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There's absolutely no problem with Sith Inquisitors at all..... <sarcasm>


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And these are the few I have taken. There's been more where I've been so rage induced I frantically wait for the Exit Warzone button to light up.


My server is disgusting to play on, Imperials outnumber Republic by an approximate ratio of either 3:1 or 4:1, Ilum PvP is based on what ridiculous time of night can I log on at.

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Basically put, the majority of these Inquisitors are Champ/BM geared too, try killing one with 2 others healing him and even with focus attacks. Not going to happen.


In my experiences throughout the years there is a very close commonality between an OP class and the amount of people playing it at any given time.


These Warzone's are not fun, it's a chain stun lightning shocks snare into trip into hell with one side guaranteed victory.



Out of probably 100+ WZ games approximately I have had 3 fun ones, the rest is just a crap shoot slaughterhouse feeding the Imperial machine.

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Are u complaining about to many Sorc in matches?


Yeah I'm struggling to understand the point here too. As the dmg stats are quite average I suppose that must be the point.


Are you suggesting we should nerf the inquisitor storyline and animations to make it less popular?

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I'm a healing specced sorceror myself, and I really enjoy the class. Opposition can take me apart if they know what they're doing though.


We have significant balancing weaknesses. We don't really spike. We deliver a constant damage instead that can make it hard to take down healers, and hard to capture objectives when taking too long to kill the enemy can allow reinforcements to arrive.


We're also channel and activation time reliant. Interrupt us once in a while.


Finally we're squishy. Equipped only with light armour and our bubble, you should be able to rip us apart. Seperate us from the crowd and kill us one by one.


Every class has highs and lows. I would suggest that it's the story, animations and history of the class that makes it so popular.


When I'm put in a WZ other than huttball with mostly sorcerors, I know that I'm generally going to lose.

Edited by piethief
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Heres something about statistics make ppl complain when they do not understand them.


All Sorc's are inquisistors


All Inquisitors are not Sorc


When you look at the end results from WZ u see the lighting hand, they ARE NOT ALL SORCS


Sins have the same symbol, so al your SS are irrelevent because they is no wat to determine who is what from that. Healing is not limited to Sorc so that doesnt even work.


So what are you QQ'ing for, too many general Inquisitos in WZ's or to many Sorcs. And ill wager you are a trooper or smuggler, am i right?

Edited by Xeox
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Basically put, the majority of these Inquisitors are Champ/BM geared too, try killing one with 2 others healing him and even with focus attacks. Not going to happen.



So which class CAN you kill while 2 healers are healing him? Because i think you're better off focusing you energy into getting that poor class a boost.

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Heres something about statistics make ppl complain when they do not understand them.


All Sorc's are inquisistors


All Inquisitors are not Sorc


When you look at the end results from WZ u see the lighting hand, they ARE NOT ALL SORCS


Sins have the same symbol, so al your SS are irrelevent because they is no wat to determine who is what from that. Healing is not limited to Sorc so that doesnt even work.


So what are you QQ'ing for, too many general Inquisitos in WZ's or to many Sorcs. And ill wager you are a trooper or smuggler, am i right?



Between chain healing and chain stunning, and two different advanced classes, I know there's a difference. But really in the end like I said, between the chain healing and chain stunning, it's a little out of hand.

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Between chain healing and chain stunning, and two different advanced classes, I know there's a difference. But really in the end like I said, between the chain healing and chain stunning, it's a little out of hand.


Chain healing is Sorc, Chain stun, you dont understand teh class or you are being hit by multiple ppl


I can Spike, (700 dmg and 2 sec stun) (waste of force) then electrocute (4 sec stun 400 dmg), low sweep is 4 sec stun but breaks on dmg, my ww is not instant unless i spec madness way to high up.


Spike, then electrocute, then low sweep is full resolve on solo.


I can spike, 1 maul, then electrocute, Maul, Discharge, your up, shock while your not stunned, then low sweep, out of force, Blackout to regain force tthen hope to get a maul before 4 sec stun (that breaks on dmg) is up, and your resolve bar is full and thats it, in all that if you dont use CC breaker and or stun me inbetween., so Chain CC not realy unless you dont know how to CC break, spam anything inbetween bing stuned.


Take Sins out of your equation and there are a few sorcs but not as many as u think.


