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Which class is best all around?


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I am currently in Afghanistan doing my second and last deployment. I played SWTOR for a total of like a week and a half before I left the States.. I played Star Wars Galaxies for 8 years and now that it is gone, I plan on putting all my effort into SWTOR.. I need some help though, when I get back in roughly 6 months, I don't want to waste time. So this thread is so I can get advice from the experts and the people that have had the time to play..


Little bit about my play style:

1. Prefer melee over ranged.

2. Played a bounty hunter on SWG (melee).

3. I like to hit people with traps, slow them down/Bleed them out.


What I WANT:

1. I want a class that can play a big part in a group but can solo like no other.

2. I'm a big pvp guy, so would prefer a pvp strong class.


Any input or advice will help.

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play sorc/sage or merc/bh.


rest is trash compared to those 2.




I play a pyro Powertech and quite honestly I am a soloing monster, I usually roam the warzone almost one shotting people with my cds.


I would really recommend trying out Powertech Bounty Hunters. The only drawback is we don't really shine in a group if you are not specced tank.

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I am currently in Afghanistan doing my second and last deployment. I played SWTOR for a total of like a week and a half before I left the States.. I played Star Wars Galaxies for 8 years and now that it is gone, I plan on putting all my effort into SWTOR.. I need some help though, when I get back in roughly 6 months, I don't want to waste time. So this thread is so I can get advice from the experts and the people that have had the time to play..


Little bit about my play style:

1. Prefer melee over ranged.

2. Played a bounty hunter on SWG (melee).

3. I like to hit people with traps, slow them down/Bleed them out.


What I WANT:

1. I want a class that can play a big part in a group but can solo like no other.

2. I'm a big pvp guy, so would prefer a pvp strong class.


Any input or advice will help.


based on your criteria I'd highly suggest a consular Shadow.

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There are a ton of these types of posts asking similar but slightly different questions, which could be condensed into one thread really.


What is the best class at _____




What class should I play, I to to ______




The answer is always Sorc/Sage


Play one, like it or else.

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play sorc/sage or merc/bh.


rest is trash compared to those 2.


WRONG. Vanguard is pretty nice. Although Merc/commando is RANGED, and so are Sorc and Sage. Vanguard is more close range tactics. i.e. knives, stockstrike, etc.


Theres a tanking tree, and 2 damage trees. The utility of this class is superior, only to be matched by the almighty sorc (They're OP For many occasions, not all).


The vanguard's shield specialist gives you survivibility, which means being able to stall a fight for everyone to blow their CD, but still be alive afterwards.


They're most burst (And who doesn't like burst? The most OP people ever, once again, only matched by a sorc, who's rather DPS-y)


By going tank for 21 pnts, you will get "Storm", which is basically force charge. But for 3 seconds instead of two (Double edged sword. It takes longer to get there by one second, but the target is immobilized for an extra second while you perform the animation. I say the latter is more annoying to the target than the former is to me).


The Vanguard has 3 "Energy Cells", (Just like the trooper and Bounty Hunter mirrors), each for different occasions. But only use one


By going into defense, many of your bonuses will come from the tanking cell. Use it. Your remaining points will be spread out, so as to try to not get bonuses that rewquire the remaining to damage cells (1 tank tree, 2 damage cells, mirrored by 1 tank cell, two damage cells)


I'm aiming towards this build right here:


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I am currently in Afghanistan doing my second and last deployment. I played SWTOR for a total of like a week and a half before I left the States.. I played Star Wars Galaxies for 8 years and now that it is gone, I plan on putting all my effort into SWTOR.. I need some help though, when I get back in roughly 6 months, I don't want to waste time. So this thread is so I can get advice from the experts and the people that have had the time to play..


Little bit about my play style:

1. Prefer melee over ranged.

2. Played a bounty hunter on SWG (melee).

3. I like to hit people with traps, slow them down/Bleed them out.


What I WANT:

1. I want a class that can play a big part in a group but can solo like no other.

2. I'm a big pvp guy, so would prefer a pvp strong class.


Any input or advice will help.


