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Sorcs have to much in regards to huttball


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Sounds like your heal and walk the ball to endzone premade loses to a lot of pugs. All of those things you suggest removing make huttball fun and exciting. You want to remove the tools that allow pugs to beat crappy premades who only have one strat and thats heal the tank and follow him as he walks to the endzone.


I agree. Some people want to remove the best parts of huttball, it is crazy. All these things are part of the strategy. If someone can't find a way to contribute with their class they are doing it wrong

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Sounds like your heal and walk the ball to endzone premade loses to a lot of pugs. All of those things you suggest removing make huttball fun and exciting. You want to remove the tools that allow pugs to beat crappy premades who only have one strat and thats heal the tank and follow him as he walks to the endzone.


Uh, actually my suggestion makes you focus on PASSING. Currently charge/pull and heal is the best strat. In fact, you never want to pass currently since that means you have to take a risk. Right now you're better off just pulling people since it ignores CC and you don't have to risk interceptions or having a squishy class with the ball. Nobody can just walk the ball all the way against a team that has any gear and isn't made up of just healers.


But hey, it sounds like your guild has a lot of sorcs and you don't want to have to actually try in huttball. 7 sorcs and 1 jugg on every top team will be great fun. PVPers better start rerolling, not that they already haven't given how many sorcs are in every bg already lol.

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"I don't like adjusting my play-style to accommodate for viable winning strategies. Remove them from game so I don't have to think about anything other than killing indiscriminately and wasting my CC the second I engage in combat!"


This is the summation of this thread's argument.


Instead of begging them to remove acceptable PvP tactics from the game, you would be better off satisfying your lusts for rigid, mindless, and repetitive boredom with the numerous PvE boss fights that are so readily available.

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Force speed really isn't that great, and overload's second delay makes it rarely go where you want it to. Our only really powerful move is extrication. But, other classes have leaps and stealth which have their own powerful uses, and I've grappled many ball carriers on my PT either to fiery death, or off the final ramp to the ground.


Sorcs are good in huttball, but not any more so than anyone else. Also, sorc dps is rather poor in Voidstar due to having very weak burst which is a must, much better to have the aoe mezzes and knockback of a sniper or the damage of marauder/mercs for pushing. Sorc healers are good though for VS defense, but so are merc healers.

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Another thing- for stopping enemy ball carriers- sorcs have no way to stop one that's above them- their damage isn't bursty enough, their knockback is very short range. JK on the other hand can root through resolve and close gaps and have a targetted knockback with more umph- BH can grapple or leap to ball carriers. Sorcs also can't stand in the way of a ball carrier to try to stop them- they'll be leaped to and end up causing more damage. At least a sniper can use cover, not be leaped to and pulse when the carrier tries to pass them.
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huttball is a game based on mobility and passes. There are multiple classes with mobility bonuses. The sorc on the other hand has a mobility bonus + can give other classes mobility. Sorcerers might not be overpowered but a healing sorc can do everything a healing commando does and more. Better mobile healing with shield, force speed with the ball if in need and finally the cherry on top, give a free leap to any class. OP might be 2 much but they sure are the best equipped class for the warzone by far.
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You say Not really. The utility sorc/sage has is because without it they would be free kills. The hybrid specs may have too much but the things you list are base class mechanics, not something do to hybrid spec.


I am a gunslinger and dont have those skills does that mean free kills on me also?


Everything op is talking about is true and should be fixed/changed/balanced.

There are plenty of mmo games that have pvp only skills.

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You say Not really. The utility sorc/sage has is because without it they would be free kills. The hybrid specs may have too much but the things you list are base class mechanics, not something do to hybrid spec.


I am a gunslinger and dont have those skills does that mean free kills on me also?


Everything op is talking about is true and should be fixed/changed/balanced.

There are plenty of mmo games that have pvp only skills.


most people sees gunslinger/sniper as free kills. but classes aside I agree that at least sprint should be disabled or at least reduced while you are carrying the ball. Too squishy to carry the ball? PASS IT! or spec tank if you are an assassin or let the tankers do it. huttball main strategy for winning should be the ability to make good passes.

I play as a sniper and we are as squishy as sorcs without any of these abilities and our knock back requires cover. any BH or Sorc will knock you out of the catwalks faster while you are still deploying your cover to knock him back.

when people pass the ball to me I hope someone else has made it past the hazards for me to pass it because it's all a sniper can do, we are the worst ball carriers in the game.

but what the premades do is all about sprinting, pulling and charging. their strategies rarely involves passing the ball among them.

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Wow a 2 second speed ability that has a 30 second cool down is so op. it couldn't be there to make it easier to get some distance between them and melee could it? They don't need it because they are wearing plate and have a bubble like a paladin? Oh wait..

Huttball is about teamwork, Learn that instead of picking on classes without knowing why they have the abilities they do or what builds have all these "tons of cc and abilities".

Most of the clueless responses are from under geared, or the ill informed.

Problem is YOU, not other classes.

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Not really. The utility sorc/sage has is because without it they would be free kills. The hybrid specs may have too much but the things you list are base class mechanics, not something do to hybrid spec.



The number 1 problem in huttball is not any particular class having some incredible advantage. No, it is 80 percent of the players in huttball being completely clueless as to how to play huttball.



Things I constantly see of losing teams.


1. They do not swarm to the enemy ball carrier.




Well, that's the point. A chain of sorcs can either pull someone off so fast that you cannot swarm him or simply escape with push backs, force speed over fire pits etc.


Personally I would like to see that all classes are made even in the regard that when you have the ball you cannot get pulled by a team mate, use force speed etc. This would also require some passing of the ball finally.

