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Marauders do not need buff


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I'm not usually one to post screens, but generally my games look a little like this:






I think the class is fine, does well. In fact, outside of huttball, I think we may be borderline overpowered.

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I'm not usually one to post screens, but generally my games look a little like this:






I think the class is fine, does well. In fact, outside of huttball, I think we may be borderline overpowered.




Doesn't mean the CLASS is great. Good players will do well with Marauders but they're nowhere near the best class in terms of PvP.

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Doesn't mean the CLASS is great. Good players will do well with Marauders but they're nowhere near the best class in terms of PvP.


I'm really not sure what you guys are asking for then. We are the best 1v1 class, and we make half decent ball carriers. We do excellent damage, have good defensive capabilites. It doesn't matter what class you play, if you get focused, you will die. If we had a legit stun, we would be grossly imbalanced. If a marauder could stun you, and then drop a 6k smash, or drop bleeds + annihilate, or gore + scream/ravage...you would die before the stun ended.


I do good when I have no heals on my team, and I do outstanding when I bring a guild healer with me, with all 3 specs. I just dont think we need a serious buff.

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Buff maras I want to hit 1,000 dps in civil war by tomorrow or I cancel my sub. kekekekekeke


Carnage tree needs massive work, anni and rage are fine. Gear is incredibly important for the mara. Once you obtain it, provided you have good execution, you become a wrecking ball that can decimate any other class in the game, and even win 1v2s regularly against similarly-geared opponents, depending on how well they use their CC.

Edited by deathTouchIG
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Great science, you got the beat gear and can tear through noobs. Guess the class is op...




5 BMs on their team to our 1. I can do this all day long. I have 6 similar screenshots of 6 different games with similar results, and that's just over the last 2 days.


Just out of curiosity, what is your "science" for evaluating the class? So far all I see is "dis class 2 hurd, I not do well, class UP", then people post screenshots, videos and streams of maras consistently destroying games, then you respond with "maras only stump noobs".


Nope, same results in games where the opposing team significantly outgears our team. In fact my highest damaging games have been against teams that have a significant gear advantage over us, otherwise they usually end up getting steamrolled, ending the match prematurely.


If you can't play the class, the class is not for you. If no one is able to play the class effectively, then the issue is with the design of the class. If a percentage of the community is able to do extremely well with it on a consistent basis, it is a L2P issue. If you still aren't doing well after extensive practice, it's time to re-roll arsenal merc.


There is nothing underpowered about the class, only the people playing it and their unwillingness to put in the time and effort to master the class before commenting on its balance.

Edited by deathTouchIG
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Agree. I like Marauder how it is. That it is difficult to master made the challenge all the more sweet when around 35-38 things did finally come together. The class has more than rewarded my effort and study. I tried all three trees on my way to 50 and finally settled on Carnage, though it is not the best choice for PVP over the other two trees.
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