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NOW = 1.7 Million Active Subscribers | 3 Months from now = Guess What


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My rough estimate is 2.5M Active Subscribers

What's yours?:p


Mine is conservatively 4.3 million subs. By year's end they're looking at 6.8 million.


No matter how many trolls on the forums try to tear this game down, the power and allure of lightstabers is too great.


I mean, it's not like Lucas is releasing episode I in 3-D or anything you know? Generating some interest in the franchise allllllllll over again.

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It just makes me laugh that all the fanboys want to talk about is this 'magical 1.7 million subscribers' number.


Regardless of how many people post that their entire guilds no longer play, how their servers are becoming ghost towns, how there is nobody to PvP against at endgame... the list goes on and on... we are seeing these complaints from a lot of people.


fanboy's response... there are 1.7 million active subscriptions, durrr! 85% retention rate! durrrr!!!!


All you have to do is login to see the proof. Stop believing falsified numbers. Stop throwing the 1.7 million subs number around like it's some fact that couldn't possibly be manufactured by playing around with numbers and how they are reported. there is no way anyone with even half a brain could believe that there are 1.7 million people playing this game when they login.


At one time I was like all you fanboys. I was this way with FFXIV. I didn't want to believe the forums. I LOVE FF! it was a game I looked forward to like no other and would defend till my last breath... then one day it just hit me that ya... this game really is horrible and everyone saying that it was, was actually correct. All you fanboys will come to realize this soon enough. Stop believing the propagando coming from EA and log in and see it with your own eyes.


and yet you still have an active SWTOR account.

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Mine is conservatively 4.3 million subs. By year's end they're looking at 6.8 million.


No matter how many trolls on the forums try to tear this game down, the power and allure of lightstabers is too great.


I mean, it's not like Lucas is releasing episode I in 3-D or anything you know? Generating some interest in the franchise allllllllll over again.


the game still hasn't launched in Australia/New Zealand if they add in a Spanish language version then you are right on track.

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They definitely said in the press release that they are going to sink some of the money back into marketting so i would assume that could include free trials.


For the wow numbers they dont include free trials as subs though so i would assume the same would be true for SWTOR and EA


actually wow has always included free trials in their sub numbers

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I'm very sceptical of the sub number. It's for a very simple reason. This figure was told a mere ten days after the end of a free trial.


I dunno about American companies, but Canadian companies making fiscal reports prepare their data and presentation for way more than 10 days.


At least in Canadian fiscal linguo ''today'' or ''currently'' don't mean ''as I speak right now''. I strongly doubt that the EA head guy called Bob the Guy That Count Subs'' at 9:AM the day of the fsical report and asked him ''How many subs there is'' ?


I'm writing this in front of a bookshelves filled with SW books, and gracefully ornementated with a small and somewhat tastefull Slave Princess Leia figurine.

Behind me is a CD shelve with a boxed copy of every Bioware game since their creation till 2006 (post 2006 are on my STEAM).


I play WoW since 2006, on a server that was not very populated in 2006. And yet I did not even had to reroll or transfer : I always found people to do dungeons and raids. I had to delete my Sith Warrior because of ghost town 2 weeks after TOR release. It's not a good sign.

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and yet you still have an active SWTOR account.


well, my free month is done on February 10th. Nice try.

That would be easy enough to figure out, right under my awesome forum avatar it says i joined in January 2012...


Take more time trying to post something clever next time

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well, my free month is done on February 10th. Nice try.

That would be easy enough to figure out, right under my awesome forum avatar it says i joined in January 2012...


Take more time trying to post something clever next time


January 2012 doesn't list the date.


You should be gone by now if your join date was January 1 2012.

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The problem is that I'm so easy-going that I pretty much like EVERYTHING. I like everything! It comes as a huge shock to me that I actually don't like this game. I mean, it's truly, epic bad. I'm actually amazed by how bad it is, It shocks me in fact that something could be so incredibly bad. With that said, it amazes me how anyone could possibly find this good, and not even good, I mean like even average. This game is so far below average that even if it was one hundred times better, it would still be terrible.

AoC was better than this as an MMO, and that game was so littered with bugs it was almost unplayable. But this game... it's unplayable because it's so bad, not just because of bugs. This has been my worst MMO experience ever, and to be honest, I will probably never again in my life buy anything from Bioware. Dragon Age 2 was a giant kick in the groin, but this game... omg... was like cutting my entire groin area out with a rusty butter knife. No amount of Frank's Red Hot would make it taste good.


You don't see the point I'm making: it isn't so much about the game, but how you view games and the world. You don't see you're STILL making the same errors in thinking that you did when you were fanboing FFXIV:

when you loved FFXIV, you ignored all other information that didn't conform your viewpoint and dismissed all other people who had a disagreeing opinion compared to how you felt about the game.

