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Ranged vs. Melee: Balance in 1 change


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Add 5m minimum range to some of the most powerful abilities. Abilities like Force Lightning, Telekenitic Throw, Tracer Missle, Grav round, etc.


Not on everything of course...no need to completely gut them, but force ranged to actually "work" at doing damage when they encounter melee.


This would completely change PvP dynamics. Ranged classes would need to actually think about when to use that knockback, stun, root, snare, or sleep instead of just the ridiculous spam as soon as it's off cooldown crap that happens now.



This should stir up a festive conversation, for sure.

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I have to admit, spending 1/2 of the combat in PvP being pelted by a no cooldown, slowing, high force damage channel ability gets old. As much for the repetitive, lack-of-skill, 'spamtastic' nature of it as anything else. Player Vs. Player has, in my mind, always been about trying to outplay a group of fellow players, and this doesn't feel like it requires much play at all.


Good luck convincing anyone who does it to agree, though.

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Add 5m minimum range to some of the most powerful abilities. Abilities like Force Lightning, Telekenitic Throw, Tracer Missle, Grav round, etc.


Not on everything of course...no need to completely gut them, but force ranged to actually "work" at doing damage when they encounter melee.


This would completely change PvP dynamics. Ranged classes would need to actually think about when to use that knockback, stun, root, snare, or sleep instead of just the ridiculous spam as soon as it's off cooldown crap that happens now.



This should stir up a festive conversation, for sure.

They should definitely increase range for Warriors. If a Smuggler can melee me for 5-7k crits in close-combat, I should be able to throw my saber from further than 10m. Otherwise, where's the balance? They can attack me from 3-4x the range AND melee me for extreme crits in close-quarters?
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Yea because it's not like marauders, juggs and PTs are destroying everything already...


oh wait.

Yeah, I can get like 42 kills without even trying, but it doesn't change the fact that I enter every battle with like 40% health because I'm bombarded with projectiles for miles before I finally get within range to attack. If it weren't for healers, I'd probably just fall down dead within 2 seconds of starting a fight since my enemies can take away 50%+ of my health before I get within range THEN stun me 20 times in battle while criting me for 5k.
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Why do so many bad melee think ranged specs are overpowered?


As a healer ranged specs are a joke for me...sit by a pillar, hide when a ranged class attacks me, GG for them.


If a melee jumps on me I'm pretty much their ***** if they know what they're doing.

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considering melee seems to have close to 75% uptime on me, at the worst (as a sniper) there's nothing wrong with melee.




Your childproof gate ability blocks line of sight for Force Charge for nearly a 360 degree radius because it doesn't work the way it should. If melee has about 75% uptime on you, try moving into range like all the other range characters do.

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Why do so many bad melee think ranged specs are overpowered?


As a healer ranged specs are a joke for me...sit by a pillar, hide when a ranged class attacks me, GG for them.


If a melee jumps on me I'm pretty much their ***** if they know what they're doing.


Yeah dumb head melee, you should just stand by pillars! you dont need to be in melee range to do damage, just hug pillars and sure enough ALL ranged will come to you!


Why do so many bad healers try and face tank melee?

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Yea because it's not like marauders, juggs and PTs are destroying everything already...


oh wait.


There's a reason why the 10-49 brackets are filled completely with ranged classes on most servers.


There's basically zero disadvantage to playing a range class right now.

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Yeah dumb head melee, you should just stand by pillars! you dont need to be in melee range to do damage, just hug pillars and sure enough ALL ranged will come to you!


Why do so many bad healers try and face tank melee?


I hate when terrible PvPers post. Due to the nature of the classes a ranged class can rack up more damage due to aoe and many times not being noticed sitting on the fringes of a fight.


That doesn't mean melee is under-powered. I've seen my team lose games because a good powertech tank or marauder sat on me the whole game and didn't let me heal.


I'm sure you're just a bad troll but it's virtually impossible to get away from a good marauder or tank as a commando healer.


If you're sitting in a big pile of aoe and allies as a melee you're going to get wrecked.

Edited by Jooji
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Why do so many bad melee think ranged specs are overpowered?


As a healer ranged specs are a joke for me...sit by a pillar, hide when a ranged class attacks me, GG for them.


