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Lord Calypho : The RP HoloNet


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Last night, a brilliant suggestion came from one of my members. Effectively my guild will be keeping tabs on all the people and organisations we meet on our travels. Keeping a rather extensive database within our forums.


It's all from rumors and hearsay's - and information that we pick up ICly along our travels. If not just for us, being able to use the information - perhaps one day it'll be useful to the community itself!


The current templates we are using are:


Full Name:












Place of residence:

Place of birth:

Known relatives:

Known associate's:




Physical features:

Physical abilities:




^ This for singular individuals.


Known name(s):


Members of note:



Place of residence:

Place of operations:

Known partners or allies:



Known work:


Additional Information:


^ This for the different guilds.


There's already a few up on our forums - You can get involved should you wish, by replying with the templates below and I'll add them to our database.


This information will then be used later down the line - sold off to certain individuals, used to track down and find people - and of course, gives us a good reason to be approached by the community ICly.


Members of both the Empire and Republic on Lord Calypho are more than welcome, infact I urge you, to take part.

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Well.. not exactly. What happens when we want to give you milk and cookies and can't find where you live?


In all seriousness - This is simply a tool for the community and a reason for us to be approached. We've already gathered IC intel on quite a few individuals and the groups we've done RP with so far.


Its like our version of the official Imperial Intel database.


The applications can be far more than just 'bounty hunting', many more infact!


[Edit]:: Just as a little sidenote. This project is in full swing.. I'll find out all your secrets even if you don't want me to! I'll just have to do much more RP and digging!

Edited by The-Vermin
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((sorry I'm on Lord Adraas, but... why not just use the RL "holonet" known as Google to find fansites with character data? That's what I use as a "slicer" database - if I can get to a guild's roster and bio info by registering a character (which may or may not exist) on a guild site, then I treat the intel as available on the in-game HoloNet, and within reach of a decent slicer. Some may consider this metagaming, but... if you didn't mean for people to find it, why did you post it in the first place? :D ))
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