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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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I admit that I am a "Bioware fanboy." Their games have always told a great story and this one is not diffrent. But, here is what they will need to do to keep me in my current happy state.


- END GAME CONTENT- There is a frightful lack of this. I hate to grind the same things over and over. The story platform is great and will reduce the pain in alts but high level content is where players spend 95% of their time. We need a bunch more (for both PvE and PvP) and we need it fast!


- Grouping needs some help - This doesn't have to be a LFG tool but some way to build groups cross server would sure help during lower server popualtion times.


- Very simple macros - I would love the option to use abilitys on a "mouseover" basis. This just makes me more efficent as a player and more benfical to my groups. And yes, removing the time of one click can be the diffrence between sucess and failure. Especially when tanking or healing.


Luckily, I think that my opinions echo what much of the community is saying. So, it's my hope that BW will be addressing these things in the coming months.

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lvl 50 marauder (artefice) + lvl 29 assassin (bio) + 10 bounty







Voice acting (but i think that is better invest on other things in a mmorpg)

Star wars brand

Some class are funny to play in PVE (like marauder)





Horrible pvp

Hero engine is garbage (ability delay + fps drop in warzone)

Lack of LFG and recount

Travel system is boring

Craft useless (exept bio)

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1. Not enough character/armor customization.


2. Neglected Proffessions.


3. Same old grind after grind after grind formula.


4. Extremely long loading times, low FPS and random crashes.


5. Boring PvP warzones and no open world PvP objectives (ilum is a joke).


6. Unbalanced Factions.

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Yes. And may I add that anyone who says they don't like it, I find it odd that the even voted, or are on these forums.


What happened to the good old days? When you stoped liking something, you stoped involving yourself with said thing. Odd world nowadays.


The overriding impression I get from people who vote NO is that they actually want to see this game succeed and get better.


Thus, they are here voicing their opinions in the hopes that it does.

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The overriding impression I get from people who vote NO is that they actually want to see this game succeed and get better.


Thus, they are here voicing their opinions in the hopes that it does.


Exactly, I don't hate the game with a passion at all, just can't see myself subscribing to something I don't find fun to play "yet". Will probably come back if things change. :)

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I will say that this game has had a smooth launch, and has great potential. That being said, It feels like Bioware missed what actually keeps people playing an MMO after they have played through the game to 50 on one character.


Not everyone enjoys playing alts, some people like to play their Main Character, and want things to do with that character even when they reach max level to keep them entertained. Operations reset once a week, and drop the same gear that drops from single group Hardmode Flashpoints, which can be run once a day. Even though raiding is for enjoyment of killing harder mobs, people enjoy being rewarded with the chance of greater loot, right now there is no greater reward, nor much reason to do Ops beyond saying that you have done it.


Itemization at end game is horrible. Once you get your set at 50 you will look just like everyone else. There is no variety, everyone is the exact same.


Pvp, though occasionally fun, is just awful in this game (personal opinion) and doesn't hold my attention at all. Its all the same old crap from every other MMO, but with more bugs and more ability to chain snare, CC, stun locking till death than most games.


Every, and I mean EVERY Hard mode Flashpoint and Operation need severe bug fixes.

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NO. i don't like the game at it's current state, I had my hopes up for leveling but it got exhausting after some point, i did enjoy some parts but not all of it.


Another reason is the lack of the MMO feeling, I don't like how heavy it is, I don't like that you have to go though a loading screen everytime you want to go somewhere else for whatever reason, and I don't like how heavy it is right now, so much loading time, and crashes too, and my pc is decent.

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Yes, I do enjoy the game in it's current state. However, I can't help but feel like we're missing out on many, many features that would make it so much more enjoyable.


The obvious, already requested, many, many times again but really, this should be standard:

Combat logs

Threat meters

Damage meters

LFG tool that works properly

The ability to have custom mods


These are quality of life features that should be standard with all MMO's nowadays... I can't help but feel robbed when we wipe on enrage timers without having the ability to figure out who in the group needs help improving his damage to help us progress. In the same train of thought, wiping due to someone pulling aggro without any tools available to properly gauge their threat... again... should be in the game.


Anywho, I love the game... I just think there would be much less frustration if we had those features implemented in the game already.


Also, the legacy... I mean seriously, this needs to be done right about now. Waiting another month without providing any concrete information whatsoever on what this feature will even do once it does go live just blows my mind.


So, to recap; not happy with the many standard features that are currently missing, however I do love the game, even in it's current state and only have high hopes that this game will truly be amazing 6 months down the line, hence why I've already subbed and paid for it.

