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There's absolutely no problem with Sith Inquisitors at all..... <sarcasm>


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I can just imagine these guys in vanilla wow when 1 in 5 players was a hunter. Didn't matter that they were garbage and most were keyboard turners, there's too many of them! wahhhhh


No kidding. Bad sorcerers are the only free kills an assassin gets. It is especially fun when they think running will somehow win the fight for them... force pull > force speed.

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Considering you have Force armor and Force speed, a mezz, a stun, AoE knockback that can also root and several insta-cast heals one of which is channelled and heals for healthy amounts....


I seriously doubt the claim to being squishy.


Had you been an Operative healer or Scoundrel healer, that would have been valid since they are heavily reliant on being able to kite to survive and only have 2 instant cast heals of which one of them requires upperhand to trigger then they fall on relying on induction timed heals.


Sure they can vanish, which can be broken by AoEs/DoT's


They can stun, with a moderate duration CD timer on a single target.


They can mezz, but this would only allow them to get off 1-2 heals at the most, cannot create enough distance in the duration of flashbang to be out of range.


They can throw up an absorb shield defence, that does ignore mitigation values and is broken quickly and has a much longer CD than force armor.


Then they have dodge which only works against weaponised attacks and lasts a measly 3 seconds on a moderate cooldown.


Same situation with a Sorc corruption healer = Force Armor > AoE knockback to trigger root > Force speed out of range > carry on healing and electrocute the Guardian that tries to leap after you.


You just shot down your own arguement...GG


Everything you think is OP about Sorcs has the same limitations you listed. Force Speed is not as good as stealth.

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Basically put, the majority of these Inquisitors are Champ/BM geared too, try killing one with 2 others healing him and even with focus attacks. Not going to happen.


In my experiences throughout the years there is a very close commonality between an OP class and the amount of people playing it at any given time.


These Warzone's are not fun, it's a chain stun lightning shocks snare into trip into hell with one side guaranteed victory.



Out of probably 100+ WZ games approximately I have had 3 fun ones, the rest is just a crap shoot slaughterhouse feeding the Imperial machine.


people like you are hilarious.


you come on here and complain about another class being OP then say when you try killing him with 2 healers on him you cant. NO ****! What class can u kill 1 v 1 with 2 healers on it? Here's an idea.. try targeting the healers.

Edited by Averran
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You just shot down your own arguement...GG


Everything you think is OP about Sorcs has the same limitations you listed. Force Speed is not as good as stealth.


Really? Stealth gets broken on damage any damage at all.


Force speed only gets broken if you were quick enough to catch them with a root as soon as you hear the woosh.


Not forgetting as another poster mentioned, resources which are incredibly easy to run dry on when playing a healing Op/Scoundrel or Commando/Merc because running beyond a certain threshold decrease the return rate.


Does force energy do that? Nope returns at the same rate no matter what, not forgetting how force armor works with mitigation to make it more durable.


And lets not forget here, your shorter cooldown AoE knockback that also roots, your mezz, your insta-cast stun, your superior insta-cast heals and the fact that you give up nothing for all that utility on top of Force armor, force speed and Lifepull.


Now if your pool could run dangerously dry like everyone elses and force smarter play, sure that'd be some measure of balance, but it still doesn't change the fact....


Force Armor is the single most damage protecting skill in the entire game that is not bound to a single target or long CD.


Bright Wizard meets Warrior priest = Sorc/Sage and lest we forget, two of the most broken classes in WAR back in the day.

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Considering you have Force armor and Force speed, a mezz, a stun, AoE knockback that can also root and several insta-cast heals one of which is channelled and heals for healthy amounts....


I seriously doubt the claim to being squishy.


Had you been an Operative healer or Scoundrel healer, that would have been valid since they are heavily reliant on being able to kite to survive and only have 2 instant cast heals of which one of them requires upperhand to trigger then they fall on relying on induction timed heals.


Sure they can vanish, which can be broken by AoEs/DoT's


They can stun, with a moderate duration CD timer on a single target.


They can mezz, but this would only allow them to get off 1-2 heals at the most, cannot create enough distance in the duration of flashbang to be out of range.


They can throw up an absorb shield defence, that does ignore mitigation values and is broken quickly and has a much longer CD than force armor.


Then they have dodge which only works against weaponised attacks and lasts a measly 3 seconds on a moderate cooldown.


