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NOW = 1.7 Million Active Subscribers | 3 Months from now = Guess What


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IMO you will see a constant flow of players playing this game for a short period of time then unsubbing.


Its weird becuase I would rate the game as 9/10 overall but I just cant give a reason to stay with it in the end game.


I know 4 people who ahve taken the same approach as me. unsubbed for now - hope it gives us more later. Im not saying those 4 people represent teh views of everyone, but it must reflect some portion of us right ?

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This game will be in a lot of trouble in the near future if they don't work on some of the aspects of the game. I am a pver and i intend to play pvp when i am bored and there is no raid.

While raiding it takes us 2-3 hours to clear everything if we are lucky, sadly we were only lucky once or twice. The raids are always buggy that we have to extend the raid by 2-3 hours. Can you imagine 2-3 more hours just because of bugs?


Not to mention the broken rakata weapons! They told us in a ticket that they would fix them in the next major patch which is going to be in march! when a new set of gear comes out, that is better than the rakata!! lol are you serious?!


Ohhh and illum! i cant even describe it! An mmo that sold over 2m copies and the promised world pvp! and illum still cant hold over 100 people without everyone crashing/dcing or having 5-15 fps


And please don't tell me the game just came out! if the company wasn't ready then why release the game? why don't you let us test illum before launch? why does EV or karaga`s palace breaks even more after every patch?


I really know a lot of people in my guild which has different branches and about 2500 people on total just unsubing because of these problems. And you think they will come back if everything is fixed? what if they are hooked on GW2? what if other people got addicted to diablo 3? then its going to be to late


Ive ran EV and Karraga's palace with zero issues, i know there where issues before but i started 2 weeks ago and havent had a single issue whatsoever. No looting problems no boss problems. Nothing.

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I just discovered the website Guild Wars 2 Guru and went through all the information the guys collected from Guild Wars 2 so far. In terms of features and how cool those features are, I think GW2 tops SW: TOR in every way. This game has potential, but damn GW2 will be launching with **** load of features when compared to what this game launched with. Kind of scary when compared to this game, feature wise. Bioware need to step it up. That's just what I think.


I have also checked on that game, and meh.


No end game, costumes instead of armor, and meh for pvp.


Not impressed at all.

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People really need to stop with this




Diablo III will kill TOR


No it won't; it isn't a MMO and right now they are more or less gutting it so it won't be a total Train wreck....if we do see it this year expect it to be a lot more controversial than TOR.




Guild Wars 2 will kill TOR


I'm a GW2 fan and plan to play, but every reason you hate TOR you will hate GW2 for. Arenanet Loathes Raiding and Raiders....they want their game to be more like a Pen and Paper RPG and they believe hard core gaming is a thing of the past. How do I know this? Talking to the devs at SDCC PAX east and Pax Prime plus having a ton of hands on time with the game. GW 2 will be the game people play along with whatever they are playing now rather than instead of. Even the Arenanet developers have said this and they are okay with that.


TOR like it or not is going to have a decent sized loyal audience for years to come all the Outhouse theories and armchair analyst won't change that.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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I don't know what's so hard for people to understand about December 31st statistics that are plagued with the free month, not equaling February 4th and the current subscriber rate.


Because if it was from Dec 31 EVERYBODY would be in there free month. And they specifically stated that active subscribers are people on their free month OR paying for a subscription. They then went on to announce that a MAJORITY are actually paying for a sub. Hence its impossible for those numbers to be from Dec 31.

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Pvp was designed by the same people that did warhammer. Now lets take a look at where warhammer is now. If you dont know what i mean just look down because its DEAD. WHY would you hire a team to design your pvp from a game that basically flopped? Who knows!


Warhammer flopped cause of a poor game engine, not its PVP. The PVP was great tier 1 and 2 though a bit boring at launch (every pvp lake being similar). Gamebryo sucks as a MMORPG engine. It was only slightly more graphic intensive as WOW but require twice the resources. If anything besides the engine brought it's downfall as the lack of good PVE content.

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I have no idea where it will be in a year, but I'll throw out a guess of 700K. They can squawk all they want about 1.7 million subs, but those people aren't playing. I knew 11 people who started at launch, plus myself. I'm the only one who subbed for a second month. The servers have about 1/4 to 1/3 the numbers they had 3 weeks ago- unless the counts provided in the UI are lying, but I don't think so...you can run around Nar Shaada or Tatooine or anywhere else you want and see almost no one, even during prime time. Numbers can lie, eyes really don't.


