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Quitting Warzones b/c of low level players


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Skills and abilities absolutely do make a difference. You can have two equally skilled carpenters, and the one with the full workshop is going to do better work than the one with nothing but a hammer, screwdriver, and handsaw every time.


There is still no reason to quit on your team. Though it might be a reason to reconsider joining warzones before you even have Sprint available to you.


sprint really doesn't make such a big difference in warzones. maybe in huttball when you are actually the ballkeeper, but the other ones? hardly. what I noticed made a difference on my scoundrel (the only character I sent off to warzones as soon as she hit 10) was my 'hey! now you see me - now you don't' skill ;)

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40s have double the dps of a level 10 lol. Maybe even triple.


Look at marauders, and operatives. A level 10 will just have vicious slash while a 40 will have 100% armor pen, 36% more dmg with off hand, and a better attack than vicious slash. A concealment operative will have 30% armor penetration for their attacks, lacerate and etc.


The difference is very big. When I hit 40 on my chars, they always have full pvp gear. I always own 2-3 people at the same time before I die. With my assassin, I just vanish after killing people and don't even die.


Playing a marauder at level 10 to 19 in pvp is very frustrating. Playing it at 20-30 is ok. But playing it at 40 is a lot of fun. Everything dies so fast and I can escape or stealth to get away before I die. So only people that say level 15ish chars are the same as level 40s have never played a lot of pvp. They most likely never geared up at 40 that they don't experience the sheer Godlike pvp ownage that you can do at that time.

Edited by xxdragonragexx
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40s have double the dps of a level 10 lol. Maybe even triple.


Look at marauders, and operatives. A level 10 will just have vicious slash while a 40 will have 100% armor pen, 36% more dmg with off hand, and a better attack than vicious slash. A concealment operative will have 30% armor penetration for their attacks, lacerate and etc.


The difference is very big. When I hit 40 on my chars, they always have full pvp gear. I always own 2-3 people at the same time before I die. With my assassin, I just vanish after killing people and don't even die.


Playing a marauder at level 10 to 19 in pvp is very frustrating. Playing it at 20-30 is ok. But playing it at 40 is a lot of fun. Everything dies so fast and I can escape or stealth to get away before I die. So only people that say level 15ish chars are the same as level 40s have never played a lot of pvp.


yes, it's obviously not the same (and I really would encourage another WZ bracket for lvl 40-49 but then there might be too long waiting times)


but that is definitely not a reason for me to not hit the WZ as soon as any of my chars ding lvl 10. in the end I don't really care about winning every game either, and it's not like 90% of the time I'm in an ops where the rest is also ~lvl 20. it's usually pretty even. sure a game against a group of lvl 45s is not much fun, but they will probably still own you when your group has only people lvl 20+, it might just not be over as quickly ;)

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I admit that because I always solo queue, I tend to leave the battleground if I see my team is made up of names I don't know (basically the fresh 50's) against the opposition I do know (very, very geared Battlemaster 50's).


I PvP a lot so have got to know all the PvPers on the server and yes I'm aware leaving is a dick move but in a few minutes I'll have a fresh game.

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Never quit. If I quit then that makes me the loser for needing the crutch of other players to play my game for me!


Accept the challenge and revel in it!


Pretty much agree with this. I always give lowbie teams a chance when I'm pvping on a reroll, as sometimes they surprise you and actually know what theyre doing.


If after 2 minutes I realise the majority of them are completely clueless I might or might not leave, depending on the mood im in.

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The only time I'm concerned with lower levels if when people are sub-level 14 so they don't get the Sprint ability.


My level 22 Juggernaut finishes most games over 100k damage done with 7+ medals and I've spent the whole game worrying about objectives (particularly grabbing the Huttball, looking for that charge and/or pass to a good position while I survive with my defensive CDs up).


I also have a level 18 Sorcerer and honestly...it feels like I'm cheating every time I play that character. It's a freakin swiss army knife at level 18 already. Regularly around 200k healing and get the 75k damage medal in addition to being a total CC/objective-based monster.


My point is that even lowbie character can contribute. they just have to be played well. It's important to not get stuck in small skirmishes all over the map but rather keep your eye on the objective. Versus a level 40+ in 1v1 combat you'll likely die most of the time, so stick to what you can do well and lowbies can absolutely shine.

