moment) of weakness.


In other words, the jedi code is the "adult" code (responsibility, logic, restraint) while the sith code is the "teenager" code (overly-emotional, impulsiveness, lack of restraint).

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Enough of this "lol sith are actually good!" crap. I have a Sith character because sometimes I get bored of my Jedi and I like to fight for the evil side. Sure you can make a light-side Sith (and I have one), but then you're a very rare case among other Sith.


Sith are nearly all evil, and if you play a Sith you're playing for the evil side. The leader of the Sith is probably one of the most evil beings in history of SW. Why can't people accept this? If you want to play for the "good" side, roll Republic.

Edited by Romick
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Enough of this "lol sith are actually good!" crap. I have a Sith character because sometimes I get bored of my Jedi and I like to fight for the evil side. Sure you can make a light-side Sith (and I have one), but then you're a very rare case among other Sith.


Sith are nearly all evil, and if you play a Sith you're playing for the evil side. The leader of the Sith is probably one of the most evil beings in history of SW. Why can't people accept this? If you want to play for the "good" side, roll Republic.


You must not be a very fun roleplayer. In real life I know the Sith are evil, but In character theyre the most fun Ive ever had.

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"The Truth."


I appreciate and commend you for your efforts.


It's pretty astonishing to me that anyone would take "Sith are Evil" so personally, and so vehemently defend them, as though they themselves were actually "Sith."


It also blows my mind, just how many people completely misunderstand and miscontrue the part of the "jedi code" that refers to emotion.


They are not literally saying that emotion "doesn't exist."


They are also not saying to deny, or refuse to accept emotion.


IT IS A COPING MECHANISM! How many times must this be stated? Infinitely?


It is one thing to "feel," and quite another to intentionally exaggerate a negative emotion, to the point where one flies into a rage about it, acts irrationally, and hurts others in the process. It's wrong to hurt others, "just because you want to."


And, while reading the posts of many "Sith-Defenders," i can't help but get the feeling that most of you actually believe that Evil is "the right way to be." Even IRL. You people are disturbing. I can understand "playing a bad guy in a video game," but this incessant justification of all-that-is-wrong-and-bad, is just... reprehensible, i guess would be the word.


I imagine some of you must be sitting there snarling, growling, gnashing teeth, slinging drool, seething with hate, like some sort of vicious demon. It's not really cool to be that way IRL. lol.

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And, while reading the posts of many "Sith-Defenders," i can't help but get the feeling that most of you actually believe that Evil is "the right way to be." Even IRL. You people are disturbing. I can understand "playing a bad guy in a video game," but this incessant justification of all-that-is-wrong-and-bad, is just... reprehensible, i guess would be the word.


I imagine some of you must be sitting there snarling, growling, gnashing teeth, slinging drool, seething with hate, like some sort of vicious demon. It's not really cool to be that way IRL. lol.


Read my comment right above yours, pal. I know this is all fun and games, nothing here is for real :rolleyes:

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Read my comment right above yours, pal. I know this is all fun and games, nothing here is for real :rolleyes:


1) look at the time on each post, and you'll see that only 2 minutes separate them. I spent more than 2 minutes writing that, because i don't like to just rant-and-send... i spend a little time and thought on what i write. Sometimes it may seem like i didn't, regardless.


2) you're not the only one who "really gets into" being "evil."


There is way too much evil in this world already, and far too many embracing and promoting it IRL, on a daily basis, as a way of life.


Some of them even play this game with us.


And, not all of them play empire. ^^

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The Force by nature is chaotic.


That's not canon, actually. The Force, by itself, is peaceful and serene. The Dark Side is an aberration and imbalance in the Force, according to Lucas. That is the highest level of Star Wars canon, called G-canon cause George said it. You're welcome to hold your own views on the matter, but should be aware that insofar as your views contradict canon, you're wrong. ;)


You can rationalize all you like about how you're sure the Dark Side is really correct and the Jedi are all hypocrites and liars, but wishing doesn't make it so. George has spoken.


Also, I find your faith disturbing. ;) You seem to really want the Sith religion to be morally acceptable and are trying hard to portray it as such, but it is not. The Sith are virtually all fairly extreme and cartoonish monsters; that's not a coincidence. They're "cool" in the sense that monsters often are cool, but that doesn't make them morally or ethically sound people. Their religion centers around murder and betrayal and the acquisition of power through crushing foes; that's not an unfortunate occasional side-effect but THE WHOLE POINT.

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You must not be a very fun roleplayer. In real life I know the Sith are evil, but In character theyre the most fun Ive ever had.


I figured you were trying to defend it in-character. The problem is, you need to STATE that. Considering you were using RL references mixed into your "roleplay", it came across as you actually defending them.


Which is why people were (rightfully) getting rather baffled at your responses.

