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Incenerary Round is God Aweful Pathetically bad.


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For a tree specific skill, at lvl 40, boltstered to 50 in the WZ,s....it does....300 damage on impact and get this....1063 over 18 seconds!!!





18 seconds? Really? This is our grav round? Our tree sepcific skill? Excuse me while I ROLF o' copter!


My God. No wonder no one plays this spec. It is pathetically weak. I cant beat anyone in this game in any WZ one on one. The damage is so pathetic. This skill needs to be increased by 200% at least. My God.....1063...over 18 Seconds. There are classes that can put out 5K in 3seconds....LOL!




Edited by Madgecko
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Incendiary round is supposed to guaranty use of high impact bolt procs by giving you a refreshable fire dot on demand. It's not made to be spammed, it's not made to be our core damage ability, it's a quality of life power that takes excessive RNG out of our rotation.


I prefer it this way and, if our spec is due for a buff, I'd rather it come in additional oomph put on plasma cells or assault plastique.

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Incendiary round is supposed to guaranty use of high impact bolt procs by giving you a refreshable fire dot on demand. It's not made to be spammed, it's not made to be our core damage ability, it's a quality of life power that takes excessive RNG out of our rotation.


I prefer it this way and, if our spec is due for a buff, I'd rather it come in additional oomph put on plasma cells or assault plastique.


Even used int his way....hammer shot, plasma cell proc, HiB, Auto shot, Maybe another free HiB, the damage is pathetic. PATHETIC.


I tried this after playing Vanguard and Gunnery and it is by far the worst tree of the 2. Maybe the whole class.

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Sounds like you're trying to play vanguard at 30 meters.

I cant beat anyone in this game in any WZ one on one.


^ probably true regardless of class/spec.


Vanguard is hybrid class and only does full damage by dipping into 4 meters and staying around 10. and every tree of vanguard gets fairly bad/utility tree specific moves because you have all you need outside the trees. Every tree uses Stockstrike, High Impact Bolt and Ion pulse/Hammer shot filler.


play commando for ranged class.


I for one really enjoy the fact that this melee class can at least do half it's damage at range when needed. Coupled with no cast times and a charge if you go SS, this is the most fun character I've played on an MMO so far.

Edited by Syclic
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Sounds like you're trying to play vanguard at 30 meters.



^ probably true regardless of class/spec.


Vanguard is hybrid class and only does full damage by dipping into 4 meters and staying around 10. and every tree of vanguard gets fairly bad/utility tree specific moves because you have all you need outside the trees. Every tree uses Stockstrike, High Impact Bolt and Ion pulse/Hammer shot filler.


play commando for ranged class.


I for one really enjoy the fact that this melee class can at least do half it's damage at range when needed. Coupled with no cast times and a charge if you go SS, this is the most fun character I've played on an MMO so far.


Nice assumption...but assumtions make an "***-umption" out of you. I can 1v1 anyone in Gunnery. Whu i just respecced back to it.

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My only gripe with incend round is the ammo cost. Reduce it by 1 and I have no complaints.


Agree. Grav Round can cost 1 ammo (if grav round will crit) and the overall dmg is bigger then the Incenary Round. Inc Round is instant - thats the only advantage... but it should cost 2 ammo anyway.


If Assault Specialist should be competative to Gunnery tree the Assault Plastique should be buffed too.

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For a tree specific skill, at lvl 40, boltstered to 50 in the WZ,s....it does....300 damage on impact and get this....1063 over 18 seconds!!!





18 seconds? Really? This is our grav round? Our tree sepcific skill? Excuse me while I ROLF o' copter!


My God. No wonder no one plays this spec. It is pathetically weak. I cant beat anyone in this game in any WZ one on one. The damage is so pathetic. This skill needs to be increased by 200% at least. My God.....1063...over 18 Seconds. There are classes that can put out 5K in 3seconds....LOL!





Wow. Apparently you failed to figure out that Assault doesn't rotate around Inc. Round the way Gunnery spams Grav Round.


