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What Is The Most Balanced PvP You've Seen In An MMO?


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And how long did it take the developers to reach that zenith.



I am curious as to what people think of balance in this game for PvP and what they have experienced in other games.


For me, I think the best balanced PvP was DAoC, and not in the traditional class vs class, skill vs skill comparions, but the fact that the game allowed the players to determine balance on their own instead of trying to code it in. It took a while, probably about a year to get there, but the game overall let people play however they wanted in PvP.


I know many people differ in opinion, so what game was the best balanced for you?

Edited by Vydor_HC
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And how long did it take the developers to reach that zenith.



I am curious as to what people think of balance in this game for PvP and what they have experienced in other games.


For me, I think the best balanced PvP was DAoC, and not in the traditional class vs class, skill vs skill comparions, but the fact that the game allowed the players to determine balance on their own instead of trying to code it in. It took a while, probably about a year to get there, but the game overall let people play however they wanted in PvP.


I know many people differ in opinion, so what game was the best balanced for you?


UNIX Empire.

Utterly amazing PvP and almost perfectly statistically balanced unless you need sleep.


In before the battle of stupid.

Edited by CrunchyGremlin
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Lol..stopped playing that pos when a melee could not attack anyone that was moving.


Anyway, besides operative/scoundrels this game is probably one of the most balanced. War was great in the beginning cept for BW/sorcs...seems mythic cannot quite get it right 3rd time through. All other PVP I have played (EQ, EQ2, Wow, Shadowbane, DAoC, had "the classes" and then the others.

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Honestly? As far as PvP goes, this game is pretty damn balanced. Ever since the Ops nerf, I don't see anyone running away with the game. I don't feel there's one particular class that walks all over me, and I play a non-Focus Sentinel, arguably considered the most underpowered class in the game at the moment based on several "best to worst" threads.


It buries WoW as far as class balance goes. Seven years and there's completely, utterly useless trees for PvP. As in trees you cannot viably PvP in, or you're a joke. That doesn't exist here in nearly the same way, as every class has its manditory PVP utility built into the core.


The only real issues I have with this game are knockback/pull to fatalities (as being a Sentinel, I'm the only advanced class in the game who can't do one or the other, so essentially, I'm denied a huge aspect of PvP tactics in Voidstar and Huttball) and the sheer uselessness of the Resolve system. I'm sorry, but it just doesn't work. As a melee class, I get beaten around like someone's stepchild and if I'm not sitting in a disorient or a stun, I'm limping back toward the melee because some sorcerer felt like knocking me back and decided to talent a root into it for fun.

Edited by McVade
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Balanced PvP and MMO used in the same sentence? HAHAHAHA. That was good for a laugh. I don't think I've ever seen balanced PvP, if by balanced you mean 1v1, in any MMO. Personally, I hope they never balance PvP on a 1v1 basis in this game. Actually working at a team to burn folks down and take objectives is a lot more fun than the epeen stroking of 1v1, which gets boring fast.


Now, if you want balanced PvP, I hear BF3 and CoD are pretty balanced and fun...

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Honestly? As far as PvP goes, this game is pretty damn balanced. Ever since the Ops nerf, I don't see anyone running away with the game. I don't feel there's one particular class that walks all over me, and I play a non-Focus Sentinel, arguably considered the most underpowered class in the game at the moment based on several "best to worst" threads.


It buries WoW as far as class balance goes. Seven years and there's completely, utterly useless trees for PvP. As in trees you cannot viably PvP in, or you're a joke. That doesn't exist here in nearly the same way, as every class has its manditory PVP utility built into the core.


The only real issues I have with this game are knockback/pull to fatalities (as being a Sentinel, I'm the only advanced class in the game who can't do one or the other, so essentially, I'm denied a huge aspect of PvP tactics in Voidstar and Huttball) and the sheer uselessness of the Resolve system. I'm sorry, but it just doesn't work. As a melee class, I get beaten around like someone's stepchild and if I'm not sitting in a disorient or a stun, I'm limping back toward the melee because some sorcerer felt like knocking me back and decided to talent a root into it for fun.




I've been impressed with what I've seen so far here. There aren't any glaring OP classes and some of the CC can be fine tuned, but over all it does play rather well.

