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So I ditched my mercenary and went with powertech and holy ****


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Yeah because it takes SO LONG to get off 3 tracer missiles lol. People just have so much time to react dont they!


4.5 seconds plus a little delay, call it 5 seconds, quite a long time in pvp really, i can run out of range of tracer in 5 seconds.


it really isnt the tracers that do you in, it is the HS/Rail/unload that hit you after debuffed by tracer. so that takes you up to 6 more seconds to the end of unload (with GCD's figured in) so 10.5 seconds to the end of they "you die now" rotation, that is an eternity in pvp, many classes can kill me in 10.5 seconds if I let them.

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I roll a Powertech with a Shield Tech + Advanced Prototype hybrid right now for PvP and I wreck face. I am usually top damage and top kills or very close (top 3) and my survivability is nearly as good as when I was full tank spec. Anything under 8 medals is a bad game for me and I consistently pick up 10+.


I tried deep Pyrotech, it has nice burst and decent ranged attacks but didnt have sustained damage for my liking.

I tried deep Adv Proto, it was pretty consistent damage with minimal burst but rather squishy being that it requires melee range.


I have never played as a Mercenary, but, in my experience, an equivalently geared (champ + battlemaster) Merc hurts. However, the vast majority of Mercs/Commandos that I run across dont know what to do once you interrupt Tracer Missile, which is sad.


I cant tell you how many times I have interrupted Tracer Missile only to end up watching the Merc sit there for a couple seconds before figuring out that they are locked out of Tracer Missile. Then they do a knockback and wait two more seconds for Tracer Missile to be available again. It makes me /sadface.

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I dont think Powertech is useless. But I'm sorry man, Ranged dps is FAR superior in this game to melee dps when it comes to dealing damage in PVP. If you beat out Mercs consistently then I dont question your skill I question the mercs you play with.


Also wait...You arent even 50 yet? It seems you are defending your precious class when the reality is you are still a lowbie in the lowbie warzones. Please get to 50 and get battlemaster rank and fight against people with battlemaster rank then come talk. Sorry but owning level 10's on your level 40 doesnt count. Powertechs at 50 are amazing tanks in PVP but are really not that great at DPS when compared to all the other dps specs simply because they are ridiculously easy to kite.




You met baddies..


I eat 80% of the people in 4 skills in Battlemaster gear including healers and tanks as pyro PT. You can try to kite me but 5k railshots to the face with 4k Thermal Detonator and 3-4k rocket punches punch holes into your stupid argument. Get biochem for adrenals, pop explosive fuel and a power trinket and watch them die, all that while Im perfectly mobile while getting free railshots from procs.


Mercs who try to pop pooping rockets on me are practically free kills with 2 stuns and grapple to interrupt.

Edited by Dvine
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I levelled a merc to 16, but was frustrated with being a turret (I hate being a turret). So I decided to flip the other half of the coin, and rolled a vanguard. I loved it so much more, far more mobile, and even not that far into the tank tree, I was able to take way more punishment. So I went back to the Empire, remade my BH as a PT, and have not looked back. I'm finding myself having a far easier time levelling, I am doing great by my standards in pvp, far more medals than ever with a merc. I'm currently level 21, and am 2 manning the Balmorran H4's with my merc friend. As for damage output, I found something interesting while doing said H4's. We came across 2 identical elites, so I took one, and he took the other. I was level 20 at the time, tank spec. He was level 22, arsenal spec. We both blew everything we had at our individual targets, and despite being 2 levels lower and a non dps spec, mine went down first. And my friend has a couple 45+ toons, so I know he is a skilled player. I am very satisfied with my PT, and glad I rerolled.
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I love how every person who says the word pvp all "finish top 3, 10 medals pwnage everybody", you wonder whether the other 6 or 7 spots exist or bioware just uses bots since all pvpers ara top 3. Whats even more hysterical is the class doesnt matter, (insert build and class) always tops damage, kills, medals......
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Sorry but Merc DESTROYS Powertech in the damage department. I mean you arent at a level where you can even really judge the two. Get to 50 and tell me Powertech does more damage lol. Merc is one of the top damaging classes in PVP curently along with the most mobility.


Tracer > Tracer > Tracer > Heatseekers > Rail Shot > Unload > Target Dead


I dont care who the target is. The ONLY person that will survive that rotation is either a tank or someone with spammed heals or a sorc shield.


You will learn very quickly that Powertech is extremely limited in PVP compared to Merc. Powertech is one of the best PVP classes for Huttball though, but that's it.



I very, very, very rarely get beaten in damage by a merc, and if I do they are battlemaster geared.


Without abusing death from above/flame sweep I can break 400k without breaking a sweat, if I go full damage whore mode I can dwarf most other classes (my main compitition at high end pvp being Maura's).

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I dont understand why people have to assert one class is better than another. Cant they both be good depending on your playstyle?


I sort of understand the 'turret' comments, but not entirely. Sure, there are moves you have to hold still for, but many are instacast I'm healing specced, and besides holding still to do rapid scan and healing scan, I am running around either healing or targetting an enemy with blaster fire or a missle.


Now, you could say I'm only level 29 and don't even have tracer missle, so what do I know? Well, even if I had tracer and were arsenal specced, I still would be mobile because that is what many pvp situations require. I think mercenary is pretty versatile.


All that said I am very interested in rolling a powertech to see the differences for my self. Melee combat as a bounty hunter would be interesting.

Edited by ScuffleShuffle
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I am not going to claim 10 medals per pvp match, but with all respect to all parties...Bioware made sure that all classes with right builds and right play style can achieve similar dps. I think we can agree on that.


