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There's absolutely no problem with Sith Inquisitors at all..... <sarcasm>


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sorc's are anything but OP


we provide aoe pressure. as dps'ers thats about it


if anyone is losing a 1v1 to a sorc they are terribly undergeared or bad


every class has stuns

every class has cc and snares


but sorcs have the least amount of dmg mitigation, and no defensive cooldowns


our single target burst is behind ops, pyros, missile spams, full dps assasins, snipers, marauders, you name it



ive said this before but NO geared dps classes that i know fear any sorc 1v1

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The problem, at higher level (I'm talking BM+), Balance Sage/Madness Sorc are excellent kiting classes, together with the ability to heal this is too powerful. The only fix that is needed (for all 3 healing ACs) is, if they are not specced in the heal line, their heals should be a little worse than they are currently (with 600+ expertise)..

I agree. It doesn't seem to be a problem only with dps sorcs. In general classes with both healing and dps seems to still have pretty good heals even if they spec dps, and might even have too much dmg even if they spec healing.


Maybe have some sort of healing debuff if you have spent 15+ points in a dps tree and vice versa. Or whatever else could work.


The same might really be true for tank/dps hybrids as well, where they can currently both guard and dps reasonably well no matter if they are dps or tank specced.

In general hybrid classes seems to be able to do both of their possible jobs a little too well at the same time.


Regarding sorcs presumed OP'ness:

I'm a healing sorc myself. And as such I'm not the right person to argue for or against my class balance, but one thing to remember is that there seems to be a huge difference in how well dps'ers perform in PvP no matter their class and their gear.

Some dpsers are able to take me down pretty fast, while I could probably outheal other dpsers all day long if I wanted to - even if theya re decently geared. One would assume it comes down to you know... skill - or just understanding of your class and the best strategies used in a given warzone scenario, teamwork etc.


My point being; in many cases where people complain they cant kill X, try look at yourself and your team. It might be you who are doing it wrong.

Not saying it is always the case, but sometimes it really is.


P.S. Obviously it also comes down to Warzone design in some cases. Hutball is rather friendly toward ranged. it could be interesting with a Hutball warzone with a different design (I love hutball, go figure :p)

Edited by ShadoutMapes
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I'm not sure what you were trying to show us with those screenshots but I looked at the first one.


Bounty Hunter tops the damage.


A Bounty Hunter and a Sorc share the second place.


An Assassin Tank did the most protection.


Another Sorc did poor damage and died 11 times.



Since I don't get your point, I didn't even look at the other screenshots. Are you saying Sorcs need a buff compared to BHs?

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Yeah I'm struggling to understand the point here too. As the dmg stats are quite average I suppose that must be the point.


Are you suggesting we should nerf the inquisitor storyline and animations to make it less popular?




Apparantly I can't submit a reply with just 4 characters to it, so I'll have to restate myself in the proper way.


Double win.

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Stealth is broken on damage, force speed lasts 2 secs....wow. Two escape mechanics with limitations.

A large resource pool with abilities that cost a large amount compared to a small resource pool with abilities that costs a small amount. They regen the same when depleted. When pressured, I can easily run out of force.


You are mixing trees and showing a lack of class knowledge as most whiners do. Impossible specs are the norm with Sage/Sorc.



SOOOO wrong on so many levels.


They do NOT regen at the same rate. Force regens 8/s ALWAYS.


Energy / ammo / heat regens slower the less (or more in the case of heat) of it you have. Total nub statement there mate .. regen at same rate when depleted my ***.


Small resource small cost? You on crack? My basic heal costs 25 energy, out of my 100 energy pool. Wheres the small cost there? I think you really need to stop smoking whatever your smoking and go roll another healer type to experience it.


FYI I main a 50 Scoundrel, Valor 63 .. and I have a 46 trooper and Sage. I'm aware of how each class functions, you obviously are not.


<Edit> To stay on topic, Naw sorcs dont need a nerf. But then I did'ent think OPs needed a nerf either. (I'm sawbones so the nerf was not against me) ... resolve? That crap needs fixed .. sorc's are fine.

Edited by Demarcc
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sorc's are anything but OP


we provide aoe pressure. as dps'ers thats about it


if anyone is losing a 1v1 to a sorc they are terribly undergeared or bad


every class has stuns

every class has cc and snares


but sorcs have the least amount of dmg mitigation, and no defensive cooldowns


our single target burst is behind ops, pyros, missile spams, full dps assasins, snipers, marauders, you name it



ive said this before but NO geared dps classes that i know fear any sorc 1v1


Actually, as a sniper (and this is in the <50 bracket, so it might be different later on or at 50), but sorcs are one of the only classes that can lock me down very efficiently and chew me up. They have so many stuns / slows / interrupts that it is quite hard 1v1 for a long cast class like the sniper to make up lost ground once their stuns are used up. It's not impossible to come back from, but 1v1 with a sorc, my general rule of thumb is "Run to the nearest teammate, or knock them into the green goo at huttball."


I'm not saying they're a better class than snipers by any means, just that their strengths are our weaknesses.


And no, I don't think they should be nerfed. Otherwise everybody would roll sniper, and I don't want you all doing that.

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Healing sorcs have one stun in a min cd,the bubble and sprint,except if there is a way to pick high tier talents from all trees


So getting the AoE knockback, Mezz and Stun doesn't happen and you don't start life as an inquisitor :rolleyes:


Like I said I play a multitude of classes to see how they are, what feels about right, what feels OP, etc.


On my lowbie Sage I thought to myself "Do I really need all this control at this stage of the game?" also noting that my CC repitore would increase as I went up the levels and that what was once an imposed 10m restriction on telekinetic wave had ceased to exist in WZs.


I hate to say it but Bioware have spoiled you with the Sorc/Sage, I can bet a good portion of you complaining about us that know the Sorc/Sage has too much would probably not hack it leveling on a Guard/Jugger because they don't get even a quarter of the utility until 40+ and would probably give up at around 20-30 like many others did.


Just because you, yourself cannot see the problem does not mean that others cannot either, this is why we have communities and forums, a place for all information to be gathered and eventually a unanimous verdict is reached.


It's been reached for some time that Sorc/Sages are OP, even compared to there distant cousins the Bright Wizard on several occasions.


Do I think they are the most OP class in the game? No that role well and truly belongs to Gunnery Commandos/Arsenal Mercs (before you start denying it I have plenty of screenshots I can easily and quickly link of my Gunnery Commando cake walking WZ's) but just because I don't think they are the most OP does not mean others wont.

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And these are the few I have taken. There's been more where I've been so rage induced I frantically wait for the Exit Warzone button to light up.


My server is disgusting to play on, Imperials outnumber Republic by an approximate ratio of either 3:1 or 4:1, Ilum PvP is based on what ridiculous time of night can I log on at.


the person at the top of the scoreboard was an assassin in the first, a juggernaut in the next, operative at the next, and finally two assassins (inquisitor logo + any protection at all = assassin)....




nerf sorcs

Edited by Adzzy
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