BTW im not Sorc im Sin

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And these are the few I have taken. There's been more where I've been so rage induced I frantically wait for the Exit Warzone button to light up.


My server is disgusting to play on, Imperials outnumber Republic by an approximate ratio of either 3:1 or 4:1, Ilum PvP is based on what ridiculous time of night can I log on at.


I find it pretty amazing you have reached 50 knowing so little about how this game works.

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People stop crying for nerfs and think. You might be out geared you might be fighting premades you might be out skilled.


People don't get outgeared as such in 10-49's Sorcs and Sages have insane amount of utility.


People do get outgeared in 50's, Sorcs and Sages still have an insane amount of utility and are one of the harder classes to take down when they are BM geared.


Straight up issue with Sorc instantly noticable is the bubble and how it works in relation mitigation effects/values.


Now if the bubble was a flat value that when struck would be an unimitigated amount, it would be fine without needing to increase the CD.


But since it takes mitigation values into account first, Sorc and Sage bubbles can exist for a fair bit and eat up a major burst attempt.


Second issue noticable, infinately spammable dps (when mastery is taken for it) from Force lightning/Telephathic throw which comes with an added utility of a 50% slow on each cast, interuptable but the cost vs effectivity of the skill make it one of the most spammable and overused skills, needs to lose some utility (snare decreased to 20-25%) or instant cooldown mastery moved much further up the shared tree.


Third issue noticable, AoE knockback cooldown is lesser than most singular knockbacks or aoe knockbacks from other classes, needs an increase in cooldown to match the other classes.


If those are sorted, I think most of us would be happy to call the Sorc/Sage balanced as right now they are too much of a "do it all and most of it better than other classes"


Heck even the Sages in my guild during an Eternity vault run last night commented on how they expect to be nerfed and feel it's justified, too many denier, defender, deflectors on the forum that suffer from the Bright Wizard syndrome.

Edited by Zarthorn
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Looking at those stats - some of those 'electricity hands' are assassins (they have protection points). Tanks.


Some of those sorcs are healers. Healers.


And a bunch are doing dps. DPS.


Seems like pretty decently balanced teams, role-wise.

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People don't get outgeared as such in 10-49's Sorcs and Sages have insane amount of utility.


People do get outgeared in 50's, Sorcs and Sages still have an insane amount of utility and are one of the harder classes to take down when they are BM geared.


Straight up issue with Sorc instantly noticable is the bubble and how it works in relation mitigation effects/values.


Now if the bubble was a flat value that when struck would be an unimitigated amount, it would be fine without needing to increase the CD.


But since it takes mitigation values into account first, Sorc and Sage bubbles can exist for a fair bit and eat up a major burst attempt.


Second issue noticable, infinately spammable dps (when mastery is taken for it) from Force lightning/Telephathic throw which comes with an added utility of a 50% slow on each cast, interuptable but the cost vs effectivity of the skill make it one of the most spammable and overused skills, needs to lose some utility (snare decreased to 20-25%) or instant cast mastery moved much further up the shared tree.


Third issue noticable, AoE knockback cooldown is lesser than most singular knockbacks or aoe knockbacks from other classes, needs an increase in cooldown to match the other classes.


If those are sorted, I think most of us would be happy to call the Sorc/Sage balanced as right now they are too much of a "do it all and most of it better than other classes" right now.


Heck even the Sages in my guild during an Eternity vault run last night commented on how they expect to be nerfed and feel it's justified, too many denier, defender, deflectors on the forum that suffer from the Bright Wizard syndrome.



Thank you! While many of the people were ready to call me stupid, learn to play, etc. I know there's something wrong with the class just can't explain it because I'm not some technical guru.

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The inquisitor base class (because that is all your SS shows...not sorcs) covers tanks, dps and healers, so of course there are going to be lots of them. Just like there are lots of Bounty Hunters, that doesn't make them all tracer spamming mercs.


There are problems with sorcs (and other classes), however most of the posts on here are simply "I got hit with lots of chain lightning, they need a nerf".


The problem, at higher level (I'm talking BM+), Balance Sage/Madness Sorc are excellent kiting classes, together with the ability to heal this is too powerful. The only fix that is needed (for all 3 healing ACs) is, if they are not specced in the heal line, their heals should be a little worse than they are currently (with 600+ expertise).


