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How hard is it to get the abandon button to work for ALL missions?


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i am at the point where the only quests i can have are my main quests, a flashpoint, and a daily. The rest are maxed on grey quests.


I love it. I mean really?


And its only a matter of time (im 45 atm) until i go to my next are and get more quests I cant abandon. Wouldnt be surprised if im left with just my class quest soon.

Edited by Meluna
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Signed, kind of bad this far into it. I am glad they have focused on fixing a lot of problems. I know they fixed part of this they need to fix the rest.



It is als interesting that the very quests that I can't removed are broken and I can't complete.

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It's a matter of priority. They're focusing their resources elsewhere, at more game breaking bugs. Those things are just annoyances. They'll get fixed in time. They already implemented the ability to abandon a bunch of quests, like bonus quests, but MAIN quests can't be abandoned for the most part right now. The tatooine one is more common, that bonus series is one in particular that you can pick up innocently, and not realize just how long it is and not want to do it anymore. Most other bonus series quests aren't quite like that.


Anyway, it has nothing to do with how difficult it is, it's down to priority.


tl;dr stop whining.

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Well there is a reason why you cannot abandon these quests. It’s not a bug.


All these quest you cannot abandon, you got em directly upon finishing another quest as part of a quest chain. Now as the only way to get such a quest is finish its pre quest. You could never get it again, once you dropped it as you can not repeat the pre quest.


So “fixing” such a quest has nothing to do with just enable the button. No you gotta make some NPC out there that gives you that quest again once you abandoned it, in case you ever want to do it.

Edited by DerEwige
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Well there is a reason why you cannot abandon these quests. It’s not a bug.


All these quest you cannot abandon, you got em directly upon finishing another quest as part of a quest chain. Now as the only way to get such a quest is finish its pre quest. You could never get it again, once you dropped it as you can not repeat the pre quest.


So “fixing” such a quest has nothing to do with just enable the button. No you gotta make some NPC out there that gives you that quest again once you abandoned it, in case you ever want to do it.


Still doesn't explain why you can't abandon quests you CAN'T complete, do you have any idea how stupid it is having those quests in the log just sitting there, almost as if they are making fun of you, staring at you in the face saying "na na na na na you can't delete me"...........This isn't even a bug that should take time to fix, i'm certain that a bug like this can be corrected in a matter of minutes.

Edited by PeacefulViolence
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Well there is a reason why you cannot abandon these quests. It’s not a bug.


All these quest you cannot abandon, you got em directly upon finishing another quest as part of a quest chain. Now as the only way to get such a quest is finish its pre quest. You could never get it again, once you dropped it as you can not repeat the pre quest.


So “fixing” such a quest has nothing to do with just enable the button. No you gotta make some NPC out there that gives you that quest again once you abandoned it, in case you ever want to do it.


Guess which mmo's have gotten around this "problem" quite easily.


(All of them except SWTOR)


It's stupid. There's no arguing that it isn't. We're just going to have to wait for a fix from BW.

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It's a matter of priority. They're focusing their resources elsewhere, at more game breaking bugs. Those things are just annoyances. They'll get fixed in time. They already implemented the ability to abandon a bunch of quests, like bonus quests, but MAIN quests can't be abandoned for the most part right now. The tatooine one is more common, that bonus series is one in particular that you can pick up innocently, and not realize just how long it is and not want to do it anymore. Most other bonus series quests aren't quite like that.


Anyway, it has nothing to do with how difficult it is, it's down to priority.


tl;dr stop whining.


Lol, there is always one of you in each thread isnt there? Just *have* to attack someone?


Anyway, it should be a priority when the game is centered around missions. The fact some of us cant do missions because our journals are full of unabandonable missions....seems kind of important to be able to do them.


what you may consider unimportant, others may consider a priority.

Just need to learn to deal with people who disagree with you.


take care :)

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It's A LOT harder than doing the missions, I assure you. So, before you call the devs lazy, why won't YOU stop being lazy, put the 5mins/quest they take and stop your whining if it's SUCH a huge problem?


Except for the fact you know one of them is a bonus mission for a group quest that has a group instance that I can't enter because I already completed the main quest so now I need to get a group for a quest that is way over my level.


So no in that case it would be easier to let me just abandon the thing.

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Except for the fact you know one of them is a bonus mission for a group quest that has a group instance that I can't enter because I already completed the main quest so now I need to get a group for a quest that is way over my level.


So no in that case it would be easier to let me just abandon the thing.


So this one quest is making you unable to get quests? Why do you people always exaggerate and make up issues to whine about?

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/bug the ones you have left and maybe they'll be fixed in the next patch.


Any piece of software this big is going to have bugs. It's literally impossible to have a team big enough to catch every bug - take a look at any Microsoft product for an illustration of the futility of trying.