Now, when you dislike SWTOR, again you assume that only your viewpoint and taste in games count, you dismiss posters with disagreeing opinion and scorn information that is counter to your current viewpoint.

In both situations, the exact same conviction and faith that your taste and viewpoint is the Absolute Truth and that disagreeing posters and facts should be scorned. Bascially the same intolerance towards anything not conform your personal viewpoint.


With FFXIV, you couldn't accept that people would bash FFXIV and may have valid points.

Now with TOR, you can't accept that people could have a different opinion than you have regarding SWTOR and that they may have valid points as well.


This is what I was referring to.

It's a simple thing of people having differing tastes and also being openminded towards facts that may tell a different story than the one you hope/think of. Turth usually lies somewhere in the middle and isn't merely a black&white thing.

Edited by dyves
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You don't see the point I'm making: it isn't so much about the game, but how you view games and the world. You don't see you're STILL making the same errors in thinking that you did when you were fanboing FFXIV:

when you loved FFXIV, you ignored all other information that didn't conform your viewpoint and dismissed all other people who had a disagreeing opinion compared to how you felt about the game.

Now, when you dislike SWTOR, again you assume that only your viewpoint and taste in games count, you dismiss posters with disagreeing opinion and scorn information that is counter to your current viewpoint.

In both situations, the exact same conviction and faith that your taste and viewpoint is the Absolute Truth and that disagreeing posters and facts should be scorned. Bascially the same intolerance towards anything not conform your personal viewpoint.


With FFXIV, you couldn't accept that people would bash FFXIV and may have valid points.

Now with TOR, you can't accept that people could have a different opinion than you have regarding SWTOR and that they may have valid points as well.


This is what I was referring to.

It's a simple thing of people having differing tastes and also being openminded towards facts that may tell a different story than the one you hope/think of. Turth usually lies somewhere in the middle and isn't merely a black&white thing.


blah blah, i think the game stinks.


Everything I've seen in the game is something you would see in an MMO a decade ago. I find it disgusting that BioWare is launching another hastily made MMO into the already decaying genre, and they are getting away with it on the fact that it has a Star Wars theme. Even worse is that some people are congratulating them for it (and those are the people they listen to). Why do so many people throw in the towel and gobble down a crap product like this? Stop supporting these kind of MMO models.


If we've learned anything over the last 10 years, it's that you can't launch an MMO the same way Blizzard launched WoW. Those days are long gone because now a large portion of the MMO audience has been solidified. This is why you've seen so many games with one shot chances. Darkfall, WAR, Mortal Online, etc. Everything has flopped.


In my honest opinion, if you want a successful launch, you really innovate something at this point. I'm not even being an ArenaNet fanboy, but they have the upper edge like Blizzard because they already had an MMO (Or CORPG if you're that obsessed with it) and they learned what to do and what not to do. Wheras BioWare is just another virgin MMO developer trying to get their slice of the cake; except that there are only crumbs left now.


Yes, bravo, 20 gigs or whatnot of emotionless voice acting with some of the worst lines I've ever read. Why does this get so much praise? Voice acting is one of the easiest albeit expensive areas in a game. Everyone can do whatever they want, but I'm done supporting crappy development.

Edited by ShonaChaos
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blah blah, i think the game stinks.


Everything I've seen in the game is something you would see in an MMO a decade ago. I find it disgusting that BioWare is launching another hastily made MMO into the already decaying genre, and they are getting away with it on the fact that it has a Star Wars theme. Even worse is that some people are congratulating them for it (and those are the people they listen to). Why do so many people throw in the towel and gobble down a crap product like this? Stop supporting these kind of MMO models.


If we've learned anything over the last 10 years, it's that you can't launch an MMO the same way Blizzard launched WoW. Those days are long gone because now a large portion of the MMO audience has been solidified. This is why you've seen so many games with one shot chances. Darkfall, WAR, Mortal Online, etc. Everything has flopped.


In my honest opinion, if you want a successful launch, you really innovate something at this point. I'm not even being an ArenaNet fanboy, but they have the upper edge like Blizzard because they already had an MMO (Or CORPG if you're that obsessed with it) and they learned what to do and what not to do. Wheras BioWare is just another virgin MMO developer trying to get their slice of the cake; except that there are only crumbs left now.


Yes, bravo, 20 gigs or whatnot of emotionless voice acting with some of the worst lines I've ever read. Why does this get so much praise? Voice acting is one of the easiest albeit expensive areas in a game. Everyone can do whatever they want, but I'm done supporting crappy development.



its fine if you don't like about but I have to ask if you already quit and you are just waiting till Feb 11th then why are you still posting?


Do you not have anything else to do?



You don't like it and that's fine however over 1 million other people do like it. This game will be here for a long long time with a healthy player base.


edit: and oh it seems you can launch a game just like WoW did as this game is a HUGE hit.


