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Illum Exploit Sick of it.


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For all of you that scream at everyone for trying to kill Republic in the way that the game was designed, you need to think again. What you're doing is called "exploiting." I don't care how "hard" you think the weekly is. It's a "WEEKLY," not an "hourly." It's 150 kills for a reason, and not so you can get into a group with your buddies and trade kills with Republic for 20-30 minutes to complete your weekly quest on illum. I'm tired of being screamed at, made fun of and harrassed by you carebears that do nothing but continue to exploit the system. It's time the devs seen this, because personally, I'm sick of it. I made a fraps video of exactly what goes on in my server every hour of every day. My sever is "Wound in the Force." This should clearly be an exploit and NOT AT ALL how this game was intended.


Don't scream at me and my guild for going behind the republic to kill them the "RIGHT" way. What you're doing here is cowardly and clearly an exploit in every aspect of the word. Find a new way to farm valor from now on, and Bioware stop this crap from going on.


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This is exactly what we were just talking about the other day. They act like you are bothering them if you come over and try to kill Republics. They scream in General Chat like you're some kind of crazed human being when all they are doing is exploiting. This is just one other reason why I never bother going to Illum.
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If Ilum PvP was balanced, these things would end. Instead it's just a complete pain in every way to complete the daily, much less the weekly, to get anything. PvP in this game is good in core theory, but the massive Empire imbalance (on my server) only further discourages PvP, leaving the Empire to moan about having to fight each other in huttball constantly. Mean while the actual Republic PvP players are yelling in general for people to que up so they can actually get enough to do a match.


So no, I don't blame them for kill-sharing. PvP is not long-term engaging in it's current form. In a few patches, with a few adjustments, I could see it. But for now kill who you can, when you can, and just accept that it's more engaging to click the accept button on dailies/weeklies than it is to actually PvP.

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The slur care bear that you used is usually used to describe people who are pve oriented not pvp oriented.


When you use a derogatory slur you really should use a correct one.


Actually I agree with them. Carebear is definitely not just PvE oriented, so I'm not quite sure your post holds much merit. Also, the true definition of the word "Carebear" is:


Lightly derogatory term for an MMO player who avoids PVP combat. <--- isn't this precisley what they are doing?

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The slur care bear that you used is usually used to describe people who are pve oriented not pvp oriented.


When you use a derogatory slur you really should use a correct one.


Actually it refers to people that are extremely risk adverse. And what could be more carebear than working with yout enemy so you can both go to happy land and get your rewards?

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The slur care bear that you used is usually used to describe people who are pve oriented not pvp oriented.


When you use a derogatory slur you really should use a correct one.


Then I guess you need to take a step backwards and do a little research on the term. They are clearly "avoiding" PvP combat here.

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Actually I agree with them. Carebear is definitely not just PvE oriented, so I'm not quite sure your post holds much merit. Also, the true definition of the word "Carebear" is:


Lightly derogatory term for an MMO player who avoids PVP combat. <--- isn't this precisley what they are doing?


^^ this x10

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Actually it refers to people that are extremely risk adverse. And what could be more carebear than working with yout enemy so you can both go to happy land and get your rewards?


Rolling Empire because Republic is full of "8 year olds" and you want to PvP more, with less chance of ignorant people getting in the way. Which in it's self is a long-term carebear package. Complete with payoffs.

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