The game-breaking bugs are going to get fixed first. After that, bugs get fixed in the order of how easy they are to find and repair, and how often people report them. Specific, detailed and complete bug reports that make it easy to reproduce the bug help a lot.


Like it or not, you're part of the process. The only way to avoid it in the modern world is to live in a shack in the wilderness. (And even then, you may find that your shovel isn't quite designed right...)

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Well there is a reason why you cannot abandon these quests. It’s not a bug.


All these quest you cannot abandon, you got em directly upon finishing another quest as part of a quest chain. Now as the only way to get such a quest is finish its pre quest. You could never get it again, once you dropped it as you can not repeat the pre quest.


So “fixing” such a quest has nothing to do with just enable the button. No you gotta make some NPC out there that gives you that quest again once you abandoned it, in case you ever want to do it.


So, let me get this straight...a bad mechanic is the fault of the players, not the devs, got it. Thanks for that pro tip. :)


Edit: I went back and did mine, and I understand the side of the argument "It doesn't take long, just do it"...the problem that those defending the bug (or bad mechanic) are missing out on, is that a game is supposed to be fun. If the majority aren't having fun, the devs have to change something. I, along with MANY others do NOT find it fun to go back and HAVE to do a quest to remove it from our quest log. I'll do it, when and if I want to, that's the point.

Edited by JScranton
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It's A LOT harder than doing the missions, I assure you. So, before you call the devs lazy, why won't YOU stop being lazy, put the 5mins/quest they take and stop your whining if it's SUCH a huge problem?


Geez, lighten up and try to see a point of view other then you're own. A different point of view is not bad, it is just different. Personally I would also like the option of being able to abandon any quest that I choose to abandon. Which in no way whatsoever is a whine or complaint but rather a desire for better options to be put into place as time permits the Coding team. I would also confidently venture a guess that this topic has already made it to the Team's "To do list".

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So, let me get this straight...a bad mechanic is the fault of the players, not the devs, got it. Thanks for that pro tip. :)


No. But some things are more on the players.


Player A: "I have 22 grey quests in my log I can't abandon. It's crippling my game!!!!"


Player B: "Well, take a couple hours and go ahead and finish them. Even if there are a couple you can't access, you'll still be able to free up most of your quest log in one afternoon."


Player A: "No! I will not waste 2 hours of my time on this. Instead, I will wait for weeks for the next patch and waste hours on end on the forums about it!!!"

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No. But some things are more on the players.


Player A: "I have 22 grey quests in my log I can't abandon. It's crippling my game!!!!"


Player B: "Well, take a couple hours and go ahead and finish them. Even if there are a couple you can't access, you'll still be able to free up most of your quest log in one afternoon."


Player A: "No! I will not waste 2 hours of my time on this. Instead, I will wait for weeks for the next patch and waste hours on end on the forums about it!!!"


And if you notice, I did go back and do my quests to clean out my log. That's not the point, the point is, we shouldn't HAVE to. Like I said, a bad mechanic is not the fault of the player. This may not be a bug in the classic fashion of game bugs, it is, however, a bad mechanic that should be fixed.

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No. But some things are more on the players.


Player A: "I have 22 grey quests in my log I can't abandon. It's crippling my game!!!!"


Player B: "Well, take a couple hours and go ahead and finish them. Even if there are a couple you can't access, you'll still be able to free up most of your quest log in one afternoon."


Player A: "No! I will not waste 2 hours of my time on this. Instead, I will wait for weeks for the next patch and waste hours on end on the forums about it!!!"


I think you are very confused about the nature of the player/developer relationship.


The developer is paid to fix these kinds of things.

The player pays the developer so they don't have to.


There is no issue in this game that is "the player's fault" because it's the developer's job to make sure these issues don't arise in the first place.

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No. But some things are more on the players.


Player A: "I have 22 grey quests in my log I can't abandon. It's crippling my game!!!!"


Player B: "Well, take a couple hours and go ahead and finish them. Even if there are a couple you can't access, you'll still be able to free up most of your quest log in one afternoon."


Player A: "No! I skipped those quests because I'm not interested in completing them. I won't go back and do them now just because Bioware refuses to fix their broken system. It's a matter of principle."


There, I fixed that for you.


On a tangentially related note, I have a character I haven't played for weeks, because a bug made part of her character customization disappear. She looks stupid now, and I refuse to play her while she doesn't look the way I originally created her.

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I think you are very confused about the nature of the player/developer relationship.


Not confused about it at all. I am confused as to why some players will waste say 20 hours over several weeks complaining about something they can fix by themselves in 2 hours.

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Not confused about it at all. I am confused as to why some players will waste say 20 hours over several weeks complaining about something they can fix by themselves in 2 hours.


Because if I have to fix the bugs that the developer should be working on, I'll just unsub and go play something that isn't a bug-infested mess.

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