I guarantee that every MMO launched now will do the staggered launch just like Bioware did.

Edited by jarjarloves
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It just makes me laugh that all the fanboys want to talk about is this 'magical 1.7 million subscribers' number.


Regardless of how many people post that their entire guilds no longer play, how their servers are becoming ghost towns, how there is nobody to PvP against at endgame... the list goes on and on... we are seeing these complaints from a lot of people.


fanboy's response... there are 1.7 million active subscriptions, durrr! 85% retention rate! durrrr!!!!


All you have to do is login to see the proof. Stop believing falsified numbers. Stop throwing the 1.7 million subs number around like it's some fact that couldn't possibly be manufactured by playing around with numbers and how they are reported. there is no way anyone with even half a brain could believe that there are 1.7 million people playing this game when they login.


At one time I was like all you fanboys. I was this way with FFXIV. I didn't want to believe the forums. I LOVE FF! it was a game I looked forward to like no other and would defend till my last breath... then one day it just hit me that ya... this game really is horrible and everyone saying that it was, was actually correct. All you fanboys will come to realize this soon enough. Stop believing the propagando coming from EA and log in and see it with your own eyes.


You need to do some math, and consider average login times. The loads that you're seeing on the servers are perfectly consistent with a 1.7M active subscriber base.


Working with averages here (we know there will be fluctuations higher and lower for peak and off-peak hours)... We know from the SEC filing a couple of days ago that there are an average of 1M accounts logging in daily, for a period of approximately 4 hours. So... a bit over half the current subscribers log in each day, for 1/6th of the day. A random sampling over a long enough period of time should therefore show an average of 166,667 players online at any given time. Now take and divide that online user count by the number of servers. What's your population number across both factions? If it's 215 servers, then your average online server population is 775 (going up for peak hours, and dropping for off-peak). Now divide that number of players by 19 zones. 40 players per zone, average. If it doubles during peak hours, that's 80 players per zone, average.


If you want to argue that they should merge servers to bring up that average online population number, fine... but you're only indicating that you can't do math by claiming that 1.7M, with 1M unique account logins daily for 4 hours, isn't possible with current server populations.


Source for population numbers:


"Let me offer some metrics on purchase and subscription that will help you understand this business. As John stated, we have sold through two million units of the game since December. We currently have a little over 1.7 million active subscribers. The rest have either not started playing yet or have opted out.


This is an outstanding start for an MMO and the metrics on engagement suggests players are loving this game: unique log-ins are averaging about one million per day and their average play time is approximately four hours per day.


I want to take a second to correct the reports which speculated that a lack of congestion was a sign of slow participation. Shortly after launch, we doubled the efficiency of each server, allowing us to handle twice as many players and remove the waiting lines. The lack of congestion is a function of great engineering.


In summary: we nailed the launch. Adoption and daily usage among core MMO users are trending very favorably."


--Frank Gibeau


Quote is from the EA prepared comments, available here:



There's also a transcription of the Q&A available here:


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blah blah, i think think the game stinks.


Everything I've seen in the game is something you would see in an MMO a decade ago. I find it disgusting that BioWare is launching another hastily made MMO into the already decaying genre, and they are getting away with it on the fact that it has a Star Wars theme. Even worse is that some people are congratulating them for it (and those are the people they listen to). Why do so many people throw in the towel and gobble down a crap product like this? Stop supporting these kind of MMO models.


If we've learned anything over the last 10 years, it's that you can't launch an MMO the same way Blizzard launched WoW. Those days are long gone because now a large portion of the MMO audience has been solidified. This is why you've seen so many games with one shot chances. Darkfall, WAR, Mortal Online, etc. Everything has flopped.


In my honest opinion, if you want a successful launch, you really innovate something at this point. I'm not even being an ArenaNet fanboy, but they have the upper edge like Blizzard because they already had an MMO (Or CORPG if you're that obsessed with it) and they learned what to do and what not to do. Wheras BioWare is just another virgin MMO developer trying to get their slice of the cake; except that there are only crumbs left now.


Yes, bravo, 20 gigs or whatnot of emotionless voice acting with some of the worst lines I've ever read. Why does this get so much praise? Voice acting is one of the easiest albeit expensive areas in a game. Everyone can do whatever they want, but I'm done supporting crappy development.


You have some valid points, don't ruin it by being the same intolerant tunnelvision MMO gamer as you were in your blind FFXIV fanboi days.


For one, Blizzard didn't have an MMO before: Diablo 2 was nowhere near an MMO and not even a CORPG like DDO and GW are.

It's also a silly comparison, because if that's your criterium, Bioware had far more experience with MMO's: Neverwinter Nights came far, far closer to being a true MMORPG, heck even a player made MMORPG, than Blizzard games ever did. I'd say it's even the first true translation of pen&paper RPG's into multiplayer online RPG's, with the many amazing player made worlds and servers that were created with it.

