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NOW = 1.7 Million Active Subscribers | 3 Months from now = Guess What


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Actually to quote from the Q&A "Active subscribers means anyone paying OR in their trial period. A majority of those 1.7m are paying at this point." So most are actually paying for a sub.


Notice that they said "majority" (which can be as low as 50.1% of people) instead of giving the actual number? Most estimates are just over a million of those "active" subscriptions are paying. That's absolutely horrendous.

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Actually to quote from the Q&A "Active subscribers means anyone paying OR in their trial period. A majority of those 1.7m are paying at this point." So most are actually paying for a sub.


But for how long? Honestly I just finished my free month and am paying for 1 month, it's lunacy to spend 60 bucks on a multi-million dollar triple A release and only give it one month when it has 3-4 months of leveling content alone. The only issue I'm finding alt leveling is too linear and has turned me off at the moment, so people may not be playing for 3-4 months because of that reason.


How many people have subscribed past 3 months? Probably 750k and that's bein generous. MMORPG's have less than 40% retention rates, that'd put SWTOR at 900k at at best guess scenario.

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Notice that they said "majority" (which can be as low as 50.1% of people) instead of giving the actual number? Most estimates are just over a million of those "active" subscriptions are paying. That's absolutely horrendous.


I'm also wondering how many unit were sold over 2 million, just imagine they should 2.5 million boxs, it'd look bad that 700k have already left. Just my 2 cents.

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But for how long? Honestly I just finished my free month and am paying for 1 month, it's lunacy to spend 60 bucks on a multi-million dollar triple A release and only give it one month when it has 3-4 months of leveling content alone. The only issue I'm finding alt leveling is too linear and has turned me off at the moment, so people may not be playing for 3-4 months because of that reason.


How many people have subscribed past 3 months? Probably 750k and that's bein generous. MMORPG's have less than 40% retention rates, that'd put SWTOR at 900k at at best guess scenario.


My post was in direct response to the assertion that "a large portion" havent actually paid yet. To me less than half =\ a large portion.


As far as what will happen in the future, who knows. The numbers they gave were in no way meant to be a glimpse into the future, they were just commenting on the success of the launch. They have no reason or even any way to know who's planning to unsub next month or stay for the next 3 years.

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My post was in direct response to the assertion that "a large portion" havent actually paid yet. To me less than half =\ a large portion.


As far as what will happen in the future, who knows. The numbers they gave were in no way meant to be a glimpse into the future, they were just commenting on the success of the launch. They have no reason or even any way to know who's planning to unsub next month or stay for the next 3 years.


Fair enough. I'm just really curious how the project is going to do, I'm hoping it does well so they can implement some features to keep us hooked. I miss my 'vaccum suck' MMORPG, although that may be a good thing

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Warhammer flopped cause of a poor game engine, not its PVP. The PVP was great tier 1 and 2 though a bit boring at launch (every pvp lake being similar). Gamebryo sucks as a MMORPG engine. It was only slightly more graphic intensive as WOW but require twice the resources. If anything besides the engine brought it's downfall as the lack of good PVE content.

Exactly. But guess what. SWTOR also has horrible game engine.


I am really willing to give Bioware time to fix bugged game concepts and mechanics. But how big chances are that they are going to fix the entire engine? IMO picking Hero Engine to run SWTOR was a ginourmous mistake.


I am really really tired chopping each warzone match with 15 fps with all low settings while my PC can run every single other modern game with ultra settings and smooth FPS. SWTOR has IMO worst game engine from all MMO-s released in the last 10 years (taking the current state of art level into account). The only one which was equaly bad was... yep, Warhammer. How they can possibly fix that is beyond me.


For now I keep playing becouse I do not see the alternative to start with. But the moment something catches my attention and Bioware will still not do something about this worthless engine, I am out. Yes that is just me but there is a chance some people will have similar approach.

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Ill say 2 million 2.5 at most but I definately see it growing I'm 50 and unlike the normal forum posters i can't get bored with the Operations and PvP yet so if updates meet my needs i'm not worried and updates seem to be headed in the right direction so far.
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My post was in direct response to the assertion that "a large portion" havent actually paid yet. To me less than half =\ a large portion.


As far as what will happen in the future, who knows. The numbers they gave were in no way meant to be a glimpse into the future, they were just commenting on the success of the launch. They have no reason or even any way to know who's planning to unsub next month or stay for the next 3 years.


Now you're just arguing semantics. Just because you define large portion as greater than half, doesn't mean the number isn't significant enough to demonstrate a waning number of players.


If you came here in to discuss the meaning of "large portion" then I will kindly point you in another direction because that is certainly not relevant to the topic at hand. However...


I gather that wasn't the case. The numbers they gave are simply a ploy to convince people that their game is doing well. Why else would they include players that haven't actually subscribed (paid a monthly fee) to the game in those figures? You would be dense to think otherwise and definitely lacking the business sense to participate in this conversation to begin with.

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Are you joking? After all the server merging goes on, the number won't go above 700k. You are all blinded by the story of the game. Once that's done, you'll realize you're playing WoW with low-res textures and lightsabers.


What server merging... and I'm done with the main story aspect and still having more fun than wow I played wow a few days ago since my sub is still active for the 1 year deal and found myself logging of 1hr later to play swtor. Don't act like you speak for everyone.

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What server merging... and I'm done with the main story aspect and still having more fun than wow I played wow a few days ago since my sub is still active for the 1 year deal and found myself logging of 1hr later to play swtor. Don't act like you speak for everyone.


The server merging the hate machine keep screaming for so they can say Look they are merging servers the game is dying!!!!!