If a melee jumps on me I'm pretty much their ***** if they know what they're doing.


1) Because I've rolled a ranged alt so i know first hand.


2) Yes its easier to LoS a ranged, as a healer good for you. But melee have to stay in close to do damage so LoS'ing is not so great.


Hutball is the main problem. Its the WZ thats played 90% of the time and its so ranged friendly.

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Add 5m minimum range to some of the most powerful abilities. Abilities like Force Lightning, Telekenitic Throw, Tracer Missle, Grav round, etc.


Not on everything of course...no need to completely gut them, but force ranged to actually "work" at doing damage when they encounter melee.


This would completely change PvP dynamics. Ranged classes would need to actually think about when to use that knockback, stun, root, snare, or sleep instead of just the ridiculous spam as soon as it's off cooldown crap that happens now.



This should stir up a festive conversation, for sure.


ok, then give us a melee attack that stacks our buffs/debuffs and is specced to drop heat on crits. also give us melee attacks that benefit from heat sigs and target lock

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I'm a Vanguard and destroy things. Granted I started as a jugg so I have melee experience, but still. Btw my jug is 50 with54 valor so it's not like I don't know how to play a pure melee, add to the fact I had the core 2 ability delay with 100to200 ms latency.....
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ok, then give us a melee attack that stacks our buffs/debuffs and is specced to drop heat on crits. also give us melee attacks that benefit from heat sigs and target lock


No...use your stun and knockback to gain distance so you can use your abilities, instead of just being able to stand in melee range and be just as effective as you are at ranged.

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No...use your stun and knockback to gain distance so you can use your abilities, instead of just being able to stand in melee range and be just as effective as you are at ranged.


so you want to give us absolutely no offense when we are in melee range when melees already have the advantage? would you like an "i win" button as well?

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so you want to give us absolutely no offense when we are in melee range when melees already have the advantage? would you like an "i win" button as well?


Umm..note where I said "some of the most powerful abilities" and not "all abilities".


Maybe that is 2 out of 10 abilities.


Clearly though, by your response you saw me list "tracer missle" and freaked out because you are a tracer missle spammer. The whole class shouldn't be based around 1 ability.

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1) Because I've rolled a ranged alt so i know first hand.


2) Yes its easier to LoS a ranged, as a healer good for you. But melee have to stay in close to do damage so LoS'ing is not so great.


Hutball is the main problem. Its the WZ thats played 90% of the time and its so ranged friendly.


What? Charge specs have a huge advantage in huttball. Once a ranged gets knocked off he's done for like 30 seconds.


Now if you're a melee without a charge I can completely understand your sentiments.

Edited by Jooji
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so you want to give us absolutely no offense when we are in melee range when melees already have the advantage? would you like an "i win" button as well?


that was the case in daoc and it was okay. (not like u suffered a pushback, you just couldnt cast at all.)

Add a little helper like MoC that will grant u an ability to cast in melee for 20 sec, ok np. With say, 2 min cd.

that would require a little tweaking to guard spell too, so you could cast in melee only when the guardian is next to u or something.

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I hate when terrible PvPers post. Due to the nature of the classes a ranged class can rack up more damage due to aoe and many times not being noticed sitting on the fringes of a fight.


That doesn't mean melee is under-powered. I've seen my team lose games because a good powertech tank or marauder sat on me the whole game and didn't let me heal.


I'm sure you're just a bad troll but it's virtually impossible to get away from a good marauder or tank as a commando healer.


If you're sitting in a big pile of aoe and allies as a melee you're going to get wrecked.


Well the OP is talking about ranged v melee dps specs.


You come in and talk about ranged healers v ranged dps, seemingly giving advice to melee, to play like a healer and sit on a pillar and somehow bait ranged dps to come over and close the gap for the melee player which makes no sense what so ever also which has not one thing to do with the topic at all. Then go off on another tanget about melee v healers which again is a different topic altogher.


Personally I find, for the topic at hand melee are out matched by 2 ranged dps specs, which in all probability will be nerfed at some point, I honestly do not think melee specs need to be buffed in the way of damage in the least. But I will however maintain that perhaps something along the lines of defense buffs against some specs should be put into place.

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