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NOW = 1.7 Million Active Subscribers | 3 Months from now = Guess What


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i like how your numbers changed from 126...you fail


i googled the number of servers and didn't realize those were just the NA servers. which was mentioned just above your post. work on your reading skills, bro.


Uh, what do you mean "yeah...right"?


I mean that it's most certainly not right.

Edited by mufutiz
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I'm not arguing against him. I was arguing against someone else that said he didn't need to provide evidence of his claim.


Yes, I changed my mind. Using the exact same method, I have gathered substantially different results. Now what? Stop avoiding the point I'm making. There are either two options from here. You either go through the process yourself (which seems awfully redundant considering two people could have provided evidence at this point) or you simply request proof. If you honestly believe that scientific method excludes publishing your results then I'd be more than happy to recommend a few books that you might find interesting.


So which is it? Use the same method to discover the results on your own and subsequently expect every single person in the world to do the same or ask for proof?


That depends on the goal. If my goal is to win this debate, as if it were a debate class exercise, I might ask you for visual aids, which aren't evidence. We both know that a screenshot is no more reliable than simply stating his results.


But if my goal was simply to win a debate, I might ask for what you're asking for.


However, if my goal was to actually know whether or not you're telling the truth, I would have absolutely no alternative beyond testing it myself.


Your request indicates that you're not interested in the truth. It indicates that you're interested in winning the debate. Which was my original point.


The ONLY way I can know if what you're claiming is true is by testing it myself. That's it. That's the ONLY way. There is no other proof. So asking for anything else is just a debate tactic. It's an effort to win, not an effort to know whether or not he's telling the truth.

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If they don't fix win / kill trading in Ilum, then every person who wanted to PvP in this game will cancel - that is for sure.


Ilum is a joke. Lvl 11 there last night, repub, character of a imp's 50 second account, killing it for valor and daily / weekly. Not only that it is clear that he had a 3rd party program because I would see it at the respawn point, then disappear, then the location via chat, then respawn. Over, and over, and over.


So....win trading is ok. Rolling low levels, sneaking them through the zone, camp them, finish dailies, reap rewards.


Oh...population imbalance is a close second. I can over look that part but until you fix the freaking kill trading or put diminishing returns on valor out in Ilum you can kill the pvp player base goodbye.


Probably only 1% but still.

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That depends on the goal. If my goal is to win this debate, as if it were a debate class exercise, I might ask you for visual aids, which aren't evidence. We both know that a screenshot is no more reliable than simply stating his results.


But if my goal was simply to win a debate, I might ask for what you're asking for.


However, if my goal was to actually know whether or not you're telling the truth, I would have absolutely no alternative beyond testing it myself.


Your request indicates that you're not interested in the truth. It indicates that you're interested in winning the debate. Which was my original point.


The ONLY way I can know if what you're claiming is true is by testing it myself. That's it. That's the ONLY way. There is no other proof. So asking for anything else is just a debate tactic. It's an effort to win, not an effort to know whether or not he's telling the truth.


Oh geez. Just go away. You still won't even address what I'm actually saying.

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If they don't fix win / kill trading in Ilum, then every person who wanted to PvP in this game will cancel - that is for sure.


Almost everyone really interested in pvp will probably leave for GW2 anyway (and let's face it a major part of the community in this game comes from WoW and will probably leave for MoP as well, even if they deny it now), so maybe they figure they could spend the resources somewhere they will matter more.

Edited by mufutiz
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Oh geez. Just go away. You still won't even address what I'm actually saying.


Apparently, I don't understand what you're saying, which isn't uncommon with me. I can be pretty dense sometimes. Please explain how I'm wrong here. I promise to keep an open mind.


To me, It sounded like you were asking for evidence that you admitted you wouldn't accept, even if it was provided. What's the point in doing that? You said that it was "likely unprovable."


I said, if you really want to know if it's true, it's totally provable. He showed you how to replicate it. That would prove it far better than posting a sreenshot that wouldn't prove anything.


If I'm missing something here, please don't hesitate to explain it. Like I said, I can definitely be dense sometimes. I just don't understand why you're asking for evidence that you said yourself you wouldn't accept on something that you said yourself is likely unprovable.


I was just clarifying that he gave you the exact way to prove or disprove it.


What am I missing?

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So....1.7 million subscribers / 215 servers = about 8000 people playing on each server on average.





The 1.7 million are not logged in at the same time so to expect 8000 people on each server is wrong.


They did say that 1 million different account log on each day for 4 hours average so you can expect 1,000,000 x 4 / 24 / 215 = 775


For all the server that dont ever reach 250 players at any time of the day would mean that the others servers would have to make up for that average.


Still dont see that either. Yes at peak times there are probable some servers with 2000 players on them but they allone probable dont meet the 775 average for their server alone with the times they only have 100-300 people on in some hours.


Just dont see how anyone can assume that 1.7 million people are actually playing the game. They might have 1.7 million active subs but thats not what we are questioning.

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So....1.7 million subscribers / 215 servers = about 8000 people playing on each server on average.




Yes and they all log on at the same time... oh wait, no they don't. On average there are 1 million unique log ins a day with a play time of 4 hours on average.

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Apparently, I don't understand what you're saying, which isn't uncommon with me. I can be pretty dense sometimes. Please explain how I'm wrong here. I promise to keep an open mind.


To me, It sounded like you were asking for evidence that you admitted you wouldn't accept, even if it was provided. What's the point in doing that? You said that it was "likely unprovable."


