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Help me out - lost


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Joining a guild probably won't help much unless you're often leveling with people from that guild. I haven't actually played this MMO yet, but speaking from experience in many others, I can say that you will likely sometimes have to deal with being "ganked" by other players, i.e. 1-shot or unfairly attacked while doing something else.


PvP servers can be frustrating; think carefully before you play on one. If you like being vulnerable, the excitement of danger, and are also a patient person, you will likely have lots of fun. If you're not a patient person, or don't like the anxiety of knowing you could be jumped by a group of people, play on PvE servers.

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how's your blood pressure? seriously, in pvp you will face threats constantly...generally when you've already been fighting the quest mobs, and your health isn't full...this is how "war" is within a pvp environment...often attacked by an enemy player much higher in level than you, or by multiple enemy players at once...and, it never stops...


it's rewarding to win...but, often frustrating...some people enjoy this, some don't.

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Personally if it was me starting out as new to MMO's I'd start on a PVE server, learn the ropes and then later when(hopefully) character transfers arrive either move to a PvP server or just start a new character on a PvP server.


PvP servers can be very frustrating even for the most hardend PvPer.

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