While Sorc/Sage and Trooper Commando/BH Mercenary do have some current...uh...issues as PvP goes with being slightly "too" good, its really not a case of the classes being OP in the hands of any player that plays them. Seems a lot of people are answering with their personal issues in regards to classes that are a bit out of balance as their answer and not really giving answers.


I routinely embarrass Commandos/Mercenaries on my BH Powertech Advanced Prototype. But its because I'm actually good at what I do and they're pretty much screwed if I interrupt their one button win ability on a consistent basis.


Sages and Sorcerors right now, imho, are a bit tougher than they should be for the damage that they put out. And this isn't even taking Expertise geared ones into account as I routinely had Sage's and Sorcerors in the 10 - 49 bracket that I simply could not kill cause I couldn't interrupt all their self heals. Smuggler and IA healing specs are much the same right now, people who play them well are very hard to kill because the HPS is literally about 1.15% higher than the DPS you or anyone else alone can put out, so the situation between DPS and healing spec'd AC's is quite nearly deadlocked unless you can get other people to focus fire on them.


I would recommend the BH Advanced Prototype spec, its not a ranged spec, well not that ranged as things go. Everything you do well is within 5 - 10m of a target, and the entire spec is about being up in peoples faces. I don't, though, recommend it unless you're really familiar with PvP mobility dynamics and can't manage having literally everything you do hot keyed. Its definitely not a keyboard turner/mouse clicker spec at all. But if you're pretty well situated with using bound keys and know how to stay mobile in PvP its a very satisfying "brawler" style spec that isn't based around anything that is currently FOTM and can roll FOTM AC's pretty nicely if you know how to play it.

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WRONG. Vanguard is pretty nice. Although Merc/commando is RANGED, and so are Sorc and Sage. Vanguard is more close range tactics. i.e. knives, stockstrike, etc.


Theres a tanking tree, and 2 damage trees. The utility of this class is superior, only to be matched by the almighty sorc (They're OP For many occasions, not all).


The vanguard's shield specialist gives you survivibility, which means being able to stall a fight for everyone to blow their CD, but still be alive afterwards.


They're most burst (And who doesn't like burst? The most OP people ever, once again, only matched by a sorc, who's rather DPS-y)


By going tank for 21 pnts, you will get "Storm", which is basically force charge. But for 3 seconds instead of two (Double edged sword. It takes longer to get there by one second, but the target is immobilized for an extra second while you perform the animation. I say the latter is more annoying to the target than the former is to me).


The Vanguard has 3 "Energy Cells", (Just like the trooper and Bounty Hunter mirrors), each for different occasions. But only use one


By going into defense, many of your bonuses will come from the tanking cell. Use it. Your remaining points will be spread out, so as to try to not get bonuses that rewquire the remaining to damage cells (1 tank tree, 2 damage cells, mirrored by 1 tank cell, two damage cells)


I'm aiming towards this build right here:



Are you looking at PvP or PvE with that build? Quite a few wasted points if your are looking at PvP.

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Ok, without the limitations of melee. What is the best PvE solo class? Or is that like alot of other games where it depends on your skill?




ask another question about who is best at _____ and I will answer it for you.


Sorc, there answered it in advance.

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play sorc/sage or merc/bh.


rest is trash compared to those 2.


What he says. Currently those 2 offer a complete package. Especially as a sorcerer if you know when to run off you are hard to kill while having insane utility (especially in Huttball). Powertech is nice, though, too. Good dps, mix of strong melee moves and heavy armour and ranged stuff on top of it.

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Definitely want to go Vanguard. A well played vg recks face both solo and group play with aoe. Tank wise they can be unmoveable objects with hella utility. I say Vanguard over Powertech because republic get near instant queues on a well populated server, plus 80% of your matches won't be huttball.


Edit: Do not listen to all these clowns that say roll sorcerer. 1. It's not a melee class. 2. It's highly overrated and overplayed. 3. You don't want to get tunneled into huttball if your focus is pvp. Stay away from imperial.