Same situation with a Sorc corruption healer = Force Armor > AoE knockback to trigger root > Force speed out of range > carry on healing and electrocute the Guardian that tries to leap after you.



As an Op. healer, i fully support this statement. to who ever said stealth is better than force run, clearly hasnt pvp'd as a op healer. Have fun getting seen from miles away. I'd rather have a sprint that gets me out of trouble near instantly when timed right coupled with an aoe knockback that could root over a vanish that dots/aoes can break instantly and also makes it so you receive almost no healing for the following seconds after you vanish.

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I have 2 pieces of BM gear and the BM crap I can buy. If you do not have full champion I WILL DESTROY YOU. Equally geared it will be a good fight. Against non geared people my force lightening will tick over 1500. Against geared people it is closer to 900 on crits.


My class does great with high end gear. I am tri spec, b cause of this I am affected greatly by interrupt. I need force lightening to proc my skills. Without this my damage goes way down.


O yeah I usually run premades with a geared healer. We own face. Deal with it. Spend 2 Weeks get gear group with some friends get vent communicate and you will do better.


I am no crazy ubber gamer. I am an automotive design engineer. I work 50 hours a week sometimrs , I play with my soon before I ever log on. Its not hard less crying more playing.

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Considering you have Force armor and Force speed, a mezz, a stun, AoE knockback that can also root and several insta-cast heals one of which is channelled and heals for healthy amounts....


I seriously doubt the claim to being squishy.


Had you been an Operative healer or Scoundrel healer, that would have been valid since they are heavily reliant on being able to kite to survive and only have 2 instant cast heals of which one of them requires upperhand to trigger then they fall on relying on induction timed heals.


Sure they can vanish, which can be broken by AoEs/DoT's


They can stun, with a moderate duration CD timer on a single target.


They can mezz, but this would only allow them to get off 1-2 heals at the most, cannot create enough distance in the duration of flashbang to be out of range.


They can throw up an absorb shield defence, that does ignore mitigation values and is broken quickly and has a much longer CD than force armor.


Then they have dodge which only works against weaponised attacks and lasts a measly 3 seconds on a moderate cooldown.


Same situation with a Sorc corruption healer = Force Armor > AoE knockback to trigger root > Force speed out of range > carry on healing and electrocute the Guardian that tries to leap after you.


As a healing sorc I would run out of power before killing anyone unless they're in green armor or something silly. It's very rare for me to get 75k dmg in a warzone and that's only happened because the teams were very lopsided and the other team never gave up.


Maybe you're thinking of hybrid specs where they have ok healing and ok dps. IMO you shouldn't have both. So, just reduce sorc dps by 10% then give them a buff that raises it by 10% but also reduces healing done by 20%. And another buff that increases healing by 10% but reduces dps by 20% (lol 20% off almost nothing is almost nothing).


Force armor? Are you talking about the 10% buff to armor? On a class with light armor 10% isn't much at all. AOE knockback is near useless. distance sucks and 9/10 times the melee force charges me anyway right after it. What good is a snare when I'm snared as well? Stun is nice but again it doesn't buy me much time. Sprint is the best ability for get away. But all of these are on timers. My only hope is that using these abilities means the person gives up and goes to someone else.


There are far too many ways to interrupt me and prevent me from doing a decent amount of healing to save myself from high dps targets. Even if I can survive 1 dps that means that I'm not offering any healing to anyone else.


Is it really too much to expect that people should have to assist to take out a healer? Or should all these high dps get to be 1 man commando teams?

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As an ex Sorcerer myself (but went back to Republic as I hate the Empire and all it stands for), I would definitely not say that sorcerers are OP.


They are easy. This is why many people choose them, it is easy to put out good damage, heal and do some crowd control with them. A skilled player of any class can do the same but it requires more dedication.


So I say, why nerf sorcerers ? Let people who want easy mode play sorcerers and be happy, they are not ruining your game, do not ruin theirs.

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As a healing sorc I would run out of power before killing anyone unless they're in green armor or something silly. It's very rare for me to get 75k dmg in a warzone and that's only happened because the teams were very lopsided and the other team never gave up.


Maybe you're thinking of hybrid specs where they have ok healing and ok dps. IMO you shouldn't have both. So, just reduce sorc dps by 10% then give them a buff that raises it by 10% but also reduces healing done by 20%. And another buff that increases healing by 10% but reduces dps by 20% (lol 20% off almost nothing is almost nothing).


