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Please change space combat


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talking about space.......SWTOR killed Star Wars Galaxy and that was a really big lost for me!


I was wondering why they haven't kept the space like it was in Galaxy. I know SWTOR was supposed to be different than any other MMO but the space in Galaxy was really great! Would it ever be possible to have the same kind in SWTOR?!? I mean seriously... we went from space simulation to an arcade starfox-like space. Now it's like a mini-game to waste some time, I would strongly recommand to give us something much bigger! Keep the arcade-like as a mini-game, or a quick space mission...whatever but let us feel the immensity of space, all the possibility! Mining, piratery, space war,smuggling, PVP and PVE etc....star wars isn't just a light-saber game....


My point: I wan't back my space simulator the way it was in SWgalaxie , pls tell me they will do somthing better bigger and a lot nicer!

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I actually like the current space combat system, with the exception of the difficulty curve going sky high from Sullust Interception on. I have never gotten that series of dalies, nor any after it due to how ridiculously difficult it is for me. I have not managed to complete it even once with level 5 upgrades and the fleet comm ship gear (that suggested level 3 upgrades is BS IMO can you say overtuned?).


Actually if it weren't for those stupidly hard missions, I'd probably level characters via space combat alone. Since by the third time I've done the planet missions and the bonus series, I'm pretty sick of the whole "One planetary mission path to slog all your alts through period!" crap. I like options while leveling, and while people complain about how "on rails" space combat is, at least its optional. And frankly if I'm gonna be bored anyway, might as well be bored blowing up space ships.


Only things I would like to see change are:


NERF THE FINAL SPACE COMBAT MISSIONS FFS!!!!!! I just want to play the space combat mini game, get small amount of xp and credits, not feel the urge to put my fist through my screen because missions are too difficult! And I'm sure I'm not alone.


More mission variety. Yes we get it escort, space station, and kill everything. They are the same missions with ramped up difficulty. How about class specific missions, like smugglers *gasp* smuggling something? Agents delivering secret data? Bounty Hunters targeting a certain ship with a bounty for whoever blows it up? Drawing a blank on the other classes atm. A space mission where your job is to "heal" the escort ship hey comms/mercs can shoot healing blaster bolts so why not? A "Boss Only" mission with a heavily armored ship takes multiple passes to take it down? Trade missions ferry "goods" from A to B while fighting off IDK space pirates, Imps, whatever? Obstacle course fly through an "unnavigable" asteroid belt for "fortune and glory"? Fight a giant space worm? Geeze guys its Star Wars! Be creative!


Remove the Social requirement for the gear you buy with fleet comms. It makes zero sense for the least social part of the game to require social points to buy rewards. That would be like requiring PvPers to PvE to earn PvP gear and vice versa. IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE! Besides, you can get modable gear by shelling out RL cash (CE Edition and Security Key vendors) why not encourage people to try space combat by the ability to earn some gear? Who knows, maybe more people might like it? Use the carrot BW, not the stick.

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BIOWARE stated that they wanted to have the feall of doing EPIC things SPACE in 360 is EPIC.


Imagine jumping in your ship and flying it in space and having two of your buddies each grab a gun turret as you fight sith ships or even space pirates as you try to dock your ship with the enemy vessel then boarding that ship to start up a flashpoint. Or jumping in a shipe with a group of 8 to fly to a moon or a pirate base inside of an asteroid.


Space in STAR WARS GALAXIES was epic. I cant beleive that BIOWARE would let SONY to have had a better STAR WARS experience than them.


Didnt Lucas remake STAR WARS in 3D because he felt it better suited the movies. How can BIOWARE say that their type of space is more star wars. When I play space I feel like i am playing a console game back in the Super Nintendo era lol.


I know the game just came out so I will give it time. As for those people who say space isnt important part of star wars I think you are totally wrong. What made the very first star wars great was that epic space battle to blow up the death star that was an important part of the movie and the franchise.


So yeah I think a space revamp is much needed. I dont think that it will take away from the main story lines but add to the richness of the game.

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I actually like the current space combat system, with the exception of the difficulty curve going sky high from Sullust Interception on. I have never gotten that series of dalies, nor any after it due to how ridiculously difficult it is for me. I have not managed to complete it even once with level 5 upgrades and the fleet comm ship gear (that suggested level 3 upgrades is BS IMO can you say overtuned?).


Have you tried the grade 6 upgrades? You have to have maxed cybertech, and track down the schematics, but maybe they'd help?




Yeah, you're right. There is a severe difficulty curve, starting with the second escort mission. Even a perfect run for the first half will not help once you get through that big asteroid. The shuttle is torn to shreds in short order, and there's little you can do about it.

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I think allot of folks on here (Brosephiine) come from SWG and since SWG got canned we expect at least something comparable.


I agree that some more indepth 3D space combat would be awesome, but no one should be expecting anything from SWTOR based of of what SWG had. These are entirely different games by different developers. The only thing in common is the genre and SW IP. It's like saying we should all be running around as lego people because Star Wars legos had it. SWTOR is not the replacement for SWG.

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  • 6 months later...

There are people who actually like the space combat? I seriously had -no- idea. I haven't played a single one since hitting level 50 because I needed the XP. When I go to level another alt I'll probably be forced back into it, again, since it's faster than leveling on the ground. But I don't care what I can buy with my Fleet commendations, I'm seriously not interested. Not only are the missions just plain dull and generic in content but a lot of them are repeated just with different text and a higher difficulty. None of the missions were so interesting the first time around that I went 'wheee, I get to do this again!'.


Just . . . just copy Battlefields 2, okay? It's not -great- it's not -perfect-, in fact it'd be barely serviceable but it's -far- better than the jazzed up Star Fox clone that we have now.


Yes, Battlefields 2 would cover just about everything. Basic landings/take-offs, multiple people on one ship at different crew stations, dynamic switching from space to ground to space. Yes, copy that. Then you could have your single player/group space missions in deep space. You could have a persistent local space around each planet and let different factions attack each other at various points (I know not Coruscant, Tython, Korriban or Dromund Kaas because noobs) around the galaxy. Kinda like that level 50 guy who keeps ganking people on Tatootine.


Or just take space out entirely. Because playing TOR's space missions is like going to X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter's funeral, watching someone kick the casket over before hauling up the corpse and then puppet-ing it around while trying to mimic its voice and pretend to be back from the dead.

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I'm not sure how that's any different. Because it was underwater it was in a 3D environment. Not only did Vashj'ir get hated on, but so did the questline that gave you the little mini jouster pet at the end. Again, 3D environment, this time in flight.


Swimming in WoW is not the same as space combat in starwars.

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  • 8 months later...

I for one agree 100 percent with the first posting to this thread and even though this is just my own opinion having played the game since it's launch as a subscriber.


I really strongly believe that the current space combat system needs a complete overhaul. While it may be true that some may like the rails combat as it is, I do not and never have. I just do not see the benefits of not having control of where I want to go, which targets I want to engage in against, and if I want to stay in the battle or leave the combat area. Players who play the game must be given that choice which we do not have. I would also like to see them give us players the ability to join up in a group of players to engage in a battle against a larger enemy much like a heroic or flashpoint on a planet.


I also hope that they will make the entire space combat and some exploration of space just as an important part of the story which in my opinion have done an excellent job on the planets so far.


I am very excited to see what bioware has in store for us and keep up the good work.

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