It's a long-range opener to allow immediate HIB use while closing, and for PvP, a long-term capping preventer since the 18 second burn is a small eternity of "up yours" to most.


Assault <3's High Impact Bolt and what refreshes it- that's Ion Pulse + Stockstrike, and does it's big PvP spike damage with either (at long range) Assault Plastique + Inc. Round + HiB, closer with Ion Pulse instead of Inc. Round. If you're spamming Inc. Round like it was Grav Round, YOU need to be set on fire instead.


Posting this in two places also fails. We who happily assault, middle-finger salute you.

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I am sorry to see a high level vanguard not understand the basics of this advanced class and it's trees.

As a assault spec vanguard I had HIB procs very often and allowed me to get a high amount of kills and damage.


I say look more into the talents and see what a tree revolves around an you might find an answer to how you should play when using different talent trees.


First hint would be: Vanguard is a mid range class, you sit near you target breathing down his neck and spam Sotckstrike, Iron Pulse and HIB like mad, also taunt, guard (if using the Ion Cell), use shield, pull enemies from healers/squishies.


Vanguard is not meant for IN YOUR FACE DPS; it is rather a more refined class which takes patience and skill to master, but when done right it pays off.

Edited by UncleJimbo
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I am sorry to see a high level vanguard not understand the basics of this advanced class and it's trees.

As a assault spec vanguard I had HIB procs very often and allowed me to get a high amount of kills and damage.


I say look more into the talents and see what a tree revolves around an you might find an answer to how you should play when using different talent trees.


First hint would be: Vanguard is a mid range class, you sit near you target breathing down his neck and spam Sotckstrike, Iron Pulse and HIB like mad, also taunt, guard (if using the Ion Cell), use shield, pull enemies from healers/squishies.


Vanguard is not meant for IN YOUR FACE DPS; it is rather a more refined class which takes patience and skill to master, but when done right it pays off.



Hammer shot, plasma cell proc, IR, HiB, auto shot for possibly another HiB proc.....do i have it about right? I know exactly how it works. The spec still sucks, you know it, and so does everyone in this thread. Thats why non of you are specced that way. So dont lie about it.

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I know the rotation and I know what it does. Assault sucks, period. The damage is slow pathetic. Thats why none of you in this thread are specced that way.


Funny, I've gone Assault Vanguard the entire way to 41 so far. Should end up 8/8/25, since I'm mostly PvE and don't need the burst from Assault Plastique.


Do you not understand that the core of the Assault Tree isn't derping Inc. Rounds, it's cycling Ionic Accelerator as often as possible off Ion Pulse + Stockstrikes and then putting a 90% armor penetrating, free massive HIB through the other guy's eye socket, frequently and with great gusto?


Cause all I saw from your OP was that Assault apparently sucks because of poor damage and oh yes, because Inc. Round sucks. Now go run along and tell the Gunnery Commandos that a good DPS cycle is spamming nothing but Grav Round, they need a good laugh too.

Edited by Zoggel
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So 3v1'ing as a vanguard is impossible? Hmmm... I wonder how I pulled that one off. Maybe you're just ... nah I won't say it, prolly get me another warning from bioware for stating the obvious. Edited by moneky
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Hammer shot, plasma cell proc, IR, HiB, auto shot for possibly another HiB proc.....do i have it about right? I know exactly how it works. The spec still sucks, you know it, and so does everyone in this thread. Thats why non of you are specced that way. So dont lie about it.



you really don't have it right at all.


You start off with AP if you specced into it, then you IR into HiB, maybe a hammer shot here for ammo reasons, but then you stockstrike on CD and alternate ion pulse and hammer shot until HiB procs or IR falls off your target or AP comes off CD.



TLDR; 4 abilities with CDs and a priority, and in between you hammer shot and ion pulse to keep ammo at 9-12.