I'm pretty sure they expect a huge drop, and it's why they didn't offer a couple weeks of open beta. The game is too easy, and too repetitive. They need to get some hi-res textures out stat, because the 3D modelling is pretty good, but the crayon-drawn textures make the game look 8 years old. EQ2 and LOTRO are OLD games, and both are far superior graphically to SWTOR. It's not everything, but it's a big part of the initial impression.


The biggest mistake when it comes to retention is that they didn't make an MMO. They made a single player game where you need a group once in a very great while, and that isn't what most MMO players want. SWTOR won't die, but it won't threaten WoW (or even LOTRO), and it's a gigantic disappointment in most ways to a very large number of people. We expected filet mignon, and got a slab of fried Spam on a paper plate.


Thats because alot of people hit 50. And your server isnt a representation of all 200 plus servers. My server has certainlly grown alot in population since launch on the republic side. The imperials always had a very very healthy population with 300 in the fleet and 250 plus on Dromund Kaas (i didnt get further then that with my imperial character)


I suggest if you want to do an accurate tally that you check all the warzones , flashpoints , ships fleets etc.


Like I said there is an average of 1 million unique log ins a day as of a few days ago, so people are still playing. And like someone else pointed out .... With the amount of servers they have it averages out to 10,000 people per server then you have to think that only 25% of the population is online so thats 2500 then divide that by 2 (1250 per faction) thats an average estimate obviously some servers will have considerably more than that and some considerably less.


Just because your on a server that has considerably less, doesnt mean every server is like that.

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I don't know what's so hard for people to understand about December 31st statistics that are plagued with the free month, not equaling February 4th and the current subscriber rate.


People are still going on about this? This has been disproven 1000's of times


This was taken from a transcript of an ea conference call fromm 4 days ago


"Let me offer some metrics on purchase and subscription that will help you understand this business. As John stated, we have sold through two million units of the game since December. We currently have a little over 1.7 million active subscribers. The rest have either not started playing yet or have opted out."


They didnt do this call in december and are just releasing the statistics it was done 4 days ago, notice the wording , we currently have a little over 1.7 million.


Also from the press release, the earnings and the statistics are seperate entities they are not one in the same.

"Star Wars®: The Old Republic™ has generated 1.7 million active subscribers and sold through more than 2 million units in a little over one month."


Notice how it says in a little over 1 month and not in 11 days


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Thats because alot of people hit 50. And your server isnt a representation of all 200 plus servers. My server has certainlly grown alot in population since launch on the republic side. The imperials always had a very very healthy population with 300 in the fleet and 250 plus on Dromund Kaas (i didnt get further then that with my imperial character)


I suggest if you want to do an accurate tally that you check all the warzones , flashpoints , ships fleets etc.


Like I said there is an average of 1 million unique log ins a day as of a few days ago, so people are still playing. And like someone else pointed out .... With the amount of servers they have it averages out to 10,000 people per server then you have to think that only 25% of the population is online so thats 2500 then divide that by 2 (1250 per faction) thats an average estimate obviously some servers will have considerably more than that and some considerably less.


Just because your on a server that has considerably less, doesnt mean every server is like that.


Absolute nonsense. None of the servers even show heavy population at prime time any more (or very rarely) so none of them are significantly busier than the others. Please, provide a screenshot of Dromund Kaas with 250 players on any server, from the last 3 weeks. You can't.


On Shien the other day at 6:30 PM MST, it was 13. (2 weeks ago it would have been 90-ish) Just now, Ord Mantell had 19. Fleet had 84. The player base has dropped by a good 60%. You can't deny it.


Even if "everyone hit 50 now" is true, this shows a very distinct lack of new players and re-rolls. Neither is good. People are hitting 50 and either just not playing or unsubbing.

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Absolute nonsense. None of the servers even show heavy population at prime time any more (or very rarely) so none of them are significantly busier than the others. Please, provide a screenshot of Dromund Kaas with 250 players on any server, from the last 3 weeks. You can't.