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Balanced PvP and MMO used in the same sentence? HAHAHAHA. That was good for a laugh. I don't think I've ever seen balanced PvP, if by balanced you mean 1v1, in any MMO. Personally, I hope they never balance PvP on a 1v1 basis in this game. Actually working at a team to burn folks down and take objectives is a lot more fun than the epeen stroking of 1v1, which gets boring fast.


Now, if you want balanced PvP, I hear BF3 and CoD are pretty balanced and fun...


Yeah, I'm not really referring to how classes match up with each other 1v1 but more how the game played as a whole, with all things considered.

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How about games people actually played?


You left out my "battle of stupid" part :(


EvE has excellent PvP balance. Really really good.

Most people should play it for a few times to get a basic idea of what makes PvP work.


That said... the sub 50 WZ bracket in this game is pretty good PUG vs PUG

Still can this game really be said to have MMO PvP? I don't think so.


This games PvP is not much more than counter strike with the warcraft mod

which is a hell of lot of fun.

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Honestly? As far as PvP goes, this game is pretty damn balanced. Ever since the Ops nerf, I don't see anyone running away with the game. I don't feel there's one particular class that walks all over me, and I play a non-Focus Sentinel, arguably considered the most underpowered class in the game at the moment based on several "best to worst" threads.


It buries WoW as far as class balance goes. Seven years and there's completely, utterly useless trees for PvP. As in trees you cannot viably PvP in, or you're a joke. That doesn't exist here in nearly the same way, as every class has its manditory PVP utility built into the core.


The only real issues I have with this game are knockback/pull to fatalities (as being a Sentinel, I'm the only advanced class in the game who can't do one or the other, so essentially, I'm denied a huge aspect of PvP tactics in Voidstar and Huttball) and the sheer uselessness of the Resolve system. I'm sorry, but it just doesn't work. As a melee class, I get beaten around like someone's stepchild and if I'm not sitting in a disorient or a stun, I'm limping back toward the melee because some sorcerer felt like knocking me back and decided to talent a root into it for fun.



You're kidding, right? Let's have a look at Operative/Scoundrel:


Worst healing in comparison to Mercenary/Commando, Sage/Sorcerer

0 group utility

0 gap closers

horrific sustained out of stealth DPS in comparison to equally geared counterparts

weak burst damage in comparison to equally geared counterparts

0 knock backs


The only thing they have going for them is stuns at the moment, which every other class and their mother also has.


They are an underpowered class, a useless class, a broken class. If a class is underpowered, then other classes in comparison must be relatively overpowered (I'm looking at you, BH/Trooper(both AC's) and Sage/Sorcerer).

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You're kidding, right? Let's have a look at Operative/Scoundrel:


Worst healing in comparison to Mercenary/Commando, Sage/Sorcerer

0 group utility

0 gap closers

horrific sustained out of stealth DPS in comparison to equally geared counterparts

weak burst damage in comparison to equally geared counterparts

0 knock backs


The only thing they have going for them is stuns at the moment, which every other class and their mother also has.


They are an underpowered class, a useless class, a broken class. If a class is underpowered, then other classes in comparison must be relatively overpowered (I'm looking at you, BH/Trooper(both AC's) and Sage/Sorcerer).


I admit, when it comes to Operatives/Scoundrels, it will be awhile before I'm objective. If I have to push more than 3 buttons and a consumable to kill one in under 6 seconds, they are overpowered as far as I'm concerned.


Let me get used to the idea that seeing one isn't instant death for me 80% of the time, then I'll be a bit more open-minded.

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GW weren't that balanced, iirc. Some classes were simply awesome (Necros, Mesmers, Monks), other were decent, but often forced into a single viable spec at the time (Ritualists, Rangers), etc, and the rest often struggled (assasins). FOTM builds were on rampage.


But Arenanet did a good job in adjusting the class balance. Far better than say Mythic with their "we can't nerf a popular super OP class, because we don't want to piss off players of the class."



EVE isn't balanced either, but everybody can eventually learn to fly most ships in the game. I suspect CCP alters game balance over time just to force people to crosstrain...and keep paying.


Still, racial ships are definitely not balanced. Caldari struggle in PVP and rule PVE. Winmatar are made of pure win and a ducktape, Amarr are somewhat managing to stay competitive and Gallente have spent last few years sulking in the corner after spending years in the PVP spotlight.

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