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Hammer shot, plasma cell proc, IR, HiB, auto shot for possibly another HiB proc.....do i have it about right? I know exactly how it works. The spec still sucks, you know it, and so does everyone in this thread. Thats why non of you are specced that way. So dont lie about it.


First of all, stop offending people, because you will not get serious replies this way.

Second, did you ever consider that those that replied they are OK with the talent tree are actually enjoying it and do well and the only one that cannot wrap his finger around this spec is you?

Do not presume I speak out of my a** when I say that I like this spec. I played for 45 freaking levels with it and would have done so if I did not have to re-roll on a high population server. I am shield spec since I want to try other vanguard play styles.

Also, crying that you cannot win a 1v2 fight is just dumb; most of us die in a 1v2 fight, but also most of us manage to take one of them with us.


I stick to my conclusion earlier, but I'll make it less subtle: vanguard is not for everyone.

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It's really awesome in warzones, because you can use it while moving and it DOTs enemies for a long time. This means a single person defending a node can DOT a whole zerg, preventing them from being able to cap b/c of the DOT, even after the defender is dead. Also, unlike Gunnery, AS can melee kite really well. Keep Incendiary and Plastique on the target, spam our snaring/DOT hammer shot between High Impact Bolts, and you can kite around a melee in the 5-10 meter zone so they cant hit you and cant leap to you.


For stationary/PvE DPS though, AS is about the HIB procs you get from charged bolts and full auto. Incendiary isn't our main DD. It just sets it up. Unlike Gunnery, the AS spec and abilities aren't as immediate or simple in gratification. Incendiary alone isn't impressive DD and the cost seems high, but it pays off from the DD and ammo you get from more frequent HIBs. HIB is free on procs, and even gives ammo, so it balances out.

Edited by Rojahar
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I think IR needs to do more damage as well. For the simple reason that you can't negate the damage from Grav Round by cleanse. Try fighting an IA as Assault Specialist. Cleanse cleanse cleanse cleanse....


The bigger travesty is Assault Plastique. Here is a skill that shares a cooldown with a skill you get at level 5, does 300 more damage, does not have an aoe effect like its predecessor, and does not fall in line with anything that has to do with a fire DoT. Only use is for popping on someone before they go stealth...which the lvl 5 sticky grenade does anyway.

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The bigger travesty is Assault Plastique. Here is a skill that shares a cooldown with a skill you get at level 5, does 300 more damage, does not have an aoe effect like its predecessor, and does not fall in line with anything that has to do with a fire DoT. Only use is for popping on someone before they go stealth...which the lvl 5 sticky grenade does anyway.


It's like that because it would be too much burst if you can plant a sticky and a plastique on a target. I do think that they shouldn't share the cd. Using one should trigger a small cd that prevents placing 2 on the same target. It's understandable having an abilities that replace other abilities, but Assault Plastique isn't good enough to replace the sticky grenade.

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It's like that because it would be too much burst if you can plant a sticky and a plastique on a target. I do think that they shouldn't share the cd. Using one should trigger a small cd that prevents placing 2 on the same target. It's understandable having an abilities that replace other abilities, but Assault Plastique isn't good enough to replace the sticky grenade.


I agree, you shouldn't be able to use both at the same time. But the 31 point, top tier skill should not be a recycle of a level 5 skill. It should at least have an aoe like sticky grenade. Or add a debuff to make target more susceptible to elemental ticks of the fire DoT. Or do bonus damage to burning targets. Any one of those three would make it worthy of a 31 point investment.


Now I understand that AS is a support class, it is not meant to 1 v 1 anyone. I understand that. Rarely (if I can avoid it) do I get in 1 v 1's because they can just cleanse my DoT and go to town on me because I have no interrupt. But I do think that the top tier skill should be a reward for investing 31 points in a tree. Right now Assault Plastique is a slap in the face, and as soon as I get 50 (currently 48) I will respec and take 1-3 points out of the top of the Assault tree and stick them in Gunnery to get the bonus to stock strike and aoe knockback. Need all the possible interrupts I can get.

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