On Shien the other day at 6:30 PM MST, it was 13. (2 weeks ago it would have been 90-ish) Just now, Ord Mantell had 19. Fleet had 84. The player base has dropped by a good 60%. You can't deny it.


Even if "everyone hit 50 now" is true, this shows a very distinct lack of new players and re-rolls. Neither is good. People are hitting 50 and either just not playing or unsubbing.


Friday night at 6 pm, i did a tally last night 33 heavy servers (also it went from 28 heavy to 33 during the ten minutes i was checking , i refreshed a few times)


13 light and the rest standard.



Not to mention about a week and a half to 2 weeks after launch they doubled the maximum server capacity as stated here

"I want to take a second to correct the reports which speculated that a lack of congestion was a sign of slow participation. Shortly after launch, we doubled the efficiency of each server, allowing us to handle twice as many players and remove the waiting lines. The lack of congestion is a function of great engineering."



So a server that was full at launch would have become a standard server and a standard server would have become a light server etc. So the server pops have most likely grown since launch not shrank.


And good for you basing your proof off of 1 server. Because all servers have equal populations and no faction imbalances right? Im sorry you chose a **** server, that must suck. Its just sillly to try and guage the whole games population off your 1 bad experience with 1 server. Im sure its the same for most of the other people complaining they are on low population servers.


It may be a good idea for BW to merge some of the 13 light servers (at peak) with the few low standard servers since they doubled server efficiency anyways.

Edited by Samborino
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The vast majority of servers are light population.


Endless feedback about how there is nothing to do/nobody to play with at 50.


Just common sense. Why would they keep all these empty servers?




What link? I'm using common sense. See above.


So... in other words you can't quote your sources because your sources are yourself. Yeah... Not even going to start on what's wrong with that.

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Also maybe you guys should check the server statistics again.


right now there are 2 very heavy 56 heavy servers 13 light and the rest standard.


Thats alot more than even yesterday night. I assume it will get even busier on the west coast ones as it gets a bit later.


Not to mention they doubled server efficiency a few weeks ago and thank god they did otherwise a majority of the servers would have queue's right now lol

Edited by Samborino
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So... in other words you can't quote your sources because your sources are yourself. Yeah... Not even going to start on what's wrong with that.


lol i argued with that guy for a while last night, he made absolutely no sense, and when i would state facts he would just ignore them. I provided links for almost everything i said and he provided none lol.

Edited by Samborino
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Gamebryo sucks as a MMORPG engine.


rift would like to have a word with you.


WAR hat way more severe issues than the engine. for example T4 sucked compared to T1/T2 (as you said). same goes for TOR, leveling is fun ONCE per faction, then you hit 50 and stumble upon a bad version of wow's endgame.

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rift would like to have a word with you.


WAR hat way more severe issues than the engine. for example T4 sucked compared to T1/T2 (as you said). same goes for TOR, leveling is fun ONCE per faction, then you hit 50 and stumble upon a bad version of wow's endgame.


Rift did wonders with that Engine . Open world, massive rift groups minimal FPS issues. Game is incredible looking an the whole. Ive already resubbed, ill play both

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Rift did wonders with that Engine . Open world, massive rift groups minimal FPS issues. Game is incredible looking an the whole. Ive already resubbed, ill play both


I couldnt get into rift, but my friends who got to end game said it was amazing.

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People are still going on about this? This has been disproven 1000's of times


This was taken from a transcript of an ea conference call fromm 4 days ago


"Let me offer some metrics on purchase and subscription that will help you understand this business. As John stated, we have sold through two million units of the game since December. We currently have a little over 1.7 million active subscribers. The rest have either not started playing yet or have opted out."


They didnt do this call in december and are just releasing the statistics it was done 4 days ago, notice the wording , we currently have a little over 1.7 million.


Also from the press release, the earnings and the statistics are seperate entities they are not one in the same.

"Star Wars®: The Old Republic™ has generated 1.7 million active subscribers and sold through more than 2 million units in a little over one month."


Notice how it says in a little over 1 month and not in 11 days



Wouldnt it be so easy for someone from Bioware to just come into this thread and say yes it was as of feb 1st and just shut them up. They can even say we will not reply to all issues but to clear up any bad rep that we might be getting we will clarify that it was s of feb 1st and not dec.


Dont try and sy they dont read these forums either. They have people reading the forums and scanning chat logs all day long.

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