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Why do people play MULTIPLAYER games if all they want to do is solo?!


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This has come full circle. People used to complain that MMO's catered too much to making people group. Now the deficiency is that the games cater too much to the solo player. Well not full circle, it's 180. :) Edited by Vydor_HC
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More to the point, seeing ops content isn't hard, so long as you're willing to /wave and make a few friends to play with!


Some people would rather not. Why does it bug you?

Edited by daemian
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More to the point, seeing ops content isn't hard, so long as you're willing to /wave and make a few friends to play with!


I'm not willing to - once I have played everything the game offers solo players, I will unsub.


But I am not blaming anyone for MY preferences, nor am I demanding devs to cater to MY preferences.


If I run out of my preferred content to play, there is nothing left for me to pay for, is all.



Edited by crica
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They only posted this on the forums and just got through a tirade about how they "shouldn't have to finance content they'll never see" (aka ops) and whatnot.


I've been in an EXTREMELY casual WoW raiding guild and I can safely say that raiding is NOT high-impact. You do it once a week for four hours. The only thing you really need to do is A) not suck and B) *GASP* TALK to people.


I don't think either of those is an impossible wall to scale.


Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with Ops being group only. I personally like that MMO's offer such a wide variety of gameplay options. To play an MMO and demand that the high-end multiplayer content be playable solo is unreasonable.


If that's the point you were making, I agree with you.


However, to suggest someone shouldn't play exclusively solo in an MMO is something I don't agree with. Since MMO's left the niche market, they've always catered to solo play and group play.


I play solo because it's fun. I could go into specifics about why it's fun, but it doesn't really matter. The real answer is because it's fun.


Then again, I don't demand Ops content be available to me solo. If that's the point of your post, you might want to change the title of this post.

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Why even play an MMO (and pay $15 a month for it) if you have zero intention of making use of its greatest feature: multiplayer?


There are AMAZING single player games out there (such as Skyrim) that will probably offer you a much better solo experience. So why go with an MMO?




When we WANT to use those options.






Features not offered in other single player games like an economy.




It's not a difficult concept really.

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I am very curious why you care so much about how other people play the game? Your hard nosed attitude towards how everyone should play a MMORPG seems to perfectly define the elitist attitude that I have come to despise through my many years of playing these types of games.


Quit preaching your opinions on these forums. Go play in your groups...I'll solo whenever and however I choose to...neither of us will be affected at all by each others actions.

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I usually play solo in MMOs because I frequently run into problems that prevent me from being able to group flawlessly - such as someone screaming bloody murder from downstairs for no reason, or a computer that has a wonky GPU and overheats when it shouldn't, or because I'm the only one whose hands aren't painted on...


I really don't want to hold back an entire party on account of me, so I tend to solo. I still lend a hand when someone needs me, and still offer help, but I play solo because I know Murphy's Law applies every five minutes.


yeah gonna agree with this. Call me crazy, but I play in small little snippets of time because I have kids that need me. I often cannot make a time commitment to do group content, as much as I'd like to.


And as prevalent as this attitude is in game, I refuse to be like that and assume that anyone is willing to wait on me while I afk for any reason.


That's why I'm fine soloing.

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I remember the days of EQ and EQ2 (before it got radically changed). I do NOT want forced grouping.


Forced anything is a bad idea, unless you're appealing to a niche market. I dont mind grouping, but i better not feel like i have to in order to progress level-wise.

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I'm not willing to - once I have played everything the game offers solo players, I will unsub.


But I am not blaming anyone for MY preferences, nor am I demanding devs to cater to MY preferences.


If I run out of my preferred content to play, there is nothing left for me to pay for, is all.




and this ^

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Then again, I don't demand Ops content be available to me solo. If that's the point of your post, you might want to change the title of this post.


Some people do want that but I see few people "demanding" it. It's normally more along the lines of "it would be nice if..."


But that is far, far from how the OP sounded. There is nothing wrong with playing from 1st to 50th solo in a MMO, and that does not mean I don't interact with other people.

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I am very curious why you care so much about how other people play the game? Your hard nosed attitude towards how everyone should play a MMORPG seems to perfectly define the elitist attitude that I have come to despise through my many years of playing these types of games.


Quit preaching your opinions on these forums. Go play in your groups...I'll solo whenever and however I choose to...neither of us will be affected at all by each others actions.


And this is something I absolutely agree with.

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I honestly prefer to play with my brother i heal and he tanks or he heals i tank i hate playing the game on my own due to the fact the game seems really really empty when you do,it hasnt even got the feel of the solo rpgs of old bioware games down right probably to cover the crappy hero engines ***.


Now on the odd occasion ive been forced to play with other people for a 4+ heroic its been my miss fortune to come across some of the worst newbie players or the most anti social this side of wows LFG system, now im not being all elitist about it but i just dont want to have to deal with other peoples mistakes.

