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The reason Sorcerers/Sages are OP in PvP


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1. YES. Game mechanics are the basis of everything. If Melee attacks causes enough pushback to completely cancel abilities would they not be overpowered? Could I just say "it's a broken game mechanic so it's fine"? No. That's one of the most idiotic arguments mentioned here. It's like saying that 50lbs is actually 40lbs because if gravity was slightly weaker it would weigh 40lbs.


Melee attacks would be overpowered in that instance. Now why would I call for Marauder nerfs when a Juggernaut could do the same thing? If you think resolve needs fixing make another post, it makes no sense to have it as an argument for nerfing Sorcerers/Sages. I personally think it's just harder for melee to distinguish a root from a stun when their target is out of melee range. I've never noticed my CC working on full resolve players, but then again I don't bother trying.

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Melee attacks would be overpowered in that instance. Now why would I call for Marauder nerfs when a Juggernaut could do the same thing? If you think resolve needs fixing make another post, it makes no sense to have it as an argument for nerfing Sorcerers/Sages. I personally think it's just harder for melee to distinguish a root from a stun when their target is out of melee range. I've never noticed my CC working on full resolve players, but then again I don't bother trying.


I'm not trying to get the resolve system "fixed". We got what we got and the game is build on the current CC/Resolve system. Balancing must be done based on the groundwork that is already there. When and if Bioware ever decides to revamp resolve they can rebalance cc abilities.

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The amount of completely ignorant responses defending sorcerers in this thread is baffling.


Any remotely skilled player can see that geared level 50 sorcerers have a significant advantage when fighting players of equal skill and gear.


No other class has such a complete combination of damage output, defense, and utility.


I do not believe they are game breakingly overpowered, but they are undeniably at a state that requires attention from bioware.

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I'm not trying to get the resolve system "fixed". We got what we got and the game is build on the current CC/Resolve system. Balancing must be done based on the groundwork that is already there. When and if Bioware ever decides to revamp resolve they can rebalance cc abilities.



The only thing you should try is to make a sorcerer, see how it is, and then come back and moan all you want. Then you'll at least have something to back up your statements with. This game is bursting of people like yourself trying to make a point without some realistic background.

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I'm not trying to get the resolve system "fixed". We got what we got and the game is build on the current CC/Resolve system. Balancing must be done based on the groundwork that is already there. When and if Bioware ever decides to revamp resolve they can rebalance cc abilities.


You've got to be kidding. Rather than fixing the foundation you want them to spend time nerfing classes cause you got beat?


Holy crap.......


I mean.....




Follow that line of logic to conclusion......


At times I'm glad BW ignores the forums.


Those classes are still fine.


Edit: I'm not sure why I reposted in this thread. It's full of so much exaggeration. Probably a sign that I need to go to sleep. Goodnight.

Edited by Telaan
I'm not sure why I reposted in this thread. Probably a sign that I need to go to sleep. Goodnight.
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It's more ridiculous to expect Bioware to rework the entire resolve system in the near future instead of nerfing a hybrid spec's access to TWO TALENTS(read OP) to balance the game.



Until you've played a sorc, you actually have no damn saying whatsoever. Everything you say is based on assumptions, distorted situations where many more factors than those you describe are involved, rage and most importantly ignorance.

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It's more ridiculous to expect Bioware to rework the entire resolve system in the near future instead of nerfing a hybrid spec's access to TWO TALENTS(read OP) to balance the game.


Ok I'll bite one last time lol. The game is class balanced far better than most MMOs. I read the op and the stuns are fine. Whirlwind is fine. It breaks on damage. With all the aoe in this game, the likelyhood of you being stunned that whole time is slim.


Additionally it fills up almost the whole resolve bar in that single move. The only ones seriously affected by it are the bads who get culled by standing so far away and on their own. Additionally its disspellable. Get a healer to do that.


The sad thing is that people actually believe that these kind of nerf calls fix anything. Have you seen the forums?


Lastly the classes are fine. My JG does fine against them. I know my role and play it to the best of my ability. You're a marauder, arguably the best WZ DPS class ingame. If sages/sorc had your burst ability, youd have an argument. But they don't.

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Ok I'll bite one last time lol. The game is class balanced far better than most MMOs. I read the op and the stuns are fine. Whirlwind is fine. It breaks on damage. With all the aoe in this game, the likelyhood of you being stunned that whole time is slim.


Additionally it fills up almost the whole resolve bar in that single move. The only ones seriously affected by it are the bads who get culled by standing so far away and on their own. Additionally its disspellable. Get a healer to do that.


