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is this the worst pvp in MMO history?


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I think pvp is good there's decent variety and huttball is actually innovative. Which also shows there can be potential for more interesting warzones in the future . Though they should try to make brackets based on pvp gear score so BM's dont like 2 shot new 5O's. Or joining games scannin ur teams hps and being like ok i guess i lose cause half of them are at 13k hps. Though in WoW BG's are the same the people with the gear decimate the ungeared.
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Class balance is pretty solid, sure it needs some tweaking, but its certainly better than the mess that some other games continue to be after several years.


Warzones? Civil War is ok, a little too cramped; Voidstar is a little too messy and could use some tweaks (and I don't really understand why both warzones have 8 second cap objectives); Huttball is really creative, a great warzone, although it does grate on empire players after their 11th straight game.


Gear scaling? always going to be somewhat of an issue in a themepark mmo, but it for example is far less impact than wow (where it's not uncommon to hammer down 10+ people with 3 organised/geared people) at an AB node.

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I'm actually loving the PVP in SWTOR for the most part. I haven't played a MMO before this for a few years so don't have much comparison but on my server there are lots of tense, tight games between two teams who both know what they are doing. Sure, there are some definite balance issues but that's to be expected.


If I was on a PVP server with a huge faction imbalance and the sort of mentality that generally goes with all that I'd probably feel differently but... really the issues are mostly with the players rather than the system itself (unless you think that they should have anticipated players being silly and designed to mitigate that better.)

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Nah, this game is in the same vein as DAoC/WAR, which were the best PvP MMOs of their type (a non Hardcore PvP MMO.)


This is better than WAR but not as good as DAOC.


The worst PvP in an MMO was FFXI, and I doubt anyone here has an argument to the contrary on that one. The entire game was terrible.

Edited by Yfelsung
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Ins't this the same failure of a team that did WAR?


Also, saying WoW is silly...love or hate the game you have to admit they set the CURRENT standard for MMO pvp.


Actually no I don't have to admit they are the standard for MMO pvp because they have the worst pvp in MMO history.


PVP in this game is more balanced class by class than any other mmo ive played on release. Expertise is a nightmare and should be removed but otherwise that the mechanics are fine.

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As far as balance goes, this game isn't actually that bad. There is a definite ranged advantage, but all in all it fairly decent.


The low fps in large battles and ability delay are about the worst I have seen. Not much can be said about it other than it is horrible.


The warzones are nothing new. The combat system is also nothing new. So as far as innovation, this game doesn't have any.


All in all, it isn't the worst, but it is average at best.

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SWTOR is awesome in many aspects, but it has one major flaw as i see it:




if you look beyond the shining lightsabres, the flashy flamethrowers and the fancy forcepowers, the gameplay is EXTREMLY simplified. everything has been done before and better, its really really bland gameplaywise.


you gear up fast, easy, and have little to strive for, the pvp sets dont require you to get valor ranks until battlemaster, a misstake imo, they even overlap in their setbonuses, having almost full champ myself i feel no reason at all to grind to battlemaster, even if i did it would be way to easy.


ilum is poorly designed, even if theres a big fight with balanced numbers its still a very simplified zerg-grinder for easy valor.



Worst pvp mmo ive ever played?

(funny i was passionatley reccomending this game to people in my guild/community in the first couple of weeks.)

but now, i have to say yes, and it makes me sad.

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I'm sure that there are plenty of examples of worse MMORPG PvP, but SWTOR is the worse PvP that I have played in a game where the PvP was set up to be a vital part of the end game experience.


It would just feel lame to play in a Empire vs. Republic faction game and never participate in the PvP, but the PvP is just a combination of flat out boring and pure frustration.


I even liked WAR PvP more to be honest, because the class design was more interesting and the setting was more fun; the game had more warzones and the PvP lakes felt like they had at least some purpose.

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Worst....it is in my top 2 for the following reasons (not going into detail):

- CC is out of control (no pun intended). Too much CC available to classes makes it trivial.

- Damage is over the top making TTL too low. This makes combat boring and just a button mash

- Ilum --- WORST DESIGN I have had the displeasure of seeing.

- Too much utility for many classes, and not enough for others (common in most games)

- Warzones are just boring as hell. 5+ years and you come up with 3?