Wandering into patrols ninja looting over pulling afking away in flashpoints you name it ive seen it in ToR,even the last ones made worse by the way bio have made social conversations part of the game, i like seeing it myself but i dont want to have to see it 12k times jsut because soem ones gone to the bog or afk or sleeping or just plain trolling groups.


So yes i prefer playing with friends over random people its alot more peacefull.

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More to the point, seeing ops content isn't hard, so long as you're willing to /wave and make a few friends to play with!


That is true, but requiring it of all people is ridiculous. As evidenced in this thread, some people have to drop what they are doing with no notice to take care of other things. Like the Mom a few posts back, like I use to have to with caring for my elderly parents. To be honest I don't like to socialize with some people as evidence I will point to all the negative threads that have been generated in this forum. The people who write that trash are not nice people and I don't want to be around them in game or out. I have personally been stalked by a person in a MMO.


So while I like the content that is always updated and changed I keep to myself, mostly. It's a good thing these games have options. There are all kinds of reasons why people should have choices. The thing that you have to understand is not everyone thinks as you do about an MMO. There should never be any limit to it's potential. In order for MMO's to grow they have to change in ways that garner more $$$. The bottom line is $$$.

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The other problem with grouping is that your average MMO player is really, really, really bad at videogames.


Infuriatingly bad.


I can't count how many times I entered a group only to leave 5 minutes later because one guy has managed to die 3 times in 5 minutes.


I just don't have that kind of patience.

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So long as these players pay their $15/month, they don't have to answer to anyone about how they wish to play the game (let alone as a solo player) or why they choose to do so in a given manner.


I personally think it's weird expecting to be able to solo everything in an MMORPG, but w/e - if that's what floats your boat.


But bottom line is this is all irrelevant anyways, as the solo-play experience on this game after you hit 50 is repetitive and boring.


There isn't much here on this game after 50 for soloers or commited guilds who like to regularly play together. That's the bottom line. So I really don't see this game appealing to either group long-term, at least not in it's current form.

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Well I'd say some people out there like the idea of managing/maintaining a character within a persistent universe. Or play a game that never really ends.


I'll be honest, I kind of play solo. I don't refuse groups all the time but I will quite a bit.


I hate spamming chat to find a group. Also there are plenty of times I finish my quests and am about to log when all of a sudden people arrive.


Like I said, I'm not against playing with others, though i do notice that I tend to be on my own most of the time.

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The OP by TheRealDestian is long gone, but here is the short answer to his very rudely written query:


So I don't have to play with Tools like you. Got it?


The Long Answer:


*** do you care how one plays an MMORPG? It is NOYB -Period. Don't like the fact that many of us prefer the challenge of soloing to the easiness of grouping, TOUGH. Get over it.


No, you come here and whine about the way others play this game, going so far as to analyze their thought-processes en masse as well as assuming they all participate in warzones, so they can "show off". Incredibly limited thinking on your part, as well as being flat Wrong. A Great many of them have average gear. It's YOU who's obsessed with Uberness or lack thereof.


Then there's the part about not liking to chat or laugh with Guildies. Ever heard of solo-friendly Guilds, genius? These games are loaded with them. It is possible to solo and enjoy Guildies. Try imagining it.


See, to some it's a kick merely to see others from somewhere in the world controlling a toon nearby. Some people like to people-watch, maybe they like toon-watching too. Some people dislike most people but LOVE crowds. Perhaps some operate this way in-game.


See, only small-minded Tools make blanket-statements about behavior of thousands upon thousands of people. Congratulations, you're no better than those you mock.


No, I think it's YOU who has the problem, not the soloers. Want to be a control-freak? Be a cop. But don't come here whining about the way others play under the guise of responding to soloers complaints, when all you want is reassurance that your need to constantly play with others is the ONLY way to play.


Grouping is easy, soloing is hard -particularly when taking on grouped Elites. Why waste others' time helping me kill ten Womp Rats? I only group when I NEED to, otherwise I do everything I can solo.


Now move on, stop trying to tell others what to do and troll another topic that hasn't been absolutely beaten to death on a thousand other boards

Please get a life before telling others what to do with theirs.

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If not, WHY play an MMO, then? What do these people get out of this game that a superior single player game (like Skyrim, for example) wouldn't offer them and even MORE?
Trying to arbitrage the market in a single-player game is not very fun, and you tend to lose one way or the other.


In a single player game, I will never come across a situation where someone else has just come by and conveniently cleared the way to my quest location for me.


In a single player game, there will not be anyone else also working on quests in the same area as me, which makes the world seem more alive, even if I don't talk to that person at all.


In a single player game, there will not be enemy players roaming around on their own business while I am doing quests, potentially attacking me at an inconvenient time.


In a single player game, there will not be enemy players roaming around on their own business while I am doing quests, potentially making themselves visible and allowing me to get ready before commencing their attack.


In a single player game, I can't roam into enemy territory and "interact" with enemy players doing their quests.


Just some examples.

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