So, when it comes to MMORPG's, Bioware was the one that had developed games that were far closer to it than Blizzard.

Not that it's saying much: first time developers seem to be having more success with their MMO's than with their second MMO's. Games like EQ, UO and DAoC were great, EQ2, WAR and Tabula Rasa less so.


As for innovation, I agree that it's something players are looking forward to. However, you assume that people ONLY can enjoy innovative games, where the past years is proof enough that there are large groups of MMO gamers who're perfectly capable enjoying MMO's that use mechanics that have already been seen in other MMO's the past 6-10 years.

In short, don't assume that if you feel in a certain way about something, that everyone else does too, because it isn't. If you like a game, doesn't mean that everyone does or should or that it doesn't have flaws. If you dislike a game, doesn't mean that others aren't having great fun in it or that it doesn't have its merits.

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There's a >90% chance I joined after jan 3rd.


10% or lower chance of a decent or clever remark is 100% fail.


How are you buddy ?


see your still here and spewing your nonsense , like i said you have dedication and getting a whole new group of people arguing with you, you most in line for a big bonus over there Irving California .

Edited by Selaik
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I'm very sceptical of the sub number. It's for a very simple reason. This figure was told a mere ten days after the end of a free trial.


I dunno about American companies, but Canadian companies making fiscal reports prepare their data and presentation for way more than 10 days.


At least in Canadian fiscal linguo ''today'' or ''currently'' don't mean ''as I speak right now''. I strongly doubt that the EA head guy called Bob the Guy That Count Subs'' at 9:AM the day of the fsical report and asked him ''How many subs there is'' ?


I'm writing this in front of a bookshelves filled with SW books, and gracefully ornementated with a small and somewhat tastefull Slave Princess Leia figurine.

Behind me is a CD shelve with a boxed copy of every Bioware game since their creation till 2006 (post 2006 are on my STEAM).


I play WoW since 2006, on a server that was not very populated in 2006. And yet I did not even had to reroll or transfer : I always found people to do dungeons and raids. I had to delete my Sith Warrior because of ghost town 2 weeks after TOR release. It's not a good sign.


Fiscal reports take a while to prepare. Getting sub numbers is probably a lot easier. I'd be willing to bet that upper management is getting a report on subs DAILY this early on for a project this big.

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I'm very sceptical of the sub number. It's for a very simple reason. This figure was told a mere ten days after the end of a free trial.


I dunno about American companies, but Canadian companies making fiscal reports prepare their data and presentation for way more than 10 days.


At least in Canadian fiscal linguo ''today'' or ''currently'' don't mean ''as I speak right now''. I strongly doubt that the EA head guy called Bob the Guy That Count Subs'' at 9:AM the day of the fsical report and asked him ''How many subs there is'' ?


I'm writing this in front of a bookshelves filled with SW books, and gracefully ornementated with a small and somewhat tastefull Slave Princess Leia figurine.

Behind me is a CD shelve with a boxed copy of every Bioware game since their creation till 2006 (post 2006 are on my STEAM).


I play WoW since 2006, on a server that was not very populated in 2006. And yet I did not even had to reroll or transfer : I always found people to do dungeons and raids. I had to delete my Sith Warrior because of ghost town 2 weeks after TOR release. It's not a good sign.


A lot of wrong information in here that you seemed to have posted in multiple threads.

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Fiscal reports take a while to prepare. Getting sub numbers is probably a lot easier. I'd be willing to bet that upper management is getting a report on subs DAILY this early on for a project this big.


If not daily, they are for sure getting weekly updates.

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The Old Republic CAN NEVER offer a free 7 day trial period.

In all honesty, this is a single player game. In 7 days, you can pretty much beat a storyline for a quest.


This game is going to be going Free To Play when Diablo 3 and Guild Wars cannibalize the market.


The utter lack of a decent endgame experience doesn't help customer retention either - people run out of things to do.

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The Old Republic CAN NEVER offer a free 7 day trial period.

In all honesty, this is a single player game. In 7 days, you can pretty much beat a storyline for a quest.


This game is going to be going Free To Play when Diablo 3 and Guild Wars cannibalize the market.


The utter lack of a decent endgame experience doesn't help customer retention either - people run out of things to do.



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The Old Republic CAN NEVER offer a free 7 day trial period.

In all honesty, this is a single player game. In 7 days, you can pretty much beat a storyline for a quest.


This game is going to be going Free To Play when Diablo 3 and Guild Wars cannibalize the market.


The utter lack of a decent endgame experience doesn't help customer retention either - people run out of things to do.


GW2 is not really an MMO - with no monthly fee it is like purchasing a single player game. Very easy for people to play both if they are so inclined.

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