I said, if you really want to know if it's true, it's totally provable. He showed you how to replicate it. That would prove it far better than posting a sreenshot that wouldn't prove anything.


If I'm missing something here, please don't hesitate to explain it. Like I said, I can definitely be dense sometimes. I just don't understand why you're asking for evidence that you said yourself you wouldn't accept on something that you said yourself is likely unprovable.


I was just clarifying that he gave you the exact way to prove or disprove it.


What am I missing?


The man made an assertion. I asked for evidence. If the only evidence he can provide is personal experience and not a result, the matter being discussed becomes subjective and therefore, inarguable.


I never stated that I wouldn't accept evidence provided in this situation. Find a post where I said that. In fact, this whole discussion began with me explicitly asking for evidence.

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Your post is correct, as of Dec 31st 2011 (Free month/release)


Hi how are you , this is not what the reported stated , or the conference call , please explain how you came up with that conclusion.

Edited by Selaik
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So....1.7 million subscribers / 215 servers = about 8000 people playing on each server on average.





No that would be right if every player was playing at once...But much like not all 10 million sre playing Wow (42300/server@10 mil subs) not all of the potential 1.7 million Swtor are all on at once.


If you take that 8000/server and say 20% are all on at once you get 1600 players or a POTENTIAL of 800 per faction side then further divide by planets, flashpoints and what not and you get what? Maybe 40?

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Hi how are you , this is not what the reported stated , or the conference call , please explain how you came up with that conclusion.


After I get done reporting your post again I will just put you on ignore. Following me around threads and harassing me with no sources to back up your claim make you look silly and immature. The information is readily available within 5 minutes of using Google, and much of it is even posted in this very thread. Have a good day, go for a walk ;)

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The man made an assertion. I asked for evidence. If the only evidence he can provide is personal experience and not a result, the matter being discussed becomes subjective and therefore, inarguable.


I never stated that I wouldn't accept evidence provided in this situation. Find a post where I said that. In fact, this whole discussion began with me explicitly asking for evidence.


"It will require multiple screenshots and more. It's likely unprovable, which was my point from the very beginning."


Maybe I misunderstood what you meant here. You asked for evidence, then suggested there is no evidence that could prove it. What did you mean by "it's likely unprovable." I took that as you saying nothing he could provide would be enough. Maybe I misunderstood.


And his personal experience is not subjective when he gave you explicit instructions to replicate it.


Look. I probably came at this with a pretentious tone that I shouldn't have had. That's my bad. The bottom line is, the absolute best evidence he could provide is to tell you how to personally disprove it for yourself. Nothing else would be accepted, especially not screenshots. If he had posted screenshots, nobody in this thread - not one person - would suddenly believe him. With photoshop, screenshots are no more evidence than just stating what he found.


The ONLY evidence he could possibly provide that is conclusive is instructions for you to do it yourself and see it for yourself. He provided that.


I hate analogies, but let's say we're both standing in the street and I say, "The sky is blue."


You then say, "I need evidence."


I could take a picture of the sky, but it wouldn't be nearly as good as saying, "Look up."


This person just said, "Look up."

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Your post is correct, as of Dec 31st 2011 (Free month/release)


Sorry, but you're wrong. Read this, in particular page 10.


They say things like "currently" "to date" and "in little over one month" when talking about these figures. 13 Dec to 31 Dec doesn't constitute a little over one month.

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After I get done reporting your post again I will just put you on ignore. Following me around threads and harassing me with no sources to back up your claim make you look silly and immature. The information is readily available within 5 minutes of using Google, and much of it is even posted in this very thread. Have a good day, go for a walk ;)


I am sorry if you feel like I'm harassing you , I thought I was being very polity , I was just wondering why you keep on posting the same line in every post? it seems to me your not reading the report right maybe? also did you listen to the "investors conference call" held on the same day ?

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If they don't fix win / kill trading in Ilum, then every person who wanted to PvP in this game will cancel - that is for sure.


Ilum is a joke. Lvl 11 there last night, repub, character of a imp's 50 second account, killing it for valor and daily / weekly. Not only that it is clear that he had a 3rd party program because I would see it at the respawn point, then disappear, then the location via chat, then respawn. Over, and over, and over.


So....win trading is ok. Rolling low levels, sneaking them through the zone, camp them, finish dailies, reap rewards.


Oh...population imbalance is a close second. I can over look that part but until you fix the freaking kill trading or put diminishing returns on valor out in Ilum you can kill the pvp player base goodbye.


Probably only 1% but still.


I view both of these as player-created issues, not developer ones.


The kill trading on Ilum stems from players being too lazy and stubborn to do their actual task. BioWare has given a reasonable missions for players to complete, but the players choose to stand and let someone kill them rather than actually fighting. The solution is for players and the community as a whole to simply knock it the hell off.


Faction imbalance comes from players either flocking to the shiny attacks or what they perceive as the more populated faction. Again, BioWare has done nothing wrong. There isn't anything wrong with either faction, but it just worked out that more players wanted to play on the Empire side. If you want to play on the Republic side, then do it. It's another thing that requires actual effort from the community rather than all of us just throwing our hands in the air, giving up, and making Sorcerers and Powertechs.

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Sorry, but you're wrong. Read this, in particular page 10.


They say things like "currently" "to date" and "in little over one month" when talking about these figures. 13 Dec to 31 Dec doesn't constitute a little over one month.


it wont matter the poster you quoted is not interested in facts , just his/her own agenda.

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