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Well, we can all agree that extremes to either side are silly. Light sided jedi that are pure light sided become sterile, and eventually lose track of their entire existance by becoming pacifists. Dark Sided sith lose control of themselves and become like a rabid dog that bites anything for any reason.


I would classify both as enherently evil. To ignore a plea for help because it would violate your "peace" is to allow evil to happen, making you just as guilty if you commited it, and well, dark sided would be the one committing the evil anyways.


It is writeen and spoken of in movies, lore and books (and on the all powerful, unargueable wiki) that the jedi that have fallen, and redeemed themselves are more powerful in the force than they ever could have been without falling. In conrast, the dark sided sith that finds redemption in the light, has a better understanding of the force than they could hoped to accomplish by adhering to the sith ways.


It was posted that we are prolly argueing the wrong points, and should really decide what we are argueing. Sith has not always been evil, as reven has been pointed out. Jedi are not always good, as Anakin and Luke as well as many others have been pointed out.


I would ask, can everyone agree, that extremes, on either side are the cuplrits of imbalance that causes the downfall of both societies/doctrines?

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Well, we can all agree that extremes to either side are silly. Light sided jedi that are pure light sided become sterile, and eventually lose track of their entire existance by becoming pacifists. Dark Sided sith lose control of themselves and become like a rabid dog that bites anything for any reason.


No Jedi ever did that though, no Jedi ever became sterile and became pacifists. The Jedi during the Mandalorian War, the only thing you could possibly be referencing, didn't choose to not go because of peace, they chose because they knew something was up, the simply did not know what was up exactly.


I would classify both as enherently evil. To ignore a plea for help because it would violate your "peace" is to allow evil to happen, making you just as guilty if you commited it, and well, dark sided would be the one committing the evil anyways.


Again nothing like that ever happened, on the Jedi side anyway. The Sith side happened pretty much every time.


It is writeen and spoken of in movies, lore and books (and on the all powerful, unargueable wiki) that the jedi that have fallen, and redeemed themselves are more powerful in the force than they ever could have been without falling.


This is not true actually. Those who fall do not become more powerful if redeemed, it is only because they overcame their own weakness and became more aware of the risks of the Dark Side that they seemed more powerful. There is nothing inherent about redemption that makes one stronger.


In conrast, the dark sided sith that finds redemption in the light, has a better understanding of the force than they could hoped to accomplish by adhering to the sith ways.


There is no lore to support this.


I would ask, can everyone agree, that extremes, on either side are the cuplrits of imbalance that causes the downfall of both societies/doctrines?


No. Because we have never seen any evidence of the "light side extreme" anywhere, only the Dark Side.

Edited by ProfessorWalsh
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See. This is why I always like how everyone was portrayed in Kotor 2. The fact that there wasn't really any "Good guys" made the story much more interesting. Granted, the sith were pretty evil, besides Darth Traya, but the jedi were depicted as castrating and dogmatic. Basically how an actual society with power would act. Clinging to their codes even as the galaxy died around them.


Maybe it's just me, but as far as i'm concerned the whole black/white thing makes for entertaining sunday cartoons, but not for well thought out, introspective story-telling.


Just my two cents. And for the record, I don't care what g-canon is, I will continue to RP my sith in shades of grey, just like Keira would've wanted.

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The Sith are evil, that is a given. The mainstream society currently defined as the Sith is full of hatred, violence, lust, bigotry, egos, and a variety of other nasty definitions.


Are Light "Sith" evil? Perhaps not. But you have to realize, a Light "Sith" is as much a Sith as a Dark Jedi is a Jedi. In reality, they can't really be called a Sith in the first place, at least in reference to their peers; there's just no alternative term one can attach to a Light "Sith".


This is so because in much of the SW Lore, Sith redeemed themselves by becoming Jedi, very rarely they see themselves as something else when they turn to the light.


The closest analog a "Light" Sith Warrior or Inquisitor can come to in SWTOR is the Imperial Knights of the Legacy Era, and I believe that many of the Light side choices Bioware put into those two storylines reflect this.


As for the only reason the Light side SW or SI still uses Dark side powers, is most likely due to game mechanics.

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Well, I've been shot down defending the sith, with nothing but resonding "no's" and it's been said that a light sided sith is an abomination and the result of bad writers, so as such, my light sided sith that seeks a better empire is a failed and lost cause, and I wash my hands of this discussion.


Have fun all, I will RP my sith the way I want to in game and to hell with your lore, lol

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The darkside is not a toy to be wound up and released when you decide it time, it's a cancer in the force itself (Lucas canon). You do not simply wave your hand and make it do as ou wish Sith, for all your cunning, treachery, manipulation, and subterfuge....you've blinded yourselves to the fact that of the darkside are such things, and it will always be the master of such and the master of you.
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