However with PT most of your skills are insta cast while Merc requires casting time. Casting time is prone to interrupts and those happen often in pvp ( interrupts, stuns, knockbacks you name it ) as sooner and later you will draw enemies' attention.


I would say then PT is less situational in pvp and skill wise has more survivability, utility and options. PT to achieve the highest dps has to stay close to action while Merc has to stay at range AND not get interrupted.


With abilities like grappling hook, charge, stealth and all interrupts staying at range and getting enough time for casting depend way too much on skill level of your enemies.

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I am not going to claim 10 medals per pvp match, but with all respect to all parties...Bioware made sure that all classes with right builds and right play style can achieve similar dps. I think we can agree on that.


However with PT most of your skills are insta cast while Merc requires casting time. Casting time is prone to interrupts and those happen often in pvp ( interrupts, stuns, knockbacks you name it ) as sooner and later you will draw enemies' attention.


I would say then PT is less situational in pvp and skill wise has more survivability, utility and options. PT to achieve the highest dps has to stay close to action while Merc has to stay at range AND not get interrupted.


With abilities like grappling hook, charge, stealth and all interrupts staying at range and getting enough time for casting depend way too much on skill level of your enemies.


Not to mention the engine of the awesomeness of Pyro PT, the laugh of death "Railshot Procs" from rocket punch and Flame Burst.

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I love how every person who says the word pvp all "finish top 3, 10 medals pwnage everybody", you wonder whether the other 6 or 7 spots exist or bioware just uses bots since all pvpers ara top 3. Whats even more hysterical is the class doesnt matter, (insert build and class) always tops damage, kills, medals......


I was thinking the same thing, it's an amazing coincidence that everyone in evey class with every type of build is always the best in every PVP fight.

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I just started getting into playing PVP the last couple of days with my Level 14-15 Powertech. The first couple were the control games and I did well. The last was a Huttball game in which I finished middle of the pack.


I can't speak to pwning any other classes but I did feel like I was able to contribute and the ability to attack from distance and then close in (if I wanted) gave me a lot of flexibility in how I wanted to approach a particular skirmish. I liked it. I think had I been absolutely forced to go in and scrap or if I absolutely had to stay outside, I'm not sure I would have done as well as I did when I did well (I had no idea what I was doing in that Huttball match).

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Merc is outclassed they did a poor job of creating the class you can do everything a merc can do as a powertech and more.


All mercs get is a second gun ability which blows! BioWare didn't give any utility to the merc.


Mercs are only good for PVE and not much there.


Sad thing is I highly doubt BioWare will do anything at all to fix the class.


The community hates it but they are not listening. And they are not giving us more character slots so we can experiment and decide for ourselves without deleting characters or going to other servers.


B.S. very bad job on the mercs I think.

Edited by Kelenan
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Rolled Merc in beta...loved it...did pvp in beta.....hated merc I cant be using 1 key....


now im a PT and even tho Im pyro I love it and I do miss the merc's push back but grapple is the ****...


not sure about the Merc pyro but the PT pyro can move around while still doing alot of dmg and I love that! I cant stand still in pvp hate it

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Hmm, iirc a level 20 Merc (at least Arsenal Spec'd) doesn't have tracer missile yet. So you are judging the classes waaaaay too early.


I'm fairly sure the damage output of any BH dps tree is similar, its just the way you do that damage. It really comes down to whether you want to be ranged or not, have the option to heal or tank, etc. Personal preference.


Agree with this 100%. You really can't judge a class at all until you ding 50. Shadow is so much better at 50. I also have lvl 30 merc and cant wait to get some of the higher talents.

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I love how every person who says the word pvp all "finish top 3, 10 medals pwnage everybody", you wonder whether the other 6 or 7 spots exist or bioware just uses bots since all pvpers ara top 3. Whats even more hysterical is the class doesnt matter, (insert build and class) always tops damage, kills, medals......


lol I know right?

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I love how every person who says the word pvp all "finish top 3, 10 medals pwnage everybody", you wonder whether the other 6 or 7 spots exist or bioware just uses bots since all pvpers ara top 3. Whats even more hysterical is the class doesnt matter, (insert build and class) always tops damage, kills, medals......


People aren't going to come on here and say "I score in the lowest 10%" well not unless their calling for the waaaambulance of course. I in fact often finish in the top 3. In my case its all about making a shield buddy that wants to heal. If I do that then I'm golden and for that matter so is he.

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Started pvping at level 13, now level 24 and since 13 have usually topped damage charts or been in top 3 + 7+ medals average per game and actually feel useful for the team especially now that I have grapple too.


Got a level 20 mercenary too and the merc just isn't as fun and powertech for me puts out bigger damage too. the gameplay too is far more fluid and active than a merc I find.


So my question is... If you want to be a dps BH and not a healer why would you pick mercenary?


Is it a case of mercenary scalling better to 50 than a powertech?

How does their damage compare to eachother at 50?


ive been top charts for dps with my merc ever since level 10, now 47

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Started pvping at level 13, now level 24 and since 13 have usually topped damage charts or been in top 3 + 7+ medals average per game and actually feel useful for the team especially now that I have grapple too.


Got a level 20 mercenary too and the merc just isn't as fun and powertech for me puts out bigger damage too. the gameplay too is far more fluid and active than a merc I find.


So my question is... If you want to be a dps BH and not a healer why would you pick mercenary?


Is it a case of mercenary scalling better to 50 than a powertech?

How does their damage compare to eachother at 50?


The Key thing to Note here is you level... Theres very little difference in stats and not much in AC to notice a diff in pvp.

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