The sad thing is that people actually believe that these kind of nerf calls fix anything. Have you seen the forums?


Lastly the classes are fine. My JG does fine against them. I know my role and play it to the best of my ability. You're a marauder, arguably the best WZ DPS class ingame. If sages/sorc had your burst ability, youd have an argument. But they don't.


I said Whirlwind, while a very powerful CC when talented, is fine. I said it was the fact that hybrids could get Backlash and Electric Bindings that was the problem.


I'm not asking for any big game changing nerfs to Sorcerers. I simply want hybrids to lose access to those two talents. I also want them to fix the bug with Backlash that allows the CC to be manually activated by clicking off the bubble.

Edited by Tumri
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Until you've played a sorc, you actually have no damn saying whatsoever. Everything you say is based on assumptions, distorted situations where many more factors than those you describe are involved, rage and most importantly ignorance.


This ,

I quit playing my sorc do I'm not out anything if nerfed , hells they can remove the class and I'm out nothing.


If i won't to play the most op class in the game ill play a merc . Iv got one its leaps and bounds more dps . Harder to kill and I only need 3 hotkeys. The rest is just icing .


But then I like a challenge so I play my op shadow and own mercs, sorcs hell played right shadows are one of the best classes in game.

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Sorcerors still defending their OP status?


Look, Bioware doesn't like hybrid specs being more powerful than full 31pt specs. This is a fact, as evidenced by the recent Assassin/Shadow nerf.


Was anyone complaining about Assassins/Shadows? No. Everyone complains about "Inquisitors" because people are dumb and they don't realize that there are no "inquisitors" pas level 10, and they actually mean sorcerers. The nerf came anyway, and greatly diminished the power of hybrid specs.


The same will happen to sorcerers. Stop trying to argue it's not necessary, needed, or good. It's good, even for you. You'll be able to spec 31pts into a talent tree without gimping yourself, and play the class as it was intended. How is this bad?

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Until you've played a sorc, you actually have no damn saying whatsoever. Everything you say is based on assumptions, distorted situations where many more factors than those you describe are involved, rage and most importantly ignorance.


My first 50 & highest valor character is a sorcerer and I agree with the OP on this, hybrid spec is stupidly overpowered and the crowd control is mindless.

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theres not 1 class u dont see top a wz if a pro is playin it


but sorc is fun


in vent talkin sht on how i was top dmg or somethin, sum1 is like "but u play sorc its so easy 1 press", i lol'd @ the 1 press then im like.. how bout all them other sorcs u see down the list, how come there geting beat by maruader bh snipe then, "oh cos they bad".


u can own w/ any class in this game


but sorc is fun.. its not op its just fun thats why ppl play it, yea umm DUH its not fun if u cant do anything but u can and its a nice lvl of micro


got beat out by real bad bh's here & there, feelin like wow how easy to destroy w/ a bh, but why the fk do i wanna do that even the bh says there class is BORING lol


lite armor aoe dmg good cc... umm hows that wrong. oh yea u want your HVY armor class to destroy lol. any1 who says sorc isnt squishy need to l2p lol, no srsly u rly dont know *** your talking. o wait u think the sheild that comes off in 1 hit means were not squishy... no sry, l2p. o wait we can try to cc u and run so were not squishy... nope, l2p. o a team of 8 sorcs blah blah blah not squishy blah blah um lol when did that ever hapen? but yea, no, sry, l2p.

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Yes yes yes, clearly you're a PvP god and all the sorcs are just bad at their classes. That's TOTALLY why you outperformed all of them in every single metric in that warzone...


Pro-tip: next time pick a picture that doesn't make it look like their class is fine and yours needs a nerf. What you did is like complaining that you won a duel but it was too hard so the other guy needs a nerf. Pathetic.




Yes yes yes, we know... When YOU win it's all skill, baby. When they win, it's because they're overpowered.


^What Caelrie said


This thread is fail on a galactic level. :rolleyes:


Are the mods keeping it around for comedic value?

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Me in Normal WZs: https://imgur.com/a/Kk2Fd#0


Me vs Hybrid/CC Spec Sorcerers: http://i.imgur.com/hHVKs.jpg


If I can do well in all normal games but get completely and utterly shut down in any game with a few hybrid CC spec sorcerers then how are they balanced?


