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Ranged vs. Melee: Balance in 1 change


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Add 5m minimum range to some of the most powerful abilities. Abilities like Force Lightning, Telekenitic Throw, Tracer Missle, Grav round, etc.


Not on everything of course...no need to completely gut them, but force ranged to actually "work" at doing damage when they encounter melee.


This would completely change PvP dynamics. Ranged classes would need to actually think about when to use that knockback, stun, root, snare, or sleep instead of just the ridiculous spam as soon as it's off cooldown crap that happens now.



This should stir up a festive conversation, for sure.


If abilities had minimum range they would give range more control so they can stay 5m.


Real balance. Take out auto facing on casted abilities. Leave channeled abilites to auto facing. Only people that would cry is keyboard turners which SWTOR has a option to adjust that for you if you don't want to use your mouse. I play a sage and I welcome it.

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Well for me who has played marauder, merc and now assasin.


the marauder is by FAR the most under powerd of the three.


Assasins do large amount of dmg and can cloak AT ANY Time.

While my merc is a decent healer with heavy armor that atleast can take some sort of dmg,

but as for marauder that has medium armor and is meele, most of the time u die before u get a shot of, unless a healer can keep one alive for more than 3 seconds ( and my marauder has by far the best gear of my three chars, almost all pvp gear and everything in purple )


that's my 2 cents atleast. :eek:


You're a bad marauder.

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Add 5m minimum range to some of the most powerful abilities. Abilities like Force Lightning, Telekenitic Throw, Tracer Missle, Grav round, etc.


Not on everything of course...no need to completely gut them, but force ranged to actually "work" at doing damage when they encounter melee.


This would completely change PvP dynamics. Ranged classes would need to actually think about when to use that knockback, stun, root, snare, or sleep instead of just the ridiculous spam as soon as it's off cooldown crap that happens now.



This should stir up a festive conversation, for sure.


Then they should remove force charge and gap closer abilities as well :)

Or put them on 60 second cooldown.

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