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Yes, for now.


As a 12 year veteran of MMOs (from back in the Asheron's Call days), I fully realize that any and EVERY single MMO has suffered some sort of failure after launch and within the first year of launch. Whether it be in story delivery, gear, skills, game play, PvP, server stability, bugs, lack of endgame etc... (the list goes on)


Understanding that this inevitable list of failures can and likely will affect a new MMO, I keep an open mind regarding the first 6 months to a year of an MMO's life cycle.


These are my views based on my experience from LvL 1-33. I haven't experienced endgame, therefore I have no opinion of it's gameplay or what might be broken etc.



Mostly YES because:


So far, I like SWTOR's story delivery. Some dialogue lines need work and some audio bugs need to be fixed. But in general, it's pretty solid.


I like the style of the game. I enjoy the social points system and what it has the potential to offer. Obviously this will have to stay within the realm of social items, to give people that don't have the ability or time to run in groups 24/7 a fair shot.


The audio and dialogue sound great (minus the current bugs). Its nice to hear a full, rich orchestral score that remind us all of the great soundtrack from the original movies. The dialogue is not lame or sloppy, minus a few cheezy exceptions. There is some solid voice acting at work.


I love how tough mobs are actually tough (i.e. Elites/Champions). Most MMOs seem to tweak mob toughness or damage output to accommodate the player. In SWTOR, the player has to accommodate to the system that's in place. But it's nice that it's not overly tough as to make it impossible or frustrating. Just grab a few buddies.



The Bad and the Ugly


1) Now, PvP-wise. This needs a major overhaul. I've seen nothing good about PvP that would make me say "Wow! I just wanna PvP!!!". Right now it's more like "Awww... Effing Huttball again. Against the same faction... again. Against guys 25 lvls higher than me... again..."

This usually results in quitting the PvP queue and never returning for several days, unless I'm looking to change the pace from the everyday mission grind. And even then I cringe at the idea of clicking the Warzone queue button.


2) Some of the in-game textures. Where to start... Well, there inconsistencies for one. A lot of them. Most are based off some kind of LOD setting in relation to the camera or how detailed the environment is. I've noticed in larger locales, like Alderaan, some simple textures that are close by switch to VERY low rez in order to maintain an overall look with distant objects. It's not until I get right in the objects face does it decide to load the proper texture. Zoom out and you've ruined the effect again. And my speeder dashboard on the Longspur STAP keeps flopping from low-rez to high-rez depending on my surroundings. So yeah, textures... *** is going on. And this is happening on both High and Low texture settings.


There are other game play bugs of varying types. I can live with that, when you take into consideration the size of the game and what goes on in the background in the database. ***** happens. Most bugs aren't game-killers, but definitely need to be addressed.


3) Why are you updating endgame so soon when a lot of the leveling experience stuff needs to be looked at? Yes, the average player-base will be 50 at some point. But please don't forget the new people or the problems that plague them on the way to 50. If you offer some new content once in a while, maybe in the mid-range lvls it will help motivate new players to keep going or give veterans the reason they need to finally roll that new alt.


I don't disagree with endgame roll-out. I just feel that a game this young should be focusing on the core experience first and fixing some of the skill bugs etc.




To finish up... I think the game is solid so far where the Good applies. But... there are some pretty nasty Bad parts that need some loving. It's only been almost 2 months guys (Bioware), chew what's already in your mouth before you take another bite. You really don't want to end up like CCP (Eve Online), where they just updated and updated and updated to a point where the game was so broke that the CEO apologized and refocused all his teams back to the important stuff. You guys have a solid track record, you prove yourselves. Just stick to what you guys do best... deliver fun gameplay.

Edited by JordanKel
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Not really:


It's kind of a fundamental thing for me. The universe feels....cold, detached and segregated. At no point in the game (I have a 50 and several 20-40's) do I feel like I care about any character that I run into during the levelling. No one is memorable. It's all Sargeant this and Corporal that all completely lifless despite the very good voice acting.


Having 10 seperate planets only serve to detach the player from every environment they run across once they move on to the next world. It all feels very incohesive. I truly think it would have been better having fewer worlds with larger level ranges on each world.


Bugs, pvp, endgame content can all be added to and fixed but this aspect of the game is just inherant in the univers Bioware has created and can't be changed at this point. Coming from the incredibly rich and realized world of Middle Earth with LotRO it's very apparent that what the game is missing is...soul.

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