Is it that my skill level magically drops down against Sorcerers? No. That doesn't make much sense.


i really hope this post is ironical.


or do you want me to tell that you feel underpowered because a RANGED AOE class did more TOTAL DAMAGE in a warzone?


well, if this is the case i would agree to remove all our aoe and give us YOUR SINGLE TARGET Damage. though then sages/sorcerers would indeed be overpowered.


p.s. btw. having more than 75000 total damage does not grant you any extra medals or lollies.

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My first 50 & highest valor character is a sorcerer and I agree with the OP on this, hybrid spec is stupidly overpowered and the crowd control is mindless.


Not as OP as marauder/sntinel damage though. It will be nerfed before any sorc changes ever.


Sorcerors still defending their OP status?


Baddies still QQing about sorcs?


^What Caelrie said


This thread is fail on a galactic level. :rolleyes:


Are the mods keeping it around for comedic value?


Seems so, its hilarious that baddies QQ so much. Not to mention that OP plays a class that wipe the floor with sorc. Pure comedy.

Edited by GrandMike
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The OP was very well written. Agree with him or not, he gave REASONS why Sorc's are OP. He didn't just come in here to whine.


People arguing that he's wrong should at least try put a cogent argument as to why his arguments are wrong. Just shouting that he's "butthurt" for losing against sorc's (edit: or calling people "baddies") just doesn't cut it. Give us reasons why the OP is wrong.


Do you guys honestly believe that a hybrid spec is supposed to be more powerful than a full-spec? That this is intended? Do you guys truly believe a single class, within the same spec, should have the mobility of instant-casts, sprint, + knock-backs + roots, + slows, + the burst potential, etc. etc.?


People complain about Arsenal Mercs a lot. Whether they're OP or not, at least Arsenal Mercs don't have the mobility or CC potential exhibited here. Tracer missile spam requires you to be stationary, and is easy to avoid interrupt. What is a true (reliable) counter here?

Edited by DrCereal
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The OP was very well written. Agree with him or not, he gave REASONS why Sorc's are OP. He didn't just come in here to whine.


Anyone who knows anything about this game laughs at his "reasons".


"hey, here is a class that i and quite a few other classes wipe floor with but needs nerfing anyway".


Reasons lol


And for sage: it needs a lot of stationary time to be effective, especially as hybrid. Hybrid is *not* best pvp spec. Just this shows how much you are into the matter. L2P

Edited by GrandMike
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When i read the claims that sorcerers have burst, i just couldnt believe my eyes.


Take two full champ gear (not surge stacked for 92% crit damage, which is going to be nerfed anyway) players, one sorcerer, one whatever.


As a fully champ geared sorcerer, i find the fights against all tanks, assassin/powertech dps, marauders and finally "operatives that can bring down my hp to 10% in 2 or 3 cds (probably because of stacking surge)" extremely difficult. The other classes, toe-to-toe or easier, especially the mercenaries are easy if you aren't caught out in a crowd and he/she is nuking you and you start the fight with 50-70% hp on them.


Coming to burst: My max crit with the intended gear (full champ against full champ having a 77% crit multiplier) is death field with 2.9k to 3.3k crit. Second is wrath procced chain lightning, 2.5k to 3.1k. Shock does like 1.5k damage or so tops, i never even use it truly.


I can kite the operatives that have finished their burst easily, and kill them by taking only a few hits (if he/she has insane damage, that few hits means im dead).


Marauders, well i can say they are the bane of sorcerers, i have seen 4.7k - 5.1k crits on me from them, numbers i cant dream to reach without stacking surge and using a surge relic, which will become useless after this patch. The thing is not just the numbers tho, a marauder just flat out kills me 3 out of 5 times with 2 of my lucky wins coming from the fact that they lack some cds or i get lucky procs to spam CD, CL, and 2xspeed FL on them.


Let me summarize sorcerers for you: if the spec is 17+ (lightning) 16+ (madness), they dont have as much damage as 13 (lightning) 28 (madness) hybrids, but have root and force regen utilities (root is broken on damage after 2 seconds, and we are dot heavy, so it wont last most probably). The 0/13/28 builds have good sustained damage, but still its burst in 3 cooldowns is a maximum of 7.9k, that is, when stars align.


The sick numbers you see from sorcerers are probably from the ones that have 92% surge and pop adrenals + crit surge relic on you. Well that is being nerfed, so neither bounty hunters that do 5k crits on me, or operatives that down me in 5cds can use em anymore.


The reason we can dps over 300k in warzones is purely the other teams fault, if you dont focus on enemy team's casters (merc/sorc/sniper), they will do insane damage, period.

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