Edited by Desgarden
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Wow a 2 second speed ability that has a 30 second cool down is so op. it couldn't be there to make it easier to get some distance between them and melee could it? They don't need it because they are wearing plate and have a bubble like a paladin? Oh wait..

Huttball is about teamwork, Learn that instead of picking on classes without knowing why they have the abilities they do or what builds have all these "tons of cc and abilities".

Most of the clueless responses are from under geared, or the ill informed.

Problem is YOU, not other classes.


Really? Because I see someone get the ball run to ramp pass to someone with the speed ability and that person scores, everytime. All that you said is invalid. As i said before most score are from a class with a speed burst. What does gear have to do with anything?

They have shield absorb, the resolve bar fills rush right through the fire by the goal than score. Its quite obvious. Who cares if the cd is 30s and the speed burst is 2sec? The skill is going to be used once you get past the acid pit. Everyone will come to CC and try to kill you. That is a good 30seconds. You run to the 1st fire pit by the goal ramp cast again then score. Its been done since day one.

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So.... would now be a good time to point out my Shadow has 6.6k armour and is capable of as much mobility, fire immunity, and self shielding as Sorc? >_>


Edit: Correction; my self shielding lasts 5 seconds, most sorc/sage shields pop within a second of focus.

Edited by Genesis_Shadow
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I feel pretty worthless in Sorcball as a heal agent...no fancy KDs, pulls, pushes, leaps, and or sprints...


Infact more like a liability. We have no real utility compared to Sorcs and Sages.


Heck even a healy trooper is better; they are super tough to take out.


Spend most games AoE KD over and over, rooted, chain stunned, outright fragged in 5 globals....bah it gets really stupid at times.


Really really wish I had an AoE KD or sprint...or heals at least sorta close to Sorcs...or even fixes to broken talents.


Instead they nerfed my only ability that could go over 3k due to them conceal ops, who I might add still hit just as hard after nerfs but with the ability to stunlock now...yay?


But I think some sorc/sages are in a bit of denial and getting defensive when they know in their hearts that those are indeed the top of the PvP heap atm. Really like to see one admit it one day... /dream

Edited by fixit
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As a Powertech I am amused by Sorcs trying to Force Speed away with the ball.


*hugs grapple*


"What is that little Sorc, you want to sprint over the fire pit and score? I think not, come back here you bugger".


Yea but they always come in packs lol.


Opps, other sorc pulled him outa fire then scored after the other one behind knocked you in the pit. :D

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why do so many people want to dumb down class mechanics for huttball?


If you disable people using offensive pulls on the ball carrier, then you need to disable defensive pulls. (ie it cant be ok for a ptech or assassin tank to pull the ball carrier away but not ok for the sorc to pull them back).


At which point, then you can argue you shouldn't be able to knock the ball carrier back at all, or immobilise them etc, since you want positive physics mechanics disabled on them (such as speed).


At which point the game just becomes a bunch of lemmings hurling themselves around.

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If they remove the sorc/speed pull and speed mechanic then remove force leap, grapple, etc. either make it so no one can use any useful abilities with ball or leave it. You can't pick on one class because your team is useless at nuking a squishy class, or because there are more of them. Don't be silly, learn to pass and play as a team - that's kind of the point. Most of these do called op abilities have counters such as root etc.
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Yea but they always come in packs lol.


Opps, other sorc pulled him outa fire then scored after the other one behind knocked you in the pit. :D


That is the biggest flaw in the plan.


It helps when playing a bad team that doesn't help the ball carrier or else I need someone with me to do a KB to any of the other team nearby.


Curse you BioWare not giving Techs a KB.


The most hilarious thing about lone ball carrier is when they get within a yard of scoring and I dive off a ledge and grapple them back into the pit. The bugger always wanders aimlessly for a few seconds wondering why he didn't score.


Although I can't really complain about Sorcs as one of my guild plays one and in Voidstar he always pulls me back after I dive off the bridge to grapple some git to their death over the side.


I may not have a KB but I do have suicidal tendencies.

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Or they could tone it done just a tad somehow and or make another Sorcball map that does not favour these abilities so much.


Even better, give me a high tier medical talent that provides one of those awsome abilites so I too can send people flying or leap all over the place like Batman. I feel left out. :(

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The number 1 problem in huttball is not any particular class having some incredible advantage. No, it is 80 percent of the players in huttball being completely clueless as to how to play huttball.


100% agree.

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Yea but they always come in packs lol.


Opps, other sorc pulled him outa fire then scored after the other one behind knocked you in the pit. :D



So the complaint is now "I cant stop a group of players all by my lonesome, they are overpowered"?


Honestly the sorcerer is a lackluster ball carrier and is only useful for extrication positioning ahead of time. Things change in the 50s bracket folks.


The immortal, unstoppable Juggernaut ball carriers is where its at, easily capable of shrugging off 3-4 guys unassisted if geared correctly.

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So the complaint is now "I cant stop a group of players all by my lonesome, they are overpowered"?


Honestly the sorcerer is a lackluster ball carrier and is only useful for extrication positioning ahead of time. Things change in the 50s bracket folks.


The immortal, unstoppable Juggernaut ball carriers is where its at, easily capable of shrugging off 3-4 guys unassisted if geared correctly.


Sorcs one the best ball carriers especially if played in tandum. I see this game after game after game in the 50s bracket; legit rank 59 almost BM would did not sploit Ilum here. /wave


Yes, most classes can do same thing....except Ops and Smuggs. Can you honestly say with a straight face that they would be wise choice to throw the ball too unless they are camping the end zone stealthed? You throw it at them to get them killed. :D


Ok, don't nerf Sorcs and Sages....we all know they won't anyways, heh.


So how about giving Ops and Smugglies some utility then for Sorcball...please? I want to be cool too. :S

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