It is beyond silly looking at the servers laods tonight the vast majority were heavy the rest were standard and only three were light...yet they still keep screaming for merges. :rolleyes:

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Now you're just arguing semantics. Just because you define large portion as greater than half, doesn't mean the number isn't significant enough to demonstrate a waning number of players.


If you came here in to discuss the meaning of "large portion" then I will kindly point you in another direction because that is certainly not relevant to the topic at hand. However...


I gather that wasn't the case. The numbers they gave are simply a ploy to convince people that their game is doing well. Why else would they include players that haven't actually subscribed (paid a monthly fee) to the game in those figures? You would be dense to think otherwise and definitely lacking the business sense to participate in this conversation to begin with.


Same reason every other company includes trials in the subscription figures, it boosts the number. Did they have make a distinction between paying and non-paying subs? No, but they did.


And this "ploy" you speak of, even a 65% would be a good or slightly better than average launch. Now I could see them going into full panic mode and fudging the numbers to as large a degree as you seem to believe they did if the rate was more like 30-40%.


And you also seem to forget they haven't even launched in all markets. Just imagine the huge influx they'll get when they officially release in AUS and in the asian market. I think for the next 6 months to a year their numbers are going to be just fine and in no danger of making them bleed money or go F2P.

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The server merging the hate machine keep screaming for so they can say Look they are merging servers the game is dying!!!!!


It is beyond silly looking at the servers laods tonight the vast majority were heavy the rest were standard and only three were light...yet they still keep screaming for merges. :rolleyes:


Yeah exactly every time I'm on during prime time I just see standard and Heavy with a few light.

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The server merging the hate machine keep screaming for so they can say Look they are merging servers the game is dying!!!!!


It is beyond silly looking at the servers laods tonight the vast majority were heavy the rest were standard and only three were light...yet they still keep screaming for merges. :rolleyes:


:rolleyes: ???


If you think it's difficult for Bioware to adjust the thresholds for server loads then you're just being silly. Who actually knows what constitutes a "heavy" or "standard" server population. If you're going to roll your eyes at anything then it should be yourself for using those thresholds as a proper indicator of the number of active players.

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That 1.7 is going to drop by a significant amount once people start hitting 50 and realise just how much of a watered down WoW clone this is.


I really wanted this game to be a success, I have limited time to play video games now with my job. I have invested over 4 days played game time into this since release date. I can safely say it's the biggest waste of time ever. This game gave me more frustration than enjoyment.


Also good luck finding tanks for PUG's at 50, Tanking in this game is just pure frustration. You literally feel like a YoYo getting pulled around pillar to post by NPC's.

A lack of any form of combat log/recount is another issue for myself. Don't even get my started on the pvp bag system!


I don't want to see this game fail but i wont be surprised if it does. They have done themselves no favours.

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And you also seem to forget they haven't even launched in all markets. Just imagine the huge influx they'll get when they officially release in AUS and in the asian market. I think for the next 6 months to a year their numbers are going to be just fine and in no danger of making them bleed money or go F2P.


People already playing down there who want to play, there isn't more then 20k down there would it draw up.

Edited by Touchbass
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If you define success though as to rather or not this game lived up to expectations, then I'd say it's unsuccessful.


Whose expectations? It more than lived up to mine. That is not a serious answer to the question.

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You do realise that Oceanic (meaning Australia and New Zealand) wouldn't exceed 75k players, if that. I believe a figure of 20k would be an exaggeration. See how many servers are created for Oceania...I suspect it will be two. Those being PvP and PvE...the number of RPers down this end of the planet you wouldn't even bother counting.


Meanwhile at WoW's peak, oceanic servers had about half a million players. I'd say about 70% of them actually being australian.

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Same reason every other company includes trials in the subscription figures, it boosts the number. Did they have make a distinction between paying and non-paying subs? No, but they did.


And this "ploy" you speak of, even a 65% would be a good or slightly better than average launch. Now I could see them going into full panic mode and fudging the numbers to as large a degree as you seem to believe they did if the rate was more like 30-40%.


And you also seem to forget they haven't even launched in all markets. Just imagine the huge influx they'll get when they officially release in AUS and in the asian market. I think for the next 6 months to a year their numbers are going to be just fine and in no danger of making them bleed money or go F2P.


They made no distinction between paying and non-paying subscriptions. Stating that the majority of active subscriptions are paying is hardly noteworthy. That can be assumed. They neglected to share the important bit of information that actually indicates how well this game is doing. Why? Why not just say, "we currently have ________ million people PAYING for a subscription"? Why are they hiding behind free accounts?


Is that what everyone is shooting for now? 65%? If so, then SW:TOR is mediocre MMORPG at best with the Star Wars intellectual property keeping it afloat.


Yes, the Australian market will enjoy this game, but the Asian market will not care about this game. Do you understand what appeals to that demographic? It makes me doubt your knowledge of gaming/MMORPGs.


No one said this game is going to bleed money or go F2P.

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WoW is going to marge servers soon




Having said all that, yesterday we discussed low-population and faction-imbalanced realms with our developers. They have some pretty bold and spectacular plans for addressing this in anticipation of implementing some of the features we plan to in Mists. I just don't have a lot of information to share with you at this stage of programming and development.















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People already playing down there who want to play, there isn't more then 20k down there would it draw up.


How....nice of you to talk for the entire country. Based on your logic, EA is wasting a ton of money by having an actual release in australia, right? Since they're all already playing and everything.


And I see you chose to ignore the asians, I guess that means you concede my point?

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WoW is going to marge servers soon




Having said all that, yesterday we discussed low-population and faction-imbalanced realms with our developers. They have some pretty bold and spectacular plans for addressing this in anticipation of implementing some of the features we plan to in Mists. I just don't have a lot of information to share with you at this stage of programming and development.















wow..... I'm speechless

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