Force armor? Are you talking about the 10% buff to armor? On a class with light armor 10% isn't much at all. AOE knockback is near useless. distance sucks and 9/10 times the melee force charges me anyway right after it. What good is a snare when I'm snared as well? Stun is nice but again it doesn't buy me much time. Sprint is the best ability for get away. But all of these are on timers. My only hope is that using these abilities means the person gives up and goes to someone else.


There are far too many ways to interrupt me and prevent me from doing a decent amount of healing to save myself from high dps targets. Even if I can survive 1 dps that means that I'm not offering any healing to anyone else.


Is it really too much to expect that people should have to assist to take out a healer? Or should all these high dps get to be 1 man commando teams?


Except running dry as a Sorc isn't going to impact you as negatively as running dry as a Scoundrel/Op or Merc/Commando that have to manage there resources well in order to keep there healing going.


Also not offering healing to anyone else? What is innervate for 200 points Bob!

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Except running dry as a Sorc isn't going to impact you as negatively as running dry as a Scoundrel/Op or Merc/Commando that have to manage there resources well in order to keep there healing going.


Also not offering healing to anyone else? What is innervate for 200 points Bob!


How is innervate going to heal other people when I have to do everything just to keep myself alive? lol


And I didn't say running dry as a sorc was a problem. (although I do often run out of power). I meant it to suggest that my dps is so bad that I wouldn't be able to kill anyone because I'd run out of power first lol

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I think the reason people call for a nerf to this class is because of what happens when you get multiple sorcerers together, working as a team. They get exponentially more powerful the more of them there are. I personally will never role one due my personal preference of playing the least rolled class. That said they really don't need a nerf so much as Bio should limit the amount of them per warzone. I love the idea of every sorcerer sitting in 45 min ques! Roll something else if you want to play kids!
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I think the reason people call for a nerf to this class is because of what happens when you get multiple sorcerers together, working as a team. They get exponentially more powerful the more of them there are. I personally will never role one due my personal preference of playing the least rolled class. That said they really don't need a nerf so much as Bio should limit the amount of them per warzone. I love the idea of every sorcerer sitting in 45 min ques! Roll something else if you want to play kids!


This actually brings up an interesting point, I think.

The Inquisitor seems to be the most played class. So what is the least played?

Personally, I think it seems to be the Imperial Agent, especially with the Sniper spec.

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That said they really don't need a nerf so much as Bio should limit the amount of them per warzone. I love the idea of every sorcerer sitting in 45 min ques! Roll something else if you want to play kids!


Why should I have to suffer as a healing sorc? The day they do something like that is the day I cancel. Not that they ever would do it.


Congrats on the dumbest idea ever lol

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As an ex Sorcerer myself (but went back to Republic as I hate the Empire and all it stands for), I would definitely not say that sorcerers are OP.


They are easy. This is why many people choose them, it is easy to put out good damage, heal and do some crowd control with them. A skilled player of any class can do the same but it requires more dedication.


So I say, why nerf sorcerers ? Let people who want easy mode play sorcerers and be happy, they are not ruining your game, do not ruin theirs.


I think the reason people call for a nerf to this class is because of what happens when you get multiple sorcerers together, working as a team. They get exponentially more powerful the more of them there are. I personally will never role one due my personal preference of playing the least rolled class. That said they really don't need a nerf so much as Bio should limit the amount of them per warzone. I love the idea of every sorcerer sitting in 45 min ques! Roll something else if you want to play kids!

These guys pretty much nail it. Also, there is very little punishment for throwing out a bad CC. To compare, in Warhammer a bad CC would give your opponent a long period of immunity, and in this game it's not necessarily even a full resolve bar. Even if it is, resolve drains away very quickly. This means that Sorcs can just throw out their plethora of crowd control - basically like a monkey throwing poop on a wall - because something is going to stick.

Edited by MagicalZero
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Really? Stealth gets broken on damage any damage at all.


Force speed only gets broken if you were quick enough to catch them with a root as soon as you hear the woosh.


Not forgetting as another poster mentioned, resources which are incredibly easy to run dry on when playing a healing Op/Scoundrel or Commando/Merc because running beyond a certain threshold decrease the return rate.


Does force energy do that? Nope returns at the same rate no matter what, not forgetting how force armor works with mitigation to make it more durable.


