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Texture swapping graphical bug


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Hi Guys,

I noticed a bug today which resulted in the texture of my character quickly switching between high and low resolution textures. I have tried to recreate the bug but have not been very successfull.


The bug itself seems to cause the textures to switch between low and high and can also be caused by standing in an area with at least a few players and having those players move around a little.


The exact method of duplicating is difficult but I managed to get at least 3 of my guildies to replicate the issue. I have asked them which video cards they have and it appears 2 have Nvidia and one an ATI card. Two of my guildies even reported that their FPS dropped from 60-30 while replicating the bug and would stabilise once the textures stopped flickering.


I have included a youtube video link showing the bug. Please be aware I have tried to capture the bug and show the affect it is causing.


In this video you only see the effect on me, but I was able to notice the effect on other people and my guildmates who helped also reported that they could see it on other people.


It doesn't look like a drastic bug but it was the FPS drop that my guildies reported when this happened that has led me to post this.


Video is located here



Thanks for viewing. Also if you can reproduce this can you please pop a note saying if you noticed your FPS drop and if it did, the equipment your PC has.

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  • 4 months later...
This isn't a bug, it's called mip mapping, and games have been doing it for well over a decade.

Please keep in mind that this game, as new as it is, still runs on DX9.

Get over it...


I've never had an issue like this in a game, and why should we get over it? I paid vor a CE and I pay a monthly fee to get this game maintained and fix. So ****, if you don't care that's fine don't comment on this thread, some of us do care about the quality of the product.

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