To simply show a SS of a Warzone finishing with 5-6 inquisitors, is kinda dumb. There are SS floating around of 6+ Bounty Hunters, Troopers, Consulars and Imperial Agents, this doesn't mean anything other than the people that queued for that Warzone played the same base class.

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There are a lot of sorcs. I am a healing sorc. I do think that a nerf is coming at some point but my concern is it'll affect me as well. I'm very squishy and easily interrupted.


Considering you have Force armor and Force speed, a mezz, a stun, AoE knockback that can also root and several insta-cast heals one of which is channelled and heals for healthy amounts....


I seriously doubt the claim to being squishy.


Had you been an Operative healer or Scoundrel healer, that would have been valid since they are heavily reliant on being able to kite to survive and only have 2 instant cast heals of which one of them requires upperhand to trigger then they fall on relying on induction timed heals.


Sure they can vanish, which can be broken by AoEs/DoT's


They can stun, with a moderate duration CD timer on a single target.


They can mezz, but this would only allow them to get off 1-2 heals at the most, cannot create enough distance in the duration of flashbang to be out of range.


They can throw up an absorb shield defence, that does ignore mitigation values and is broken quickly and has a much longer CD than force armor.


Then they have dodge which only works against weaponised attacks and lasts a measly 3 seconds on a moderate cooldown.


Same situation with a Sorc corruption healer = Force Armor > AoE knockback to trigger root > Force speed out of range > carry on healing and electrocute the Guardian that tries to leap after you.

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Heres something about statistics make ppl complain when they do not understand them.


All Sorc's are inquisistors


All Inquisitors are not Sorc



Oh, but didn't you know Sorc can give "Protection/Guards" too...we can also fly and battle rez self.


Next week Wheaties plans on placing the Inquis logo on the Box Cover as well...

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Considering you have Force armor and Force speed, a mezz, a stun, AoE knockback that can also root and several insta-cast heals one of which is channelled and heals for healthy amounts....


I seriously doubt the claim to being squishy.


Had you been an Operative healer or Scoundrel healer, that would have been valid since they are heavily reliant on being able to kite to survive and only have 2 instant cast heals of which one of them requires upperhand to trigger then they fall on relying on induction timed heals.


Sure they can vanish, which can be broken by AoEs/DoT's


They can stun, with a moderate duration CD timer on a single target.


They can mezz, but this would only allow them to get off 1-2 heals at the most, cannot create enough distance in the duration of flashbang to be out of range.


They can throw up an absorb shield defence, that does ignore mitigation values and is broken quickly and has a much longer CD than force armor.


Then they have dodge which only works against weaponised attacks and lasts a measly 3 seconds on a moderate cooldown.


Same situation with a Sorc corruption healer = Force Armor > AoE knockback to trigger root > Force speed out of range > carry on healing and electrocute the Guardian that tries to leap after you.


troopers /mercs use ammo/heat ,

smugglers / op use energy


all of them cant go and heal willy nilly .....because how the system works for them ...they have hard time affording to throw CCs around or even throwing dmg spells ....yeah sometimes u can go and spam u will have hard time healing /cc/dppsing for the next min


sages/sarcs? lol who cares , spam heal ,dmg spells , CC .... my regen wont change at all :D



oh and yeah 4 sorcs or more is a NIGHTMARE (nearly al thel warzones), perma snared guarenteed (spam lighting or peblees more!), aoe knocbkacs everywhere (rooted too , resolve u said? HAHAHAHA) ....bubbles everywhere ,ISNT FUN


too much cc , absorbed dmg , heals , snares , dmg (dots ) ,ppl sprinting and healing while hide ....try to catch up? nop u are snare by the other 5 sage/sorcs.....

Edited by Warlyx
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Okay...so everyone is going after Consular/Inquisitor now? They're the FOTM now?


Weren't Operatives/Scoundrels FOTM 2 weeks ago? Despite the fact that Consular/Inquisitor have always had these population numbers?


They're just next on the list of classes that will be getting nerfed. They'll get to everyone eventually. Doesn't make it okay, doesn't make it right. It's just a fact of life in MMOs.


In real life, one cannot escape death. In MMOs, one cannot escape nerfs.

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