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In my experience leveling up characters ( on my way to 4th lvl 50 char ), the bolster is working excellently.


How i've understood the system from testing it out is that they've determined a median gear rating for each level that players are going to attain, and they are multiplying stats and damage values based on this rating.


What this means is, any level you want you can go on GTK and buy full epic of roughly your level and totally own the warzones (which i've tested multiple times)


Why i tested it out? Because i noticed that after doing Black Talon / Esseles i quite often really owned the warzone damage charts, while at lvl 25ish it was pretty crap.


TLDR: Get better gear -> Own the 40s.

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I dont quit the WZ but I do feel like oh well this is going to be a lost cause no matter what. Scaling does make a difference but when I roll with a group of 40s I'm pretty certain we will win the WZ while on the other hand when group is entirely made up of people in the 10-20 bracket the chances of pulling a W diminish quite a lot.


Less character skills and quite often also player skill or understanding of the objectives. Dont want to generalise too much since there are alts and quite a lot of decent to good pvp players at low levels as well.


Just my observations.



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I never quit a WZ because of lowbies..... I have quit WZ's because of douche bags on my team.


I will say though that I wish BioWare would lower the level that everyone gets there run speed skill "Sprint" from lvl 14 to 10!

I would be lying if I said I didn't cringe a bit when I see 3+ people on my team that are lvl 13 or lower especially in Civil War and Huttball where sprint is probably the most useful skill they could have.

Makes running from node to node backing people up that much easier and catching up to the ball carrier that we bit easier.

Edited by Akiwi
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Depends a lot on the class IMHO.


I've constantly finished in the top-3 for dps+kills on my BH all through the 10-49 bracket - right from level10. They have the abilities to churn out the deeps right off the bat.

Saw comments about lowbies before the match started - they always go quiet when the scoreboard pops up at the end.


Can't say the same for my Guardian though.. It's missing way too many crucial abilities up until the 30s.


Thing is though, you can average 6-7k XP per WF and it doesn't seem to change from lvl10 to lvl49.. 6-7k is a huge xp boost for lowbies, and almost nothing for the 40-somethings. Can't really begrudge any lowbies for pvping for that reason if no other..

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The differences in level is significant, but not enough that there needs to be more tiers. If anything I would have liked to seen a 40 - 50 bracket and then a 1-39 bracket. You cannot make all these brackets and still have pvp.


I initially rolled a guardian to play and I still play him, for pve only. PVP is a joke with any melee class. Since rolling my sage I have no trouble taking down anyone level 10-35 solo. (I'm currently level 22) Levels 36-49 are a little more difficult but I can normally get them less then 30%. It really depends on the class, another sage/sorc and im pwned, same with a shadow or op. Melee classes other then the shadow/inq stands no chance against me.



I like the low level brackets. Most of the good imps rerolled rep on my server and we are rocking all of the crappy reps who rerolled imps to try and get an advantage.

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This topic is tired let it rest. Seriously I have a level 50 PvP toon that does well. I have my Sage who is level 14, Manages to get 7 medals, bubbles runners in hutball, heals deals 20+ kills and manages to get in and get doors/turrets/goals. Stop QQing and learn to play the game.
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Yeah, lack of sprint is a pain.


Gotta say though - for republic, that lvl 10-14 time is in coruscant where for some reason the council area (for your main class quests) and trainers/vendors etc. have just way too much empty space and the quests have you jogging (not sprinting!) from a to b way too much. it's a painful time/place for pve too imho.


If i was gonna start (yet another) alt, I'd probably pvp as much as I could to get from 10-14 just for the sprint to make it go quicker.

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A lvl 10 can tromp a lvl 40 quite easily infact, it is based around player skill, yes the skill system does make a difference but the simple fact that they are bolstered to 49 and you are 9 lvls away can mean a world of difference in the stats. I mean I was a 48 sniper with 7800 dmg and there was a 25 sniper with 9000 dmg due to stats i was baffled but it is just the bolster system.




This only works for ranged classes. A level 10 sent/mara or jugg/guardian wont' do anything to a level 40 and will die quickly. On the other hand, my noob sorc at lvl 13 can go into warzones and rack up 160k dmg and 30k healing with almost no deaths.

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