- did I mention Ilum? or CC?

- Stealth. never thought it belonged in PvP personally.


With all the ideas on how to make things better, I will not go into detail and rehash what has been said/posted since beta. I wish they could recall games like they do cars, as this one needs to take PvP back to the drawing board (and with a new design team that won't continue to rehas the same mistakes over and over from game to game)


the game is just boring as hell. no feeling of being in the thick of combat at all.

Edited by Radios
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Also, saying WoW is silly...love or hate the game you have to admit they set the CURRENT standard for MMO pvp.


WoW never was, and never will be the standard for MMO PvP. Its just the name everyone knows.


WAR had a far superior PvP model to WoW, DAoC was better, Atlantica is better, LoTRO was better.


If I had to rank games of what the PvP standard should be...


Planetside (yeah its an FPS but you can't refute its model)



EVE Online (Outside of the cookie cutter but the PvP is amazing)

Asheron's Call


Only one of those games is officially dead now, but its PvP model was such that even dead its still far superior to WoW.

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It's pretty obvious that pvp was on the end of their to-do list, and that they didn't get to it when EA imposted the Dec 20 release date on them. The reward system especially is clearly a placeholder for something to-be-implemented-later that would make any sense at all.


It's made worse by the fact that they can't just push their update schedule back to devote some real energy to fixing it. They have to put out new content on whatever timetable they've already sketched out, and devote whatever amount of time it takes to address critical bugs and exploits.


Designing a pvp system can't be easy, it probably takes a lot of discussion, metrics, and playtesting, so it's not like they can just toss it off in between doing other things. I'm really not convinced that this can be undone now that it's been set in motion.

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The standard?


Two MMOs have defined competitive PvP.


UO and Shadowbane. Every other MMO is a theme park PvE experience with PvP thrown in as an after thought.


I actually enjoy the fights and PvP in TOR, it needs some tweaking, variety, and a point... but it is NOWHERE near the worst ever.


I can't thank this post enough...


SB was a bit of a nightmare initially with all the bugs, it is really too bad the game didn't finally get fixed until 2 years after it was released (when no one played it anymore).


Of course, UO PvP was the greatest. Ever. Nothing will ever compare to it.

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No...I wouldn't go that far. Vanilla WoW's PvP was a joke compared to this game. Rogues killing you in the space of a stunlock, unbreakable chain fears from Warlocks, MS Warriors 2-shotting people with their Arcanite Reapers, Shadow Priests...being Shadow Priests (I played a vanilla Shadow Priest, it was glorious)...it was bad. 5 FPS during Tarren Mill zergs, no battlegrounds...their PvP didn't really get good until Burning Crusade.


Warhammer Online had major issues at launch. Still had some good ideas, though.


SWTOR class balance >>>> Warhammer Online class balance


Warhammer Online's PvP mechanics >>> SWTOR PvP mechanics (Ilum is one of the worst implementations of World PvP ever)

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Ins't this the same failure of a team that did WAR?


Also, saying WoW is silly...love or hate the game you have to admit they set the CURRENT standard for MMO pvp.


lolplease WoW pvp is in no way the standard for anything. its bad, pathetic and a joke and made for noobs. there was, is and will always be only one standard for competitive team based pvp and that is daoc, well 2 maybe since gw1 is quite good aswell.

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I can't thank this post enough...


SB was a bit of a nightmare initially with all the bugs, it is really too bad the game didn't finally get fixed until 2 years after it was released (when no one played it anymore).


Of course, UO PvP was the greatest. Ever. Nothing will ever compare to it.


UO pvp was nice yes, yet very simplified compared to the complexity of daoc. in the solo pvp area UO might be a bit ahead but in team based pvp its lightyears behind.

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lolplease WoW pvp is in no way the standard for anything. its bad, pathetic and a joke and made for noobs. there was, is and will always be only one standard for competitive team based pvp and that is daoc, well 2 maybe since gw1 is quite good aswell.


Only people who were bad at WoW PvP can say that "it's made for noobs".


To be good at arena, you had to first master your class, then had to master teamplay. True, certain combinations were insanely overpowered and allowed lower skilled players to win, but usually the best players always won everything in front of them.

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