And lets not forget here, your shorter cooldown AoE knockback that also roots, your mezz, your insta-cast stun, your superior insta-cast heals and the fact that you give up nothing for all that utility on top of Force armor, force speed and Lifepull.


Now if your pool could run dangerously dry like everyone elses and force smarter play, sure that'd be some measure of balance, but it still doesn't change the fact....


Force Armor is the single most damage protecting skill in the entire game that is not bound to a single target or long CD.


Bright Wizard meets Warrior priest = Sorc/Sage and lest we forget, two of the most broken classes in WAR back in the day.


Stealth is broken on damage, force speed lasts 2 secs....wow. Two escape mechanics with limitations.


A large resource pool with abilities that cost a large amount compared to a small resource pool with abilities that costs a small amount. They regen the same when depleted. When pressured, I can easily run out of force.


You are mixing trees and showing a lack of class knowledge as most whiners do. Impossible specs are the norm with Sage/Sorc.

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In my experiences throughout the years there is a very close commonality between an OP class and the amount of people playing it at any given time.


Unlike other MMOs, this game's class populations aren't a good indicator of power at this time. These aren't min / maxers rolling flavor of the month, they're fan boys with light sabers. There are ALOT of assassins running around. Here is why:




And yes, we all humm that song the entire time we're logged in. Hell, the game music samples duel of the fates every time you take off in your space ship. It's a perpetual nerdgasm, even when the only category you top in the pvp charts is number of deaths.

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And these are the few I have taken. There's been more where I've been so rage induced I frantically wait for the Exit Warzone button to light up.


My server is disgusting to play on, Imperials outnumber Republic by an approximate ratio of either 3:1 or 4:1, Ilum PvP is based on what ridiculous time of night can I log on at.


So a tank can protect/do 200k dmg, lol?


100k dmg?


Pointless thread...

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Considering you have Force armor and Force speed, a mezz, a stun, AoE knockback that can also root and several insta-cast heals one of which is channelled and heals for healthy amounts....


I seriously doubt the claim to being squishy.


Had you been an Operative healer or Scoundrel healer, that would have been valid since they are heavily reliant on being able to kite to survive and only have 2 instant cast heals of which one of them requires upperhand to trigger then they fall on relying on induction timed heals.


Sure they can vanish, which can be broken by AoEs/DoT's


They can stun, with a moderate duration CD timer on a single target.


They can mezz, but this would only allow them to get off 1-2 heals at the most, cannot create enough distance in the duration of flashbang to be out of range.


They can throw up an absorb shield defence, that does ignore mitigation values and is broken quickly and has a much longer CD than force armor.


Then they have dodge which only works against weaponised attacks and lasts a measly 3 seconds on a moderate cooldown.


Same situation with a Sorc corruption healer = Force Armor > AoE knockback to trigger root > Force speed out of range > carry on healing and electrocute the Guardian that tries to leap after you.



Healing sorcs have one stun in a min cd,the bubble and sprint,except if there is a way to pick high tier talents from all trees

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sorcerers are not op, they dont need a nerf. they die just like everyone else.


assassins that are tank spec are very powerful, but if you are not tank spec you will die very easy by comparison. they need to fix madness and deception specs for assassins.



i say again, sorcerers are not OP!

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sorcerers are not op, they dont need a nerf. they die just like everyone else.


assassins that are tank spec are very powerful, but if you are not tank spec you will die very easy by comparison. they need to fix madness and deception specs for assassins.



i say again, sorcerers are not OP!


You know who else fought nerfs with logic and reason?


Operatives and Scoundrels.


Guess how that worked out? :D

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I think this is an issue of one class appearing to be more overpowered than it really is.


I really don't think Sorcerers are that OP, compared to any other ranged class in the game. I think the designers got a little too gimmick happy, however, and basically designed every Warfront to be a ranged heaven and gave ranged way too Knockbacks. Even in Alderaan, a good knockback is the best CC in the game... let alone Huttball where a knockback can equal instant death or a 15-20 second CC, if you get knocked to the lowest level and can't get LoS on someone to charge on a bridge.


Forget Ilum, where my job as a Melee is to stand in the zerg spamming my class buff in hopes ranged get some kills so I get credit.


Overall SWTOR is a great place to be a ranged class and a terrible place to be a melee. Then again, the same held true for Warhammer, which half these devs developed and clearly didn't learn anything from.

Edited by McVade
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