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Ranged vs. Melee: Balance in 1 change


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Umm..note where I said "some of the most powerful abilities" and not "all abilities".


Maybe that is 2 out of 10 abilities.


Clearly though, by your response you saw me list "tracer missle" and freaked out because you are a tracer missle spammer. The whole class shouldn't be based around 1 ability.


TM is not our most powerful ability so youd be nerfing 3 more which is almost our entire 1v1 rotation (depending on what you add in). considering we are a pure dps class that doesnt seem fair does it?


btw your ignorance on TM and arsenal is astounding. go learn a little about the class before you bash it

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TM is not our most powerful ability so youd be nerfing 3 more which is almost our entire 1v1 rotation (depending on what you add in). considering we are a pure dps class that doesnt seem fair does it?


btw your ignorance on TM and arsenal is astounding. go learn a little about the class before you bash it


... mercs are pure dps classes? When did this nerf happen?

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Your childproof gate ability blocks line of sight for Force Charge for nearly a 360 degree radius because it doesn't work the way it should. If melee has about 75% uptime on you, try moving into range like all the other range characters do.


I think you're trolling, but, hey, ill bite.


Im in cover! It seems awesome.


A melee gets on me. It happens, because, you know, the game isnt 1v1. Im firing at a healer or ball carrier, and the next thing i know, there's a marauder parked off my bow, kicking my face in.


I stun him, get up and try to run away - ive already been snared, though, so i dont get very far, and since im snared, I CANT REENTER COVER.


as im running, i Leg shot him to try get some distance.


Unfortunately, to "get distance" ill have to get more than 30m. Im not going to clear 30m in the 2 seconds Leg Shot effectively lasts - hell i wont even clear it if i get the full five seconds.


Then, i have to be psychic to know when to drop into cover, or he's on me again instatnly - if not he, pops his little vanish, or sprints at me, or just.. steps behind a pillar and waits for me to try to reposition - either for a better shot at him or just get the hell out. The moment i do?


Leaped to, and rooted. Rooted? Cant re enter cover.


See the pattern here?


ive just blown all of my gap openers and given him a full resolve bar - completely unable to dps him during this time because if i do the roots break - and all its bought me is 15 seconds delay in getting my face kicked in.


I actually have a FAR better chance of wining the fight if i entrench, shield probe + ballistic shield, and just try to shoot his face off before he kills me.

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You guys are really obviously basing your opinions off 1V1 adventures, which is not what this game is balanced for. Two melee can lock down any ranged class — especially Sage / Sorcerer and Commando / Mercenary — very easily, and it's why Guard is actually necessary in the game.


I actually would not be surprised if melee cleaves are one of the most popular compositions when rated warzones come out.


By the way, the fact you think abilities that can be interrupted need a five-meter minimum range indicates that you might not be using your interrupt wisely or even at all. Maybe it's a good idea to take that into consideration instead of blaming the game and its design so quickly.

Edited by GeLopez
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so you want to give us absolutely no offense when we are in melee range when melees already have the advantage? would you like an "i win" button as well?


Hypothetically speaking, how's that different from attacking a melee from ranged, especially if you are a Sniper/Gunslinger, who gets basic immunity to all gap closers built into his class? Sit on a bridge in Huttball, enjoy pissing on anyone who passes beneath you, free to snipe of any pesky melee in the center for 5-6k a hit, each of which can't attack you back.


I don't actually believe ranged need a minimum distance, but I think something needs to give. SWTOR is about the most melee unfriendly PvP atmosphere I've ever experienced. Whether it's Ilum or Huttball, these places seemed to be built with the first and foremost attention given to melee not having fun.

Edited by McVade
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Why do so many bad melee think ranged specs are overpowered?


As a healer ranged specs are a joke for me...sit by a pillar, hide when a ranged class attacks me, GG for them.


If a melee jumps on me I'm pretty much their ***** if they know what they're doing.



Because 8/10 wz is huttball and on ilum if rep like they normally are is camped so high up in their own base so imp is standing at the bridge then it is not much melee can do. And in PVE every, yes every HM boss i have been fighting have done AoE dmg that only hurt melee, not range.

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They should definitely increase range for Warriors. If a Smuggler can melee me for 5-7k crits in close-combat, I should be able to throw my saber from further than 10m. Otherwise, where's the balance? They can attack me from 3-4x the range AND melee me for extreme crits in close-quarters?


Scoundrels with an extremely good roll on someone in awful gear will crit for 5k. Average crits for BM min/max is in the 4k's now.

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Hypothetically speaking, how's that different from attacking a melee from ranged, especially if you are a Sniper/Gunslinger, who gets basic immunity to all gap closers built into his class? Sit on a bridge in Huttball, enjoy pissing on anyone who passes beneath you, free to snipe of any pesky melee in the center for 5-6k a hit, each of which can't attack you back.


I don't actually believe ranged need a minimum distance, but I think something needs to give. SWTOR is about the most melee unfriendly PvP atmosphere I've ever experienced. Whether it's Ilum or Huttball, these places seemed to be built with the first and foremost attention given to melee not having fun.






Right...as a Sniper i shouldnt have to tell you how to play your class



But here goes


Open your skill tab, and ENSURE "Force Push" is on your tool bar, pushes a sniper/gunslinger down on his arse (out of cover) and guess what? finishes your force charge ability.



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Umm..note where I said "some of the most powerful abilities" and not "all abilities".


Maybe that is 2 out of 10 abilities.


Clearly though, by your response you saw me list "tracer missle" and freaked out because you are a tracer missle spammer. The whole class shouldn't be based around 1 ability.


As a guy that plays a Guardian, Juggernaut and a Marauder I can say that the tracer spammers isn't a problem in itself, its the high CD on melee's interrupt abilities that make it screwy. Since the interrupt only locks out 1 spell, theres no reason why it has such a long CD as it does.

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Because the most common WZ, Huttball, is greatly in favor of ranged, this makes ranged favored in general.


By the way, even on perfectly flat ground, it's not exactly in favor of melee since ranged classes have plenty of tools to deal with a melee. But at least on flat terrain the two classes are relatively even. There's nothing even between ranged and melee on Huttball.

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Right...as a Sniper i shouldnt have to tell you how to play your class



But here goes


Open your skill tab, and ENSURE "Force Push" is on your tool bar, pushes a sniper/gunslinger down on his arse (out of cover) and guess what? finishes your force charge ability.




Force Push has a 10m range... Nice try but if he's that close he may as well just start meleeing you. Also, what advantage would "finishes your force charge" be to a guy that never used it in the first place?

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Right...as a Sniper i shouldnt have to tell you how to play your class



But here goes


Open your skill tab, and ENSURE "Force Push" is on your tool bar, pushes a sniper/gunslinger down on his arse (out of cover) and guess what? finishes your force charge ability.




Before telling me how to play my class, it would be helpful if you knew what class I was, considering that's not even an ability I have.

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Force Push has a 10m range... Nice try but if he's that close he may as well just start meleeing you. Also, what advantage would "finishes your force charge" be to a guy that never used it in the first place?


Have you ever considered force charging his mate and then force push/charge the sniper gunslinger or are we talking about 1 vs 1 right?


So the fact that the sniper/gunslinger may be the hard counter to your class as the Operative/Scoundrel Sentinal/Sorcerer are to mine, and you want to change that because you can't accept that 1vs1 is NEVER EVER going to be balanced, into YOUR Favour???



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