Edited by Grimyd
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Definitely want to go Vanguard. A well played vg recks face both solo and group play with aoe. Tank wise they can be unmoveable objects with hella utility. I say Vanguard over Powertech because republic get near instant queues on a well populated server, plus 80% of your matches won't be huttball.


I'd agree with this, the Vanguard Tactics spec is pretty mich a direct mirror of the BH Powertech AP spec. And yeah you'll spend a lot less time in Huttball and get PvP literally on demand.


I spend most of my time in Huttball unfortunately, and to be frank Ilum needs more good Rep's for it to start "working" to some degree.


I've gone head to head with some good Tactics spec'd Vanguards on The Harbinger, its always a nice tight and challenging fight, unless someone else on one side or the other gets involved, its usually down to one mistake from me or the Vanguard that determines who wins.

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I am currently in Afghanistan doing my second and last deployment. I played SWTOR for a total of like a week and a half before I left the States.. I played Star Wars Galaxies for 8 years and now that it is gone, I plan on putting all my effort into SWTOR.. I need some help though, when I get back in roughly 6 months, I don't want to waste time. So this thread is so I can get advice from the experts and the people that have had the time to play..


Little bit about my play style:

1. Prefer melee over ranged.

2. Played a bounty hunter on SWG (melee).

3. I like to hit people with traps, slow them down/Bleed them out.


What I WANT:

1. I want a class that can play a big part in a group but can solo like no other.

2. I'm a big pvp guy, so would prefer a pvp strong class.


Any input or advice will help.




Even though it's pretty much classified as ranged, most of your abilities require you to be in melee range.


You can pretty much solo your way to 50, easily able to do any heroic 2s, and most 4s. I myself though duo'd with a friend who was a commando healer up until about 40.


PVP wise, we're excellent. I'm playing shield spec (tank), until I gather up another set of gear for DPS specs. If you have a pocket healer, or any confident healer, you're pretty close to unkillable. Besides that, you should have no trouble 1v1ing anything, except healers (mainly because how "kick" and other interupt abilities do not lock out entire ability schools), but you still have a lot of interupts, between Cryo Grenade, Riot Strike (main melee interupt), Neural Surge (aoe 2 sec stun), and if you're tank specced, Storm.


As for the DPS specs, you're not going to be dishing out the insane burst some classes have. You do however put out a lot of steady pressure. You can get some decent high crits, with good gear of course. Both DPS trees obtain a Bleed/Dot skill. Tactics tree has the melee bleed, Assault is a ranged incendiary grenade (great for warzones to stop people from capping objectives, since you can't cap anything with a dot).


I personally love vanguard. I was a shadow/assassin before, but because of the ability delay (thats pretty much fixed for me now) I swapped to vanguard and leveled that. I still play shadow when I want to to stealth around and burst people down. Though, light armor, so unless you're tanked specced there, you're gunna go down fast if focused. I can't really comment on the tank tree for shadow since I never tried it, but from what I've seen, it does well too. Though Vanguard is still a better tanking class.



Or if you want ez mode just play sorc.

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I am currently in Afghanistan doing my second and last deployment. I played SWTOR for a total of like a week and a half before I left the States.. I played Star Wars Galaxies for 8 years and now that it is gone, I plan on putting all my effort into SWTOR.. I need some help though, when I get back in roughly 6 months, I don't want to waste time. So this thread is so I can get advice from the experts and the people that have had the time to play..


Little bit about my play style:

1. Prefer melee over ranged.

2. Played a bounty hunter on SWG (melee).

3. I like to hit people with traps, slow them down/Bleed them out.


What I WANT:

1. I want a class that can play a big part in a group but can solo like no other.

2. I'm a big pvp guy, so would prefer a pvp strong class.


Any input or advice will help.


dont listen to the sorc/bh whine they are terribad in 1on1. best as in most op class atm is probably powertech/vanguard. if that is still the case in 6 months is a completely different question tho.

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Of the available melee options, vanguard or powertech would fit you bill. They can solo easily. They are pvp monsters. They are fun to play. Sith warrior juggs or Jedi knight guardians are also great because they require more skill to play well so it takes a while to master them.
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